We’re thrilled to have Gianmarco Meli on board, an expert in SOPs and systems, topics that are not just his specialty but also a shared passion of ours. In today’s discussion, we explore the transformative power of efficient processes in e-commerce. Gianmarco, an established Amazon seller, will be joining us at the Cross Border Summit from Nov 15-17, where he’ll be sharing his experiences and tips on rapid brand growth. Tune in and discover how SOPs and systems can fuel your e-commerce success!
Topics Covered in this Episode
Introducing Gianmarco
An Amazon seller, and the host of The Seller Process podcast – a warm welcome to you!
What is an SOP - and Why do SOPs Matter?
For those who have wondered about SOPs at past events, let’s dive into the basics to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Making and Storing: Where Are You Putting Your SOPs?
Explore storage options like Google Docs and AI software. Plus, let’s tackle the text versus video format debate.
How Many SOPs Should a Company Make?
Discover the optimal number for each department and individual within your organization.
Task Creation for SOP
Beyond SOPs, your ebook emphasizes task clarity. Do tools like Asana play a role in ensuring team alignment?
Common Mistakes You See Ecommerce Sellers Make
Identify pitfalls commonly encountered by ecommerce sellers and learn strategies to avoid them.
Questions from the Audience
An opportunity for our listeners to engage and seek personalized advice.
How Can People Connect With You?
Explore avenues to connect directly with Gianmarco for further insights and discussions.
Thanks a million, Gianmarco, for sharing your wisdom and expertise in this podcast episode!
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ Gianmarco’s VIP Page
√ The Seller Process
√ Gianmarco will be a speaker at Cross Border Summit, Nov 15-17, 2023 – 2023.crossbordersummit.com
√ Visit our GFA partner – Mercury – for US banking solutons for your ecommerce businesss
√ Visit our GFA partner – Casia Cross Better Logistics – for your logistics needs
Episode Length 35:31
A huge thank you to Gianmarco for generously sharing your expertise, and to our incredible audience for listening in!
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Show Transcript
[00:00:00] Episode 416 of Global From Asia, and I’m back in the pool, trying to go into the pool. I hope I don’t drop the camera, for those watching. Everything is content in life, so, 416 shows, we have Gia and Marco. Today, and we’re talking about systems for your Amazon business, SOPs, handbooks, hiring, and more. Let’s tune in to the global from Asia [00:00:30] podcast where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice.
And now your host, Michael Michelinie. Everything is content and I’m in the pool at DCPKK. What’s up guys? And today we have a good podcast. We’re one month from cross border summit and I’m here in Bangkok at the dynamite circle event in the pool during [00:01:00] mastermind day. And what is up? What is up? GM Marko is on the on the show.
He’s a guest. He’s also going to be hosting the panel at our cross border summit on date. November 17, 2023. He is a seven figure seller and also a podcast host and creator like I am. And he’s sharing about SOPs and systematizing your business. Also something I’m very passionate about something. I wish I had learned a lot longer ago.
So if you want to get some tips and tricks and ideas of [00:01:30] how to systematize your e commerce and Amazon business, or just any business in general, we have a really fascinating discussion. We did this in person in Chiang Mai while he was in town, but he will be back. It’s also doing great things, making things happen, learning and growing.
I think he’s on track to get eight figures. I truly believe it. Let’s tune into the show. And then after the show, I’ll still be in this pool talking about some things I even learned at DCPKK and some things I’m going to share at the Cross Border Summit. Let’s tune into the [00:02:00] show. All right. We have Tommy, the sales manager at Cross Better Logistics.
How are you, Tommy? Hi. I’m fine. We just got to meet here in Shenzhen, China. It’s great. It’s great to be here. It’s And we also use them ourself for many of our brands and e commerce businesses. And Tommy really cares. He always tries to help us save money. You know, you have some products you keep for us in China.
You have some products you keep for us in the U. S. warehouse. And I really appreciate that. And you [00:02:30] can talk to the seller, right? You can give them your advice. You work with many Chinese sellers a lot, right? And you can help help them. Sellers understand more yeah, we are very professional for the shipment to USA and Canada Also, we have warehouse in USA and Canada.
We can have our factories supplies the sellers for the shipment Yeah, yeah for the e commerce business. Yep, and you even keep stuff in [00:03:00] China, too so sometimes if you have the Limitations of sending too much to Amazon you can keep it here in China with with cross better or Or you can send it, of course, to the U.
