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Topics Covered in this Episode
Intro our special guest today!
Sharon Gai, intro
Today, we are talking about cross-border ecommerce into Mainland China
Can you help define that for listeners?
We all know Alibaba, many on the show, more as the original B2B platform
But there is so much more! Today we are focusing on the inbound to China cross-border ecommerce platform – can you explain the history of inbound cross border products that Alibaba offers?
What are some of the top foreign product categories Chinese consumers are purchasing?
Give us some ideas of the types of products.
Importance of brands on these foreign products
The top of the line brands are booming in China from what I and many understand – do you have to have a world class brand to sell in China?
Can SME brands sell in China cross-border successfully?
Many, myself included, feel to succeed in Chinese ecommerce, you need to have a well established brand internationally, as well as a big advertising budget on the platform.
What are some examples of successful SME foreign brands doing cross-border ecommerce on your platform(s)
I think learning by example is the best – can you share some insights?
How much time, and money should an SME, interested to get started, set aside?
What is a reasonable budget, as well as time budget of people and resources?
So we do not need to setup a local Chinese company, as this is cross border
What is a reasonable budget, as well as time budget of people and resources?
So we need to setup a local Chinese company, as this is cross border
How does it work – I believe Tmall global in HK, you put a deposit, and are paid locally in HK from the Mainland Chinese sales on the platform correct?
Steps people can take today
What is an action item for someone listening today that has no exposure or “flag” planted in the Chinese market.
How can people learn more about these platforms and getting started today Sharon?
Where can they go, websites, etc.
Thank you so much!
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
Episode Length 41:26
Awesome. Thank you Sharon for sharing! I’m really happy you shared with us, you have so much information to share and there’s a lot we need to learn.
Hope you all enjoyed the show.
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Show Transcript
[00:00:00] Episode 332 Global from Asia. We are talking with Alibaba about T mall and Chinese e-commerce Cross Border, a little bit of Taobao too. Let’s tune in. Welcome to the Global from Asia podcast where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice.
[00:00:21] And now your host, Michael Michelini. We survived elections at least, you know, I’m recording this a few days before we go live in, you know, I think no matter what, I mean, whatever presidents, you know, e-commerce, online business is going to be booming. You know, I think so many people have been talking to me about getting into e-commerce, a product I’ve been wanting to do a business.
[00:00:43] They’ve been wanting to do their offline businesses, want to bring online. So today’s show, I think you’ll enjoy. I’m really happy to have somebody from Alibaba sharing with us. Sharon Gai. She is working with key accounts, working with foreign businesses, foreign brands coming into China, and she gives us some insights for small, to medium, to large sized businesses, different strategies, things I’ve, I’ve learned a few things also ways without even having to put a huge deposit down and ways to do it.
[00:01:13] All different kinds of styles. So I really enjoyed this. We did this live. We got also Catherine and our community at GFAVIP helping out on the show and we had some others talking. And we had networking after. So I do hope everybody enjoys this session. We have this, of course audio format. This is video into my, if you’re watching this on video, you can see my talking head.
[00:01:36] I don’t know if you prefer that when we started audio, but we are upgrading to live and video as well. So without further ado, let’s get into Sharon Gai from Alibaba, talking about some strategies and tactics to get into the Chinese market cross border into China. Thank you to our new gfavip.com members.
[00:01:55] We’ve been getting people applying and joining. Thank you so much. We want to provide value to everybody on the internet, everybody in the world to getting information to you. But if you want even more access to our community, to our network, to me and to others, we would love to talk to you. Sign up at gfavip.com application only.
[00:02:12] All right, thank you everybody. Welcome to our. Live stream and our members networking session. This is a, we’ve been preparing for quite a few days now. So I’m really excited for today’s session. We have with us Sharon Gai from Alibaba, talking about T-mall. She’s a director of key accounts.
[00:02:32] Thanks for, thanks for joining us today, Sharon. Yeah. Thanks for the invitation. Yeah, it’s going to be great. And we have Catherine helping us out she’s in the community. She’s based in, in London. So thanks. Thanks also, Catherine. Hello? All right. So we have a lot, a lot to talk about today. So the format we’re, we’re going right into this, the stage mode for those watching.
