Part 2 of manufacturing knowledge overload! Last week was a bit more on protecting yourself in the growing F2C (Factory to Consumer) world – this week we are into manufacturing. So now you have the custom product idea, how do you make it a reality. Chris gives us insights on getting an MVP going all the way to mass production manufacturing.
Topics Covered in this Episode
How do you success to perform product development process properly (quickly and with less risk)
I have a framework which I established which guide our team. It include processes and methodology. I really believe in process, framework and structure; I anticipate a lot on manufacturing and certification, because those are barrier who can stop your project and require you to start again all over; I also have a supply chain and a pool of manufacturer and service provider who are good at doing what they are specialized in. I have spent years to identify them and to audit them; I tend to frame very strongly our customer to go in the right direction. Quite often people have not too much experience and don’t have technical skills, We iterate quickly and often. It has a cost, but this is the best way to bring something on the market quickly or to establish a MVP. Sample Process Which phase for each part of the new product development, alpha, beta, and final sample
How do you protect IP when manufacturing in China.
I split the production of the parts and i assembly myself; I don’t show the final market and final design to manufacturer; I don’t give official embedded software; I perform identifying marking apart the manufacturing. Price increase for separating production. How about the price, and complexity, in doing the above to protect your IP?
How do you control quality well when manufacturing
Keep control on the procurement and supply for component and materials; I regularly inspect via quality inspection the production during production (not only at the end); I perform 100% inspection in our own mini production line; I anticipate issue by reviewing sample and understanding manufacturing process and identify potential risk point before mass production to star; Then i establish a qc and testing checklist which I give to our manufacturer so they know what qc point i am going to look at, so they do a first screening; Then I do a second screening to filter, as there is always a percentage of defect. For them it is normal but for western market this is not acceptable.
Do you think quality and price are directly related
I believe it is in some way because quality result from material and from process. If you use low end material, you will end up with a low end product If you have X process in a chain which guarantee quality level but you cut some corners to save money here and there, then your product manufacturing may suffer; Nevertheless I also believe that increasing the quality while reducing price of a product can be done at low cost with using some manufacturing optimization. I am a big adept of Design for Manufacturing and Lean. You can easily reduce the cost of a product if you optimize the number of parts to assembly, simplify manufacturing processes.
What are the typical quality issue you see on mass production
Material and part procurement is the main issue quite often. Manufacturer being under price pressure are usually trying to catch back margin points on procurement by cutting corner on specification; Process calibration (machine, apparatus); Product degradation during move or environment; Product damaging during packing or transportation.
TO summarize
X rules for successful product development in china
have someone who is really technical to manage the product development, someone who is hands on and passionate about engineering and design
anticipate manufacturing and certification issue very early in the design
sources engineering skills (brains), not workers skills (hands)
be clear about what you want from the beginning to be very directive on the product development
keep hand on product development sources files (the 4 keystones)
register your IP if you can, it is not that expensive
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ PAG-electronics.com agency
√ Asia Quality Control board member
√ Blog
√ Christopher Oliva’s LinkedIn
√ Kickstarter
√ Indiegogo
√ Last week’s part 1 of this 2 part series
√ Last Chance to apply to be a partner in our E-commerce venture
√ E-Commerce Gladiator TV show
Show Sponsors
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Episode Length 44:13
Thank you Chris for this amazing education. Jeez, I feel like the past 2 episodes were jam packed with value and I hope people get some great
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Podcast Transcription
“We can increase the quality of the product wizard, increasing price by being corporate organized. I visit a lot of factory and sometimes I found out that the wizard organized could be optimized.”
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Aureliapay. I use it personally for sending money to my Chinese suppliers from Hong Kong. It’s a cross border payment solution between China, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia. So, if I need to make a payment to a Chinese supplier, I just hop online to place the remittance, pay to the Aureliapay Hong Kong based big account and Aureliapay will settle RMB within the same business day. So, check them out online at www.aureliapay.com A U R E L I A P A Y .com or check them on their link at our show notes.
Welcome to the Global From Asia podcast where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice and now your host, Michael Michelini.
