Learn Chinese Social Media

We will have a one hour phone call about how to setup, and master, Tencent Wechat (Weixin). This is 100% in English and geared towards Westerners who are in China or trying to tap into the Chinese market via this social media platform that has taken the country by storm.
The first time we did this call was Tuesday April 14th, 2015 at 9pm. Hong Kong time (GMT + 8) and people loved it!
Take Part In Our Next Wechat Mastermind Call!
We will have a one hour phone call about how to setup, and master, Tencent Wechat (Weixin). This is 100% in English and geared towards Westerners who are in China or trying to tap into the Chinese market via this social media platform that has taken the country by storm.
This is intermediate to expert level call, please listen to episode 73 with Brent Deverman where we discuss Wechat marketing first.
Hearing a lot about Tencent Wechat (Weixin) taking over the Chinese social media landscape by storm? Have an account, but not sure how to use this for your business? Due to popular demand on this podcast, many listeners have asked for private followup calls on how to master Wechat for business and we have therefore created a special private group call session where we hop on a call (audio only) and have a “Round table” of sorts. Ask questions, clarifications, and Mike will answer them as well as guide you in the right direction dependent on your business situation.
Homework Before The Call
To maximize the value to you – I recommend before jumping on the call to:
* Listen to Episode 73 where Brent Deverman shares tips on using Wechat for business
* Prepare a list of questions you have about Wechat
* Write down how you are currently using Wechat for both your personal use as well as business use
* Outline the ideal long term goal of wechat platform for you and your business
* Is this for your business brand or your personal brand, or both?
It would be truly above and beyond if you send these questions and answers to Mike before the call, after you signup and get the order receipt, so he can be prepared and ensure to answer your call.
Topics on The Call
To be fair to everyone who dials in, we must stay focused on the topic of Tencent Wechat for business. Strategies for maximizing the return, the reach, and the value from your efforts. This is an intermediate to advanced call, so please come ready and with at least a personal Wechat account setup.
Common Questions You May Have
I am predicting the call will have questions such as
What is a Business Account on Wechat?
Do I need a Chinese company to set one up?
What are the differences between these various business accounts?
How to accept money on them
What can I sell on Wechat
How to add content and distribute content
Marketing strategies to make your content light up on fire!
Organizing the incoming requests
Allowing other Wechat business accounts to share your content, what you need to know
If you have other questions, that will be the priority, but if we have some time in the call then I can discuss certain questions from the list here. I hope that the callers have specific questions and we can really make this action oriented.
Questions Answered
If Mike Cannot Answer A Question During The Call, If there is a question and it is relevant to the call’s topic, and Mike cannot answer it, he will note it down and get the answer within 72 business hours. This answer will be shared to all members of the call.
Terms of the Call
You will accept our Terms and Conditions when purchasing this call. The call will be recorded and may be used for research and/or future content going forward. You are aware of this and realize that if you want a private call that isn’t recorded, you will need to sign up for a private 1 on 1 consultation at the going rate. This group call is a new initiative by Mike to share the costs of his time and to also network with others and make new content.
If you cannot attend the call and already purchased the ticket, please tell us 24 hours in advance. If you tell us 24 hours in advance, we will issue you a 100% no questions asked refund. If, however, you need to cancel and the call is in less than 24 hours, we cannot issue you a refund. This is because Mike has already prepared for the call and it is not fair to his time that he has set aside time for this call and it is too late for him to re-schedule something else.
Thanks for your understanding.
Book the Call Now!
So I hope you’re as excited as I am – this is my way of making a win-win. Many have wanted more private and intimate calls but can’t justify / afford my consulting rate – and I have a family and limited time – this is a creative new way. I’m always open to suggestions – if you feel this isn’t what you want, please send me a note and I’ll take your feedback into account.
To all of our success running our global business from Asia!
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