[00:02:57] So this is going to be our main session of knowledge sharing, and then we’ll have some questions and answers and then we’ll go into this networking mode. So it’ll be action packed. Session today. So, so Sharon you’re in Hangzhou, right? The capital of Alibaba. Yes, we, we, yes. We call this our headquarters.
[00:03:23] I’m in Xixi campus. It’s beside, it’s named, after Xixi wetlands, which is a swamp that the Hangzhou government discovered and turned into a very beautiful, now I believe it’s five ,it’s rated as a Five A forest, like a place of natural scenery. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cool. Where, and you’ve, you’ve been with Alibaba for a few years.
[00:03:54] You worked also before being director of key accounts, you were working with the catalog department, which is the fast moving consumer group, which is pretty, pretty cool. So you must have seen quite a lot happening.
[00:04:08] I have, I’ve been very fortunate to be in a role where I can see across the platform and to many different brands and to listen to many different brands, talk to many different brands from China and also from abroad, about their plans and what they think about Chinese e-commerce. So, I’ve seen a good spectrum of the type of companies that are out here.
[00:04:31] The, the, the brands that are eyeing the Chinese market also. I’ve, I’ve heard some of their trials and tribulations, also a lot of failures too about how, how brands wanting to come into the Chinese market, but found it to be very difficult. So, yeah. Awesome. It’s great to have your insights. So I think a lot of times people think Alibaba, they think of the B2B platform for finding factories and suppliers, but you know, obviously there’s so much more and today we’re talking about T-Mall primarily, and like you said, the Chinese e-commerce markets when.
[00:05:10] When did that get started about how, how did, how did I get all into cause it just started as a directory, which people know. But then I think in 2003, if I’m correct or. Yeah. So, so that was the birth year of Taobao, so the history of Alibaba, if you’ll, we want to go into that a bit, just to provide some context for everyone, because it’s actually a mystery for, for a lot of people who don’t know so much about the company.
[00:05:40] So Ali, Alibaba.com is the very first product, a very, the very first business facing product that Alibaba started out with. And that was started in 1999 by Jack Ma. So it was originally meant to be a yellow pages for factories, for specifically, factories in China to just bring them online. The, the myth or legend goes that Jack one time was in, in the States.
[00:06:11] I think he was in. I think he was in San Francisco or Seattle, he was definitely on the West coast. And, that was when somebody showed him the quote, unquote internet for the first time in the format of a buoy. And he searched everything. He searched Europe, he searched the United States and then he searched China and then nothing came up.
[00:06:33] And then, that’s when he realized. Wow. My entire country is not online and that’s when he did that entire business opportunity. So his first step, so Alibaba group 1.0 is really just to bring China online and to connect China to the world. So he did that through alibaba.com. that eventually became our to be, yeah.
[00:06:58] Business unit that carried onto the carry through the company for, for a very long time. And it became its major source of profit and from there Taobao grew in 2003. So that was the birth of the first customer. So consumer facing marketplace. So that was our first C2C marketplace, where anyone in China could list a product.
[00:07:30] So it was sort of like the Craigslist back in the day and then from there, I believe it was 2006, I might have my years wrong. That Tmall was so, so this is all by the way on, on, on Google and on first. Yeah, it was first called Taobao, which is like a town mall. And then that was how the word Tmall came to be.
[00:08:02] So Taobao mall, short short-end itself. Okay. Great. Thanks. Thanks for that overview. That’s really appreciate that. And, um, so, so for, let’s talk about the Chinese consumer a little bit, I mean, you’ve talked a lot of foreign brands. I have a lot of people always wanted to enter the Chinese market. You know, they see the, they see the huge numbers.
[00:08:27] They see the opportunity. You know, what, what are you usually, what kind of things do you usually say is the advantages for a foreign brand in China? Or what, what kind of categories. The advantages of a foreign brand in China. So I think from, from, rom a very, a long time ago that I think the Chinese consumer market really was they appreciated foreign goods.
[00:08:57] They appreciated things that were made out of China because it felt very authentic. And sometimes if it was a food product, the ingredients are better, the ingredients are fresher. So you hear a lot of that. I think that was more and more so the trend back in maybe, five to 10 years ago.
