Digital marketing is an ecosystem that covers a wide range of knowledge that no any single person can acquire. It utilizes digital devices to promote goods and services over the internet. Selling is the last stage of marketing. It’s essential that both digital marketing and sales should go hand in hand to increase brand exposure and ROI (return on investment). Diamond Digital Marketing in Hong Kong provides great solution for this type of business needs
Get To Know More About Diamond Digital Marketing

Diamond Digital Marketing, founded in 2018, aims to discover various issues in the market. It provides effective services by encapsulating a module that’s necessary to be implemented which can be quickly picked up by any member of the team. The next stage is executing the remaining module in the future as needed.
What makes this Digital Marketing in Hong Kong different from other agencies is the essential business model powered by a strategic implementation that will be beneficial for the whole Digital Marketing Team and the company.
It’s a big communication gap between the Marketing Director / IT / Marketer. It’s a challenge that every business may face. All those people are aiming at the same objective but using different languages.
Diamond Digital Marketing can serve as the ‘translator’ between them to connect the dots. Bridging unique concepts through the diverse aspects of Digital Marketing is the expertise of Diamond Digital Marketing.
How Diamond Digital Marketing Works
To strengthen the Digital Marketing Formation in Hong Kong, the Diamond Digital Marketing Team conducts thorough research and analysis.
It was able to make the target keywords rank high on the search engine results page. Remarkable evidence shows that the keyword “Digital Marketing Hong Kong” made it to the Google’s SERP within five months-time. Other counterparts usually take years to do so.
A Property Investment Company wished to develop a digital marketing plan with a tight budget. Diamond Digital Marketing was able to solve a significant case. The team decided to focus on further research and observation rather than investing in ‘Social Media Ads Budget.’
Diamond Digital Market found out that the one that hinders to speed up the progress was the speed of the sales representatives. Diamond Digital Marketing advised the company to invest in the infrastructure of the CRM and CS Chat. After that, the campaign boosted the conversion rate significantly.

The Team
Diamond Digital Marketing ensures solving the puzzle if the sales do not satisfy the lead that was produced by the company’s program. The team has the dedication to provide high-quality work. It guarantees extensive collaboration to provide the right solutions.
Diamond Digital Marketing Team is composed of reputable staff such as the following:
- Marketing Strategist: Omni Channel, Local Marketing, Due Diligence, B2B, and B2C
- Sales Expert: B2B, B2C, Lead Hunting, Lead Forming, and On-Bottle Skills
- Programmer: Cross Platform, Database, Web-Based, and Data Analysis
- Designer: Static Graphic, Animated Graphic, Web Design, and Typography
- Copywriter: Local Tone, Story Telling, EN, TC, SC
- Photographer: Cinematography, Footage, Product Shooting, On-Site Shooting

Diamond Digital Marketing Services
Facebook Ads
Utilizing Facebook Ads is a big challenge. Click through rate (CTR) is being used to measure how worthy the keywords and ads are carrying out by ticking the image. Clicking the picture to view a larger version can affect the ‘CTR.’ But, this will not suffice the real Ads Objective.
Diamond Digital Marketing can provide you with one of the great advertising solutions to get high-quality customers. The team ensures that clicking the ‘Sign Up’ button looks appealing to satisfy the intended purpose of increasing the ‘CTR.’
This Digital Marketing in Hong Kong can accurately measure the performance of a Facebook Ads through DDM that acts as an inspector to find out the drivers behind the scene. It helps the user to have an advertisement appear on the newsfeed of mobile phones and have it shown on desktop PCs on the right side column to increase page views and engagements.
Facebook Management
Managing a Facebook account is more than publishing the pictures and texts. Diamond Digital Marketing can help you maintain the Facebook marketing by aligning the content with the Marketing Objective online and offline.
The team ensures that the platform runs smoothly by making it a perfect consumer social channel for your site. Boosting the discussion in each post is the soul of the task.
This Digital Marketing in Hong Kong helps you easily segment particular customers for testing. Attracting people to visit your Facebook Page will be more effective than before, and Diamond Digital Marketing will encourage people to stay tuned.
Google Ads
Google Ads are ascendable that deal with cost per click for target keywords. Through this SEO technique, you can speed up the progress of your campaign. Diamond Digital Marketing accurately measures your online channels.
Through the flexibility of Google Ads, you can feel confident that the team can accurately specify the critical keyword match types based on your budget.
Search Engine optimization boosts the visibility of your website in major search engines. Diamond Digital Marketing can help you lift your site by providing efficient ways to drive traffic. Knowing the buyer persona is essential to upsurge in engaging the target market.

Website Building
In building a website, having a structure is vital. The initial stage is creating the site by the web development team. Having a high-quality content is the key to attract the interest of the online audience.
It’s ideal that the Digital Marketing Team starts performing its task during the web development to begin increasing the rank of the website.
Sales Architecture
People are consuming more digital information than any type. To be on top of the new age of marketing, Diamond Digital Marketing builds effective sales systems to maintain and increase company productivity. It helps you to reach out to customers with the message of the brand expanding the potential to choose you.
Digital Marketing Strategy molds a strong foundation. A stable structure will bring a long-lasting success from generating more sales.
How Much Will It Cost You?
It is easy for Diamond Digital Marketing to formulate strategies to boost your company. The business model that it can provide is ‘modulized.’ Every client from SME to MNC can afford it, no matter what the scale of the business is. The team can support to come up with an efficient program suitable for your financial budget.
Why Choose Diamond Digital Marketing?
With Diamond’s Digital Marketing’s ability to cover a comprehensive range of services, it’s a robust Digital Marketing in Hong Kong that generates satisfactory results. It can help you gain high ROI in any form of marketing. There is reliability that you can easily track where are spending going and what are you getting in return. You can visit their website to begin meeting your needs.