Identity: Now & To Be: Choose Our Identity with Engel Jones

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Podcast0 Comments

In this episode, we sit down with Engel Jones to explore the power of identity—who we are now and who we choose to become. Engel shares his journey into business and podcasting, the struggles he overcame, and the key lessons he learned from Zig Ziglar’s principles. We dive into mindset shifts, cultural perspectives on family support, and how self-awareness can shape our future. Tune in for an inspiring conversation on embracing your identity and taking the next step in your journey.

Topics Covered in this Episode

  • Introducing Engel Jones

    A look into Engel’s background and journey into business and podcasting.

  • Overcoming Challenges in Business and Life

    The ups and downs Engel faced and how he stayed committed.

  • Lessons from Zig Ziglar’s ‘Spokes’ Framework

    How this mindset helped Engel structure his life and business.

  • The Inner Voice That Kept Him Going

    Overcoming self-doubt and pushing through tough times.

  • The Power of Self-Discovery and the DISC Method

    Understanding yourself to shape your future path.

  • Cultural Differences in Family Support (Trinidad vs. USA)

    How family dynamics influence personal growth.

  • Choosing Our Identity—Now & To Be

    The conscious decision to define who we are and who we become.

  • Reaching Out to Engel

    His podcast, book services, and ways to connect.

People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Episode Length 39:25

Thank you Engel for being on the show, and thank you everybody for listening in.

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Show Transcript

[00:00:00] Episode 457 Global from Asia. We got a little story time about a creator starting his creation, some motivation and more. Let’s tune in. Welcome to the Global from Asia podcast, where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice. And now your host, Michael Micheli.

Thank you so much for watching, or most likely listening to the Global from [00:00:30] Asia Podcast 4 57. We have a great one. Angel Jones, I consider a acquaintance of mine. He interviewed me way back when. He is just starting his podcast and he interviewed me again over the update. You definitely gotta check out his 12 minute convos podcast.

And I finally was like, well, how come you haven’t been on our, you know, I’d love to hear your story, your motivation, your creation. I. and it’s, it’s an amazing one. It’s not as much Asian. Now, [00:01:00] this is a little bit global, but it’s an exciting one where he’s building his online business and he is going into the US and then coming back and he is growing his shows and is consulting and he is quitting his job.

He has his kid. It’s a very exciting one. I, I got motivated by it. I could gimme some inspiration. So I think you’re gonna enjoy this. Let’s tune in. Do you enjoy the podcast? Global? Amazing. Do you enjoy all the community events that we do? The best way to support is coming out to our annual cross border [00:01:30] in Chiang Mai this November 3rd, fourth, and fifth, 2024.

I have amazing speakers, amazing people getting together. We’re pushing the limits. We’re making things happen. This is where the movers and shakers and the deal makers come. It’s a limited supply of attendees and tickets, and we have been selling out every year, so I recommend checking out earlier cross border

Alright, thank you everybody for tuning into our global from Asia podcast. [00:02:00] We’re an audio only version. I love. . I love the audio. We focus on the story and we have a professional podcaster and, uh, I’ve been on a pleasure of being a guest on his show, 12 Minute Convos two times now, and first time on Globe from Asia.

Angela Jones, how are you doing today? I’m doing absolutely amazing. I’m excited to have this conversation with you all the way from Trinidad and Tobago. Yes, yes. It’s [00:02:30] amazing. I’ve, I don’t think I told you, but um, when I was in, uh, my first job after college was in New York City and one of the nicest ladies, Laurel, and she was from Trinidad, so, uh, originally and she was in New York City working at and Wall Street with me, and she was so, mm-hmm

So kind. I think, I think, I think the, I think a lot of people . The culture is a very, in my experience with her and a few [00:03:00] others, I think I met some of her friends at, after, uh, after work at some various parties were very warm and she was much older. She was in, I think her, at least I was just in my early twenties.

  1. And she was in her forties or fifties. I don’t re never asked her age, but she’s always like a little, kinda like mom in the, in the office for a lot others, but especially me and I, I, I, I really appreciated Laurel. So, yeah, it’s interesting what you attract in life. [00:03:30] Yeah. Because yeah, warmth seems to be something you are, you are following consistently.

focus on the good. Focus on the good. There was some rough ones on Wall Street. I dealt with some pretty rough personalities that shaped our life. Every, every, everything is part of who we are in life. So, but let’s talk about you, Angela. I know you’ve, you’ve . You’ve done podcasting this for your business as a business almost, and since 2016, and you’ve, you’ve grown that.

[00:04:00] So how did, how did you get started? Or maybe even before the, before the content bus, the podcast business, how did you find your way in, into where you are? How, what’s the early stage stories? Yeah. One of the things that really shaped what I did as top of the funnel was something by Zig Ziglar, a Bond to win PDF that’s still free.