- warehouse. They have many different options and they’re always trying their best to find find out what’s the best solution for you. So definitely talk to Tommy, talk to Crossbetter, and thank you for your support of the community. Yes, we have good pricing and better service. Yes. Thank you. Thank you so much.
All right, we’re here for [00:03:30] another Global Formation podcast. It is a rainy summer day in Chiang Mai. We have, you know, three hardcore regulars. Ian, so loyal, and his wife. Thank you for coming. And Yuhua. Yuhu. Yuhua. Yuhua, I was right the first time visiting. So we’re recording this. Gianmarco is in town, Chiang Mai, for a month of August, right?
Yes. I’m going to stay here a couple of months. A couple of months. Nice. And we’ve, [00:04:00] we’ve, we’ve talked on WeChat groups and various, yeah, for years, many years, you know, we were both based in in China and we’re meeting now in Thailand. Yeah, the new world, the new world. Yeah. So, so you are a seller on Amazon and also a podcast host for the seller process.
Nice shirt, nice shirt. So that’s his podcast where he focuses on what we’re going to kind of go through today about SOPs. And there’s already people, Ian’s you[00:04:30]
- Sure, sure, yeah. So, basically you know, after, I’m originally from Italy. I, I, you know, moved to China after university. And I lived in Shanghai for six years. That’s where I started, you know, my first e commerce business. It was a, like a grocery store. Selling like Western foods to the Chinese market, very difficult business.
We got investors, you know, like like VC fund, you know [00:05:00] backing us. But even that after, you know, A couple of years, you know, I closed down that company. I learned a lot, but, you know, it was my first company at 23, and I did all the mistakes possible. But, you know, then I started doing the opposite, you know sourcing from China and selling in Western countries, and that was a much more successful.
Business and that’s still what I’m doing right now. I’m selling on Amazon you know, now grow, grow, grow to more than seven figures and, you [00:05:30] know, still growing and, and, and I’m also, you know, doing coaching and podcasting. Through through this podcast called The Seller Process where we, you know, discuss about systems, processes, and SOPs.
We’re again, going to talk about what SOPs are but this is a, a, a bit of my, you know, story and my background. Great. Thanks for that. I, I learned actually, obviously my name’s Italian Micheli. Yeah, right. And but I’m American born Ellis Island. You [00:06:00] know, my grandfather and great-grandfather both came to Ellis Island.
Hmm. I can go on for a long story, but the short story is, you know, they came to the land of opportunity and I I don’t know much about Italy, honestly, but I have a really cool, I love my Michellin name, everybody. Yeah. That’s cool. And and the second part of what you just said is, you know, everybody tries to go to China to sell into China, like the big Chinese market.
I’m gonna get rich one r and b, or $1 to a billion people. I’ll be a billionaire. And I also had a little bit of experience. [00:06:30] Selling on Taobao and it’s, it’s definitely hard. And that’s why Chinese sellers say they prefer Amazon or eBay or anything besides Chinese marketplaces. Cause they’re very, very, very cutthroat.
Like I know we all talk a lot about Chinese sellers on Amazon, but it’s even, I think even more dangerous or cutthroat in the Chinese e commerce. They just kill each other and they’ll, they’ll lose money to try to kill each other. Like it doesn’t matter. Like it’s totally like, you know, like bare, bare [00:07:00] knuckle fighting, like.
And and I, I, my Chinese friends would agree with me. They always… Say, like, why do you want to sell in China? When I came there, they were like, don’t sell in China. I’m like, oh, I want to sell to China. Yeah, true. And then we both, and every, most people go export, but Okay, so the seller process, we’re going to talk about SOPs, which we’ll talk, I mean, here’s our edge of the seat over there, like, what’s SOP?
And let’s start. That is actually the first question, you know, SOP. What is an SOP? Okay. Yeah, so SOP stands for Standard [00:07:30] Operating Procedures, okay? It’s a fancy word to say, like, the way you do things. Okay, so it’s basically the processes in your company so usually they are in a written or video form and it’s basically, you know, the documentation of the process of of your business.
