We are talking about sustainability – thinking about the environment and a new way of doing BRB trading especially in today’s world.
Our guest – Fernanda Tisserant, a Brazilian entrepreneur who is a mover and a shaker. I met her in Shenzhen 10 years ago and have always been doing import export and she will share some insights with us today about how we should really think about the environment. Let’s tune in.
Topics Covered in this Episode
Introduce Fernanda
We met in Shenzhen, China back in the day! You’ve always impressed me with your ability to make business deals and connections, and I am excited to have you on the show today – can you introduce yourself to everyone? Where you’re from, what you do, where you currently are.
How did you get into international business and trade?
You’ve been doing B2B trading since I’ve known you – how did you get in?
What are some of the main things you do on a day to day basis?
How to stay ahead in today’s rapidly changing environment?
How to keep up with current policies and trading regulations?
Your team, your setup
How do you work, you have a company setup ? A team? What is the inner workings of what you do/
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ Fernanda’s VIP Page
√ Visit our GFA partner – Mercury – for US banking solutons for your ecommerce businesss
Episode Length 43:52
Thank you so much, Fernanda for sharing. I hope everybody got some new inspiration and ideas. We have to think about sustainability. We have to integrate this into our businesses, whether it’s B2B or B2C. Try to think of ways in your product in your business to actually do things for the earth.
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Show Transcript
[00:00:00] Episode 338 of Global from Asia. We are talking to a very interesting one about, you know, being very friendly to the earth and a new way of doing B2B trading and thinking about the environment, especially in a new world that we’re entering. Let’s tune in. Welcome to the Global from Asia podcast where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice.
[00:00:27] And now your host, Michael Michelini. Thank you everybody for choosing to listen to, or maybe watch. We have the video version and talking to myself on camera. But, I hope everybody enjoys episode 338. Fernanda Tisserant, she’s a Brazilian entrepreneur, a mover and shaker. I met her in Shenzhen, met like, I think 10 years ago, if you can believe it.
[00:00:52] And she was, she was working hard, then she’s working hard now she’s over in Europe. Now we, we reconnected and I thought it’d be great to have her on the show to give us some insights. She’s, she’s always been doing import export since I’ve known her. She shares some of that, but she mostly talks about how we need to really think about the environment, sustainability and adding that into our B2B trading import export, because.
[00:01:16] One, I mean, I think, I think this whole COVID thing is the earth telling humans we have been beating up the earth too much polluting and doing all these horrible things to it and not caring and just caring about the short term. But not just that, but there’s governments now that are you know, looking into environments and sustainability and you can actually make decision part of your business, part of your sales process.
[00:01:38] And she gives some amazing insights. So let’s, let’s tune into the show. And then after actually we’re really happy, she’s also in our mastermind, GFAVIP masterminds, and she she’s heading up a table about B2B trading and it’s going really well. So let’s tune into the show. Are you looking for a US banking solution for your e-commerce or your online based business?
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[00:02:18] And for GFA, if you use our special link and a special offer, globalfromasia.com/mercury. It also supports the show. So thank you in advance. Okay. Thank you everybody for, I don’t know if you’re watching live or recorded where Fernanda is also an audio podcast listener. I know a lot of us are listening, but we have video and we have live.
[00:02:39] So you might be seeing us on Facebook or YouTube or iTunes, but thank you. Thank you for choosing to listen to our show. And honestly, I’m excited, an old friend and, and she’s a very experienced business woman. And,we’re going to have a fun conversation, Fernanda Tisserant. I hope I said it correct, correct? Yes.
[00:03:00] And she’s, she’s an international. B2B import export experts. I met her in Shenzhen, China back 2000 and like eight, nine, 10 or so. And she’s now in Slovenia. And trade between Slovenia and South America. I believe you’re Brazilian right by Brazil, Brazilian. And, you know, you’re, you’ve studied Chinese.
[00:03:33] I think that’s what you were doing a lot. You’re doing China studies when we had met and you’re, you’re, you’re a CEO and founder of D trade company. And you’re also doing some sustainability talk for the developing markets, which we’ll talk about today and just really doing business development and also commodities trading.