Mike: Episode 187 Global From Asia globalfromasia.com/episode187, everybody for show notes, this definitely lot of show notes. Chris gave me quite a bit for his extensive education on manufacturing and mass production in China. So, before we get into that, thank you everybody for listening, almost 200 shows plus we have the e-commerce series so really passing up plus China business podcast. I should have done Forbes China podcast and social podcast probably few hundred now but we are rocking here and people loving from Global From Asia show, sponsor Aurelipay and thank you so much for supporting this show and continuing to provide this amazing value for everybody. And it’s amazing guest so, thank you for that. Also, the e-commerce series is applications have closed today if you caught this on August 8, comes up you could squeeze applications and having get some amazing videos applications. I’m really great entrepreneurs and business owners from all Asia’s and sizes and callers, locations. So, I really appreciate you guys for taking the time to apply. The next couple of weeks, we will be checking to these applications, get be reaching out, hook up everybody who applied because I know it take some time encourage to apply. And if you do yet, still want to you can do that, will link it up on the show notes globalfromasia.com/episode186. Also, got an amazing meetups coming up and will starting to call the ecommerce series the e-commerce gladiator getting less shy some I’m gonna be in a video. We’re gonna do a TV show, record it live, live streaming, live audience, studio audience and recorded. Youtube iTunes video, trying to get audio version, too. It’s gonna be amazing, we’re gonna do it August 22nd Tuesday 7pm live. China time, facebook.com/globalfromasia if you wanna get on the live stream and others. It’s gonna be amazing start we have some amazing companies that wanna cooperate with us, partner with us to give amazing value to our news e-commerce venture, it’s a whole new world for Global From Asia and I can’t wait to have you guys to come with us for a ride. So stay tune for that or, ecommercegladiator.com I bought another domain name. Alright! For this weeks show, part 2 of the education man this is like college education for mass production in China, with an expert Christopher Oliva. He is sharing with us how to oversee your production, unique idea to kinda combat copycat or can be different. Amazon or other platform, how do you make sure your production goes well. He is, he’s an expert on that and he gives us tons of value, get and bring out your notebooks but also we have pretty good show notes this time and again check out that at globalfromasia.com/episode187. Let’s take it away, Chris.
MIke: And we have Christopher back again part 2 series
Chris: Hello.
Mike: Chris gave us some great insights here. So, we want to continue this to our another episode. So, last the last episode, we’re talking detail about production process for new product. Especially help us start up. Sometimes do the kickstarter guys hopefully not but, we went through the process and now we’re gonna back up what we were with the, how do you kinda manage or make sure that this development process is on properly and reduce the risk.
Mike: Totally.
Chris: To control, you know, so the variance of the, I put, and manufacturing, and so I, walk the process and its ah, to us, to mitigate the program on the product development, and on the side of this, i also anticipate a lot of manufacturing and issues, because as I mention in the part 1, those are barrier that actually, we can stop the project and require you to stop again probably or so, all over again, sorry. So, I usually anticipate a lot of manufacturing constraint because as I say, if you start designing something, the manufacturing cannot do, the part for example, you need to restart again your design, restart again your engineering, restart again your prototype to formation, sometimes they start again the application, it’s time consuming and wasting a lot of money.
Mike: Got it.
Chris: Anticipation is really the key, I would say. Umm I have also supply chain and pull off manufacture and service provider on, we’re good doing what ahh what specialize in, I spend a year to audit them and to evaluate them. Ahh I tend to frame, so very strongly our customer to go into right direction in the beginning. Quite often, they have not too much clients and they don’t have the people’s skills, and I try to friends them to go directly to a point and not to cost them fee, try to change this, change that, change this, change that, because this going to make the product development process very long and very tiring. Before we just give up. You know. This is what happens sometimes before we go to manufacture as I said the manufacture are not intended to do product development on normal design. I need to manufacture and mass produce. So when you say I have a project, we have some project development, constant changes of mind, changes and all that, also the sales become tight, sometimes they just give up.