So, so the way you do something, which is basically, you know, like a model of. The, the perfect process not perfect. I mean, the, the, the process that you process that you are doing in [00:08:00] currently in your business there are many ways that you can, you know, you can create an s o p, you know, it can, can be like a text version with, you know, just step by steps or all the, you know the, the task that needs to be done in order to accomplish, you know, a larger task and can be in video forms.
That for example, that’s, that’s usually, you know, the most common when you’re trying to share a process that is done in a computer on a, you know, online, for example. So [00:08:30] it’s, we’re all familiar with for example, YouTube tutorials, right? So it’s basically something like a tutorial that explains how something is done.
It can be in the form of a checklist, it can be a flowchart, a process map so it can have different forms depending on what kind of process you’re trying to, to share and who you’re trying to share it with. And so you will, you will adapt your SOPs based on that and, and your purpose. [00:09:00] So Yuhua’s a programmer and a lot of people like I’m not, I’m not a developer, but we call SOPs kind of like programming for non developers in business.
Because you can kind of connect them and it makes the process even like, you know, something even recording this, actually, we don’t really have SOPs for this. We should, but you know, we definitely have SOP for editing the podcast, you know, what steps, what’s the flow. And then I’ll be honest, I’m, I’m not as good as I used [00:09:30] to be about it, but You know, you can get very, you can put, like he said, a flow chart, you can put, like, step one, two, three, you can, who’s this for, what do you need to do it, how often do you do it, and it’s basically, like, connecting it, so you can have SOP right, so first one is this and I think a lot of times people make the mistake, because it seems like a daunting process to create one, it’s like, oh, like, you know, what, what do you, what do you usually say to somebody to get, to get started?
So, Yeah, I think that’s a [00:10:00] kind of usual misconception that people, you know, are afraid of. Oh, they say, oh, I need to, you know, write so much, you know, text and kind of record so many videos because obviously you’re doing so many things in your business. So it’s kind of a daunting process, but actually it doesn’t have to be that way.
It can be very, very simple. And, you know, like a suggestion that I always give to people who are new to SOPs is that. Just, you know, the next time you’re going to do a certain task simply, you know, open your zoom account, for [00:10:30] example do the screen sharing on your resume on zoom or loom. It’s, it’s another like popular app for screen recording and just do the task that you’re, you were going to do anyway, but.
This time, you know, comment it out loud, you know, so just say out loud what what you are doing while you are doing it Okay, so if you need to do if you were going to do for example, like creating a shipping plan on Amazon FBA, for example So you were going to do it [00:11:00] anyway, but this time just open your screen recording and do it and comment it That’s, that’s your first SOP, basically.
After you, you close the recording, you, you have actually done the task that you were supposed to do, and you create an SOP for other people to, to come. We can talk about also the benefits of SOPs, but this is in a nutshell, you know, the way you can start. Yeah. Yeah, so for me, I used to do text when I first started, but yeah, it’s a lot more [00:11:30] work.
I guess some people might prefer text. But yeah, video usually is easier for the business owner that’s busy, because you’re doing the process anyways. You’re adding extra stuff to edit, to record it. But now with like, Zoom is free, Loom is free, there’s so many free ones. Of course there’s paid recording, but you can use a lot of free ones.
Then you just save it as mp4 or you can upload it to a file, put it in a Google Doc, wrap it all together. And then yeah, like I make mine are usually like five [00:12:00] minutes long. Snoop watches some of them. I do. A five minute, and you just talk out loud, right? I just say, this is what I’m doing, this is why I’m doing it.
This is what, maybe other ways. But, yeah, I mean, What are, My other question is, how many do you think people need to make, generally? Is there a way to count? Not really, right? Well my suggestion with SOPs is always do as many as needed and as little [00:12:30] as possible. You know, so I, you know, I do coaching and I found lots of people, you know, asking me about SOPs.
There are people who don’t know anything about that and they ask me. To start, you know, from scratch, some other people are like SOP freaks. So they go and create SOPs for everything in their company, even the like little tiny things. And they’re overdoing it, you know, so you don’t need to create an SOP if you’re not if it’s a very simple task or you’re not going to delegate that task.
Okay, [00:13:00] because in SOP, most of the time it’s used to delegate a task, to transfer knowledge. Basically, you’re putting what’s in your head in a piece of paper, on
a sheet, or in a video, a document, a spreadsheet, you know. So, you’re essentially, you know, putting your, transferring your knowledge into something tangible that can be then transferred easily. Okay, so you just need to do enough [00:13:30] to, to delegate what you need to delegate. True. I think I make that mistake.
