What Are Roundtables?

Learn More About Hyper Focused Networking Round Tables

How Does The Round Table Part of a GFA Event Work?

As a community and event organizer, Global From Asia has studied a lot what makes people connect and “click”. While hearing speeches and interactive panels is helpful and attendees learn – the biggest takeaway from an industry event is the contacts you make. And that is what GFA Round Tables are all about! Let’s learn more about them through this video:

So how do they work?

Normally we put them at the end of the day in an event, to help “glue” the people and the speakers / experts together. And we line up tables in the room (or even simply moving the audience chairs into a circle) where we put a speaker / expert at the table with a specific topic / theme they will be hosting.

And then people at the event have a chance to interact with that speaker (or expert if they didn’t have a chance to speak). Not only is it a great time for the audience to connect with speakers they heard, but they also connect with others at the round table who are interested in that specific topic.

We call it hyper specific networking.

Already our cross-border ecommerce events are focused on Amazon FBA and import/export – but by having very niche specific round tables on a specific sub-category with an expert – those sitting at that round table are really focused and you can make some amazing contacts.

This is why we put it at the end of the event – we can’t get people to leave! There was even a case we had to pay extra to the venue as even the cleaning crew and organizers couldn’t push out the attendees from their attendees.

Always a top part of our events – we look forward to having you pick 1 or 2 round tables (normally we rotate them a couple times) and make some valuable relationships in addition to all the learning you will receive at our Global From Asia events.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I host a round table? We first get the speakers to host a round table, that way the attendees can get a chance to sit with them and ask questions they had during their presentation. After that we have people in our community who fit a specific topic of interest for that theme event, if you’re in our GFA VIP network community – you can let our community manager know you want to host a round table and we’ll see if we can fit it in to an upcoming event.

How do I signup for a round table? During the event we will take down who wants to attend which person’s round table. Of course, events get hectic, so please be punctual during the start of that round table session to get a seat at the table.

Watch Previous Year’s Hong Kong TV Coverage!

“watch this conference by Michael here in China. Reminds me a lot of what Loic and Martin is doing at Leade.rs with doing a high quality, extremely curated speakers and audience” – Tak Lo

“I was speaking there last year, and it was pretty well organized.” – Renaud Anjoran Smart China Sourcing

” The first annual Cross Border Summit was an action packed day of learning and networking with other e-commerce and international business traders” – Shenzhen Party

“I’m having a great, great time [at the Cross Border Summit]

So much useful information they are sharing.”

From China With Love

Meet Quality People

Don’t waste time in Asia talking to talkers! Instead, meet high level and qualified business owners at our closed event!

Quality, Private Learning

Hear from speakers who have been in your shoes. Sharing insights and battle stories that are not common to be found anywhere online!

Round Tables

Get matched up with like minded business owners. We have break out sessions to cover the many different industries and business models you are in. Learn from peers!

Amazing Speaker Sessions

Our Vision: Massive Opportunities For Businesses To Go “Global From Asia”.

Global From Asia is about leveling the bar. It represents the trend that business can be done from Asia. But you need the right skillset and the right mindset to succeed. That is where we come in and help.

Ready to rock on|at the event?

“The Cross Border Summit 2017 was indeed THE EVENT TO BE. I gained so much better tools regarding digital marketing and promotion. In consequence I feel more confident about the new skills when offering my Marketing & Branding services to current and potential clients. Ultimately I also got a new partnership with whom we are currently building something greater. I couldn’t be more grateful than I am now.”

Carol Zurita
We Look Forward to Seeing You There!

“I highly recommend the Cross Border Summit for any entrepreneur. I am not into trading, but I am a serial entrepreneur and I learned a lot from all the different speakers. It was also great networking. I got many new contacts and got different angles on my business from talking to them and listening to their suggestions.
I went home from that Summit with my head spinning and a big grin of all the possibilities, opportunities and new ideas I got from just these 2 days. If you miss this event, you miss a great chance to take your business to a new level! A must for every entrepreneur in China!”

~ Kathy

Join Us!Passionate| members waiting to connect with you!

It was great to attend the Cross Border Summit. Personally for me it was the perfect bridge between manufacturing and selling products in and to China. Most valuable for me was to get solutions from specialist and keynote speakers directly one on one.

– Stephan Thaerigen.


This day is amazing so far, such amazing speakers, I have learnt a lot of Amazon stuff today, you CANNOT miss this event next April!

Check out Global From Asia #crossbordersummit

– Chris Davey.

Reserve your ticket today!