Mike: Exactly, it’s very tiring. We’ve, I’ve been through that many times not as much as you, but for sure, it’s definitely a lot of back and forth and ahh the NBP it’s important though I mean I’m kind of wanna make clarification, of some of this listeners, what have which phase there’s of course some production sample, there’s like you know hand made samples 3D printed, and then there’s maybe a mock up take existing components, or some radio shock, and put it all together, of course, when you have a mass production, you have to have production sample, but ahh you know, maybe at what point that somebody be really sure of about what they want to be made.
Chris: When, yeah, normally I would say make a first prototype quickie and iterate, do it on your side though. I mean, don’t pollute the time of the manufacturer because they will piss off and you.
Mike: I like that.
Chris: In the end, the proprietor.
Mike: Exactly.
Chris: The people say, they don’t reply.
Mike: Exactly.
Chris: But you know, when you when you do product development, you need to be, I wouldn’t say straightforward, but me ahh I try to methodology which I call methodology, which is we don’t make more than 3, I would say modifications, we don’t come back more than 3 times on the same stuff.
Mike: Got it.
Chris: I would make the first prototype and will make external review, everything we want, on the prototype in one time.
Mike: Yup.
Chris: Send me about the modification 2, we do the modification, we issue prototype, the prototype, one would be better prototype, issue which is a better prototype, we ask revision again, and no more. Then send me back the correction and I issue the final prototype. This is what I would advice for the people want to develop a product, is to walk, a 3 short methodology which is first prototype, better, and the last one. And to suit you also the way you feedback, we are going to do a modification, you should give a piece of information, piece there and another, it’s terrible.
Mike: It’s true, it’s true.
Chris: So, it need to be very well, structured, and organize and make everything easy for the people to do the modification which you required, you need to sure the people doing the development and manufacture, and pre-development companies, you know where you are going, to make you want to save time for people.
Mike: That’s great. It does good keeping everything together, simple but at the same time next question pretty nicely, your IP, you know how do you protected it, if you’re making it nice and package easily for someone to see everything clearly.
Chris: Yeah, this is one of the, I would say the problem in China, he should give the product development to do to your manufacturer, you don’t know where to find, you don’t know what they’re doing, sometimes, the, even you say the NDA or whatever, the file can be given the to the browser, the factory owner or to the browser and which is going to factory to do the same product and you have no control, I’ve seen in the past , the idea was given by an engineer, someone or is a good idea, i don’t know where, which is going over there. So I have very simple methodology which is to be clear, divide and concrete, methodology, where I would split the information, and for product development is a bit difficult when you are as I say the indigenous sometimes mechanical engineer, I need to walk engineer. To fit together, casing with the PCV, so the file, source file are going in different place, but you can always production we can split the production of the part, and this is something I do for my client, i use one manufacturer to only do the plastic. And there’s manufacturer to do the PCV, and don’t give them the embed somewhere, the embed software, I keep it for myself, same manufacturing of the part, on each side, so they don’t know each of them, because one is doing plastic, PCV and the packaging, the other is metal, and I get back all those files in our own place. And we do some lodging of the software into the cheap directly on our own place. So this is ahh this is one of the best way to protect the IP against manufacturing copy.
Mike: Which is great but what do you think it’s hard to give an estimate? How much percent price increase do you think that’s gonna put on the product? Of course, there will be cheaper, the factories, I can save money, do it all here, don’t worry. It’s easier to control. It’s tempting, too for the start up because they wanna, because to split it up, it’s gonna make it much more challenging and inexpensive.
Chris: Not necessarily expensive, but definitely more challenging because if you do it yourself you will need to control much more parties and merge more stakeholders in the supply chain, if you go, one only people and you’re right, never I guess, I believed the price point is actually not that much expensive because you know, there will ahh, the price of the bigger material, I would say roughly the same, what is doing is to increase maybe its transportation cost, but the transportation cost in China is very low, I think if you find a proper manufacture and so on, you can decent pricing on the assembly and still have some pricing on the pot, not necessarily more expensive. I mean for my experience, we success sometimes to our pricing quite similars on what are Chinese manufacturers are doing and while still controlling the IP, and still controlling the supply chain much more, and we would go to manufacture.
Mike: Okay, so the complexity is little but higher which maybe the price is about the same. But of course the most important part really for the manufacturing is to keep the quality, do it well, and other companies you listed here is asia quality control. And you’re on board there, how can you help start ups or what are your advise them to do on making sure that this is kinda goes smoothly when doing the manufacturing.
