Connie is a skilled internet marketer based in London and the founder of Magnet AMS Agency with whom I have had the privilege to get to know on projects like the Indigitus router that we are working on. Thanks for joining us Connie!
Topics Covered in this Episode
About Americans and their Ideas of Expanding to the UK
So I’ll admit, I have expanded to the UK in various brands and businesses from the US market, and – I’ll just say it – I didn’t really change any of the English text / copy. How rampant is this in the UK market?
So it is obvious when American English is Used on UK Websites?
Consumers there can quickly tell, correct?
Can we get some examples of obvious blunders of American English in the UK?
Any funny ones that are so obvious – maybe bigger brands or campaigns you have seen?
What should American / non-UK companies do to better target the UK consumers?
So what is the correct way?
How much of an investment is it to localize (or should I say localise) for the UK market
Any estimates / budgets we can set here, like a price per product or size of a seller to properly adjust their copy and images for the UK market?
Launching and Marketing Kickoff in the UK
What about the marketing process and strategy, is it the same as what one would do in the US market or German market, for example?
Do you work with clients who are or see clients you work with, able to succeed in both, equally?
Are there any qualities or tactics you notice in those succeeding in both that you can share?
About your agency
Let’s hear more about you and what you are doing to help Amazon and ecommerce sellers succeed in UK, US, and around the world.
How can people reach out
Global From Asia is also a referral partner – any bonus we can offer people listening today?
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
Episode Length 38:17
Thanks a lot Connie! It’s been great to have you on the show.
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Show Transcript
[00:00:00] Welcome to Global from Asia podcast, episode 362, Differences in UK and USA Amazon and E-commerce. Welcome to the Global from Asia podcast, where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice. And now your host, Michael Michelini. Hi, I’m Shaina and
[00:00:28] I’m Aubrey filling in for Mike today in the intro. So Aubrey, how’s the status of your lockdown. Is it okay now, or what’s the status? In our area it’s quite manageable and I heard that we’re starting to open our place for the tourists who want to come here in Puerto Galera. So, yeah, that’s very nice. I wanted to see Puerto Galera myself.
[00:00:54] So just an update regarding the deal flow. We’re currently receiving services from various platforms, such as WeChat and basically they are coming from us or to us because the factories’ MOQ has increased and they just want to sell. So I believe that for the benefits of our viewers or listeners, it is best to know that they can also submit a form to us.
[00:01:23] Just visit globalfromasia.com/broker. Again, it’s globalfromasia.com/broker. Wow. That’s a nice update. Thanks for that one Aubrey. So for today’s show, Mike and I are interviewing Connie about United Kingdom e-commerce and the differences in US market. Let’s tune in. You can also check out the show notes at www.globalfromasia.com/UK-differences, now let’s do this.
[00:01:58] Okay. Thank you, everybody for tuning in, to listen or watch, you know, we’re all getting self-conscious with the video for the show today. But we do do video format for these, but it is traditionally audio podcasts. Thanks so much for choosing to download or listen or watch Global from Asia podcast.
[00:02:16] Today’s, it’s fun as always. We’re always looking for new topics, great people, hidden gems in the community. And I think today we have one today, Connie Amode. She is the founder of Magnet AMS agency in the UK, working with Amazon sellers, e-commerce sellers around the world to grow their business. It’s also been a pleasure to get to know her over over the months where she’s also doing marketing consulting for a blockchain projects, and she’s also helping with Sentinel on the indigenous router, which has been fun, and it gets to know Connie there as well.
[00:02:46] So thank you again, Connie, for coming on today. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me, Mike, I’m really excited. Yeah. It’s a pleasure. We’ve been preparing for this and there’s so much you could share. I mean, you have so much experience working in, in the, with the U S and in the UK, but I was kind of just thinking of the topic we could kind of focus on is, you know, you’re, you’re in the UK and you work with American brands and companies, you know, coming into Europe and of course in their native US market.
