Scaling and Conversion – Setting up the Right Flow for Your Ecommerce Business with Moon Yiu

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast0 Comments

Tune in to our latest podcast episode featuring Moon Yiu, where we tackle common ecommerce website issues, essential steps for creating an effective shopping cart, and impactful improvements for your site. Moon shares insights from working with D2C clients and ecommerce agencies, along with exciting projects and ways to collaborate. Plus, get a sneak peek at the upcoming Cross Border Summit 2024!

Topics Covered in this Episode

  • Introducing Moon Yiu

    Met and worked together in Hong Kong – also previously attended the Cross Border Summit.

  • Issues with Ecommerce Websites

    Not Scalable. Many people miss out on the fact that software can be much more than what they can see. There’s so much more underneath, including technical infrastructure, etc. Most importantly, a poorly designed ecommerce site can cause significant financial losses. They often just use the default theme or slightly modified theme.

  • First Steps in Building the Flow of a Shopping Cart

    Where does one start?

  • Critical Parts

    What are some common issues/mistakes you see many ecommerce sellers make in their shopping cart?

  • Highest Impact

    What is the lowest hanging fruit way to improve? What is the easiest, most effective improvement you can make?

  • Working with Clients

    You’ve made great progress with ecommerce stores. Can you share an overview?

  • Ways to Work with You

    What are you building? Can you share and give us some promo for listeners?

People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Moon’s VIP Page
√ Moon’s company – DigitSense
Cross Border Summit 2024

√ Visit our GFA partner – Mercury – for US banking solutons for your ecommerce businesss
√ Visit our GFA partner – Loadpipe – to leverage the power of web3 and the Loadpipe protocol and community to bring ecommerce on-chain.

Cross Border Summit 2024 Speaker

Don’t miss Moon Yiu speaking at the upcoming Cross Border Summit 2024!

Episode Length 38:33

Thank you Moon for being on the show, and thank you everybody for listening in.

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Show Transcript

[00:00:00] Okay. Hey everyone. It’s your host again, your girl, Yasha. Yes. We’re back with you again. Welcome to another exciting of episode of our podcast. That’s episode 435 with the title of Scaling and Conversion. Stay tuned as we delve into the content for today’s discussion. Let’s go. Let’s do this. Welcome to the Global from Asia podcast, where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into [00:00:30] straight up actionable advice.

And now your host Michael Micheli. Alright, Isha, how you doing? Been a while. Yeah? Yeah. I’m, uh, you’ve been very busy. I, I took overdose on melatonin last night from Jet. Melatonin. Yeah. You need that. Yeah. I I, I know that I, I have had those when I’m having trouble sleeping or things like that. Yes. You need that because you’ve been traveling, you’ve been very busy.

Yeah. But your plates, your plate is full, so you [00:01:00] need a good sleep. Yeah. A couple weeks in Brussels, Belgium, first time for, it was an Ethereum conference for our blockchain eCommerce project, which right. People have been asking me, I just got Mark Ramos asking me what’s going on with that and others. So I think maybe on the outro, if people are really curious, we’ll give some updates about my trip.

We’ll do a. Teaser now, but you wanna hear the Exactly. Full Juice Will talk after the amazing interview, which you did by yourself. Yasha. Yes. Stepping up more. First time. First time. [00:01:30] Ho The host, full host of a podcast for Global from Asia. Think you did it. Handled it well. We had Oh, thank you. A great guest.

Moon Yu Moon we met in, in the GFA community back in 2018 or so. Mm-Hmm. In Hong Kong and Sheen. She came to the summit back then and she’s been really growing and doing well. And she’ll be a speaker this time at the Cross Border Summit. Yes. So excited for that. Yeah. I mean, uh, [00:02:00] when I interviewed her I asked her, how did you meet?

And things like that. And, and yeah, definitely. She said she actually attended CCBs in the past. She said she enjoyed it, and, and, and you became friends and connected. So now we’re gonna have her again, and she’s happy with that. That’s all good. Three months to go until Cross-Border Summit. We also have some bonuses we’re working on.

We we’re working on some bonuses for attendees that are confirmed or we still have some slots available, so maybe out. Mm-Hmm. Also [00:02:30] any outro I. Before Brussels, we’ll share about some of these updates and bonuses for Cross-Border Summit. That I think maybe you’ll even hear about the first time too. Yeah, don’t, don’t, don’t forget.

