Love the Global From Asia mission and want to meet others in your region who are taking their international businesses to the next level? The we’d love to have you work with us on organizing a meetup in your city or region!
How does it work?
Join our membership program
Then apply as an “expert” on our Global From Asia Experts portal and we will review your application.
Post your meetup details on the expert portal
Let’s promote it together – our event operations and marketing team will help boost you up and get recognized in your area.
What Do You To Organize a GFA Expert Meetup?

We want to make these easy, fun, and effective. Therefore, a meetup is as low barrier to entry as possible for to you organize. This is our recommended format:;
1. Pick a weekday evening that you and your network can agree upon. Check the local events calendar and try to not overlap or compete with other local business events. Let’s play nice and give everyone a chance.
2. Find a speaker to share. Getting someone relevant to international business, import/export, and e-commerce is critical to having a fun meetup that is also educational.
3. Find a venue. Talk to coworking spaces. Often they want to bring together our type of people and have a budget to sponsor the event. Tell them our normal audience is a business owner and executive and normally they are very interested to talk sponsorship.
4. List on our GFA Experts Event Page – create an account on vip.globalfromasia.com and submit the event. We will get an alert at our community team and review the details. We can help you add more details to the page, fix up the design, and confirm everything. Once we do that, we will approve the listing and let’s start to promote it! Hopefully you have a few weeks to prepare as it does take some time to get the word out.
5. Host the event! Now for the fun part – let’s get the speaker prepared to talk, and get the audience rocking! Be there at least an hour early to make sure the room is setup how you’d like it, and prepare the registration desk. Our team can help remotely – and we may even have other people in your local area who can attend and help out!
6. Take photos, videos, let’s document this! We want to see how it went. Keep it all there.
7. Prepare for the next one!
Why You Should Consider This Opportunity

There are a ton of reasons why you should consider jumping at this opportunity and locking in your seat at the chapter expert. Let’s list out a few right now
1. Be recognized in your community as the go-to person. When we promote these events, you will be seen as the chapter expert and organizer of the event. This will boost your reach of your personal and business brand in that community.
2. Network with other experts. Once we get this event going, we will work with you to get speakers and other GFA experts to visit your region and speak or at least attend your meetup.
3. Be on the inside of the GFA organization. There is a ton happening behind the scenes here at Global From Asia, and by being a chapter expert, you’ll get on the inside. Meet the organizing team, other chapter experts, and grow your network to a global level.
4. Earn some money! We want you to be incentivized. As organizers for many other movements in the past, we got a bit burnt out being a free volunteer for these organizations. Now that we are turning the tables and building out our own chapter expert network – we want to make sure you get paid for your work. Of course – the money shouldn’t be your primary reason for applying, but we at least want to cover some of your costs and be able to buy a beer or two!
Sound exciting? We’d love to consider you for our expansion to these chapter experts and welcome your questions and concerns – or just go right ahead and apply.
Meetups Are A Great Way To Build Community And Network
Global From Asia started in 2013 as a podcast and blog. It was all online only, and as the listeners and readers increased, we knew we had to do more things in order to engage them. Meeting face to face with Mike in Shenzhen, China or Hong Kong was a great way to get things started – but we needed to open it up more.
This GFA Expert platform is a great way to bring people together and grow the community.

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