Heading to the next destination with a tight schedule?
Be a smart business traveler in Asia by utilizing these apps to get instantly updated and accurate information on hotel deals, city navigation, currency exchange, attractions/ tours ticketing, and social networking.
Go get the right app and enjoy a stress-free journey even if you plan things at the last minute.

Get the best hotel deals in Asia-Pacific at the last-minute.
You may have used platforms such as Trivago or Hotels.com to get your hotel bookings done before. Yet, to book hotels with the best last-minute deals in Asia, you should try HotelQuickly instead.
HotelQuickly (offline) is an app that works in 16 countries* in Asia Pacific, you can get the latest hotel deals daily or even hourly in 250 destinations. What’s special about this app is that the closer you are to your check-in date, the deeper discount you find, making it perfect for late birds. After your booking, you would receive an instant confirmation and you can do the check-in right away.
How does it work?
For details: iOS , Android [Free] * (offline)
*The 16 countries that HotelQuickly includes: Australia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Japan and Vietnam.

Get All-in-One Transit Directory for Cities.
Citymapper is a transit app that unlocks the complex transportation system in cities. It make sure you get to the right place on time in the fastest and cheapest way. It includes all modes of transportation (subway, rail, ferry, bike/car sharing, Uber and etc.) and compares all transport options with clear indication of its required fare and traveling time. As an all-in-one app, it also includes offline tube maps, live buses and rail schedule, and updates for transport disruptions. You only need one app to get around in these cities.
How does it work?
Currently, Citymapper only covers directory for four big Asia-Pacific cities: Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, Tokyo. Go vote for the next city that Citymapper should explore, so you can use it when you do business in other Asian cities.
XE Currency

Get the most updated information for currency exchange.
As a smart business traveler, you have to make sure you do not lose too much money from currency exchange.
XE Currency is an on-the-go app that covert every currency. It offers live proprietary exchange rates and historical charts with constant updates. You can use it offline to convert prices with the updated rates from last internet connection. For free version, it converts 10 multiple currencies at the same time. If you would like to follow more currencies, download its paid version XE Currency Pro that doubles the free version’s capacity.
How does it work?
Compare XE Currency and XE Currency Pro here.
For details:
XE Currency, Free: iOS, Android
XE Currency, Paid: iOS, Android (discontinued)

Get Travel Inspirations and Instant Ticketing in Asia.
What if there is a sudden change in schedule and you could spare some time for traveling, but you have not book any tickets in advance?
Check out Klook. It is a travel app that mainly explores Asia-Pacific travel experiences (over 40 Asia-Pacific Destinations) and offers booking at an insider price up to 60%. Most importantly, it provides instant ticketing for many popular attractions, tours, and other travel essentials (such as wifi-egg pick up in airport and discount transport pass). With your e-tickets, you can enjoy a hassle-free trip.
How does it work?

Get Social Networking with the Locals
Want to do a bit of social networking with the locals? When you are fresh in Asia, Meetup helps you explore different Meetup groups for Career & Business, Tech, and etc. It brings you to people who share same interests and ideas with you in different cities.
How does it work?
In an overwhelmed market of smartphone apps, it is always hard to decide which app to download simply by grossing the top charts or endlessly trying out newly launched apps to find out the app that best suits your need.
Thereby, we have selected these apps especially for business travelers. Business trip can also be relaxing if you have got the right app in your pocket!
Photo Credit: Kerstin Leishman (Flickr page offline: flickr.com/photos/128985373@N02)
* Hotel Quickly Android is offline https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hotelquickly.app
** XE pro Android is offline https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xe.currencypro

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