Discounts are still up, guys. Discounts. Come on. It’s still there. I’ll meet you for the first time in person at the summit too. And you’re coming. That’s gonna be, yes. Miss, miss Sto. I think we’ll be here first. And Sally. Yeah. Some of you talked to Sally in the community. She’ll be coming to, so it’s gonna be exciting time.

Yes. Alright, we’ll share some of those [00:03:00] juicy uh, updates two. But for now, I think let’s jump into this amazing interview with Moon about scaling and conversion. Are you looking for USSA banking solutions for your e-commerce business? I am proud to say is supporting the podcast here, third year in a row at Global from Asia.

And we’re proud to say it ’cause we use ’em ourselves for many of our own. Amazon brands and e-commerce brands and joint ventures with our US structures. And they’re super easy to do online application, no fees, and they have great [00:03:30] customer support. Have helped us with trouble with Amazon Seller Central over the years about some receipts and statements and everything like that.

So we’re so happy to say thank you, mercury, for supporting our show, being a great service and supporting other e-commerce sellers. We’re really proud to say they’re a sponsor here and we also have a video tutorial as well as an overview and a special. A link with a little bonus for you as well for us under certain conditions.

Check it slash mercury for that information. Thank [00:04:00] you for listening and thank you Mercury. Hello guys, we’re back. So again, I’m here with Moon and today we are going to talk about scaling and conversion and setting up the right flow for eCommerce business. Of course, moon is going to be with here with us.

So how are you, moon? I’m good. And how are you? I’m doing good. Thank you for asking. Can you tell us about yourself and also can you tell us [00:04:30] how you met Mike? Because Mike is not around right now, so can you give us like a little bit of a history right there? Yeah, absolutely. So my name is Moon. I’m a tech entrepreneur.

I’ve been in the industry since as long as I can remember. Pretty much like, um, after, after the graduation, that was when I stepped in. I actually met Mike many years ago. Very early on in my career, I was working for a VR and AR company. Back then, it was more of a digital production studio. Mm-Hmm. And [00:05:00] Mike and I were both.

Working in the commercial teams and obviously, oh, him doing his podcast, his Mm-Hmm. Marketing stuff and I was more of a salesperson. Mm-Hmm. So back then we had a lot of collaborations and now I set up my own company after years called Digs Sense. Mm-Hmm. And so we are actually a product studio, so a software product studio to be exact Mm-Hmm.

We produce web apps, mobile apps, especially for tech related companies. Mm-Hmm. Or tech enabled companies. So, yeah. Mm-Hmm. That’s the quickest introduction [00:05:30] I can give. Wow, that’s very nice. And I remember, yes, I remember Mike mentioned to me that you’ve known each other for a long time and you’ve been with, or you’ve been to rather CBS as well, like in the previous, is that right?

Yeah, I’ve been to CBS once or twice when Mike was still back in JI actually. Mm. It was, I live in Hong Kong, so it was just across the border for me back in the days. Yeah. It was way easier to access. [00:06:00] Yeah, that’s right. Wow. So that’s, so you’ve been friends and, and somehow partners for a long time. Yep, indeed.

Indeed. Yeah. Well, I just wanna let that it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s our pleasure to have you back here. And speaking of, since we’re talking about e-commerce and, and and such, there are some few questions here that we would like to know the answer from you and we would like to you to help us understand and explain things and so people would be able to understand as [00:06:30] well.

One of those questions would be. What are the issues that you see with eCommerce e-commerce websites? Not, not scalable. So I think overall speaking from a software product point of perspective or just technical perspective, I’m not a technical person. I was a, I was a science scientist by education. I did not know anything about software development when starting the company back in the [00:07:00] days.

Obviously now I do know. Way more. Mm-Hmm. But the problem with any sort of commercial people like myself, I have always been the tech industry as a sales person or as a marketing person. The thing is, our understanding is very limited. So what we focus on would be to sell. Right? So mm-Hmm. We would come up with the whole great idea.

We probably have the great design, a great branding. Mm-Hmm. I mean, it allows us to sell for SU for sure. Mm-Hmm. But we do miss out a lot on the technical [00:07:30] capabilities and the right infrastructure as what we say, ah, of these E-commerce websites, or even just in general, because Mm-Hmm. If you go onto Shopify, if you go onto WooCommerce or whatever, there will be a bunch of plugins that you can use, right?