[00:03:16] I joke about myself like Americans, we, we are a little bit big country, you know, big countries sometimes get, don’t have to work with other countries too much and they kind of lose touch with other cultures. So I mean, a lot of times I think we lump in a UK is another English language market. So today I think we even chatted before preparing for the show.
[00:03:36] There are a lot of differences, but how, how many American English things are you seeing in, in the UK now? Is it, is it really out of control or what. Well, I think British brands are very careful to not to have American spelling in anything. Actually, if we right adviser, we rent from American clients, they’ve been instances where the copyrights and a little content writer, that’s kind of just, what’s an American because American English is almost regular English.
[00:04:04] In some ways everybody writes American English, but many parts of the world. And they sent it, some things I say versus client, and we’ve collected all of these corrections. And most than our oldest American British spelling, I may have spotted a few or somebody else may have spotted a few, but I was like, let’s actually see if people really care about it.
[00:04:22] They care, they absolutely care. I’m not exactly sure why. I suspect it has to do being proud of the British heritage and like, with Z we spell things with S. And we do have U in colour. And we don’t do, we don’t spell things T E R we spell it T R E. So these are slight things. And I think consumers can tell where the brand is from.
[00:04:48] And I think they gotta be irritated, to be honest when it’s not they’ll they’ll notice it. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. So I think anyone that’s doing it or writes a content for the British audience, I would, it’s difficult because all the tools are all American and Microsoft. And, you know, so often to be funny, we would write, I would write something with an S for example, organised and very common thing.
[00:05:17] Right. I’ll come in one very easy one, it’s organized and I would write, organise with an s, and Microsoft will correct me. And they would want me to do Z. And why is Microsoft collecting these? I mean, I don’t understand it. Be annoying. Obviously most of the tools are American companies, so they actually don’t recognize what you’re spelling.
[00:05:39] So often you have to go in and change it. So for like people who are using, if you in the U S you can get an American tool, there’s no way you would know what is the British spelling. So that dives the question and how can you actually identify what’s spelled wrongfully. I think that’s where it’s important to work with someone.
[00:05:56] And they can make sure that you write things correctly. And I think without the writing services, audience, content writer, local can guide you if you can talk back more in a bit. Sure. So it’s obvious when American English is used on UK websites. Consumers, they can tell if they’re correct. They can tell, like, they’ll know, obviously they, most the time it’s an American company, depends on how big it is.
[00:06:27] It’s just an American brand. People know it’s an American brand. They’re very big company. Most likely though use British spelling because they already have people who tell them that they should write in the style or the look of the audience. That’s one big thing in marketing, but especially when you’re selling, I think a lot of brand or companies that are selling to Amazon or to sell internationally, and a lot of people can be quite lazy and just translate through google translate or just kind of throw their listings from America or in the UK.
[00:06:53] The audiences are different and actually big companies don’t make that mistake. Typically help them localize their content to make it sound like the local inhabitants with indigenous people. So you don’t see a very big company, small startups, small, medium size and things however, they come into the UK, they’ve just kind of rushed and they just
[00:07:12] You might be on the tube. Well, remember I say tube, that’s another local word for like train, um, underground train. And you might you’ll know the fountain and people would see the ads and be like, okay. That’s why they spelled it like that that’s American spelling and they would make a comment.
[00:07:28] Right. Very, very detail oriented. So like they, they know every single thing. So we also lots of complaints. Which is really hard for customer of brands because you have a market where people are always complaining, don’t want it to be complaining about spelling, because then it’s like, oh, they spelled it, American English not in the British.
[00:07:52] And then, you know, maybe someone that might be like, oh, well, you know, What kind of company is this? You know, it can just easily tell from the spelling right. What kind of company doesn’t know British English. It can be quite yet. I don’t think anyone’s going to buy it because you you spelled it, spelled wrong, but I didn’t usually say good for your reputation, you know, to build a building and brand.
[00:08:13] Yeah. It’s kind of like my next question here. Like, is there some blunders or some, some funny ones? You kind of been mentioning a little bit with Microsoft and stuff, but is there some, some ones that you think are worth highlighting like brands that have really messed up or done it wrong or, or stood out or it probably negative.