[00:09:21] Now in the year of 2020, you see a lot more Chinese people are being proud of made in China and buying Chinese manufactured goods. But that isn’t to say that foreign goods and imported goods is disappearing by any means. In fact, import into China is definitely increasing, year over year.
[00:09:47] So if we’re talking about the platform of Tmall global versus the B2C e-commerce platform that imports all of these foreign goods. Some of our top categories are beauty, specifically in cosmetics and skincare. Food is a huge one. Health supplements is a huge one. Electronics. Home goods, fashion
[00:10:11] We do a little bit because some of the luxury brands or luxury items are known to be a lot more authentic because Tmall global focuses heavily on what we call Sulia and which is Buying from the source or imprint importing from the source to the point where they will follow the journey of a product from its manufacturer from the factories of Italy, if it’s a leather good, for instance, and follow its journey all the way for the product to board the plane and go through all the logistics pieces and into China.
[00:10:53] So, but I would say Tmall global is definitely very, very heavily focused on, on beauty brands, beauty, or I guess that we can label that as personal goods, personal goods. Catherine, do you have anything you’d like to add or other things? A lot of SME brands will like to know is, I think it’s general knowledge.
[00:11:20] The cost of acquisition of new customer in China is generally quite high compared to other platforms in the Western world. So what kind of budget or what size of the SME to being ordered to start selling and tap into that market? Yeah, so there’s not a specific number that we ever recommend to our brands.
[00:11:46] We, if, if, if we’re to bulk Kroger have a percentage of the budget to spend on marketing and whatnot, we’d say at least a 15 to 20%, if you are serious about growing the Chinese market. And if you’re sort of stay a lot of brands have hot tested here and there at pieces of the e-commerce platform through another, another method of entering the Chinese market called Taobao global versus Tmall global.
[00:12:21] So we talk about another app, business unit it’s more, it’s more run under the Taobao business unit. And you’re a lot freer as a brand to start to have a global account and to start selling and start importing into China where it’s not as a heavy investment like opening a Tmall global flagship store, where it takes a lot of planning, hiring of TPs.
[00:12:48] And really having a solid three to five-year plan of growing out that brand in the Chinese market. So there’s various different ways of entering China.
[00:13:11] That’s terms, the terms can get very confusing because there’s a lot of because we have Tmall global, then we have Tmall international and then we have Tmall world. So it gets very confusing sometimes for all the brands and then there’s Taobao. And then you put Taobao global in the mix. Sometimes it’s quite confusing for, for, for brands to, to hear all of that and decipher which is which. Okay.
[00:13:37] Got it. So let’s talk about getting onto the platform. There is, there is, there are fees or deposits for T-mall and now I’m actually thinking, know, I didn’t even know until you just said Taobao global, but, you know, what are, what are some of the normal, I mean, similar question, but maybe numbers of deposits or.
[00:14:02] Usually is it a Hong Kong company? Is it a US company that has the, has the cross border and then the payments and then a deposit? Maybe we just talk a little bit about the technical part. Sure you can be, if you want to enter at T-Mall global, you can be, you don’t have to be a specific set of
[00:14:32] that echo online. That’s okay. So, yeah, so, so you, so there’s a one-time to content between 30 to 50 RMB. And this is a deposit for the brand to sell a certain term, a certain amount of GME, um, after you’ve reached a certain amount of GME. If you, if you were ever to close the store, this deposit would go back to you.
[00:15:00] So this is stressed, a sort of like a peg, um, to, to, as a commitment to the platform that you pay. And then there is, uh, an annual fee that’s around 30 to 60,000 RMB, and that is an annual fee that one does have to pay. And then there’s a what we call a commission on top of the for the platform.
[00:15:22] So that’s usually one to 5% depending on your category. So some categories are a bit lower or something rates are at that higher. Some is 5% there and then there is the Alli pay transaction costs. So, uh, because alley pay is the underlying financial institution. That’s running all of these transactions.
[00:15:44] There’s a, there’s a platform fee given to Alipay in the course of all of those transactions. And then, yeah. And that’s not counting your TP fees if ever you were to hire a TP to manage your brand. I would say a good, a good 20 to 30% should be budgeted out, um, um, just hot farm fees and. Okay, so TP, I just want to make sure even, I don’t know what that is, I guess, so maybe I’ll admit, I don’t know, but maybe for others.