Same as Wix, same as any sort of templated website. You can sell straight away with very little investment in the technology. Mm-Hmm. But there is a reason why a lot of big e-commerce companies have to have an entire tech team in-house or working [00:08:00] alongside with them in order to scale because Mm-Hmm. I guess the, the most important thing is a good tech infrastructure is kind of like a.

Good fundamental foundation of a building. So you can definitely come up with a building in no time. You, you know, just stack bricks. It, it’s nothing. Mm-Hmm. Too difficult. But if you don’t have a good foundation, let’s say you go to level three or four mm-Hmm. The building collapses. It’s very That’s right.

So, yeah. Exactly. So, so [00:08:30] the, yeah. Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead. Sorry. No, I was just saying, so the easiest way to understand it as is it’s a good problem to have when your website fails. Um Mm-Hmm. Because that means you have traffic, but, Mm-Hmm. Without traffic, your website is not gonna fail. So which one do you want?

Do you want sales or do you want the technical infrastructure? Whatever. But it goes hand in hand. So as you scale, you need to invest more and more money into the, the infrastructure to make it buildable. You need a size skyscraper if you really want to sell [00:09:00] right. That makes more sense in my head. Now that explanation is very clear because if you, for, for people like me, when I’m just looking at it, like I’m looking at those words, scaling and things like that, like it’s a whirlwind in my head, but like the way you explain it, it’s, it’s not really complicated.

It’s, it’s, it’s very easy. You, you just, you, you just need to like find your way to be able to understand and the way you explain it is very understandable. [00:09:30] Do you have like, like most importantly, like a bad one can cost you loose money? Like I think in that particular part, the way you said it earlier is that you are gonna have to have a, like a good foundation for you not to be able to lose money.

Did I understand that right? Yeah. Correct. So the best example I can give you is let’s say Mm-Hmm. Let’s not go to Amazon. That’s way too far. Mm-Hmm. But maybe azos, like just a marketplace where [00:10:00] you can buy things, sell things. Mm-Hmm. But imagine the traffic that they deal with every single day. And how much money they make, obviously.

So it, it is proportional that you need to invest back in the, to the tech, because I guess it’s probably Christmas time or Easter time, right? Or Black Friday, like if you holidays, if you’re pushing out some sort of campaigns Yeah. People aren’t supposed to come. Mm-Hmm. And shop. What happens is that if you get over a.

Certain limit that your infrastructure can handle, [00:10:30] that’s when it breaks. So I mean, right. You only have one chance. You only have one black Friday per year to make money and what happens? Yeah.

You’re gonna have to wait for another year, which is like a waste of of time, which is not really good. Well, because I, as was as, as, as how you explained it, I believe one of those critical parts would be, have a good foundation to, to be able to build a. And [00:11:00] are there any other like issues that you can think of aside from that?

Any other mistakes, many eCommerce sellers doing their shopping cart or in their website or anything like that aside from the one you have already mentioned? So I think one most important thing is overcomplicating things, especially on the user journey side, because right, everyone has their own brands, everyone has their own sort of vision and things they wanna push out.

Uh mm-Hmm. But with all honesty, usually [00:11:30] for shoppers, they, they care about the products and obviously they do care about the brand, but brand communication can be done. Outside of the website, not within the website. When they land on the website, just make them buy. It’s very simple. Just convert. That’s the only word that you need to know.

Yeah, that’s right. So yeah, I would say just people just kind of confuse the the focus point, especially when they land on the website. Mm-Hmm. So what you gotta make sure is when they lend to your website, you’re gonna have to make [00:12:00] sure that they buy and not just go there and look for things. You wanna make sure that they.

Add it to cart and buy whatever you’re selling, basically. That’s, that’s what it is. Yeah. Yeah. Simple ux user journey. Yeah. I mean, right now I believe, like most of us, people in the world, like, like me, I don’t really like going out. I, I, I would rather go on a website and buy something. Right now, in, in, in this point of time, [00:12:30] physical stores are like.

How do you like for as? For me, only, at least for me, physical stores are like for me, like the old way for you to like buy things. Because right now for me, I would rather go online and browse and buy things from there rather than taking my time to go to store and looking for what I want and things like that.

