Stripe has just updated their global page to now show Singapore as a supported country. Its currently in private beta.
I’m regularly asked about Stripe coming in Hong Kong, and have been following closely – so let’s see what this means.
Stripe Spoke at Rise Conference in Hong Kong
This summer, at the end of July 2015, there was one of the biggest and best startup events in Asia – called Rise Conference. One of the speakers was John Collison from Stripe discussing with Financial Times Hannah Kuchler.
Of course, if you’re speaking in a region where you’re currently not supported, you gotta mention your plans for Asia. He mentioned that they were seriously looking at Asia and aiming for end of year.
That conference was in Hong Kong.
They launched this private beta in Singapore within the last day or so. Today is when I first heard about it (November 9, 2015).
My friend Damian Thompson from Salesability posted in Dynamite Circle that:
Damian Thompson posted a status:
“Stripe in Singapore! Just got invited to beta.”
7 hours ago
I have to think Hong Kong is not far behind. Braintree launched in Asia – and seemed to support both Singapore and Hong Kong at the same time. But even Braintree’s offices are in Singapore, not in Hong Kong.
Seems these US merchant account companies are picking Singapore over Hong Kong as their main market.
Tech In Asia Heard About This Months Ago
So as soon as my friend got a private invite to Stripe in Singapore, I dug into the search. Of course I was hoping Hong Kong would also be on the global site, but currently not showing up there.
In my research, I saw Tech In Asia hear rumors that Stripe was looking at Singapore. The article is in August. So it took a few months from that article to become true.
Let’s see if Hong Kong is close behind.
Hong Kong Must Be Close
I normally spend more time writing up epic guide posts, today’s is more of a “hot off the press” article. I’ll update everyone as I hear more, and send this article to my contacts who can hopefully get through to Stripe.
I am willing to be in the next month or so we’ll have access to Stripe in Hong Kong. Maybe it will be a slower process, but policies and business practices in Hong Kong and Singapore are pretty close (putting out a podcast comparing the 2 later today!) – and normally if something happens in one, it will be mirrored in the other.
Yes, those with Hong Kong companies right now are like, man! But let’s all be a little bit more patient, it has to be coming very shortly.
Braintree & Other Options in Hong Kong Already
Since I have been doing this Global From Asia podcast and blog, there have been more and more merchant account options for Hong Kong.
In the merchant account comparison page, I have added a few. The big one is Braintree payments. They came in April 2015, and a few people have applied and gotten approved. We did a podcast with David Hehenberger and he is a happy user of Braintree.
And from my friends in USA, some prefer Braintree over Stripe. There have been reports on Hacker News that Stripe will shut you down quickly and without notice. So my friends have also been warning others about this risk.
He won’t agree to disclose himself, but he said “now put urself in my shoes.
when stripe shut me down at around 21,000 monthly recurring revenue and no prior notice.”
I also have startup friends in Hong Kong working on a local solution for a payment gateway, Tofu Pay. I am sure they may not be happy that Stripe is in Hong Kong – but for the rest of the business community, it is definitely a positive.
What Do You Think? Will Stripe Come To Hong Kong in 2015? At All?
So what are your thoughts? I’d love to get some comments and discussion in the comments below. Our Stripe Hong Kong podcast post has a lot of activity – and with today’s news of Stripe in Singapore, do you think this is a positive or negative for Hong Kong?
I’m voting for big positive. Of course I’m disappointed Singapore was first, but it is just a matter of time. And I am betting it will be before New Years 2016!
Anyone want to make some friendly bets?
Good luck to all!
14 Comments on “Stripe Now in Singapore! Hong Kong Next?”
Hi Mike, just wanted to add this link: http://fortune.com/2015/07/28/stripe-payments-startup/
“The race is on—especially overseas. This year Stripe plans to expand to Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, and Singapore”
Singapore and Japan already live, they are currently hiring for NZ… only HK missing
thanks Matt,
Good share! I liked the story too – and it gives more hints HK is coming soon….. got about a month and a half to hit it in end of 2015!
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In this Nov 3 Stripe interview on Business Insider John says they are ‘beta testing in Mexico, Hong Kong, Singapore’. Hong Kong the only one of those not listed on Stripe global! http://uk.businessinsider.com/interview-with-stripe-co-founder-john-collison-on-silicon-valley-and-the-tech-bubble-2015-11
thanks for the additional info Charlie. Seems we are all sitting and waiting here in Hong Kong! Hoping Santa brings us Stripe haha
Pingback: Hong Kong Needs Stripe Merchant Account Services!
march 2016 and still not listed even private beta … :'( have to implement payment this week, braintree it is i guess…..
hi Stephen,
Yes….I know … sigh! Atlas came out a couple weeks ago – but I am told…soon….from a few sources – i know how frustrating this is.
It doesn’t seem worthwhile to do the altas thing just to be able to use stripe though …
I just implemented one-time payment with braintree (using MeteorJS) yesterday, working fine with sandbox now… not terrible at all with their drop-in UI. Need to implement subscriptions later. Wonder how that would’ve compared to stripe.
No choice anyways at the moment … anyone has worked with both and know how they compare? Would it still be worthwhile to switch once I get used to braintrees API?
agreed on the no need for Stripe Atlas just for a merchant account. other points, also curious to hear from others.
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Stripe now live in HK: https://stripe.com/global#HK
yessss!!!! thank you Matt! this rocks
Pingback: Stripe Released in Hong Kong!