[00:16:30] Yeah, exactly. That’s really correct. SAAS, female partner and its sole job is to represent a team and know all of the rules about T-Mall because Tmall will, will change its rules quite often. To be very honest. And that’s one of the things that we’ve noticed that is a bit difficult for a foreign brand to get accustomed to because the rules are constantly changing, but because the TP is usually located in China, it, they are very on top of all of the changes in rules and whatnot.
[00:17:06] So there are, I think by now, There are definitely in the tens of thousands of TPs in China, each having their own niche. So some teepees will only want to have food clients. Some TPs will only want to have UTI clients. Some will only want to have fashion club. So like all of these teepees have their own sort of niche.
[00:17:29] Also some teepees are very, very good with working with very, very large brands, like the Adidas and Nike and Microsoft and whatnot. So in that world, There’s a very famous one called Bouton is now a publicly listed company, um, on the New York stock exchange. And they’ve been a pretty they’re there.
[00:17:51] They employ a couple of thousand of people. I know. And they work with the, the top brands that you would, the largest sellers on Tmall. So they’ve had a, kind of an, a huge breadth of different clients throughout the years. And then, but, if you’re a brand to enter China, you might not always want to work with somebody like Bowsman because.
[00:18:14] Because they’re so big and because they’re so, um, formal or structured, um, and then pricing varies. So there’s also a lot of very fast and nimble startup-y type of TPS. And that sometimes is a sweet spot for some brands to work with. So, so it, so some of these, some of these are good with working with a bit of a smaller brand.
[00:18:43] But to Ulta, ultimately finding the teepee and sort of inner TP and match making with the TP. It’s a, it’s a process. So we normally recommend every brand that wants to enter China to meet at least three to five TPs, to get a good sense of what is out there, what type of clients they’ve done because they are truly very, very different.
[00:19:10] I understand. Thanks. Thanks for this and sorry for the echo. I could feel it, but, but, for the TP, this is really in, in, insightful for, I think myself and others. I think a lot of us think we’re on our own. When we go in, we pay the, you know, like the deposit or the fees, and then we have, so I think the TP are they, I mean, there’s quite a lot of to do right for cross borders.
[00:19:37] Translation and the listings and then the customer service is that’s what they would do normally, all of that. So they basically outsource the entire workload, the entire workload, and you can give the TP and you can have the TP do however much you as a client, want them to take on some TPS will even become your.
[00:20:00] Distributor in China. So they’ll ask for that, right. Or you can negotiate that right to, with them. Some TPs will refuse to take any, take any stock because they don’t want that capital investment. So again, it just depends on the, the, the actual TP that you’re working with in that business model that they’re most comfortable with.
[00:20:24] But yeah, so I say, would take on is, looking at everything from, market research for your brand. Seeing if the, if your brand has any type of competitive advantage in the market, coming out with a marketing plan for the brand, uh, coming out with positioning pricing and then going into the actual store operations.
[00:20:47] So opening the store, they might also be the person to, um, facilitate the entire, uh, opening the store process of delivering ads. So accumulating all of the documents that you need paying the actual fees, um, they can outsource all of that for you also. So let’s, there’s a question from Zach in the, in the session he’s asking about supplements, you know, I think that is a very popular one, but I know supplements they’re very competitive everywhere in the world.
[00:21:18] Of course they can be very profitable and they’re also a little bit difficult sometimes to import, um, Into the country, any country, uh, I, that could probably be a whole show of itself, but, you know, you mentioned, I think you just even say supplements, so maybe you would find a TP partner to work that specializes in supplements and work with them, or what would maybe what would your input be for that?
[00:21:45] What are the, the, the requirements? I’m not exactly a supplement expert, to be honest. Yeah, I know specific ones, the, um, but anything that has to do with a product to be ingested in China is quite, it’s quite strict with regulations. So anything in the food category, if you are selling any type of food into China, you do have to have a Chinese translated, translated label, clearly identifying all of the ingredients in that particular product.