And there are also highest impacts, like what is the lowest hanging fruit way? [00:13:00] Lowest hanging fruit way. Sorry, can you explain a little bit more? Like what, what do you mean by the lowest hanging fruit way to, to do what? Like what’s the For, for the whole thing. As in For the website or? Yeah, for, let’s see.

For the website? Yeah, let’s go for the website. I see. I would say to start off with, obviously if you are just starting as a new brand, right? Don’t really need to [00:13:30] put too much into the, the tech architecture for sure. Mm-Hmm. But this is something that you need to revisit down the line as you scale. Um, as you go.

But I would say make sure Yeah. As you go, but make sure that your, I would say the logistics part. Mm-Hmm. The checkout, the payment. And all these things are done smoothly because as a shopper, the, I mean the, the difference between shopping online and shopping in store is if I really need something today, I’ll go in store and shop [00:14:00] it.

You’re right. But shopping online is, we want the things to be delivered as soon as possible, as always. Mm-Hmm. Um, mm-Hmm. But also, this is something that we, we are, we’re willing to wait for. Right. So within that amount of time, what can you do to engage these users? So I’ll give you an example. People put more and more focus into adding things on top.

So let’s say after you check out some marketplaces, they actually allow you to add on like extra discounted, right? Mm-Hmm. So [00:14:30] basically just adding more to your card, et cetera. Mm-Hmm. I mean, these are mostly, mostly, I would say the, the easiest. Things that we all know as long as you’re an e-comm seller.

Mm-Hmm. Um, but I would say the, the lowest hanging fruit is always just to get the features and functionality over. Mm-Hmm. Don’t overemphasize your brand, but, Mm-Hmm. Put a little bit more focus into the checkout process to convert. That’s, that’s the main, that’s the main thing, always. Right. That’s, that’s a very good idea right there, because what [00:15:00] me, myself.

A few years back. Years. I have my own, not my own, but like I sell some, I I I sell some things previously. And, and I don’t know if you’re familiar with Poppy and Lazada? Yes, of course. Yes. So like, I have my own store there before, but I think, I didn’t know, I don’t know what happened, but I, I sell beauty products and things like that, and that site would always offer me some things like, like.

[00:15:30] Add this discount to your shop and you’ll get more of these, blah, blah. Some, some, some sort of a marketing strategy. And I, I never really bother adding those. And I think, what do you think? Because that’s perhaps, that’s perhaps one of the reason why I fail, because I never get it. I, I, I only lasted for like three years, I think, and then I stopped because I, I really didn’t believe in those kind of strategies.

So yeah, it was bad. I would say, I mean, [00:16:00] things definitely changed. We do handle some clients who used to sell on Amazon and and Walmart. Mm-Hmm. So, I mean, most of our clients are from Western countries, so I would say most of them would be selling on marketplaces to begin with. I’m not sure about Shopee and Lazada in specific, but I think.

Uh, especially after Covid, people kind of change their shopping behavior over time as well. Right. Many different reasons. But I think more and more people are moving to direct to consumer business modeling. Mm-Hmm. [00:16:30] Um, instead of, you know, going onto marketplaces. And also it really depends what kind of products you’re selling because Mm-Hmm.

People buy a little bit more into the brand now instead of the just Mm-Hmm. The, the good itself. So if it’s electronics, well, I mean, it is what it is, right. It’s, Mm-Hmm. Very direct. It’s, it’s more of a necessity. But when you’re selling like beauty products, if you’re selling something to do aesthetics, right, beauty design, then like fashion apparels those, but it is very important to, [00:17:00] you know, direct people just to your own brand instead of Mm-Hmm.

Putting it onto a, a marketplace. I, I’d say that’s like the kind of an evolution. Yeah. I, I agree with you because like in the Philippines right now, if you’re, if you wanna buy something like beauty products or things like that, they have their own website. And they promote their own website. So, yeah. That makes sense.

Since you are talking about, since we are rather talking about clients already, tell me about you working with your, your, your clients. [00:17:30] Like what have you seen, you’ve made some, have you made some great progress with e-commerce stores? Like, can you share, like, give us an overview? Definitely. So overall funny, funnily enough, a lot of the e-com stores that we work with are Mm-Hmm.

We usually work with the extension of it. So what it means is the, the, the plugins or extra apps that is built on top of the website. So the most. I would say the most common thing that we see [00:18:00] is the reason why we work on the, the extension apps instead of the website itself. Mm-hmm. Is because website itself is, it is what it is.