[00:08:31] It’s never positive right it could be negative, right? If they’re using the American english. So it’s not necessarily English, but this is an interesting one for you guys, because it’s more about how people promote American products and kind of things that fly in the U S that will never fly here. So I don’t know if you remember this company it’s a few years ago, they called Protein Powder.
[00:08:55] So they, I think they did a collaboration with Khloe Kardashian. And they were all over, right? This is the first time a lot of people heard about the product all over them, the tube, they have that massive marketing splash, and I was on the tube one day, tube means underground train by the way, localized, localized.
[00:09:18] Right, right, right, right, right. Tube is like the kind of informal way of saying the underground train, right? So there’s an underground underground network in London and that what’s called a tube, I still don’t know why, but that’s what everybody calls it. And so I was on the tube and I looked at the ad and I thought the headline of the ad was, are you beach body ready?
[00:09:39] Ready? And I was like, I don’t really know if I am actually.
[00:09:47] So it turns out a lot of people ask themselves the question. Maybe we weren’t seeing it as very confident. They were actually insulted by the ad and the ad caused a lot of problems and they had to take it down. There’s a lot. I noticed the Khloe Kardashian was ripped on the cover and she looks great. And the feeling was that it creates a lot of negative emotions with people and people were, it was like almost asking well.
[00:10:13] If you don’t have a great body, you’re not ready for the beach out. Right. So I think to an American audience, that’s a very, very tenuous, timeless, meaning like very, like there is, are we able to reach to insult, right? But then the UK and Europe, that is anything, you know, something that, that can easily get you thrown off and something that, I mean, people to turn against against you.
[00:10:33] And so we actually removed, they had decided to turn off the campaign and then removed all of that. Conversation and that I haven’t seen ads of Protein Powder in the UK since then. So I think in terms of the audience, people are way more sensitive here and again, way more offended easily. So,, it, I can see very easily how they, that, how that could come through a wave of American sign-offs and just be like, yeah, what’s the problem with
[00:10:59] Are beach body ready? And I don’t know if they have a problem. They did. I think it was only in the UK and in Europe. If they had a problem in the UK versus other parts of Europe, you can have way more ads. So when you know, there’s so much advertising here, so I think way more people would have seen it here. And yeah, so they really contain it.
[00:11:21] I think be careful with the claims, the claims people are very like, they, they will go and contact advertising standard agency that you can see and find that they will do things like that. So be careful with the claims. You have to make sure they are not unfounded. And that you can back them up because people do complain. Complaining is part of the culture here.
[00:11:40] So people are encouraged to complain, like I’m complaining to get results here. So people are it’s efficient, it’s kind of a cycle to encourage you to pay. So, and as well, like don’t, you know, be careful about the ads not insensitive or, you know, show it to somebody who’s British and see to make sure that you’re not kind of sensitivity to sound a little bit more.
[00:12:02] So what should American or non UK companies do to better target consumers without getting them, you know, offended. My beach body is ready. Yeah.
[00:12:19] Well, I mean, I think it’s, you know, like have, if you speak to somebody whose marketers in the UK, so for a lot of companies. They may want to have American marketers. I think it’s important to have one British marketer in the team, at least. So even a consultant who can tell you can look over things with a British eye, because you can’t really teach someone this type of thing.
[00:12:39] Right. You know, like they need to understand how people think, well, they don’t, and you can don’t live in a country like this. So I think having a British team locally, it could be really good because they’ll help me find these things. And it’s basically like having a kind of I mean, I don’t want them to know that everyone’s banging on about diversity, but diversity you’re an international company.
[00:13:01] You want to sound internationally, having some diverse thinking helps you catch these things because everybody is from the same place and they’re not going to see what different segments. One of my American clients company. And they, they, they were making some massive claims on their product. And I thought it was very hypie and they didn’t, you know, I’m because I’m working with them on base.
[00:13:24] They didn’t see any difference in they aren’t no, it’s not, it’s not hypie to the US, but American brands are very hypie as we make them not like very over the top. Whereas people here and brands here a little bit more subtle, so I actually told him I couldn’t go hiking and he’d have to throw his absolutely bonkers.