And it, it basically spells [00:04:30] out how you wrote, how you basically map, uh, your life, where, where goals are concerned. Uh. It shows you mental, spiritual, career, physical, financial, personal, family elements that should make up one’s life where you’re checking in with these elements to ensure you have a smooth ride.

Right? And then like after building that, there’s a business side. [00:05:00] So there’s the . The wheel of life, which is the front wheel, right? With the mental, the spiritual, all of those things are the spokes of the wheel. And if you can have a balance spoke, where let’s say you get five out of five for everyone, the goal is to get 10 out of 10.

Yeah. Then you have a smooth ride. And one of the things I, I, I am guilty of is [00:05:30] focusing on one thing and not the other in life. And then on the business side, interestingly, the sales, administration, leadership, operation, and marketing. And when we were building that out, my wife and I, Amanda is my wife.

when we were building that out, the podcast was the, the lead magnet, and that was one of the things that I put in there. But then there’s a [00:06:00] side story, Mike. Awesome. There was do. I also did Dave Ramsey a lot. 2, 2, 2 veterans in podcasting at the time. This is 2015. Yeah. And basically get into. Getting well from 2012 to 2015.

I’m all into podcasting because I’m getting out of [00:06:30] that. I’m listening to podcasts, like I eat basically four to five hours of podcasts daily while working. I worked in a laboratory where I tested, so I had time. Right. ? Yeah, I had time and at one point I thought if, one of the things I didn’t like about Johnny Dumas’s conversations is I didn’t [00:07:00] know if the person I was listening to in their pursuit or through their achievements had the balance.

  1. At the Point to win Wheel of Life goal focus talked about. So I thought, hey, if I could have a conversation or have as many conversations as Johnny Dumas then and, and focus on that in a very short amount of time, which [00:07:30] would mean people would say yes more than no, right? Yeah, yeah. That I could actually be

Or develop the skills he’s developed. So that’s why in 2016 I set a goal to have 1,585 conversations in one year. Yeah. ’cause John, John would’ve been on like 1,582, so I thought I would beat him by three. Right. ? Yeah. This is the [00:08:00] younger me. And yeah, that, that one thing led to the next It, it was not.

Achieved and it wasn’t easy. I probably did 1,116 in that year. Of those 1,116, I want people to understand how challenging this was. I start, I released the first episode on March 31st. ’cause I didn’t want to do it on April one. Yeah. I procrastinated all the way through. [00:08:30] Right. And then I got to 76 episodes from that period to August.

And I was going to give up, visited Dan Miller for an for a conference. I was going to give up and I heard the voice is what I like to call what I heard, right? The voice say never give up, like don’t give up. Like you said you were going to do this. So I was in Tennessee at the time. I returned [00:09:00] to Trinidad, all ramped up to go after this goal, and that’s where I came up with the 1,509 in three months, and I created a Guinness World record around it, Guinness.

After three months, they said no, they aren’t able to quantify what I’m doing right with a 12 minute podcast. I got 1,001 conversations in three months. And, uh, yeah, that’s, [00:09:30] that’s where it started off. Think I love it a lot in there. Fun. In fact, my birthday’s almost April, full April 2nd, so my, my mom was, my mom was praying that I wasn’t the first.

I thought it would’ve been cool, but I, I would’ve liked it. But she was happy. I came a day later, so, but March 31st. I have a cousin that’s April, Chris. Yeah. Nice. And it’s cool. We always remember that. But April 16th is, is a big day for [00:10:00] you as well. Yeah. 2016, isn’t it? Yeah. The, yeah, the Cross border Summit.

We launched our, the conference in the community. Yeah. Yeah. I like the springtime in April. Of course it was birthday, but the time of the year is fun too. So, so this is nice. So I love the perseverance here and I think that’s, that’s what it takes. The Zig Ziglar one, we’ll go right further back. The PDF Born [00:10:30] to Win.

We’ll, we’ll try, we’ll find that for the show notes. I think that’s definitely a worthwhile one about balance and I think balance is something. You’re speaking about it. I, I, I definitely try best to balance. I luckily, I think the beautiful thing about podcasting and content creation is we can do it mostly anywhere, but I’m at my home office here.

Kids just got outta school as we record this and they’re, uh, any other rooms. So luckily I can at least pop out and see ’em. But I work, what we do is a lot of work, especially a thousand podcasts. I remember I was [00:11:00] an honor honored guest of . One and a returning one. But you had a whole system in place and, and it had this all going, but I didn’t know about the ups and downs about thinking about stopping and what was the, what was the conversation was something you said the voice.