Mm-Hmm. But then if you, if you work on a direct to consumer website, let’s say on Shopify or on web store. Right. Usually they, like I said, the technical architecture is very limited, so we talk about performance in general. So performance, like this word performance. In the, the technical term. Mm-Hmm. Really means the speed and responsiveness Right.

Of the, the [00:18:30] website itself. Mm-Hmm. So imagine waiting for like 10 seconds for a checkout. Like, I mean, I, I just jump off honestly. Yeah. So this is the main problem that I would say companies who are scaling would be encountering. Mm. So if you have. Yes, things are workable. It’s clickable, it works. It probably doesn’t break.

But if you keep adding on Shopify plugins or if you keep adding on different sort of apps onto your website, it’s just like having a very thin tree trunk. [00:19:00] Mm-Hmm feature, sorry. And very thin branches. Oh yeah. And once you add more and more branches onto the, the very thin trunk, that’s when things happen.

That’s when it breaks. Yeah. Right. It breaks. So you need to have a solid foundation. So what we really do is to attach the branch back into the tree itself. Ah. So that way if things are in the same loop and kind of on the same page, instead of having to communicate here and there and [00:19:30] reach, reach to the right for this, reach to the left for that, and.

That kind of make things really slow. Mm-Hmm, that’s right. Well, guys, who to talk to and who to reach just in case you have problems with websites and things like that. Our girl Marinas right here. And also what are ways of people can, can, can, can work with you on like what, what are you building? Like, can you share and give us some like promo for those listeners out there.

Yeah, absolutely. [00:20:00] So matter of fact, we just launched our own e-commerce SaaS product, as in software as a service product. Mm-Hmm. It’s a very small Shopify plugin for now. Mm-Hmm. We’re still building it actually. Right. So it’s basically a wishlist app. So wishlist is something that we all know about it.

It’s very simple. You have a favorite spot, A little hot on the Yeah, I use that all the time. Yeah, exactly. And especially if we’re shopping for like dresses. Mm-Hmm. If we’re going [00:20:30] onto an occasion, we want to see what our options are. We’re not shopping for a keyboard. Right. It’s not the same. Right. Right.

So if that happens, then obviously we want to, let’s say, put 10 or 20 dresses into the favorites. But sometimes it does happen that we never really check out. Mm-Hmm. Or we go to multiple stores. Then that’s when you, as an e-comm seller, actually lose your clients, right? Lose your customers. Because that’s what we basically, if you turn it into the physical terms, that means they’re window shoppers, right?

[00:21:00] That means you walk past your store. But they never bought anything. Right. So yeah, you’re basically guilty with that. I think we all, but yeah, I guess like that’s the whole point of a lot of problem happening in, especially direct to consumer brands, is they’re paying a lot of money in customer acquisition.

You acquire them from social media ads, you acquire them from Google ads. Mm-hmm. But at the end of the day, you don’t really get them converted. [00:21:30] Then what are you really paying for? For the ads? Right. So essentially this application that we built called twi, so it’s already live on Shopify app store. Uh mm-Hmm.

Techstar is actually a conversion tool. So it’s an email marketing conversion tool, but more like a data tool. So we only utilize the wishlist. As mm-Hmm. An intermediate form to capture your leads. And ultimately at the back we, uh, we help you hyper customize the marketing campaigns and also [00:22:00] your email campaigns to the leads to them at the end.

So, and also inventory management. That’s part of what we do. Okay. That makes sense because as a, as, as a buyer myself, like. If I go on, on like, on a website and I like something, but I don’t wanna buy now, yeah, it, it’s, it’s very convenient for me to put it on a heart. But like as time goes by. I, I forget about it, and it’s just gonna stay there forever.

I’m not even, I’m not even gonna remember going back and, and, and, and checking it [00:22:30] out or buying it. So, yeah, I, I think what you were doing, you’re gonna make it big. I, I believe that. And, and, well, that’s actually the set of the questions that we, that we have for you. And I hope for those listeners out there, I, I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to have some takeaways from Moon right here because she had made the explanations very clear and not really hard to understand because as, as for me, I was able to under understand it.

