Starting a business in Bangkok is not easy, especially for foreigners hoping to make it big in the Big Mango. The Thai government makes it difficult for non-locals to own a business in the heart of Thailand. While it is easy to set up your business in the country, the rest of the process makes it difficult.
Thailand requires a business owned by a foreigner to concede 51% of business majority shares to a local. US residents, however, can take advantage of the Treaty of Amity, where a US citizen has the right to own 100% of their business in Thailand and vice versa.
When a potential business owner wants to open their business in Thailand, Sunbelt Asia can steps in to help them make their mark.
A Business Platform Built on Credibility
One of Thailand’s most extensive legal and business services network, Sunbelt Asia offers assistance to clients in all areas of the country. Sunbelt Asia can provide all your business needs like acquisitions, mergers, transactions, office space rentals, and consultation.
Foreigners have a difficult time starting or expanding their business in Thailand. Sunbelt Asia helps make the process easier by securing business visas. The company’s website also offers the list of requirements needed to fulfill a business owner’s dreams of having a business in Bangkok in the fastest way possible.
Start Your Business with Just a Click of a Button
It is hard to build a business from scratch, especially in a foreign land. With Sunbelt Asia, you can dream big. The business network lines up a list of possible business ventures you can purchase in a snap. Once you’ve found your dream business, Sunbelt Asia will do its best to help you achieve success.
Sunbelt Asia provides a potential owner with in-depth reviews of the latest trends to give you a list of possible successful businesses. The business network also provides expert consultation from legal lawyers and accounting experts to help you maintain your business. Sunbelt Asia can cover your business from start to finish.

For non-US residents, here are a few ways Sunbelt Asia can offer to help you find the perfect Thai business partner:
All Your Business Needs To Be Rolled Into One with Sunbelt Asia
Company Registration
Sunbelt Asia provides a solution to your business needs, including speeding up and easing the business registration process. Sunbelt Asia representatives will help you throughout the process and offer their expertise regarding all business registration matters.
Accounting Services
Sunbelt Asia accounting experts offer an all-inclusive annual accounting service. Here is the list of accounting services Sunbelt Asia offers:
- Bank Accounting Set Up
- Payment Transfers
- Record Accounting Transactions
- Tax-related matters
- Monthly Reports including Balance Sheet, loss statement, and profit
- Annual Financial Statement submission to the Thai government
Sunbelt Asia can also provide a business client with an accurate and well-organized accounting system. It can help foreigners with a startup business start strong and precise.
Corporate Secretarial
Corporate services are vital for companies of any size. The services Sunbelt Asia offers keep companies organized and punctual to the rules and regulations set by the Thai government for foreign businesses. The Sunbelt Asia legal advisors also offer complete secretarial services.
Immigration and Visas
Legal advisors will aid you in the completion of all the required paperwork for a Business Visa. They also help you with seeking an investment visa, marriage visa, permanent residency, and retirement. The all-around service of Sunbelt Asia makes foreigners feel right at home at the heart of Thailand’s business world..
Business and Acquisitions
The dream of owning a business can turn into a reality with the help of Sunbelt Asia. The business service network serves as a broker for clients that buy or sell companies. Sunbelt Asia’s credibility in business and acquisitions grows.
You Are Never Alone With Sunbelt Asia
Sunbelt Asia will never make you feel alone in your business venture. The company’s website publishes weekly newsletters to keep potential clients updated with the latest business news. Sunbelt Asia also gives business owners free information regarding legal services with their Thai Legal Information Care.
For more complicated matters, you can contact one of Sunbelt Asia’s professional legal advisers through e-mail, fax, or phone. Here are Sunbelt Asia’s contact details:
Despite being the most significant legal and business services network in Thailand, Sunbelt Asia hopes to continue growing with over 260 offices all over the world. Sunbelt Asia is also the number one source for expats and is ranked number 1 for business service.
Despite its massive growth over the years, Sunbelt Asia continues to accept the top lawyers, accountants, and business experts based on Thailand. With Sunbelt Asia growing strong, its clients continue to conquer the business world with the best guide.
Sunbelt Asia’s Best Service
People hoping to seek the guidance of Sunbelt Asia must feel lucky because the services network offers a free consultation regarding every legal, accounting, and business service. Sunbelt Asia also has extensive knowledge of the Thai legal system, which will go a long way in starting your business in Thailand.
Sunbelt Asia’s group of experienced lawyers can guarantee success. Being the first business transfer specialist, Sunbelt Asia now has over 20,000 registered business buyers and sellers managed by qualified experts.
Buying or selling a business with the help of Sunbelt Asia can also save you money. Here are some of the rates that Sunbelt Asia can provide in the middle of the busy streets of Bangkok:
Boasting the best business services, Sunbelt Asia can help you fulfill your business dreams. Armed with the best advisors around in a company with a reputation for success, you will not regret seeking Sunbelt Asia to help you with whatever you need.
One Comment on “Sunbelt Asia: Thailand’s Trusted Service Network”
This is one of the worst law firms in Thailand. Its a papermill, targeting ignorant foriegners, that do not understand the law. They will make outlandish claims such as you can live and work in Thailand, without a work visa as long as your company is registered under the treaty of amity, etc, etc. Its simply nonsense. The law is very specific. You need four thai employees to get a work permit. There are no exceptions, zero, none, nada. People who tell you otherwise, want to take advantage of your ignorance and desire to reside here. So before you start a company, you need to ask yourself – do you have enough money to pay for four thai employees. If the answer is no, then you probably shouldn’t be starting a business. Thats the hard reality, and its the truth. Dont let people take advantage of you. Thailand wants foriegn investment that will lead to jobs for Thais, not jobs for foreigners. So think long and hard before you move here and establish a company. And if you do move here, definetly hire a reputable law firm – not sunbelt.