[00:13:44] He was like, I don’t see how that is Hype. But if he was trying to come into the UK, I would been like, no, you shouldn’t say that. I, we believe you don’t believe you. They won’t trust you. And then your ad won’t work. So got it. Got it. Interesting. So it’s kind of related what, what you were just saying, but just to be more precise, you know, a lot of people, of course, business owners, like what’s, what’s kind of like a, a budget I should put if I have.
[00:14:11] You know, like where we were talking about. E-commerce a little bit, you know, a lot of people are in e-commerce. So like, if I’m a seller in the U S market and I want to go to UK market and I have listings, there’s the text, but you know, what, is there other things like, is there a way to, like, it’s like a formula about how much should I invest?
[00:14:30] What’s the checklist? Or, you know, you said consultant like you or someone that knows the market there. Is there a way people can kind of put a line item or a budget on their plan for, for doing it correctly.. Well, first of all, I want to say that everything has become three times harder since Brexit. So before we have a process, you can’t add in the email, we’ll have to.
[00:14:55] So it’s double the money. Sorry guys. So, sorry. Sorry. I’m blaming Cameron in front of the prime minister at the time. In terms of what you need, and this price will vary depending on kind of who you’re working with, but I’ll give you like an overall. You will need VAT numbers in the e-markets that you want to say.
[00:15:22] So Amazon gives them like a package. Basically you can sell in Poland, Czech Republic and Germany. Or you can sell in Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Germany. So depending on what, where you kind of want to sell and where you want it to be stored. So you can, you, you should, you should try and think about having VAT numbers in those markets.
[00:15:42] So if you want your goods to be stored in Germany or Czech Republic or Poland, then try and get a VAT number in those markets, the way you store just in Germany, they need VAT there. The reason why the steroid, who is sending is a little bit different, because again, I’m going to be a tea expert, but we have some experience doing this with VAT experts is that if you’re storing your goods some way, even if you’re not selling them there, you still need VAT numbers.
[00:16:06] So because of how Amazon works is selling in Europe. They will require you to keep your goods in one warehouse either in Germany or across three different countries, which means they can fulfill based on the goods across three different warehouses. So, if you’re gonna do that, you need VAT numbers. Now Amazon charges, you have a double fee, if you don’t do it in Czech Republic or Poland or you don’t do it in Germany.
[00:16:32] They’ll charge you a double fee because we want you to do it. Keep your goods in three warehouses. Basically, it’s like a way to kind of discourage you to do that. So I was stranded try and have three gates numbers, Czech Republic, Poland and Germany. If you want to be kind of like, oh, I don’t want to pay for.
[00:16:50] You get charged double placement fees. So I don’t think it’s worth it. You should try and do three at once. That’s really the kind of long-term way. Once you have that, you can get, you [00:17:00] can sell in other European markets in the EU, Spain, France, Italy, without a VAT but usually there’s a threshold. So, and if you sell above that threshold, you will then need to have the VAT.
[00:17:14] So it’s better and more cost effective to have it About your market you want to sell in and be strategic. So what we, what we would do is we would go and look at the kind of search demand for the products. Look at the category. Even if you are not selling in that category yet you actually have to think about it and think about what is the.
[00:17:35] Reward here. How big is their reward? And if you think it’s really good, Germany is a good place, because a lot of don’t think about Germany. Germany is actually the biggest, one of the biggest markets in Europe. It’s actually bigger than the UK. I would say the biggest market in Europe actually is bigger than the UK.
[00:17:49] People always want to come to the UK, but UK is much smaller than Germany. So selling on Germany in herself is going to be quite good. So Germany I would say as a go-to place for selling the EU, at least the first kind of step up. So. Think about that. And the cost of the VAT numbers tends to vary across the different marketplaces.