Very clear. And we hope, by the way, speaking, it’s [00:23:00] what now? Ju July. So a few months it’s ge, cbs. We hope to see you there. Moon. CBS 2024 Cross Border Summit 2024. And what you call this one, we would love to have you again as the speaker as you were a few years ago, right? You were a speaker. Yes, absolutely.

If, if, if you, we would have you again, that would be very nice. And do you have any last words to those listeners out there before we wrap up? Everything? [00:23:30] Yeah. Well, I, I think the main message that I want to send out is doing sales is very important, but do make sure that you get fundamentals done properly.

Otherwise, when it breaks on the Black Friday, that’s when the nightmare starts. Right, right. Guys say you heard that, so for sure. Better go ahead and talk to Moon and hire our service. That’s, that’s, that’s for sure. Guys, thank you very much for staying [00:24:00] with us, moon, thank you very much for your time. We really appreciate it.

And guys, we’ll see. We’re gonna see you again on the episode 436 of our podcast. All right, thank you guys. Goodbye. Thank you. Bye. The future of e-commerce is waiting. Load pipe is back. It’s a protocol. We are making the new way to do e-commerce with blockchain technology. This is very early stage [00:24:30] and we have, Hamza is our first marketplace in this new ecosystem.

It’s very epic if you wanna participate, we are on alpha stage in Q1, 2024, where you can. Be a buyer or a a vendor application only. Check it for the marketplace or the overview of this protocol and subscribe for See you there. Alright, that was a nice short interview for [00:25:00] one of our speaker.

Moon. What, what’d you think about it, Mike? How did I, how did I like what’s. How do you rate me as a first time? We should let the whole community do a thumbs up or rating. Yeah. But it’s been great. It’s been great to see you. Thank you Grow and your ability and, and, uh, and skills as a host and also talking to all the different speakers and community members.

Right. And. Cross Border Summit and global from Asia. So, uh, thumbs up, thumbs up with maybe we have to have a rating. That’s [00:25:30] a cool idea. Yeah. Looking forward. I’m looking forward to doing more of that. Yeah. Awesome. It’s, it’s fun. Well, yeah, I can’t wait to, I haven’t seen Moon since before Covid myself, I think 2019.

That’s a long time. 20. Yeah. So, Mm-Hmm. It’ll be a great summit. So Cross Border Summit, November 3rd, fourth and fifth this year. Mm-Hmm. Uh, and absolute. So actually we’re working on a whole bunch of new bonuses. But one bonus I wanna focus on today is my, my fourth book. Oh, yeah. You [00:26:00] wanna give us a, a hint of how it looks like, or It’s Fifth, fifth book?

It’s the fifth book. Oh, fifth book. Yeah, I got it. You have it there? Can we see? I have a draft. It’s not released yet, but it, oh, wow. I didn’t even confirm the title yet. I didn’t confirm the title, but it’s, uh, it’s a short story. It’s, it’s not really, uh, as much a nonfiction, it’s more of a fiction. It’s called E-Commerce.

Gladiator Two Escape. Mm-Hmm. Tyranny. So it’s a [00:26:30] journey. Short story. Exactly. For that I mostly edited and written. It might expand a bit, but I’ve been wondering when to release it. Mm-Hmm. So I think the Cross board summit’s a great time to release it. So we’ll course hook up anybody that comes with a printed, signed, autographed copy from me.

Wow. Oh yeah. Forward to it. Yeah, and, and of course the story of it and the others involved with the creation of it. So that’s gonna be one of our bonuses. We’re always throwing in fun stuff for people that, that [00:27:00] make it out to the summit as well as many other bonuses and, and things that we can offer or, right.

We’re working on a lot of cool things, but let’s just keep that one bonus for now. Maybe time we can give another bonus. I’m pretty sure, I’m pretty sure that book, like if. In case like those readers are there, I’m pretty sure they would be able to get a lot of takeaways. From that book, from from you. So that’s a real deal right there.

So, good job. And [00:27:30] yeah, I guess the second thing, and I call this the blah blah blah, the outro. ’cause back in the day people set out the intro is too long and they just wanna get into interviews. So I, I added the, I called this the blah blah blah. So people are done with the interview of Moon and they wanna move on.

But if you wanna hear, so some of the Brussels Belgium, which I’m still recovering from, so. We do a lot. Everybody knows we, we do a lot here. Mm-Hmm. Uh, I hope you like it. Yasha. I hope most of our team, I think some people, I don’t know, [00:28:00] I don’t wanna pick on people, but one person we, we tried to onboard to join us a couple weeks ago.