She’s laughing because she’s behind the camera. I have to, we call it the Bible, but thousands. I’ve kind of gone that mistake where Overdoing it. Well, I do it because I’m going to explain to them anyway, so I might as well record it. That’s kind of, but then there becomes so many. Yeah, but then you could search it.
So maybe we talk about where do people Store it, [00:14:00] usually, or what do you recommend? Yeah, okay, that’s a good question, also, because it’s a best practice that I don’t see many people doing, is to create, like, an SOP index. So I have, basically like a spreadsheet, which is a database of all the SOPs I have.
So just to give a little context on how I do that, and how I suggest doing it. So basically I divided my company into departments. Okay, which I gave numbers and names. So department number one, for example, is inventory [00:14:30] management. Department number two is, for example content creation and marketing.
Okay I actually have the full list of what I’m, how I’m doing it in my e book. So… So in each, in each of this department, there, there is a, a master, a master document that collects all the SOP in that department. And all the SOPs are numbered in, in order to be easily find that you, you can easily find them.
So for example, department number one will have a document in which the [00:15:00] first SOP is, it’s called 1. 1. Plus obviously the name of the SOP and then the second is 1. 2 and so on. Okay. So then you can collect all these SOPs into the, the index spreadsheet where you can find them easily by number of department and and by, by name.
Okay. So everything is stored in In documents on on drive. So I, I like to keep it simple. There are some, some places, like some tools that you can use also to store [00:15:30] SOPs. I don’t like that. I, I like to own 100% of the SOPs. So these are like simple text SOPs stored in my, in Google Docs, in a Google Drive folder.
Simple. And every s o p most of SOPs have some links to. Something external that can be like a video and the video it’s recorded Downloaded and I mean uploaded on on drive. Okay, so I own 100 percent of [00:16:00] the content that it’s stored in the SOP, okay? I would say don’t do the mistake of, you know, putting it, putting them in some external service that someday, you know, it can become paid and you cannot do, and you cannot use them the same way as you used to.
So, just own all of them and use, use the, the main, the main simple tools like Google Drive. We can talk about And then the usability and the management of the SOP [00:16:30] that goes into like a project management tool. But like the storage, it’s, it’s basically done on, on Google Drive and, and Docs. Yeah, so the worst experience and again, Snook’s great, she’s here.
Is when you it’s actually very hard because we do screen, other people make the documents now? And screenshots and then they send a screenshot and then you click that link like six months later. Oh yeah. Page no longer found. You know, like this [00:17:00] service doesn’t store pictures for more than six months or you need to pay or yeah, that’s the worst.
I go crazy. Like when they start sharing me links, like short links that upload an image to like these services or I tell them if you do this to me, just don’t, don’t. This is just a short term. This is not like a long term. Like even loom or Dropbox I’m just so scared that they don’t pay for the subscription.
They change their account. They change the name of the [00:17:30] file You know, it’s it’s the worst. It’s the worst because then you’re like, ah, what was that? It’s like not found no longer enabled renamed So yeah, like he second what he had said So let’s go to the next major part. Like you said project management.
So you wrap Just together even this morning, like we’re doing brand registry right now for Amazon. Our U. S. trademark expired when we bought a brand and expired, couldn’t get the guy to help us transfer it. So we had to make a new brand registry, but I luckily had a SOP [00:18:00] and it’s the best feeling in the world.
At least for me is when you can find something you already made a video on or SOP just say here, it’s the best. But yeah, like you said earlier, so much upfront work creating it. But it’s so refreshing when you can just say here’s an SOP. Yeah, exactly. I mean, it doesn’t have to be a lot of upfront work, actually.
You know, it can be done on a you know, when needed, whenever needed, you know. The first time you’re actually doing that thing, you know. Record [00:18:30] it or create the SOP. It can be simple and also one way I kind of a hack that I use to create SOPs is that delegate the creation of SOPs, you know, so for example, what I do sometimes is like very simply on a meeting, for example, or, or I would record a video just to explain a task very simply, not, not in detail because I know my, my team already knows Maybe 50 percent of that, so I just tell them do this, this, [00:19:00] and that, please, and then at the end create a a full SOP because we also have, you know, kind of an SOP to make SOPs because an SOP should have a certain structure that we always respect, you know, we can talk more about that, but there is a kind of a structure that we follow So that all SOP looks similar and they have certain elements.