[00:18:13] But if you do it, I think you’d do it as a sum. You could probably do it around 3000, 4,000 pounds. Okay. So yeah, the VAT is the main expenditure. I would say that you need to think about and yeah. And then you need to pay for VAT companies is make sure that they offer a service. Correspondence and letters has been written to them, almost like points of contact locally is a word that they call it.
[00:18:39] I can’t remember right now, but they offer that service where they can, you can use their address as a German address for your company, you know, and they will then manage all of the kind of paperwork for you. They’ll do the VAT find for you as well. But I think a couple of thousand, so depending on how many countries I would say, try and do three minimum, and you’re looking around 3000 pounds a year.
[00:19:02] Uh, but for three countries VAT, and then you need to also register for economic operators, registration, like an EORI number E O R I Number, you also need to register for that as well. I don’t know how much it costs, but you need to have suffered in EU ER number. And once you have the ERI number and you have the VAT, you’re kind of in business.
[00:19:26] So maybe budget around, you know, 4,000, 5,000 pounds. Okay. And then on a per listing formats, like, should they have some like a UK copywriter or marketer at least review them? I mean, there was probably modifying it and checking it over. I mean, is there like, I mean, the way you work or others, is it like a per listing kind of review, you know, to localize localization, right.
[00:19:55] Is what it would be. Yeah. So we do, we do that. We will look at all of it and we localize all of it, and that may require it to review. It depends on how well it would be seen in the first place, because a lot of people may have not written it very well in the beginning. I may just kind of bring you something, obviously.
[00:20:16] Yeah. So if it’s, if it’s well written already and it has keywords and it meets a character counts and we can just tweak them, but if they’re kind of not lowest, but then it could also improve their us listing. So it’s like a double fix. Exactly, exactly. I’m for Germany. And they also require different Germans are very exact and detail people.
[00:20:39] They want to know everything. And that’s exactly how doing business Germans are as well. They want to know everything and they’re very, very like procedure conscious. So there are things that an American company will most likely not put in their listings, because it’s not good for marketing, but the Germans will want to know.
[00:20:55] So what are the different country that all the different European countries that you want to sell in? You localize those countries. The UK local, The UK is not the same as localizing Germany. This is a completely different audience and also the images as well. People often need the text in a different language.
[00:21:14] So sometime a lot times in English, which is offensive to people in Germany. So like you need that. Why is that went, you know, and also definitely don’t do that in France because the French don’t even want to speak English, even though they know how to. So always make sure that the images and all the texts and the rapids have been translated as well.
[00:21:34] Got it. Thank you for that. Okay. So how about marketing gig in the United Kingdom? What about what’s their marketing process and strategy? Is it the same one that you would do in the US or in German markets? For example? Yeah, it can be quite tricky. I get asked this question all the time and I, I think the best thing that’s, if I would say is budget.
[00:22:03] And I think one of the biggest mistakes I find is that people want to go on some on Amazon and they have no marketing budget and it’s been calculated and it’s very healthy and whatever. And then all of that can actually be wiped away from your market, right by your marketing, if you didn’t allocate it properly.
[00:22:21] So first thing is make sure that you have a marketing budget. If you can’t launch an Amazon and get sell automatically, you do need to promote your products. So in terms of the strategies, it varies, depending on their margins. You’ll kind of, don’t have a big budget, you know, you might want to think about ways to use Amazon associates and where we’ve been doing that.
[00:22:40] That’s really, really cool. There are loads of people on the internet who are making a lot of well they’re making money, but also they can get a government following by reviewing Amazon products. Uh, again, depends on the kind of Amazon products you have is a quirky, really kind of unique twist on some things that.
[00:22:57] Associates can be good. Then you also havelots of like third party sites that promote, I mean, they’re also associates or videos, but like they would list on their site, the products work for you. And so you can list on some of those sites. They don’t guarantee that you, a lot of them, you have to pay a one-off fee.
[00:23:13] They don’t guarantee that you will get sales. But again, if you have a marketing budget, you should have a budget to test different strategies because we get a lot of people. Like we actually want to do this one strategy. Yeah, but it’s different. It’s based on your products based on your audience, you may not like it, you know, you may not like, for example, I have some clients.