[00:03:55] And many, many amazing things. So thanks so much for making it on our show today Fernanda. Thank you. Great to be here. Yeah. Yeah. So let’s, let’s get started. How did this start? You’re, you’re in, where in Brazil are you from? Like, it’s a beautiful country. I almost made it once. Well, I’m actually from South of Brazil, the name of the city’s Curitiba.
[00:04:22] I didn’t know if any of you actually ever heard about it. But kind of, the Europe from Brazil, because a lot of immigrants from Europe went there after, after the war. So I’m basically half French, half Italian. So being here in Europe is not such a big of a change for me, you know, like culturally, cultural, culture saying right now.
[00:04:46] So yeah, I actually just thought it in 2009, I never actually had experience with trading before. You know, I actually had a friend of mine that was in China and they needed an export manager for, for the company. And, you know, he trusted me the less, the first one that they went there, you know?
[00:05:06] Trading is right once you have the time, once you have the supplier, if you just give the supplier to everybody, it’s not like that. So it’s a process. You go there, choose the supplier carefully. You go for a visit to see if they produce well. Well, is the whole work behind a good product, right? So, the last person that worked there, I think they had problems with that.
[00:05:30] And, and they, they just say, okay, are you up to it? You know, I had some experience with, with selling, but not really with trading. So I basically did everything from scratch there. Yeah. I had no, no education on trade whatsoever. So I really learned on the go pretty hard, because it’s supposed to be telling your back and you need to study at the same time and you need to deal with the clients.
[00:05:57] So it’s a, it’s a lot of things at the same time and I think today, I work very well under pressure because of that. I guess, because Russia was excellent motivation for me, you know? Yeah. So that’s how we started actually. And then I never stopped. Yeah. I mean, it’s still going, which is why, was why we were so I’m so happy to have you share with us today.
[00:06:21] And, so then you spend time in China and like you said, and how did you get to Slovakia? Slovenia. Then I knew I was going to do that.
[00:06:37] Let’s say, you know, I met somebody in China and we fell in love and I decided to move here. After few years together, that unfortunately didn’t work. But I’m still here. I like the country. No, I don’t really, I can be anywhere, but right now it really fits me. Slovenia, I know it’s a tiny country, it’s safe, it’s beautiful.
[00:07:03] My business is just going well. You know, people can come here and visit me. I’m happy to show them the city. So
[00:07:18] on a, in a networking room and, and also in Europe, maybe they can come visit you. So I’m gonna look it up on the map. But so then, so you’re trading, I know B2B trading, so you’re working with China, mostly supply side. And Oh yeah, Elena’s here. And you’re, Elena’s in Serbia, so maybe yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:07:41] That’s true. Yeah. We’ll get you into networking soon, connect. And she was also in Shenzhen too for awhile. And, so, so, let me see here. So, so, so now the business is trading. Is it, so China to Europe, South America? What kind of deals are you doing? Like what, what kind of trading are you doing? Sorry, I might have, you didn’t hear her because there was some construction going on outside, so I just, wow.
[00:08:16] I was just saying, so like what kind of training are you doing? You know, like, niches or locations or your, your global, like, is it a,
[00:08:27] I, I tried to, it’s basically the whole world to be honest. From, I work in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, US, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Japan, Australia.
[00:08:48] Romania, Slovenia, Portugal and maybe I’m missing something, but I think that’s it. Yeah.
[00:09:04] Impressive. So, so how does that, how did, I don’t know if you want to share, how do you, how do you, how do you do these deals? Like, how do you find, how do you make these deals kind of happen? Maybe we can, well, it’s networking, right? I, I meet my clients for networking, in fairs or something that I like, like, you know what I do go for networking, or just because you’re there to search new clients or, or searching new suppliers, you know?
[00:09:33] Most of them was, were in fairs or their friends have already it’s all mine. America is a country that, you cannot just go into fare and find the client. It doesn’t happen. So you need to be, somebody needs to recommend you, right. Okay. So how, how my business at work. Somebody had business with me.