Mm-Hmm. They left on the first or second day. I don’t know if you heard that, but I think they were overwhelmed with the getting started tasks and they felt like this was too, oh, too difficult. I think some people. Like the jobs that maybe are repetitive or, or they just learn a couple different things perhaps over and over.

Yeah. But that’s not what we do here, so. Exactly. [00:28:30] So hopefully the, we call the team ninjas. Yeah. Likes to do lots of and yeah. Skills. I mean, for me, I’m surviving and so far it’s all cool. And I mean, I, I, I’m, myself, I’ve been doing repetitive tasks the past. It can be difficult sometimes, but it’s, it’s, it’s good on learning.

Ann’s doing great, and Ann’s always learning too. We had a long call, actually, it’s a little bit like delayed start for us because that’s what she’s, I think what I try to [00:29:00] say is I like to say we’re making diamonds and to make diamonds. Oh, diamonds are made of. Their diamonds are made under pressure, right.

Underground. Mm-hmm. Right. Coal is pushing things so hard, but I think you create amazing things like diamonds under, under, under pressure. Which exactly we are always under, but we are Exactly, yes. Diamonds, people are diamonds and our projects are diamonds, but so we’re working on one called, people have heard us use the name load pipe, [00:29:30] which is the e-commerce, e-commerce Protocol for doing business.

Blockchain. So some people, of course, you must have heard of Bitcoin, right? Everybody’s heard of, yeah, yeah. I was with someone before who’s crazy about Yeah, about that. Yeah. Yeah. But, uh, it’s kind of like, I don’t know how technically I wanna get on this outro, but it’s kind of like using blockchain technology to buy and sell physical products, right?[00:30:00]

So the idea is we’ve been working on this for, I mean, it depends what you say is the start, but at least a year already. Mm-Hmm. A heavy six months. So we went to this event called ECC in Brussels, Belgium. Just as attendees, three of the core team went. Mm-Hmm. Two from Thailand. Went from already in Europe.

Always in Europe already. Oh. And it was basically four week conference. Uh, from Sunday until Friday, I think there was some stuff on Saturday, but, uh, basically a full [00:30:30] week of right pre-event. Post events during events like, wow, very busy. All about like really actually very, very technical about blockchain and crypto.

More technical than I was even, than even, I am a lot more developers, but we’re here showing about, hey, we’re working on like a new e-commerce like marketplace, like a new Amazon or Shopee, but on blockchain and, but it was new for even them. So what we’re really trying to do is bring this traditional [00:31:00] e-commerce community, like global from Asia and Cross-Border Summit.

Mm-Hmm. But we’ve also preview, gave some introductions of it at last summit to, with these kind of crypto investors, developers, buyers, so that Right. Bring this together, which is innovation by itself, not only just the technology. Exactly, so, so we’re trying to take all that like geeky developer stuff from blockchain and, and make it more useful for e-commerce.

And it’s kind of taking this old and new together. So the payments will be [00:31:30] on crypto native. The, the, the, the transactions, the, the accounts are on the, everything, the products. So I don’t know if you would. Understand why that might be important, but there’s a couple of reasons. One is nobody can take that away from you as a buyer or a seller.

’cause like on Shopee or Amazon, they could delete your account or ban you. Um, right. And you don’t really keep anything. You barely keep anything. Exactly. I have a shop [00:32:00] account and they said I have been inactive for months now and they’re threatening me to Oh, be restricted. I lost that. I lost that one too.

I have that. Well, it’s actually not me. It was one of our team members made it before Marie, and she’s in Germany now and she doesn’t Mm-Hmm. Have that company in the Philippines anymore and the emails are going to us and Yeah, this is what I’m saying. So. This is what we have no control. We have no ownership.

So the idea of blockchain is the user owns it, [00:32:30] not the marketplace or the The platform. Right? So have Lazada and Shoppy actually in both of them. Yeah. So the idea is if you’re a seller on this platform, I, I guess it wouldn’t be so good if you’re not active and the buyer might not wanna buy from you if you’re not active, but the buyer can still buy from you because we as a marketplace or.