Chris: Yeah, it’s the quality control is quite. I mean, management in general in China is quite a challenge but I would say that issue ahh anticipate a bit the problems that may happen on a production, a quality, you get actually success manage quite properly. I would say keep control on the procurement, the supply of component and material. Because as I’ve explained before were the manufacturing are sometimes tend to duplicate, beat third corner actually on a component and a raw material. This is something that I do, when I do some plastic injection, the injection company to buy the plastic and I would send it to the plastic injection company so that I’m sure what kind of material that they are using. You know this is, the same electronic component, I buy the component and send them to the company which going to do the component what i’m getting on my product, this is something that very few people do but, because we believe that this is the easy way to control the supply. The second thing I do, is to regularly inspect the production, during the production, and not only at the end. Quite often people will wait the end of the production and to start. Inspecting the product but the problem when you do this is if you went the end and you discover some problem, the manufacture will not be very happy to re-work your product, reopen your product and the bulks, and change the part, modify, so if you do it much in advance, I mean during the production or at the beginning of the production. If you can spot some issue, you can actually straight away to the manufacture that there was a problem in here, you have to stop here right now and you can, correct the program and send, make the portion to restart. Your product maybe on 10% instead of 100% this is one of the best advice I would I’ve to starter not to wait at the end of the production to inspect the product but to do it the beginning of the production. Something, I do so, is to inspect the product in 100%, because if for example you send on the company, have the inspect on the production but only for the sampling, so been sure the 10,000 pieces of something, maybe you inspect the 200 pieces, but the problem is the 200 pieces out of the 10,000 maybe very good, but how about the thing that has not been inspected. And you cannot afford, because of you’re in Amazon, somewhere, you don’t have feedback on your account, right?
Mike: Yeah, so.
Chris: One advantage by doing something ourselves, we are doing in a 1 by 1 way and we can reject the part and before being fab, sometimes, the product before being assembly. So this one way we success to manage the quality challenge, quite often I also do some review of sample, and before the production, when the modification is about to start i would get some sample and would already review the sample quality. Sometimes you can see when they send you some sample. You cannot can imagine what’s going to be your.
Mike: Exactly.
Chris: I would do it.
Mike: True, checklist maybe, of course.
Chris: Yeah, exactly.
Mike: Of course, with the sample, if you get the croppy one, or sometimes you would buy off other suppliers, right?
Chris: But sometimes you know you have no choice, the quality of the sample is not good. You’re going to, you’re not going to open in a factory just to make it better, right? In this cases, you do easy checklist, you take your sample and you not own the problem, on a least, all the problems is on the sample, on everything you don’t want mass production. Take picture and you write the defectives, and to do manufacture and what you don’t want and you try also to imagine where those coming from. I know it’s not very easy for people who have no experience in manufacturing what they do sometimes I try to understand what is the manufacturing process of the product, and when i understand the manufacturing process, I imagine where the problem can come from. If for example, a prototype is a very shiny painting and so on. I know they are going to transport from one place to another place in a factory. I imagine, to put a protection fill between the part into ahh into bucket for transportation and make some scratch and this kind of scenes. I imagine for samples one time, ahh on some plastic stuff, as doing is not clean before injection maybe some grease inside and mark on the plastic. I try to imagine all the problems, that may happen, and i write my defectives based on what they see on the sample, and what kind of corrective actions that they should do to avoid it, those defect for example, can just be cleaning for example some grease inside. Before packing the product make sure to clean it. So make sure you have some hands on. This is something it’s kinda like babysitting I would say, the best is to do babysitter for example, I think.
Mike: Very good. 100% inspection though, I mean, the price much more expensive. I mean, it’s kinda going to for next question, for quality and price relation, I guess we can be cheap during all this processing.
Chris: Yeah.
Mike: I’m not sure, there are a lot of, sometimes startups worry about their price getting too high, maybe it’s next bullet point, but also just give people, maybe. I know a lot entrepreneurs and business bottom line, too. Of course, quality is important, so I don’t know, if you wanna discuss.
