Engaging The Future
Red Ant Asia is a company which seeks to improve various channels, to create a better system for communication. They offer multiple services aimed at creating friendly channels for companies and consumers to meet. In today’s environment, connecting with consumers is important, and accessibility is one of the primary considerations people have these days. Most importantly, culture and society forced companies to innovate their systems to give them more visibility and access to its consumer.
Accessibility and Utility Services
Red Ant Asia offers multiple services aimed at innovating and improving company interactions. They offer services such as e-commerce, social, mobile applications, chat bots, and branding. All these services are similar in one way, they offer accessibility and provides consumers with utility. The facilities are all aimed at engaging companies and consumers through various channels. Most importantly, the facilities provide companies with an opportunity to communicate through multiple channels.

How It Works
Through the e-commerce services of Red Ant Asia, they can map information architecture for your website. Moreover, they integrate information with the website design by making it responsive and interactive. Don’t worry because they always accommodate your design and translate it into a functioning and stylish website. Consumers today look at how unique, and interesting most web pages are, and the more unique and convenient it is to use, the more they’re encouraged to visit such sites.
Red ant also recognizes the necessity of integrating social media platforms to commerce, which is why it developed specific services to leverage sales and media platforms.
Red Ant Asia assists clients by developing strategies which are relevant and specific to its targeted audiences. Plans are executed through various platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, NICE, and more, which are among the most used platforms in China.
The social services include creating content and strategies, day to day management, viral marketing, and generating insights and reporting. Today, creating online content is essential to capture the audience. Red Ant Asia seeks to level the playing field by providing services which are relevant to the company’s needs today.
Mobile Applications
There are many applications today, and many of them have integrated services which help ease people’s life. Red Ant Asia offer services which help consumers have endless sales and offering a wide range of products. Through Mobile Applications, companies have no limit to who they want to reach and what they want to sell.
Moreover, mobile applications provide consumers with transparency on the status of their orders or their items. Don’t worry, because Red Ant Asia makes sure that transactions are always secure and reliable.
No e-commerce is complete without having chatbots. Chatbots are important today because they provide real-time assistance which many consumers are looking for. Chatbot serves as the link between the consumers and the company, answering questions on particular subjects.
Today, branding is important business. No matter how good your company is, how people perceive you is essential at the end of the day. Consumers will judge you based on how and what you present them with, which is why it’s crucial for you to know what content should you deliver.
Through Red Ant Asia branding services, they can help you brainstorm and evaluate what you’re good at and what you’re lacking. Through this information, they can help you create guidelines for your next strategies.
Main Features
If there’s one word to encapsulate the whole Red Ant Asia experience, it’s accessibility. Red Ant Asia seeks to integrate popular platforms and its consumers, to create a dynamic and engaging consumer to business relationships.
The e-commerce service of Red Ant Asia aims to provide consumers with the better user experience. Creating a fully responsive e-commerce website is crucial, and having a seamless and functional experience are among those characteristics which consumers look at today. Through Red Ant Asia’s Chatbox, companies can engage with their customers across various platforms.
Another aspect which Red Ant Asia is proud of is its ability to help brands grow in China. In a very competitive and vast market in China, it is crucial for each of them to create an impact with its consumers. Consumer applications help with creating a functional one-stop shop which many users prefer today. It provides accessibility and convenience to both consumer and companies.
Many believe that that online shopping or transactions remove the personal experience which people usually have in traditional markets. However, Red Ant Asia recognizes the relevance of adding a personal touch to every service. Their applications help retailers offer customers a personalized shopping experience, which translates to better satisfaction ratings.
The Team
Red Ant comprises of dynamic team members, who have all been part of the innovation since 1999. There’s a Red Ant in Hong Kong and Singapore, which made the team internationally minded while at the same time being knowledgeable of the local needs. Not only that, they have offices even outside Asia, to accommodate various concerns and developments.

How Much Will it Cost You?
If you want to enlist the services of Red Ant, you can visit them on their website. They have a live chat box available to answer any of your questions, or you can also send them a personal email. No matter where you are, within or outside of Asia, Red Ant will open its doors for you and help your company progress.

Why Choose Red Ant Asia
Red Ant offers a lot of assistance for any company seeking success in online retail. Most importantly, Red Ant knows the value and importance of connecting consumers and companies in today’s competitive market. Moreover, they have a wide range of services which are relevant to the needs of companies today, and they are comprehensive enough to accommodate various aspects of any company development.