It is a little bit technical, but the point is, even the marketplace deactivated you in this ecosystem. You could still take your product [00:33:00] data, your, your account data and maybe restore it on another marketplace. Like they could just not allow you to, oh, it’s, you understand? They’re separating the data from the platform, right?

Yeah. I, yeah, I, I somehow it makes sense in my head. That’s basically what we’re doing. That’s basically the promise of web, any kind of Web3 or blockchain technology. That’s the, that’s the main promise of web that, I mean, that’s the core difference is the users have ownership and power. They’re not just a.[00:33:30]

I call it a pawn in the, in the game. Right. You’re actually a, a owner of your data. So your product data, your money, your reviews are yours, not the platforms. Oh, yeah. Because like if, if the, if the platform like shopping Wasta tries to deactivate your account, you lose everything. You lose your followers on your shop.

Yeah. Your reviews. Yeah. Your ratings, everything. Exactly. So if you have been selling for 10 years, that will be all [00:34:00] gone. Exactly. I mean the, the marketplace will be activated in this new e-commerce world we’re building like that. The platform is still, the platform was the new, like the new Lazada on this platform could still block you.

I mean, they also have their own ability and power. They, they can block you from the marketplace, but you could take your data and restore it on another marketplace or another websites. Like you can extract it and, yeah. Yeah. The data inject it on a D end. [00:34:30] Yeah. Basically. Yeah. You get it. So I don’t know if people, some people tell me, oh, do sellers really care?

Or buyers really care? I think they don’t even notice it’s possible. And I, and there’s actually a lot more you can do with it. Like maybe you didn’t follow all the NFT craziness in the last cycle. During Covid, there was a lot of crypto stuff and did you hear about the apes, the bored apes and things like that.

But there was all these. They’re basically selling artwork on the blockchain called artwork NFTs. [00:35:00] And so people think it’s all dumb because they’re just selling JPEGs or images, but you can use this technology for e-commerce. So the point is. Imagine you buy something from, or I buy something from your shop, and then later you want to give a reward.

So everybody’s ever bought something from your shop? Mm-Hmm. You could give them something to their Oh yeah. Semi easily with like, it’s usually it’s called snapshots and crypto. So they could take like everybody [00:35:30] that’s bought, you could actually just make your own rule. Right? Right. And then you give a reward like a.

You can give NFT thank you to everybody. Yeah. Yeah. So, or you can give it to your top customers or you can give it to, yeah. That would make them come back. Yeah. Like all these things, and this is what the blockchain was for, in my opinion, or one of the powers of it. So you can do all this cool stuff.

Blockchain has four E-commerce. There’s so many things we can give so many rewards and [00:36:00] incentives. It’s on a block. I think that’s a good idea. Yeah. It’s, it’s, it’s hard to start all over again. If, if you get the, if you get unlucky with these platforms, then you got removed or banded. Exactly. Start all over again and ’cause as a consumer, I would like to see some reviews, first ratings before I buy something.

Yeah, exactly. You’re just starting. It’s,

some people say it’s not good though because. [00:36:30] What if that other platform was fake? But the point is everything will be transparent. So you could see which people gave those reviews on their, their wallet. Right? So there can be tools and analytics tools that could kind of estimate which reviews are real or not.

Mm-hmm. Because it’s opened. So as much as there could be bad stuff, but there’s, in the current system, you can’t really verify because it’s closed system. But with an open system, right. It could be verified by third party people and tools, or you [00:37:00] yourself can check to see like, does this look like a real review?

So you can actually do stuff like that. I mean, just sometimes just seeing reviews, you can tell if that’s somehow written by a person or, or a robot or something. It’s very easy to determine sometimes. Yeah. But technology nowadays. What do you call it? It’s clever. Technology is getting more advanced and advance so [00:37:30] we’ll.

So I think hopefully, but we’ll share more. And we have people that came to last year, actually GM Marcos confirmed to be a speaker again, who was a top speaker. Yes. And he still uses his wallet. We gave gifts for load pipe last year. He still uses his, his wallet from me. He was told me chat. So we’ll have more gifts this year too.

That’s a good giveaway and updates and. Incentives for people that make it. So I think that’s it for now. This [00:38:00] is episode 4 35 and. I see your interview already and we’ll get this, this intro outro into our editing for next week. So thanks everybody. I hope you guys enjoyed. Thank you. Yes, as always. Okay. To get more info about running an international business, please visit our from

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