But essentially you can delegate that to, to your, to your VAs or assistants or teammates. Sometimes what I do [00:19:30] also to create an SOP is that actually today I think we received a kind of a complaint by a Shopify customer and I said, okay give them the refund and give them a issue like a discount, a coupon discount on Shopify and she never did it because We usually, you know, work on mostly on Amazon, which is not used to a Shopify.
And I said, just go on Google search. It’s super easy to find, you know, any guide on YouTube to explain you how [00:20:00] to, how to do that after you learn it, please make the SOP. So now we have, you know, our internal SOP to. To create, to create that coupon and one of the main benefit is what you mentioned before like whenever you, you scale and add more people in your team, training becomes seamless, you know, like you don’t need to spend hours or days in training your team.
You can simply, you know, hand over your SOPs, you say, learn this in the first three [00:20:30] days and they will, will know what to do from, from the beginning. You don’t need to spend time. Maybe yeah, you keep getting us interested like a couple of points So I think first is like maybe a quick outline of how an SOP Is made and then we can talk about the project management system.
Yeah, sure. So The SOP, usually I always try to create a text based SOP that has Other forms of [00:21:00] media that supports that, okay? So you know, text is the most, you know, boring version of an SOP. So I always try to, to have, you know, like, images or vid videos are the best, I would say. Or checklists and flowcharts and so on.
So for for each SOP there is always A text based SOP that gives the steps. But most of the time the steps are like, watch this video. This is step number one and only, only step, watch this video. That, and in that video you will find all the steps in [00:21:30] detail. But before going to the steps, usually we always say things like, we always mention things like the trigger.
Like, how often do you need to perform this task? There are tasks that need to be performed on a daily basis, weekly, monthly, and so on, right? So you should specify, like, how often do you, do you perform that specific task? For example, if it’s updating a PNL, obviously it’s on like a monthly thing. If you need to do something related to [00:22:00] inventory management might be like on a weekly basis and so on.
Okay. Or customer service. It’s a, it’s a daily SOP. Okay. So they need to follow that process every day. Okay. And so on for every other. And one important thing I always add is the why is this important? Okay. Because many times, you know, your team might not have the full picture as you do. You understand every single part of your business, but your team might not.
So what you do is that [00:22:30] you should add, why is this important? You don’t want people just to blindly focus a checklist and just do automatically, you know, that, that, that task, those steps. You want them to really feel why, why it’s important what they’re doing. How that process fits in the overall.
You know, big process of managing the business. Okay, I think that’s a, that’s a little thing, but it’s very important, you know, to motivate people to keep them engaged with your business. [00:23:00] And then going to the project management question I always suggest to use a project management tool. I personally, I use Asana.
Might not be the, it’s pretty good. It’s pretty good. But I heard also other tools like ClickUp or Monday are also good. I heard good good feedback. I personally use Asana. I would say it’s a must if you have a team or even if you are by yourself. I use it a lot just to manage my own projects.
Because it, [00:23:30] it makes everything more, more streamlined and more… More organized. Basically what you, Asana, Asana, it managed your projects helps you manage your projects like you can assign yourself or your team tasks that that you and your team will follow and it allows you to, to create certain, you know add some elements to, to the, to the task that it would be very difficult to do otherwise, like adding priority or [00:24:00] adding you know, the, the amount of time estimated amount of time or having subtasks.
In, in, on, on a bigger task. So it, it basically blends with your SOP. The SOP is like how you do things, but Asana is the practical place where things happen. Like every morning, you wake up or the, the, your team wake, no, wake up when they go to work. They start, you know, they open Asana, and they look at…
What are the [00:24:30] tasks that are in, in their board that are assigned to them? One good thing about Asana is that you can you can work with dates in a very flexible way. So basically you can add due dates and recurring tasks. This is like really, really essential in a business, I would say.
Whenever you need to perform a task on a, on a recurring basis. Asana makes this automatic, you know so like we said before, some SOPs run every day or every week [00:25:00] or something like that, but in Asana you have exactly that function to make a task appear in the board of that person when it needs to be done, okay?
So basically every team member, you know, check what needs to be done. Actually do it, click you know, as completed and, and move on to the next task. And you, as a business owner, you have control of what’s going on. Not just control, I mean, but you know, you’re informed [00:25:30] of what your team is doing and where they’re at, at the moment.