[00:22:22] And it’s probably similar for. Uh, for supplements. Um, but when you are listing your product in Tmall level, there is a there’s, there’s a huge lists or a page of all of the required documents and licenses that you need
[00:22:44] to open the store to begin telling the product. Got it. Got it. Um, so let me just. You know, I like to kind of, uh, just go higher level. So let’s just recap a little bit. So say I’m in the US and I have a product maybe Chinese are buying and want to buy, or at least I think they want to buy and I can open up a Tmall
[00:23:07] global. I put the deposit opening account. I’d find a TP partner before I would do that kind of things or and then they would help me hopefully with as much as possible. And, and then I would launch the product. Know, of course it’s probably going to take six months or so at least after my working here.
[00:23:35] Yeah, the timeline really varies I think a fastest activation we have seen as a month or of round a month to, to open the store and to decide to, to turn everything on, but it could last up to a year also, or perhaps two years. It just depends on. The mother ship and, um, some of the larger brands that we deal with take a long time to okay.
[00:24:01] Everything, for, for the go switch to be turned on. So in terms of timeline, it depends on the ultimate decision maker of that brand, I suppose. But before you opened the store, definitely find the TP before you open the store, for sure. Yeah. Okay. Let’s talk about some success cases. You know, one, one sounds like amazing.
[00:24:30] Let me think, uh, can you, do you have one that you can give us? Maybe you don’t have to reveal their name, or if you can, to some insights of one it’s done it, like in a good way that you would, we could learn from some brands that’s done pretty well. I don’t know if you know these brands, um, but, um, maybe, maybe substance more in the beauty category, like,
[00:25:09] Like a huge success case on Amazon too, with red hat booty. Right? A lot of Radha beauty, like R a D H a T. They, they do a lot of oils, like vitamin E, vitamin C oil serums. And things that they do a lot of ingredients based beauty products, DCM the and normal company from Canada. If you know them, um, Oatley, Oatley might be a brand that,
[00:25:45] Charlotte Tilbury, medics, um, com Omni pork is a pretty interesting one that came out. Last year, um, the Omni pork is similar to beyond meat or impossible food. So they are,so is a trend that we’re seeing in the food market, um, plant-based products, um, that, uh, made its debut via Tmall global last year.
[00:26:20] I guess some insights of what they would do or what you think was the key to their success in China or that we that’d be pretty awesome to know. I think these brands were just very good at identifying their unique selling point and, um, Being and coming into the market that is already a very, very saturated.
[00:26:44] So if we compare, um, the consumer market from the China to the, to the U S for instance, even if you go into a supermarket, um, because, uh, I used to live in New York. So I kind of had an idea of all of the type of products that are existing out there versus everything that exists in China and the, a number of products and iterations.
[00:27:07] And crossover products that is existing in China. It’s just a lot more SKU is out here than it is in the States which means that in almost every single product category, everything is very, very saturated. So it’s very, it’s a very competitive, uh, consumer space here, but these foreign brands were able to make a splash because.
[00:27:31] They discovered a unique selling point about themselves. Um, and they’re also very good at branding and visual branding, uh, to really capture the attention of a lot of these Chinese consumer, because all of these brands that I said, I think some of them entered offline first, but most of them only did online.
[00:27:54] So they only did team all global. Um, and then they gradually, as soon as their online sales increased, went into an offline retailer. So that’s usually the reverse of how a brand develops for most brands. Most always grow theirselves. I’ll find it and then enter the online space because e-commerce is a lot.
[00:28:16] After I thought, but for some of these brands, it was the reverse. Yeah. Okay. There’s a question from Diane. I should have S kind of, does seem to make sense. How do you find a TPor how, you know, you said three to five. I mean, what would be some ways, is it on, on the sites or on your, talk to somebody at Tmall or.
[00:28:38] Yeah, for sure. You can definitely talk to me. I know a lot of them and I’m very easy to find.
[00:28:48] Yeah. So I know a lot of TPs,but also on Google, you can just Google TMall global TP. You’ll come to a website that should list all of them.
[00:29:00]Okay. Awesome. It wasn’t networking. Oh, go ahead, Catherine. Catherine, your turn there a context I have, she has also cosmetic brands, but a lot of the cosmetics brands now in UK are vegan-friendly. So, so am cruelty friendly, which means they don’t want to be tested on animals. But I understand that full beauty category enter into the Chinese market.
