The summer is approaching (or is it here?) and as Global From Asia approaches its 5th birthday, a ton of new initiatives have been coming out of the R&D department. While we have been inundating you with blogs and emails as they come out – thought today I would reflect and share those initiatives in a blog post.
Let’s list them out here – and then it is your turn to tell us if we are crazy or not.
Get Cross Border Business Help You Need

GFA Help Platform – Let’s start with the one which we are most excited about, how about that? I have to credit my wife, Wendy, for this one. She has been doing deep meditation and attending Buddhist master classes (literally hosted by a master), and she applied some of her experience in Buddhism to our little Global From Asia blog. What are really all about here? Helping people. People come to the blog to learn, listen to the podcast, read the blog, but they need more “meat”. They email us to ask for help on connecting to people, factories, and service providers. On the other side, those service providers and factories WANT us to connect them. So – we put together a simple system – a form basically- that visitors can fill out and ask for help. We review it, and if it fits our criteria – post it on our public help page at www.globalfromasia.com/help/ Already we have been getting more and more requests and it is exciting as it allows us to scale our help
Digging Through Directories of Banks

GFA Bank Directory – Our top keywords are banks. Us bank opening, Hong Kong bank application, Hong Kong Vs Singapore. It is crazy boring but extremely important for people. So we are doubling down and building out various country bank directories. The first one, of course, being Hong Kong at https://www.globalfromasia.com/hong-kong-banks/
Checking the Internet for the Best Payment & Amazon FBA Services

GFA Reviews – A top request we get from our community is if certain banking, Amazon FBA, warehousing, and other services in the cross-border business world are safe to use. While we don’t want to be the ones to say (as everyone has different use case and experience) – we want to open it up to the public. So we made a new review site at https://www.globalfromasia.com/reviews/ covering the core industries we talk about at this blog – banking and finance, Amazon FBA, events (in the space), VPNs, and more. Companies who ask us to review their products or services we can consider it – and will be putting all our reviews going forward here instead of on the general GFA blog. You can also submit a review, and leave comments on reviews that have already been made.
Immigration is a Hot Topic

GFA Immigration – Immigration is a hot topic we didn’t cover much in the Global From Asia world. Well, we have had some podcast interviews with experts in the Hong Kong industry. But as we get more and more traffic for US bank accounts, US company setup – as well as China visa and HK residency – immigration is an obvious next direction for the GFA community. As business owners grow – they want to move their base. It is a very delicate matter and a lot of research needs to be done. So we invested in an immigration forum and have installed it on https://www.globalfromasia.com/immigration/ – already with some great posts there we are happy to help people with free online resources and help requests (requests for service) for those who want personalized consulting help.
Put It Together With Our GFAVIP Membership Program

How does all of this come together? Our paid members program we call GFA VIP (Global From Asia Very Important Person) program.
Enjoying all the free blogs, podcasts – and these new initiatives above? Want more personalized help, more access to the community, premium training, live calls, and more?
Then this premium program might be for you. We want to know you a bit more so ask that you apply to ensure we are a good fit. You can read more about the program and apply here at https://www.globalfromasia.com/vip/
So That is “IT” – What Do You Think?
Phew! That felt good to get off my chest – a lot of things in the works. But the team is loving what we are doing (at least that is what they tell me) – and from our feedback from visitors and members – they are happy too.
Yet, I want to hear more! I want to hear from YOU! Any of the above spark your fancy? Have some burning feedback, please let us know. It is feedback, most of the time the ones we are afraid to hear, that help us grow the most. So keep that tough love coming!