[00:09:58] they like a product. They like the follow up. They like the service and then, yeah. And then they just pass the word to somebody else and just people contact me and so on and so forth. Awesome. Okay. Got it. And then, let’s, uh, let’s, let’s learn from, from this. So. You’re doing like it’s B2B business trading, like, eh, um, you know, I love to just learn how, how could people learn?
[00:10:27] What you, you know, how could you help some people wanting to do what you do or want to do to B2B trading? Uh, well, um, I would recommend them now to start, like, I am actually getting this sustainability side of it. Right which is basically needs, need help and try to, to bring them some way that they did develop themselves, you know?
[00:10:53] It’s not, um, nowadays we need to think not just profit, not just as a profit side, but also the impact towards the, they call it ESG, which means environmental, social, and governmental. Right. So I need to see, okay. The value is not just in the, in the, in the profit you take, but also what you bring to the society.
[00:11:15] What do you, what, what kind of damages you’re not doing to the environment? So that’s something new that’s coming up and it’s going to be really important from now on because you, when has an agenda for 2030, they have field sustainable development goals, what they call it, which are 17 points that companies need to work towards.
[00:11:37] Right. Like a, iIf you’ll do some work to, I don’t know, to clean the seas or to help poverty to be extinguished from the world, uh, we are in 2020, right. And you still have people dying of hunger, which is completely absurd. Right. And we as companies or individuals. We need to do something towards that.
[00:12:02] We cannot just think as individuals. Hey, I’m here. My life’s great. No, we need to bring something to the world too. So yeah, that’s actually what I’m doing now, developing projects, together, my amazing team, uh, which, we basically bring solutions to governments and to communities that need to develop.
[00:12:27] Right. And you stand up just bringing them, a product or something, we are bringing them the way of doing it. Right. So they, they produce and then consume in this area. So they reach to stay there and they can develop. And there’s a cycle, right? There’s that’s how we actually erase poverty. Yeah. And also how we reach countries too.
[00:12:51] It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t need to be a poor country or a, you know, an undeveloped country like Europe. Okay. We have undeveloped countries here, but most of us, most of the countries here are, they are, you know, they’re pretty well on their feet. Right. And we have examples for instance, in Barcelona, which they, develop all these, inner trading, let’s say, you know, So it’s basically what my, my, my advice to people that are starting now with trade is to go to small communities, see what they need, if either is no technological, improvement or no, something like that, because I think, uh, more and more electronics are, are very, are being very well done in China and much more tomorrow, uh, important to, to.
[00:13:45] So yeah, like if you were starting now, I would just recommend that, you know, to, to say to this, all this points, also the sustainability, not just the profit side, you know, because this will also bring a company to spotlight, you know, they’re doing something for the world and it’s the one. So I think, yeah, we’re chatting before the recording and a trade for eight.
[00:14:07] Is that, is that what it’s called? Exactly. Yeah.
[00:14:15] And that’s, um, what they basically is what I said, they see what the, what, which are the problematic areas, right. They go there and they develop trading. So for instance, in Africa, right, they have a lot of things, very isolated, very impovered, Not tribes, let’s say communities. Right. And when they have products, they’re, you know, they have, I don’t know, like.
[00:14:43] Uh, no colors or, you know, some kind of jewelry and they are starting to make business out of that. Right. I have one company that’s from Thailand it’s a very small community there. They have 10,000, 12,000 people and they do these hammocks, you know, wait, wait, do a natural fibers and all, and now what we did is basically we inject some investment there.
[00:15:10] So they have. Yeah, they have, now they have no money to do their company and they can actually export these hammocks, you know, and we do all this work behind that. We made the website, we have to give them all these acceleration of the businesses. Right. Which is basically showing them how to show themselves to the world because they have no clue.
[00:15:31] They don’t know what to do. They don’t know how to, show their product. So what do we do is basically, we showed the background story of it. Well, how a person that is buying this hammock is actually helping this community to grow to develop and also is a sustainable thing because it’s something natural from there.