[00:29:24] They need to go through that process. Product tests somewhat is involved in animal testing. So how do these future brands going to enter the Chinese market in the cosmetic space? So that is the big, big differentiation between TMall global. And Tmall so on team, all you have to test everything. So everything that’s selling on Tmall.com is basically imported into China.
[00:29:51] It had to clear the borders, um, the rules and regulations with. What you can import, what type of ingredient you can import is very strictly looked at by the customs people, and importing into China can take a while to get all of those certifications done and to get all the clearances done.
[00:30:17] So that’s also on tmall.com and that’s why I suppose beauty is a very big category on TMall global. Does in the TMall global beauty category, we don’t require beauty brands to be tested on animals, because, it’s a, it’s a regulation that the platform has because it’s sourced from that particular country.
[00:30:44] And it’s a, I guess it’s, it’s, it’s also a regulation that the import export team in China and the Chinese government set for us about the way. Great. That’s great. That’s really a nice to know. Yeah. This has been really insightful and, uh, let’s go the other way. Like the ones that didn’t do so well that, you know, maybe had high hopes or, or maybe you see, you must do a lot of brands and of course we want everyone to succeed, but what are some trends, maybe see the ones either, either failed or spent a lot more time or money that than they needed to.
[00:31:25] I’ve seen a lot of fashion brands, um, come and then left, uh, the China market, I think, uh, forever 21, if I’m not mistaken had opened and then closed. And then was it old Navy that came and also and their, their stores were, um, Well, they hung around for a couple of years, um, before they gave up and left the market.
[00:31:57] And in those instances, I think they, they just, uh, it was. The category, it was probably the toughest piece. So you have to find as a brand, the niche part about the brand and really know the Chinese market to know if it will come, if it can compete or not locally. Um, and if, uh, If your branding is strong enough that it it’ll resonate with a, with a Chinese consumer, uh, when those two pieces are not there.
[00:32:36] So if you’re not a very niche or unique product, nor are you very good at branding or storytelling, that’s when the two biggest pieces that will make you a success is it will, it will be very difficult for you to survive. Okay. Yeah. To carry on from that. Or at least maybe even say, correct me if I’m wrong.
[00:32:58] But a lot of people say, people come to China and they see a billion customers and they target all a billion customers. Right. But you’re saying like niche down, focus on a segment like. Even a small, small niche, you know, in China or is huge. And we see the same in Amazon or overseas too. So, um, what are some ways people could test their product, you know, before they make these investments or, or, or no, maybe I think sometimes Chinese try to buy from their overseas website.
[00:33:26] Right. They see Chinese either going to the stores or, or buying, you know, from their overseas websites, is that what are some ways people could know that they have something before they dive into much. So Taobao global. The way that I said before is a pretty low cost in a way to test the market.
[00:33:49] There’s also another app called little red book. Self-promotional in China, it’s a 10 very brand friendly app, um, it’s quite low cost to test out your products there. Um, and another really good way is to find some KLS or Kocs in the Chinese market and give the product to them because these and
[00:34:18] Deal with a mass amount of brands on a day-to-day basis. And so they themselves are a wealth of information and wealth of knowledge as to what their fans will like. And all of them have a couple thousand hundred thousand equivalent millions of fans. And so they’re sort of a good gateway to, to instantly let you know.
[00:34:39] This might work or might not work. Awesome. Awesome. Okay. So there’s one more question. I think we’re going to go into the networking tables. Um, people can get to talk to you more directly. There’s some people here have questions. Dan’s asking about before, after pictures, I guess she’s working on a cosmic on a cosmetic brand.
[00:34:59] And, so, you know, there’s, is that a possible to do in TMall or is there a break rules against that or for that. I guess my experience. Yeah, of course, of course and you can choose to do Tmall global or Tmall. Okay. I guess what? Sorry. There’s like, she has like a before picture and an after picture.
[00:35:20] Is that, is that okay to do there? She’s asking. Oh, you mean when you’re visualizing the brand? Oh yeah, of course, of course. That’s, that’s definitely. Okay, great. I see a couple more chats coming in skincare. Sorry about that. Could not cosmetic skincare. I’m learning, I’m learning. I’m trying my best here.