[00:23:31] We had some clients and sell business and business products, and then I want to do this. Know you want to give away free, free, free, give free products. I’m going to say business to business product. So like, you know, you go, you want to give it away on a site. It goes direct to consumer. So like, what is the odds?
[00:23:48] You’re going to get an order. People wants to know business products on a site for consumers. You know what I mean? So. But it’s the strategies vary depending on what you’re selling, you know, third party sites, Amazon affiliates, and, you know, one thing that will also doing very great is with influencers. So.
[00:24:07] They not necessarily reviewing Amazon products, but if they’re an influencer in the space, who’s not going to be cool pet products. You have people who have dogs and someone who’s always testing out new pet products and you had brands that people trust. You can give out your products. The local influences, you know, require some research may require competing requirements for someone like us to kind of help you find them and help you get in contact with them that have.
[00:24:32] To do something like that because they actually get, you can get really good return on your investment by going down that route. And of course you had a typical kind of signup, PPC strategy where you could just promote your ads, promote your product. So you get a lot. So you get a lot of sales. Now it’s possible.
[00:24:48] We have people who do it depends on the niche that you’re in and what you’re selling and how big your budget is. It can be quite expensive, but it’s the fastest way to get sales because you’re selling, you know, what’s sort of the funnel for the marketers. Like. We can people when they’re about to purchase.
[00:25:03] So that’s probably the best place to reach them, which is on, on Amazon. But if you don’t have a big budget and you have a product that might require an order of youthful purchase, then try some of these other third party agencies that I talked about. Okay. Very good. But I think I don’t want to again, be a. How do I say, but I mean, I think it’s clear the UK market.
[00:25:30] Can we say it’s easier than a US market for launching? I mean, is that the right word? I’m trying to be sensitive here, but I mean less competitive, less competitive, right? I mean the U S market is more competitive. Is that the better way of saying it? The US market is way more competitive and it’s much bigger.
[00:25:49] It’s much bigger. The UK market is much smaller, right? So there’s not that many people to getting make sense. And I think they’re a little bit more stingy. I mean, I just think that people here are more frugal. That’s the word? Frugal, frugal. So they count their pennies and cents quite closely.
[00:26:11] So you have to do a lot to convince people to buy from you. All right. But, so, I mean, you have some advantages. I mean, a lot of advantages. I mean, are you mostly working, you know, in the U S market or do you, you know, our clients kind of doing both or, you know, also Germany or, you know, outside of Brexit, you know, on the other side, I mean, maybe you can give us some insights.
[00:26:32] What are some trends you’re noticing or with your clients, or just in general, like where where’s the opportunities or the, what are the challenges. So in terms of opportunities, I think if you are a bit of a seasoned entrepreneur or you have some budget behind you think about buying an Amazon and Amazon, an existing Amazon business, you know, there are a lot of people who are selling on Amazon and who are tired of selling on Amazon, a lot of demotivated people.
[00:27:02] So, and I know that people like no obligations going on in the space by VC funded companies. You can do that on a smaller scale as well. It doesn’t have to be, to have to have a lot of loads and loads of money. You can, you can do that for kind of joint venture. You can do licensing.
[00:27:18] Because for example, I have one, I had a client kind of a, who has a great product, but it’s very thin margins and he needs to add more products into his like, store. It’s not his main business. So he doesn’t have the time to do that. But if you can put a great product in the hands of someone that has time and energy to innovate and add more products to the line, you could end up building a really, really successful business, but he doesn’t have the time and doesn’t have the motivation to do so.
[00:27:50] So he would be interested in selling or even licensing, licensing to somebody where it’s like you take the kind of brand and the store and sell and manage it, or when you just pay me something at the end of the kind of, you know, at the end of the year. And it’s like, you know, for me to kind of thing, the front and the reviews and they see the rest.
[00:28:10] And I know that a lot of people don’t like, they may not like, oh, I want to have my own thing a hundred percent, but actually, why don’t we work with somebody who’s already done a lot of the heavy lifting. I just need some pushing further. So I think I’m hearing a lot of people who are fostered to them a little bit, who is Hyatt, which to me, it presents an opportunity to other people who have either experienced in retail experience in online marketing, or they have a lot of compassion funding behind them.