[00:15:50] They are not, you know, devastating forest or anything. So. Page is it’s something that helps everybody. Right. And you buy something, it’s much better to buy something from Walmart. Right. And heavy because that’s, I don’t mean that Walmart is not doing some sustainable stuffs. Right. But for sure, hammocks are not from Thailand.
[00:16:12] Yeah. I love it. I love it. So, so then it’s like a complete package. So there’s so a community like let’s, let’s, let’s go with this hammock thing then. So they come to your company then. They may be need. They have no way to get online. They have no way to get what they need done and you can help them do everything.
[00:16:34] Get company, get some web customers, getting fast mills from different companies, right. That are, that are, that want to invest in sustainable businesses. Right. So what we are actually doing now, me and my team are doing a platform where we have all this projects. They are all based on these 17 sustainable development goals that I told you from the UN.
[00:17:02] And we, you know, if, if there’ll be, this is my project, so I’m not really, um, They don’t really apply to the 17 SDGs. We actually try to polish them and make them look fit to put in our platform. Right. So we have like a, an outreach group that will do all that. Right. And as soon as the project’s there, uh, we have ours, uh, our investors, right.
[00:17:27] And invest in the project. Awesome. Wow. That does sound really, really awesome. So. What are you looking for more now? Investment investors or investment companies?
[00:17:43] Yeah, investors, the people that want to put your company towards the, those, those causes. Right? So to make, to make a better world. Yeah we need that.
[00:18:00] Yeah. And so there’s a 17 points from the UN that by 2030 they have their KPI. And then does, is UN helping, helping, I guess they must help. Right. Or now. Yeah of course, they do. They don’t totally. I mean, uh, we have people involved that are within UN so they really help us on that, you know, not just we context, but also, uh, okay.
[00:18:24] This area needs these. These are any, that this area has a very good project, so they pick, they handpick things, you know, to, to show us and we can deliver that to investors then. Okay. Okay. And then, so for people tuning in how they could work with your company to, to get involved on all these different ways.
[00:18:49] Like what if, how could people help you? Well actually, the profile or person that, that you know, that that’d be good to connect would be people that, either they want to invest. Right. Or they have, I don’t know anything that can add up to this cause. You know, there so many different types of companies that can adapt to the, right?
[00:19:15] Software companies, uh, trading companies, because then you bring the products that this community needs. Imagine you apply there this project and they don’t have a mobile phone or a computer, you know, you need them to supply all these things. Right? Most of the things are technological, as I said because everything is sourced, the technology.
[00:19:38] So, if you don’t have technology, you cannot, you cannot run those those platforms. Right. So, yeah. And I think that’s what connects as well. Right? The phones, the smartphones and so on. Yeah, I agree. So Eulaina’s really interested. I think you guys will really get along and she could even visit you. I think,
[00:20:07] bring her up on stage. She says she can do it. She’s asking, like, I’ll ask a question while I’m bringing her up, but she’s asking about the, average investments or what, how much somebody would do it’s up to the person because either individuals or companies can, can, can can invest right?
[00:20:26] So you can go, you know, can start, it starts one, $1 to whatever you can, you can actually, um, invest in the whole project too. If the whole project costs 350 or a million dollars, it’s up to you to actually, uh, put this investment on it, you know? Okay. Oh yeah. I’ll let you lead us here. I don’t know if she can get video on, but I couldn’t go out and get my a camera to work, but, yeah, I’m listening and it’s very interesting and it resonates with me because I, I love sustainability and I’m working on supply chain, sustainability of supply chain air.
[00:21:06] I know all about, UN sustainable development goals, stuff like that, I guess, on a different scale. Uh, but these, these projects I think are very useful for communities that, you know, just to give them, let’s say a channel to, to sell their products. So they don’t even, you know, affect the environment exactly.
[00:21:33] In that process you also educate them, educate them to educate them too, too about finance, right? So they don’t go up. They don’t go again to the same problem of poverty. You keep them on track and you go down to this sustainable and this growth cycle right now. It’s just a beautiful thing.