[00:35:42] Okay. I think what, what’s the best way to share, and we’re going to have some networking time for those that are on the live session. This will be also of course, the recording for those listening in the future. We can link it up on the show notes. What are some ways people could, could get started connecting with you or, or Tmall?
[00:36:00] For this, for this. For me, LinkedIn is definitely the easiest way to reach me. If you just type my full name, I should be. There should not be another Sharon Gai yet. And we’ll, we’ll put it also on the show notes too, so people can find that. All right, Sharon any other last things you want to add to the, to our main like knowledge sharing session before we jump into the tables?
[00:36:31] Not so much, I guess just, I think the Chinese market is definitely a very interesting one to explore. It’s it’s also one, I think if you’re an entrepreneur or a brand builder, it’s just an interesting one to learn, even if it fails or it goes nowhere. It’s just a good market to know if you’re working in the consumer, um, space.
[00:37:00] But everybody, of course, to each their own, and each their own path that, you know, every brand wants to pick but it’s, it is the world’s largest consumer market, for sure.
[00:37:17] Yeah. So in terms of company structures that are Michael was asking that before. You can set up a company in Hong Kong and then sell on the TMall platform. Do you have to then set up another company in the middle East China? No, you don’t in order to brand registration, et cetera, because I know.
[00:37:44] So that’s again, the biggest difference between Tmall Global. And Timo. So if you want to do Tmall, then you have, I have to, you do have to have a Chinese company. I have to be registered. Your brand has to be registered here, or some version of your brand has to be registered here. Your good, the goods have to be already located in China.
[00:38:05] So your warehouse has to be also in China because Tmall.com is a local to local play. It’s a local to local platform versus Tmall global is, you’re good candidate. Technically sit anywhere in the world and TMall global will have different ways to import it into China. It can sit in Hong Kong, which is very close to mainland, or it can sit in your home country in the U S or Europe.
[00:38:31] There’s, there’s a ton of different solutions. That’s a TMall global has enabled throughout the years for, for, for the flexibility of foreign brands to work with this platform. Yeah. Thanks so much, Sharon, really. I think a lot of people got a lot from this today and, so we have a little bit more time for the tables section and uh, thanks everybody for tuning in live and the recording.
[00:38:56] So, yeah. For if so, just we’re going to flip to the table mode. Okay. Join the show. We would love feedback from you. iTunes reviews, YouTube subscribing sharing. If you’re on our Chinese social media subscribe there, let us know what you think. We’re trying different formats. We’re doing these in the mornings and the evening seems like people prefer to live recording in neat.
[00:39:20] Evening Asia time. We are a Global from Asia, but we have people from the U S and in Europe, tuning in the feedback is appreciated. And I really hope you enjoy the show. Thank you. Thank you, Sharon. Awesome. I really happy you share with us and she’s realizing there’s a lot to. We need to learn, you know, uh, maybe we’ll get her back on the show.
[00:39:42] She has so much information to share and it was, I’m really happy. You had somebody at Alibaba helping with us to get this information to you. I hope everybody’s enjoying subscribe. Like, you know, iTunes reviews, YouTube. We are on a average kind of channel now or in Chinese Channels and English channels.
[00:40:01] We want to get as knowledge as far as wide. If you tuned in, on our live show. Thank you so much for tuning in live or streaming. It’s on Facebook too. We’re trying to upgrade the show and help more people cause, uh, You know, unfortunately the Chinese market is always been a really challenging thing and high, high barriers to entry high costs.
[00:40:20] So we do hope the show has helped you. And we would love to hear how this has helped you get to the next level in your business. And I think it’s always about taking, you know, Incremental steps, writing down a list of things need to do who we need to talk to. We have people in this community. Sharon looks very helpful too.
[00:40:37] She’s just signed up with us too. So that’s really great. We want to help people. We want to get this out there. I’d love to know how this works for you. You can shoot us an email blog@globalfromasia.com or, or to me, mike@globalfromasia.com. And we want to hear from you without further ado, take action and make it happen.
[00:40:57] I really appreciate you making it all the way through to this ending of the show. Whether you’re watching this on video or listening to this in our audio. Thank you. Have a great day. Yeah, If you want more info in running an international business. Please visit our website at www.globalfromasia.com. That’s www.globalfromasia.com.
[00:41:19] Also be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed. Thanks for tuning in.
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