We can go deeper, there’s so many things to discuss about Asana, but yeah. Yeah, I, I second that. I’m actually using Perfect CRM. It’s open source, so I, not actually open source, it’s a paid script. We saw our own server. I was using a sauna before. And the value of any of these project management tools, like you said, is the, so in our, our company, we call it two different things.
We call the S. O. P. S. The handbook, and we call the project management the [00:26:00] portal. I don’t know how I picked these names. We call it portal. The portal is where you actually do your work and you measure, we actually has time tracking inside of it too. So you put their task and then you link to the SOP or the handbook, right?
So that the description, I try not to put too much in the Asana or the project management. I just say SOP here, click to that, and then they can read the directions, update the directions. And the Asana is more like a throwaway. It’s just really to measure time, to see what you need to do, prioritize. But you [00:26:30] don’t really, I don’t, at least I don’t put much.
Content inside of it. It’s more just like a skeleton that says do this that time do that to this time and then with a link to the SOP in the project management tool. Exactly. Yeah, that’s the way I also do. Yeah. Great. I think we covered, you know, of course, like you said, honestly, I geek out about this stuff too.
And Maybe just, what do you, for e commerce specifically, FBA, maybe, maybe for an e commerce seller, what do you think is the most important thing they should do with, like, SOPs or or this process? Well, [00:27:00] I mean, I think SOPs apply to every, every type of business, right? I would say e commerce, it’s, it’s a, it’s a type of business that you know, you can specifically use SOPs very well because you can standardize a lot of.
procedures, you know it’s not a very, I mean there are parts that are creative in e commerce, but a lot of, a lot of other tasks are very, you know, like standardized, you know, like you always do the same, like week over week, you know, like inventory management, customer [00:27:30] service and things like that.
Even creative things actually can be. Standardized in a way, like we have lots of guidelines for designers, for example, so everything can be, can be, you know if you have, if you can think about something, you can translate that into words, and those words can be written somewhere. Okay, so, so we shouldn’t, people should not fall into the trap of thinking that You know, maybe because they’re solopreneurs, most of e commerce sellers, many e commerce sellers, [00:28:00] they start as solopreneurs, so they think SOPs or systems don’t apply to them.
So that’s, that I would say it’s one of the main mistakes I see e commerce sellers make. And also, you know, sometimes they think that the there’s certain tasks that they, they are the only one that can do those tasks. Yeah, that’s true. Okay? So and that’s also, you know, like an excuse and it’s not true at all because, you know, if you learn it, somebody else can learn it as [00:28:30] well.
Maybe, maybe it means that you are not hiring the right people if they are not able to do what you’re asking. And, and to be honest, it’s just arrogant to think that, that you only can do something, you know, it just, just doesn’t make sense. Or maybe fear. They’re scared to let go. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So this is kind of a skill that obviously and every entrepreneur, it’s a basic entrepreneurial skill, right?
Like letting go and trusting other people, right? So if you want to stay at like an [00:29:00] entry level entrepreneur, let’s say you are fine with your little business with just by yourself. Okay, good. But if you want to scale, and which, you know, most people actually have the desire to do it, they need to embrace that mindset, you know, to let go, delegate, build a team, and so on, and create SOPs.
Agreed. And then some people feel like it’s not creative, it makes it boring. But my response to that is it actually makes you more creative. Exactly. Because I don’t need to kind [00:29:30] of remember how to do the repetitive things, or even my team, they can focus on more, more impactful work than just the repetitive Work if they don’t have a SOP and they’re wasting time like learning every time or figuring it out Yeah.
And it’ll like lower your productivity. Exactly. It frees up mental energy. Yeah. Basically. Yeah. Because you know, if you, every time you need to do something, you need to think about every step, you need to remember every step is going to take some mental energy. Instead, if you, if you follow a [00:30:00] checklist, you just follow that, you do it like very fast.
Yeah. You always with the same consistency, you know, the same, same level of yeah, the same level of output and, and then you can, you free up your mind to do more creative things. Great. Yeah. So we’ll open up to questions. Maybe we’ll cut the recording, but before we get off the recording, you know, you have a podcast.