[00:21:57] When did you start to working on this? I’ve always been involved, you know, a donator. I donate a lot of money for a lot of solutions. I’m doing that same stuff. Since I started earning money, to be honest. Yeah, I really, I, uh, lately I have these, you know, PPE projects so with some governments and I donated a lot to, to institutions, organizations, shelters animal welfares, organizations, um, you know, it was more than hundreds and 150 around.
[00:22:31] So. I saw myself. Okay. I’m at the mater. I’m not getting anything for that. We imagine if we can actually put money and actually get it back as a turn, you know, you’ll be investors towards great causes. So I, yeah. So I also with that, what with that mindset, um, it happened, but actually just projects that I just mentioned here with this platform is the one we have been working already for a year.
[00:22:57] A friend of mine, a very dear friend of mine from my hometown actually came to me and shared his idea. And it was just lovely. And I had the perfect person also to, to work with that as our feedback, which is Lavinia in person. So it was just great, you know, I mean the team is amazing and I’m just very, very glad to have met all these people so far.
[00:23:20] Okay. Okay. Yeah, we have some even, Chance. I don’t know if Jess can join in the stage, but he’ll, he’ll probably network after Chance. Chance is like it guru in our community. And I think even like Eulaina was like, uh, so the investment is, you know, it’s, it’s sometimes dangerous to say that even a word, dangerous, you know, investment, they mean, cause there’s obviously some bad.
[00:23:43] People that take advantage of advent of this, you know, like in, in the non-profit or the, you know, donation kind of world, uh, what’s the transparency or what could somebody see? You know, if they wanted to invest in this, how would that work? You’re asking Eulaina or me. Oh, you, sorry. Sorry. No. Yeah. So basically our system is, is backed with the blockchain system, right?
[00:24:09] Blockchain. Yeah. You have a lot of transparency of it because all the money’s there every transaction you do is on the block, blockchain list. So not, you cannot say, Hey, I got this and I did the real thing you would do. You got less than that, you know? So it’s like very clear, it’s very transparent. You know, it’s just a way that we can really make people more willing to donate, to, to invest, you know, Okay.
[00:24:40] Do we even need the blockchain? Just like, Hey great, I’m investing amazing because I was donating so much. So for me it was just like, okay, that’s a great opportunity. So I think we also want to get all these people that don’t already donate. They’re already working towards this cause to just, you know, have the chance to have some ROI, right.
[00:25:01] Some return of investment. So yeah.
[00:25:07] I’m sorry, what’s the regular return investment, that, that you’re seeing. I mean, it’s, uh, I guess the, the projects are, are on a smaller scale, but it can easily scale up, right. If we’re not focusing the whole world, right. We are starting now in South America, of course, with them to be of all that. And then we’re spreading all over all over because it’s something that you can apply in one community that needs, we can apply all the same thing with very minor adjustments to another, you know, considering is a system.
[00:25:42] It just apply there. So
[00:25:48] got it. It’s great. We’re talking about all sizes of projects, to be honest, if you vary from strong, from place to place. Right? So, we, you have all sorts of projects for all sorts of all investors profile. Yeah, I mean, like. how do I choose what I can invest in. You can select by you like that, that project will bring, or if you’re related to some community, for instance, you can be actually the person leaving the community.
[00:26:29] And also you can invest on that. Right? Anybody can do that. Either, like I say, a person like a individual or a company. So if it, whatever’s closer to your hearts, if this SDG there that brings to this comp to this project is more dear to you. I don’t know if they’re saving the seas or, you know, bringing back the, the, the fauna in the area, whatever is closer to you is more dear to you.
[00:26:56] You’re going to invest right in my, in my, from my side, animals and animal welfare are really dear to me and also ending poverty. Right? So for my other friend is something related to the sea, you know, all this clean, you know, the sea and, and this prospect of, of, less fishing and so on and so forth.
[00:27:19] Right? So each of us had something that touches us better. Right. And so it’s up to do what you want actually. Okay. Um, is it on a website or, or, uh, you know, where, where could people finishing up? Because, um, we have all this blockchain degraded things and we have also our finance, investment platform that we need to integrate.