[00:28:37] They’ve done something else and they want to go into it kind of space. And e-commerce. So to me, I think it’s not intuitive for a lot of people because I have some brands and some clients and they kind of want them to eat. I was on, and I think all of their products is in the right hands, it can be very successful.
[00:28:53] So that’s like the opportunity to get to the other, I would say is like, I don’t know if you guys go read that Amazon was throwing off significant amounts of Chinese sellers, all UK, they’re throwing quality, fake reviews, and they’ve actually sent out a lot of them. They’re kind of retracting the API from a lot of third-party sites that were using them to promote.
[00:29:14] Well asking people to buy a product on Amazon when I was on a new beef off Amazon. So that was something that I wasn’t reading black hat technique, I would say gray hat techniques. And they’re really, really coming down in things. So, yeah, like I would say if you’re manufacturing. Or a manufacturing clicks, or we will have some kind of click farm and you have some really, really cool black hat techniques you’re doing.
[00:29:41] I would be quite careful. And if you’re thinking about coming to Amazon and just doing, doing that without kind of going to the organic route, I would say be very careful because Amazon is coming down. They are becoming also just another thing is that people are, Amazon is a great, they’re not a really great organization to work with as a seller, getting that out in front of, you know, they love their customers.
[00:30:06] And the customers are first and they’ll do anything for their customer, but for the sellers, they don’t any hoots about you. So don’t come into the space expecting great respondent says if a lot of bureaucracy, a lot of like robots in the backend telling, you know, a lot of inconsistency is the system is a bit glitchy.
[00:30:26] Just manage your expectations so that you don’t come in frustrated, you know? Cause I would come in and think they’re going to be rich, that there’s no how it works. Also if you’re setting something that is, if you join it inventor or you creates a really cool product, be very careful because Amazon, the claims against Amazon, and then kind of going through and copying third party service products is a real thing.
[00:30:54] And I’ve seen what happens to categories and sellers where Amazon starts selling the same. They excel and then they vanish, because out you can’t compete, I’m going on price and you just can’t compete on their reputation. So I would say if you created something really cool, we try and invest the money in some of the things like trademarking and IPA and stuff like that.
[00:31:18] So that when the time comes and go to fight, you can fight with them. Cause they they’ll, they do it mostly to like who they know have no recourse. You know what I mean? You just get copied and take your idea and that’s it. Yeah. So that’s the thing I would say. And also the last thing I would say, I keep saying that is that Amazon is trying to create your own websites as well.
[00:31:39] Like I think that relying on Amazon alone is, is pretty dangerous. I think a lot of people do it and Amazon is the platform. Right. And they can throw anyone else for anything. So relying on a platform is not really the strategy. They’re good in the short term to grow to the market, test the market, create brand awareness.
[00:32:00] And if you already have it or they get to go and create awareness. So it’s kind of two fold. I like, people, I’m like, oh, I already have a brand. I don’t kind of Amazon, but Amazon has 200 million people searching in the US. Right? So every month, like you can never, you going to pay for 300 million users.
[00:32:16] Now, we don’t going to get that big anyway. So like, you can get your existing brand in front of more customers and expose them to like, Expose your products and new people who might be interested. And if you’re new, you can go to the market and test and gain a following and a customer base by Amazon, but on both situations, develop other channels as well, so that you’re not dependent on one platform.
[00:32:44] Makes sense. Yeah, totally agree. So how about your agency? Can you tell us about you and what are you doing to help, you know, Amazon and e-commerce sellers succeed in UK, U S you know, other countries in the world. Yeah, sure. So right now it works across the different across kind of a cross section of different types of people.
[00:33:07] So someone new, complete startups. Great something really cool. I want to go to an Amazon. And so when we were convinced to kind of launch into these strategies that we talk about, we work with them to test strategies helps sometimes with pricing as well. So making sure that they price properly thinking about the kind of different fees that Amazon is going to charge and how much we’re going to cost.