Chris: Yeah, yeah. I agree your point. The one is quite efficient and can be expensive, it depends on what kind of product, what you’re selling and what you are doing. If your product, for example, is very expensive, luxury product, I doubt that inspection will be too much expensive, of course if you are on a gadget, the price tag, still sometimes when you deliver some client you want to make sure, the cost of managing the client which is not happy make excess the cost of quality, the 1% inspection for example, it depends. With your second question, do you think the quality and price are directly related, I would say yes and no. I believe that in some way, the quality made depend on material on process if you use low end materials quite often you end up low and you should sample process in the chain certain quality level, if you cut some corner in this process to save money here and there, then your product is going to suffer if you skip testing, too long, and too expensive, yeah the testing you did it to make that your product is okay. I would say in some way there is a relationship between price and quality but I also another side of myself would say that you can’t increase the quality of product, wizard increasing price by properly organize. I visit a lot of factory and sometimes the wizard are organize and could be optimized, as I say I’m quite a big adapted on the lean manufacturing and design from manufacturing process, you can actually really reduce the quality, optimize the number of bulk, less part to assembly, you cannot optimize the cost of your product, reducing the quality should this is where the design phases very important. I had the pass customer who came to me with the product of 20 box, not only costly to do 23, or maybe 15, too much tooling to investment was very high, took a lot of time to assembly the product, could us design the same product, quite the same by reducing the number of part, so to the reduced the number of tooling, time to assembly the product and could reduced of sort the quality issues because when you design some part, you can do what we call, mistake proofing part where the part cannot assembly, can assembly I mean in one way instead of 2 way to avoid mistake.
Mike: Got it.
Chris: For me, the quality and the price is quite related, yes and no. Yes, in some way because procurement and you can, that you cannot have a good product that is no quality issue or organize and apply some proper methodology, such as design from inventory.
Mike: Great, this is really helpful. I’m sure people are getting tons of value added this. So, we’re getting towards the end of this one. Kind of a final question you have is the typical quality issues that you would see people should look out for when they’re mass producing.
Chris: Well, actually, typical defective issues, depends on the kind of product I’m going to talk about more plastic and electronic product because this is I working in and working on. Typically, the problem related to materials and part procurement without some cracking. Not necessarily cracking on the time of production. Maybe crack after 6 months, this is related to material production or already to process which are not inspected during the production. It can be um, can be a some problem to components, as it quite frequently for the same reason, I told before in the part 1, if you don’t control the supply chain of the component that you may have for example, but because don’t downgrade the component, there is a market in Shenzhen when you can buy some component, which are not downgraded. Keep it clear. You have got Samsung will sale some flash memory, for on name but for example, but did not pass the QC on the factory but would resell it without their name.
Mike: Yeah.
Chris: The second market.
Mike: Crazy, right?
Chris : Do some flash memory, complex or bit less risk at them for example USB key so that’s why when you open the USB key, it’s Samsung but chip inside you have on the tablet you will have a Samsung because. There is this problem that I quite seen many times, the swap of component some of branded one which are available. And you cannot zip it or see some problem quality to process some calibration, machine of the manufacturer which are not maintained properly and would do some part. This can often an issue. You can have some product calibration, for example, as I’ve said before move from one place to another, scratch on the surface, I have seen the parts of the some case. For example, the table moving on some parts of the table and on the table there were, because of the wood table and every part was passing on table scratch one by one.
Mike: Yeah, unbelievable.
Chris: This kind of problem can happen, can be some problem due to packaging and transportation. It is some things that people don’t think often but it may happen at the manufacturer who do the product. And when they pack it or transport it, everything can be damaged because they didn’t pack it properly or because the transportation company screwed or too heavy or too much loaded and destroy everything. This kind of stuff can happen and to pay attention to it.
Mike: Totally, totally. This is some great tips can save people tons of headache and money and loss. Let’s summarize, there’s a 2 part I guess from part 1 for those that were on, I definitely recommend to see part 1 maybe we could through the rules of manufacturing.