[00:27:47] So we still want to go, we still haven’t finished the whole thing, but we, we have all the pieces of the puzzle, you know? Yeah, it was an amazing time. I mean, 2020 is being wonderfully in all ways.
[00:28:07] Very challenging. Yeah, it’s definitely a year for change, and I’m glad that you’re able to get this project going. Thank you. Thank you so much. I think this crisis and I’ll just come economic crisis really made many, many people wake up that our our financial economic system is very broken and very unfair.
[00:28:28] So more and more people are towards, okay, what can we do? You know, if government doesn’t don’t do. So who is an adult we need to do? And governments is just a part of it. They’re going to help us do what, what we search, where we’re customers, we’re consumers. So whatever we ask for they’re going to break, right?
[00:28:47] So we have the power and people need to understand that, that they are the ones that need to make the changes, right. And it takes a while, so it’s really hit us. Right. But when it hits us like, wow, we really have the power, we just need to get her up. We need to make something that’s really, really, really true, you know, like really with good meaning.
[00:29:08] Right. Uh they’re they’re helping you, not just thinking, like I was telling you before ESG is right. You need to see not just the economic part of it, but also the social impact, the environment impact of it. We cannot just think like, like in the, in the profits all the time. Right.
[00:29:29] Because people, and even young people, they like know profits on profits, but Hey way there, it’s not like that. Profit is also bringing something back. It’s also not damaging. It’s also respecting, right? So it’s different kinds of money that you’re seeing there. That’s not the freedom money, but also the, how can I call that actually, because it’s, it’s, it’s just, just as, just as valuable, you know, And just as, yeah, it takes, it takes more money to, for example, if you produce a lot of medicine, that you don’t need it’s, more money to destroy the medicine afterwards.
[00:30:09] Right. This operation it’s much more expensive than if you think ahead and plan ahead. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I have a question regarding, you know, let’s say generations or how, how you think, if young people are more keen to embrace this system stability and UN SDGs. And, I find that in my work, generation, uh, you know, the gen Z, the.
[00:30:43] Generation Z and wise. So it’s, um, I think, uh, people born in the 1990s, right. More. Um, let’s say have a sustainability mindset. And there were a lots of protests if you were following in the UK with extinction rebellion. And there were like stopping the city of London from functioning normally, just because, you know, they said, you know, corporates are just messing up the whole world and we want to change.
[00:31:19] Yeah, definitely. I have seen media go towards sustainability also, so they are more bombarded with information. And so it’s sustainability, right. Being vegan and someone, what I miss what I see a lot, because I am all the time with younger people. I talk to them, you know, I’m very interested. I see that they, they are.
[00:31:42] I mean, I’m not that different, to be honest, you know, but they talk a lot and don’t do much, right. Because they don’t have yet, the knowledge of the power, the individual power, as I say, as I told you, okay, they go there to do the protest. Okay. Let’s not kill animals. That’s a no let’s, fight against climate change.
[00:32:01] But at the same time they get data candy and they throw the candy paper and Sabi. I saw that. I thought that in my eyes. So I think that people need to just realize that change really starts with themselves. Right,
[00:32:18] right. Because you’re showing the world that you that’s your mindset, right. That’s that’s, that’s you you’re there. You’re fighting for something that you want to change the world, but you need to make part of this change. Just protesting and doing the easy work one. Won’t do it. So you need to, you need to fight or you need to get involved with it, you know?
[00:32:38] Okay. And start with yourself, buy more sustainably, buy local buy from, from, you know, don’t eat much meat if you, if you can’t stop eating meat, but it less, you know, and stuff like that, do something towards it, right. Not just the, uh, a better world, but also a better animal welfare. Right. Because it’s the.
[00:33:01] problems we’ll have today are just unsustainable, you know, so try to do something about it. They don’t need to change everything at once. You can go small steps, but do something about it. You know, not just talk, you need to align your thoughts with your actions. So, I think, I think. He’s a great thing that they are actually doing something about it, but they also need to learn how to act.