I think I’ll be a guest soon. How can people find out about your show and other things that you’re doing? Yeah, for sure. I mean, they can [00:30:30] find me on LinkedIn with my name, Gianmarco Melli, maybe you can spell it they can find the spelling in the show notes. My, my podcast is called The Seller Process.
You can find, you can see here if you’re, if you’re looking at, if you’re watching the video. And we, yeah, we I interview sellers or, or business experts in the topics of SOPs and systems it’s mostly a show for like six, seven figure sellers and above, you know, we talk about scaling the business, not so [00:31:00] much about, you know, the basics.
And and I also do coaching one to one like coaching, mentoring to sellers that wants to. You know systematize their business or, or improve something about their business. Yeah, so they can find me on my website the seller process. com. Perfect. All right. Thanks so much. You’re welcome. Thank you.
to our sponsor, our returning sponsor, mercury. com online bank was a real bank, but you can totally online for us, our blimp program. [00:31:30] Participants are going through this as well. Thank you. Mercury. Travis is great. There’s been on our shows, been in our events. We’re going to have another event where. We will have them attending as well.
And if you want to get a little bonus for you and us, if you sign up and do some special circumstances, you can go to global from Asia. com slash mercury. I also have a video tutorial that we use even for the blimp people. I use the same exact video to learn how to use it. I hope you can check it out.
Totally free. Why not see you there? I am getting some [00:32:00] cool eyeballs here back there. They’re looking at me, but whatever, man, I’m in the pool, this camera. I figured if I drop this. Camera, I don’t really care, I’ve had, hopefully the footage here is gonna last, but I’ve been using this since 2015 for vlogs and podcasts and content all around the world, so, whatever man.
But, I hope you enjoyed this podcast with Gianmarco, he’s a Italian, a real Italian, Italian born, I’m Italian American, 25 percent technically, my [00:32:30] name is Michelini, and we are making things happen, you know? He’s also an action taker, content creator. So what did I learn, you know, it’s only the second day of DCPKK, but what I learned so far yesterday, Bri Moreau is great.
He is, actually talking about systematizing your business, he gives chickens and pigs to some of his top performing staff in Pakistan. So I like that, I like that man, he gives [00:33:00] bonuses in real chickens. I gotta get Bri on this show again, he was on, I think he was on a podcast before, maybe I’m gonna ask him to come on, I think that would be a pretty cool idea.
But I got a tip, Superboss, this is a book he recommends. Also, looking to more ideas, of course, Amazon e commerce. I shared a little bit yesterday, I had a little meetup about Amazon selling here. Met some cool people, as always. We were talking about insert cards. One guy, he didn’t get banned for insert cards, but he was asking for reviews.
Amazon [00:33:30] actually asked him to stop doing it. They didn’t ban him, because he’s a humongous seller, but the contact guy says, don’t do this anymore. So he stopped putting it. But I was still talking, I said you can still do an ambassador program. You can give early, early reviewers, you know, early people using, Oh, it’s getting more shallow here.
Interesting. You know, we were talking about the ambassadors and, and he does have it, but I was saying give the new edition of your product to them for, for support for reviews. So that was an interesting [00:34:00] one. And some other tips was NetSuite CRM for getting addresses, which is something I got to start to study.
I don’t know enough. And I am going to probably work with more Chinese sellers. That was a good point to work with Chinese sellers. Yeah, I think our team should work more closely with Amazon sellers. Great, I don’t need to use the ladder to get out. I can walk out here. So, that’s some of, some of the clips I’m, I’m learning.
And, but again, just like Gianmarco was sharing, systematizing your business is a big topic here. [00:34:30] And, you know, it’s never ending. Never ending. I’m, I’m always learning. John Maxwell books are great. I’ve read Leadership Matters three times now. Just finished a third. But I think as we grow our businesses, we realize our job is to be leaders, to be coaches, to be mentors, to grow our team.
I’m so proud of the team that I manage and Alvin here, how, how many years Alvin been with us? I think since 2016 editing this for, well, it’s three, seven years. Thanks [00:35:00] for everything, but we’re reliant on our team and we, we need to work for them. We need to help coach them, grow them, inspire them, develop them.
And that’s, I think, my main job. Thanks for watching. And see you next time. To get more info about running an international business, please visit our website at www. globalfromasia. com That’s www. globalfromasia. com Also, be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed. Thanks for tuning in.[00:35:30]
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