It is not easy getting information on how to navigate and where to go when you have a boat, yacht or trawler, or if you are one of those who has a desire to live a cruising lifestyle. That is why there is PassageMaker to provide you with the best and most up-to-date advice on where to go on your cruises and what to do with your boat.
PassageMaker gives boaters fresh advice from their fellow boaters and cruise ship experts on where to go for cruising. It also gives updated information on where the next celebrations for boat lovers will be in America or elsewhere in the world.
Get to Know More about PassageMaker
PassageMaker Magazine Inc. operates together with Soundings LLC and Hands-On Woodworking Inc. They are all under Active Interest Media, Inc. While Hands-On Woodworking Inc. deals with automotive, commercial and marine vehicles as well as real estate and travel, PassageMaker publishes e-newspapers and digital magazines about cruising lifestyle.
PassageMaker is a magazine company with headquarters based in Annapolis, Maryland. They travel around the country visiting TrawlerFest locations. They also regularly feature wonderful cruising destinations for those who are into the cruising lifestyle. They feature various aspects of the cruising lifestyle using articles written by boaters for their fellow boaters.
PassageMaker best features TrawlerFest boat show series for all cruising enthusiasts. In March 2018, PassageMaker was in Stuart, Florida, and they will be in Baltimore, Maryland on Sept. 25-29, 2018.
PassageMaker’s Services and Features
Cruising Resources
PassageMaker Magazine and the PassageMaker website feature all the information you need about cruising, especially the places where you can secure free information as well as where you can meet new boating friends. These are some of the sources of cruising information featured by PassageMaker:

Technical Advice
PassageMaker Magazine and the newsletter feature battery selections, fuel systems filtration and design, stabilizer and hydraulic maintenance, as well as overall repairs. PassageMaker Magazine gives you the latest insights on electronics and all technical aspects of trawlers, cruise ships, and boats.
Latest Boat Infos
PassageMaker Magazine provides information on the latest boats, trawlers, and cruise ships as well as their accommodation. There are pictures and details of the various parts of these boats along with technical information that is common only for sailors and boat lovers. Layman’s terms are also often used for some information for the general public.
Cruising Lifestyle Information
PassageMaker Magazine also showcases information about beautiful places and destinations where famous cruises are headed. The magazine also features various places where celebrations, fishing tours, and boat exhibits will be held.
Advertising Opportunity
As PassageMaker is devoted to its subscribers and readers, it offers discounted advertising fees to those who want to promote their boating lifestyles, boats, and products. This is in fulfillment of the magazine company’s motto about providing the world with information and credible education concerning cruising.
In addition to our magazine and its various parts, PassageMaker has an electronic e-newsletter that has been hugely successful – Channels. Channels have over 16,000 subscribers. It features all the in-depth information and photos concerning boat show previews, new launchings of boats, as well as various tips and useful techniques on how to have a healthier boating experience. Channels are published electronically twice a month.
How the PassageMaker Subscription Works
Subscription to PassageMaker gives you two issues for every quarter of the year to your designated address. Your subscription will automatically continue without any interruption for the next period in case the first one is through unless you cancel it through email. The newsletter Channels can only be sent free via email to all those with active current subscriptions to the magazine.
PassageMaker’s TrawlerFest
TrawlerFest is one of the best event gatherings for boat lovers and trawler owners. It is produced by PassageMaker. TrawlerFest is a boat show that features social networking events as well as the traditional boat exhibitions, educational sessions, and anything in-depth about boats and the cruising lifestyle.
Experts in the marine industry, esteemed naval architects and other connoisseurs of cruising and boats would give 90-minute seminars and would handle boat shows for everyone. Subscribers of PassageMaker are given priority for the events as well as due recognition.
How Much Will It Cost You?
PassageMaker Magazine subscription costs $89.95 for three years (24 issues), and that is the best deal! A 2-year subscription of 16 issues is $64.95, while a 1-year subscription of 8 issues costs $34.95.

You can pay through credit or debit card.
Besides, there are options to send the PassageMaker newsletters via email and a promise of 100%-money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the magazine in any way.
Choose PassageMaker
With PassageMaker, you don’t have to ask people around or surf through endless websites of inexperienced boat lovers in order to have the best advice and the latest information on boats, trawlers and cruise ship destinations. You are getting everything through the PassageMaker Magazine, the supplementary website, and the Channels newsletter. Aside from these, you get a chance to travel with friends, family and fellow boat enthusiasts to where they are holding their next TrawlerFest!