[00:33:28] And I think all the way education has a big part on that. Right. Educate them financially you need to have financial education, man, because you know, for me, it was also hard. I don’t know how to manage my money, you know, like how I actually learn that. You know, how can you do that? Knowing how your financial system works so we can actually deal with it right.
[00:33:58] Kind of secrets, you know, and all it was like, why, why this is the age that, but we need to give information, right? Because then what are you going to get back? It’s a better world for everybody. And that’s why they are doing awesome projects in underdeveloped places like India, you know, they are reading and also in Brazil, there’s a few projects going that they are.
[00:34:24] teaching, you know, just communities of how to, how to make money and how to keep the money there and how to not run out of money, you know? So it’s a great thing. So education, I think is the key of everything from the start, you know, media is a great thing. Yeah. But media goes with the flow, as you say. And it is very futile is very volatile.
[00:34:46] So we need to have, an educational system that’s much more, um, Hmm. Let’s say preparing people to life, right? I would say
[00:35:03] unacceptable.
[00:35:08] Yeah. Okay. I think we’re going to go, we’re going to maybe wrap up the live stream and then we’re going to go into, like, these tables was just a few of us. I think some others here, I would love to have a little bit more, round tables discussion, but, I mean, I think the biggest question I think I have, or maybe we can add it later into the actual podcast is like, what can, how can somebody take action from this?
[00:35:32] Like, I guess the website is not, not ready yet, uh, contacting you or, uh,
[00:35:40] let’s say within, within his mouth, we’re going to be ready. Think I can add it. Maybe after this, I could add it when you’re ready to the show notes of the podcast. Okay. So then everybody look out for that link and, I’m really I’m, this is, this is a pretty awesome direction of the show for today. And I think it’s true.
[00:36:01] I think more and more people have to think about this. We’ve been trying to talk about that in the podcast and Eulaina’s really interested. I think we’ll have more discussion after the, the live stream, but, she’s always been really a big proponent of this you know, and I think everybody’s getting woken up, like.
[00:36:18] There were some, some pictures or videos I saw, you know. Now, the dolphins are like coming to the shores, you know, like the pollution is going away. Cause everybody everybody’s, uh, traveling less consuming less. So now, like the environment’s already improving. Right. And the animals are happy. You know, happy or, or, you know, um, yeah, I mean, it’s not that we stop polluting.
[00:36:45] You’re still polluting a lot, but there’s animals just could have peace to get back to this places. Right. We, we had, we made some damage to the world that we are gonna have few years there. Let’s say decades to revert, and that’s why we are actually running towards these agenda 2030, right. To try to stop and
[00:37:08] Bring it back to what it was. But we went too far. I would say we have, we are going to have, do hard times, you know, ahead. Like we’re already having all these chaos that’s happening all over the world. And climate change is happening right now, you know, and this is just the outcome of something that the nature and to say, Hey guys, stop.
[00:37:31] Okay. You didn’t stop and they’ll take it. So it’s gonna come. It’s gonna come. You know, so it was good we’re working.
[00:37:43] Yeah. Some say is the earth is like telling us stop, you know, like I saw some videos like. It’s like the world telling humans, like stop just running around, flying around, consuming, you know, polluting, like stop, you know, I’m really, really excited about this. So you’re a natural stuff. We are, we are natural animals.
[00:38:07] And we, sorry, my dogs are going crazy. So we need to completely differently. Like, I don’t know. We just, because we were smart, intelligent, we completely ignore all the other intelligence for all the other animals. You know, we have this egocentric mind. I personally, I lost these, this behavior, you know, like when people look at an animal and don’t give them respect enough, I mean, come on.
[00:38:37] You think you’re better than them? Just because you can light a fire, sorry. No, it’s not like that. You know, we all parts of system, we are part of a cycle and. Each animal that we raise from here is going to make an impact. And this is going on for a few years. Right. So you’re just actually getting a face to what had happened.