[00:33:28] So they don’t end up with a product that’s so cheeky price that they’re making money. And now we work with kind of more mid tier brands that are like already kind of selling on Amazon, but they want some get that beach that I talked about so we can help them manage the ad campaigns, kind of manage the listings, create the listings, the keyword research, keyword optimization and well, you know, a lot of people, what we do is not rocket science, but they don’t have the time and they don’t have to see.
[00:33:55] So we’re always around supporting them. We like to kind of think of myself as like partners, you know, we do a lot of different things, so we can help with the kind of Amazon based ads or Amazon traffic , so that’s affiliates, Google shopping, Google ads, if you want SEO of Amazon as well. So we help them quite a lot of the marketing, you know, but our team is so supportive and we’re like, say we’re partners because if we, if we’re only doing marketing, but you’re having problems with administration and you’re not able to pull your orders, then your marketing is then wasted, right?
[00:34:27] So there’s now interest to help you across all the areas. You know, we have a very experienced teams. We do marketing and our job is to help you get sales and grow business. That at the same time. We also get across the different areas other than Amazon as well. So sometimes we get clients and like, oh, I’m so tired, you know, 50 times.
[00:34:46] And I’m like, okay, fine. It’s time to go back. And then we’ll sort it out. And so it’s a kind of times. Great. Sounds really great. And yeah, like we’re really excited like I said at the beginning of the show. We we’ve been working together and sharing lots of information and we, you know, here at Global From Asia where a referral partner for you and your agency at Magnet AMS.
[00:35:11] And I’m sure, you know, if they were to, we work with you, is there some kind of, special offer or opportunity maybe if they come from us that we could share today. Yeah, absolutely. We’ll do we know we’re happy to do it. We’ll see, always do a free coonsultation and we will do a happy, happy 20% off the first month as well.
[00:35:31] And that is usually the most stressful month for a lot of people. You know, because it takes a long time to get, to gets up. Often people are like, oh, you know, I’ve been, you know, I’m going to go on Amazon. I’m going to sell tomorrow. And usually there’s a lot of dead time where it’s preparing and doing the research and all of that time can feel like, oh my gosh, I’m just spending money.
[00:35:50] So we always send, I hope to be really useful for you. You guys. You don’t feel it. I can just spending out all your money and that there’s something that you’ll kind of saving one as well. Wow. That’s really generous and appreciative. So what’s the best way. What’s the best way people could reach out or connect with, with, you know, for, for working with, yeah.
[00:36:08] So Magna ams.com, that’s www.magnetams.com, magnet and then apple mother sugarin case you’re confused or call them. We have a, you can always visit, connect or there you can fill out and reach out and you could also email support. So we have kind of a general support inbox, very empire using just kind of regular relationships with all kinds of clients.
[00:36:29] So you can be email support@magnetams.com and somebody there will be happy to assist you and to talk to you. Awesome. Thank you so much, Connie. It’s really great to have you on the show. We really appreciate these insights and we’ll of course, we’ll put this all in the show notes. We’ll link up in the show notes as well.
[00:36:47] So thanks again, Connie. Thank you so much for having me guys. Thanks Connie. So, what do you think in the Philippines? Is it noticeable about UK and US English language? I think, uh, I think in the Philippines, it’s more of a US style, but there are some who prefer UK accent. Yeah, actually for me, I always heard, or I, I mean, I, I want to watch UK, UK movies or British movies because I liked their accent and yeah.
[00:37:23] I also enjoy watching English, us English language. Sometimes we do the mix of both. Yeah. And there are also movies that you will just, you know, it’s hard to comprehend if it’s US or UK. Because some actors and actresses can do both, right? Yeah. Yeah. So thank you for everyone for tuning in. Again, the show notes are at globalfromasia.com/UK-differences.
[00:38:00] To get more info about running an international business. Please visit our website at www.globalfromasia.com. That’s www.globalfromasia.com. Also be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed. Thanks for tuning in.
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