Chris: The rule for successful manufacturing channel, as I always say one of the important things is to understand the process which is, what is the process to manufacture the product, you need to be curious you really, because if you’re not curious and if you don’t try to understand how it’s made you will not be able to solve the problem when the problem come out. You can pray and say i hope this is going to be fine but as i say the Murphy Law said it would not be fine. So you need to anticipate that you really need to accept because sometimes they, so you need to understand the process of the manufacturing process of your product to identify the risk, this is very important. And you need to perform the due diligence and manufacture skills and the process as having place to manufacture and the product. And which lead to anticipate problem by performing risk analysis and bottom neck on mass production process. Always perform a quality control before shipment and if possible make it early in the production, don’t wait at the end. This is important. And keep an eye on the procurement this is also one of very important part. And to protect the IP from manufacture product try to divide and come clear you are different part if you can. If you cannot you have no choice but try to divide.
Mike: Yeah, definitely. I mean, like you said, some people might think this is might increase cost but a lot of times you can bargain at the better price and learn your product better. But i think the most important is you put in here was be curious and at least have somebody in your team has to be curious, I know there’s, that’s why we have a team. Some people might not care, might not really be interested in a product development but, of course if you have some good salespeople like product kickstarter in the Indiegogo but if you can sell it, somebody in the team, or working closely with you or maybe to lucky enough somebody enough like you Christoper on contract with them but somebody in there has to really care and own the product to think this is the biggest part of the process.
Chris: Yeah, as I was taking you at the beginning, I look sometimes, I look at the project as an investment. Because sometimes actually I’m investing. Investing in some stuff project. I’m also investing my time, you know, and this is something. You need to work with someone who cheer your product, in a sense it is their own product, being curious is very important, because if you are not curious you are going to pass next to many things and you’re not going to be able to solve a problem.
Mike: Great, okay. And then the next list you have here is product development so this is usually before the manufacturing, so there’s some similarities but I think this is very helpful for listeners as well.
Chris: Yeah, the rules for successful product development is have someone who is really technical to manage product development if she is not good in business and nobody who can help you and is really technical, it’s going to be difficult, you need to find someone who is passionate but enduring in design, someone who is not scared to put his hands on and to boots on the ground I would say, and this can help you to success having a product development fast quick and efficient you need to have technical people. Anticipate the manufacturing and certification very early at the design process. So that you, design in direct of the manufacturing and the certification. Engine keys, like they say use try to find some brain people, some people who have some experience, skills, good common sense, don’t source some product development this is manufacturing. Be clear by what you want from the beginning from the product development phase, know what you want and quick you know you are ready can go quickly to the goal you want to achieve. Keep an eye on product development source file. The 4 keys the catfile, PCC layout, can source code, so that even if you have a problem you can actually get out of the manufacturing and charge manufacturer, this is a big trap in China. The manufacturer you had, I do development for you at the very low cost but I don’t give you the engineering file, the tooling then when you have a problem you cannot be part, you don’t have a file. You don’t have the tooling need to restart everything from the scratch which is cheaper at the beginning.
Mike: Exactly. That is the biggest lesson, I think, people should listen to, right? I think it happens so much and people, you gotta have money to invest, nothing is free right, pay for the beginning or pay for in the end. So, it’s good for the manufacture, similar like, business anywhere but especially in China all about positioning and leverage, right? I think the Chinese business not just the foreigners, of course Chinese is always about positioning and trying to be in the stronger position.
Chris: I told you.
Mike: Exactly. So, I hope if anything that’s one thing that our listeners can get out of this day. Christopher, thank you so much. You had those 2 businesses. Maybe we can definitely link this up on show notes on both episodes. For those listening today. How can people find you or more information about your businesses.
Chris: Well, they can type pag-electronics.com and they can find me on Linkedln, maybe. I’m also a blogger which is a quality/manufacturing.org. I’m also sometime write to them when I have time, not a lot.
Mike: Okay, I’ll link that one. It’s asiaqualitycontrol.com.
Chris: In asiaqualitycontrol.com, I’m a board member. I would say, I’m not full time on it. It’s not my main job, but I’m a board member and I advise them about what to do, some stuff and sometimes quality control on projects, complicated such as wood cost and analogies on issues. But I don’t do any inspection myself.