[00:38:56] If you don’t keep the balance. Right. Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. And then I guess my last point is for the listeners is, you know, try to apply this into your businesses. Right. You know, if you’re selling online, try to use eco-friendly packaging, try to like, try to like make choices in your business that are like, you know, not polluting as much or, you know, not wasting or, or, uh, or educating people more.
[00:39:23] So I think all, everybody should be responsible for this, or, you know, or, or. Or donate or contribute to, you know, some of your profits towards these kinds of, uh, initiatives. So, so thanks for that. Let’s stay with us right now. If you’re, if you’re on a live session in a network and we’re going to go to this table mode, um, but the live streaming and a recording will be off now.
[00:39:46] So, uh, thank you everybody for tuning in live and the recording. Thank you all. Thank you all. Have a great day.
[00:39:57] We have mastermind.gfavip.com. I think we finally found an amazing thing. You know, we’ve all been really lonely in our businesses working online and we had to skip the cross-border summit this year, which is a big bummer, but people have been really enjoying it. We’re filling up these tables. We’re making groups, we’re trying to do it three months every year.
[00:40:13] Three months at a time, like sprints, where if you want to work on drop shipping, B2B trade, like with Fernanda or Amazon FBA or other types of topics, we’re talking about influencers and another, we’re making groups of five or six people every first and third, Tuesday. We’re also working on different time zones, but we want to kind of keep this schedule for everybody.
[00:40:33] And we have these online softwares. They can sit in these tables and people were just loving it last time and I’m loving it. So if you want to get on the inside, support the show and connect with others in this amazing, powerful international community. Check it out at gfavip.com. See you on the inside.
[00:40:52] Thank you so much, Fernanda for sharing. I hope everybody got some new inspiration and ideas. I’ve been saying this too, for, for a while. You know, we have to think about sustainability. We have to build this into our businesses, whether it’s B2B or B2C what’s happening now in the world is the humans, people, us, we need to actually care about.
[00:41:13] Our earth, you know, we have to take care of it. I remember this when I was in the grade school, we were talking about birds that were choking on the, coke, those plastic things, holding to get a six pack of beer or coke. They were in the dumpsters and seagulls, or the birds were choking on it by their beaks.
[00:41:30] Getting stuck in the plastic rings. But that’s one thing, but you know, just the ocean is getting polluted, you know, the earth, we’re just, we just really need to, to do anything. We can. One because we really should. But two, there is a business angle to this slate for Nana says, you know, governments and other, other groups are, are, um, supporting this and supporting businesses and buying from businesses that have sustainability in their companies, in their inner DNA, but to also for, for a customer and customers, they.
[00:42:03] You know, just in just small things, like try to have less packaging, ginger, try to have recycled packaging or try to have, you know, less maybe cardboard or something that’s biodegradable versus, you know, thick plastic, you know, reusable things, make the packaging actually part of the product that can be used after said just toss in the garbage.
[00:42:23] Try to think of ways in your product, in your business to actually do things for the earth. And hopefully it makes you feel a little bit better too. I really believe that I, I try. I mean, I, one as a customer, I try to really find products that do that. You know, I, and also a good marketer will put that in their sales copy in their page.
[00:42:42] Copy. You know, even I think about Starbucks, you know, they, they talk about the beans where they come from, how they take care of those villages, where they come from, how they’re getting back to that community. You should also do that, not just for the marketing, but actually truly do it, truly have impact investing impact in your business supply chain.
[00:43:03] I think this is going to get more and more important. And you can, we can’t stop. You know, it’s not the stuff we just put in our catalog or on our about page is actually something we should integrate into our businesses. So I love to hear while you’re doing it. Also, if you want to join our VIP membership, we have Fernanda and others in these tables and you can get on the inside of what’s happening at gfavip.com.
[00:43:24] Thanks again, everybody for tuning into this show. I really hope you enjoy it. I really hope you have a great rest of the year of 2020, or whenever you’re listening to this or watching this. Thanks again. To get more info about running an international business. Please visit our website at www.globalfromasia.com.
[00:43:43] That’s www.globalfromasia.com. Also be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed. Thanks for tuning in.
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