Mike: So, I’m wondering if you want us tell people how would you work. I’m sure people are very impressed with your interview today. So, you said investing sometimes for quality work, like contractor, or give some people ideas on how they can work with you.
Chris: Well we are different business, people have different needs it depends on how the startup is, with staging what do they need, sometimes we have some startup, they already have a team, just need subcontractor to examine this case as a contractor. Sometimes, startup very good ideas that are going to be successful and so on. But they don’t have a lot of fund, and this case, sometimes we work a little bit in equity and some fund better i mean, some fees. But we try to balance this depending on the situation. So, if somebody come to me with a project, first look at what can be the output on this project, is it a team already, is there a market already, and because I’m a technical guy, I’m also marketing guy a bit.
Mike: Oh, great.
Chris: So, when I look at the project, I don’t look at it as just a, I look it as you know someone who can see there is a market, spend a bit sometimes.
Mike: Got it. Great.
Chris: It’s a case by case. So, the first thing is to contact and submit the project idea and usually i ask for a lot of information on the first contact. I have a process with a form to fill and so on and based on this I evaluate the project.
Mike: Great! Thank you so much again. This will help us on show notes, too. Well do you have some events too in the future that we’re talking about, anything else you wanna add?
Chris: There is something I forgot to mention in the rule for successful product development, register your IP if you can, because not that expensive actually, if you think it’s difficult expenses, actually it’s not expensive. Of course, I wouldn’t say difficult to enforce them but if you something to register, sometimes it can a bit scared the people who are copier of the profit. So, I would say to register your IP, but make it when you consider the cost, what it cost and can have to prevent the people to copy your product. I think it was it. You know, it’s a legal IP production which can be enfold. I believe that the IP production should be legal for one side but operational as I explained by splitting the production but the legal is also important because it can rule to scare a bit for people who want to copy if it happened.
Mike: It’s true. If your product is good, it gonna get copy. This will gonna happen.
Chris: Definitely. It will be copy which is also at times when your product is successful. You can limit the number of copy. When the people do copy, you can send them cease and desist.
Mike: Yeah, have something to scare hopefully to get him to stop keep pushing. Awesome. Very good so thanks, great delivery here and we will always getting more, helping more. So maybe we will catch you on the show again and thanks again and I’m sure listeners will enjoy.
Chris: Thanks to you.
Mike: I’m just so happy to been able to talk to some people when applying for e-commerce what you were doing, getting notes, any 5 star feedback, i’m begging for feedback like every other podcast, feedback helps. Also, sponsors Aureliapay thank you so much for supporting our podcast. I’m in, the founder really appreciate you for doing that keep the show free, keeps this show value, keep me supported, keeps my wife on my back for doing all these free stuff. S,o thank you much. So, please support our sponsors you know or just a thank you note to them if you don’t need their service or whatever, just send them a thank you and recognize and just little what I do, it’s been 4, almost 4 years of this podcast in October will be 4 years, thanks for listening. I know there are some people like Edward, I was talking with him today, he’s catching up from episode 1, so he’s not listening to this yet but when you do get to this show thank you so much Edward also, you know every listen, every download helps, talking about more sponsors, what numbers numbers numbers, you guys are numbers i really think about each one of you guys, Chris Thomas, member of GFAVIP program, thank you so much Chris. Chris, appreciate that down in Melbourne, hope to see you in Hong Kong sometimes soon, everybody, everyone else you know especially in China, especially with wives, there’s a lot of pressure here. But i love doing this i appreciate you guys listening and then we’re gonna go to the next level, going to do video on TV, ecommerce gladiator it’s gonna happen, getting pressure in making it, but it’s gonna be awesome, professional video crew, 2 cameramen lighting, live studio audience, live streaming, Tuesday August 22nd 7pm, Hong Kong China time. I think the best way to get it live is facebook.com/globalfromasia follows if you haven’t already I have here a thousand likes. Im start actually take a look on Facebook account on our company, but in the very end if you are still listening maybe you can tell me you are still listening at mike@globalfromasia.com I’m sweating here, it’s probably gonna rain, like here in Shenzhen but it’s just all this things coming together i’m really excited and happy to have you here. Peace!
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