I’d love to just kind of dig into that part. I think it has always helpful for people about that point. You’re, you went to the, to the C for the Dan Miller conference there and you’re thinking. Thinking about it. What, [00:11:30] what, could we dive into that one a little bit more? I’d love to hear some more insights, if you will, and are able to, to share with us all.

Sure there, there are turning points in life. When I believe, I honestly do believe in hindsight that there’s this voice that’s so loud internally. There’s no way that you can deny it and if you like, in the past, I have denied it and lived to [00:12:00] regret it. I believe it’s God. I do believe at this point it’s good and, but I can, I can pinpoint not just in my life, but others, other people’s lives where they’ve heard this voice and it feels as though it’s the catalyst that makes them decide, this is what I’m going to do for the rest of my life.

This is, and, and that’s a big thing because when as you get older, you realize the value of [00:12:30] life. Losing. Yeah. Yeah. So you lose people. Yeah. And then you realize, wait a minute, you’re, you’re either on the side of, wait a minute, what am I doing this for? If, if I only have this amount of time, or you’re saying I’m happy I’m doing this.

I have that amount of time, and of course the time is something we just don’t know. We can only guess that and [00:13:00] hope that the good food we’re eating contributes to some form of us living longer. But yeah, that was that voice for me again at that point. I remember vividly, Dan Miller’s daughter is talking to us about psychometric analysis and And they used a DISC profile.

Yeah. Which is a personality assessment task. Yeah. Yeah. And really good stuff. Loved it. This did like the first time I did the disc [00:13:30] profile. I was going to a conference again in Tennessee called Entre Leadership by Dave Ramsey’s organization. These things are big things for me because I’m a Caribbean guy.

Yeah. Mm-hmm . So I’m going to a conference. Yeah, it’s a lot. Yeah. I’m doing two connecting flights, one to Florida. It’s the first time I’m traveling to the US after probably. Almost two [00:14:00] decades. Yeah. So I was a child and now I’m getting there. I need to drive. I need to rent a vehicle. It’s cold, right? It’s September.

It’s getting cold. There are just so many other things that don’t get highlighted in a story, what are happening. Nevertheless, I get out there, but doing the disc profile and, and meeting knowledge again from . The preparation of [00:14:30] listening to podcast really puts you on the forefront of what’s current.

That’s been my experience all the way through listening to podcast and then feeling as though I’ve hit the highway of information when I begin interviewing or when I began interviewing people. Mm-hmm . So as though, as though I was. A decade ahead in my country. Yeah, yeah. With the information I got, [00:15:00] so Yeah.

But heard the voice and I always, one of my earliest childhood memories is walking around with a, with a book. I always had something to write on. So I’m at the conference and I have my trusty yellow pad, and I remember. Just going in there and calculating, wait a minute, if I have to do 1585 and I’ve done 70 and I’m calculating, how much do I have to do a [00:15:30] day?

And then I, I was like, yeah, this is easier. I think it was like seven or eight a day was the maths right? And it was, yeah. But then reality hits because the first month, even though I opened up my . Just to put things in perspective, if someone asks, well, how are you doing that with a job? Yeah, yeah. I took one year to pay leave that year from my job.

Yeah. So I had a back injury [00:16:00] and I thought if I could rest for a year, and this is on the backend of becoming debt free. And actually winning with finances after, after almost winning in life. Yeah, so the Dave Ramsey thing actually worked. It worked really well and I was able to put away enough, and my wife was working at the time, so the plan was she would continue to [00:16:30] work.

And then I would take the year, no pay leave, and hopefully with the podcast and the connections, then transition into full-time. Again, one of those plans that didn’t go the way we wanted it to go because Amanda returned to work in 2016 after having our first son, our second son. And guess what? She was switched to another department.

Mm-hmm . That didn’t contribute to the family [00:17:00] life being balanced. Yeah. And she told me she wanted to resign. Right. Yeah. So. We were met with two people with no salaries. Right? Yeah. So these are things I’m telling you that it, it’s not things that are shared a lot, but once the questions are asked, I’m, I’m an open book.

Okay. Well, thank you for sharing with us. Fascinating and scary on the edge of my [00:17:30] seat, literally. So, but I see it on the show here is . , we, we have to challenge ourselves step out of our comfort zone. It’s definitely seems like you’re outta your comfort zone here. You’re taking a, a day off for your work to do your passion and you know you’re not giving up and yeah, you’re going to these conferences in the US and you’re taking that back to Trinidad and I’m sure that was[00:18:00]

’cause it’s online. We can do this stuff amaze anywhere, right? Like we we’re online on the other side of the earth doing this exact show. But I’m just, I’m, I’m a little bit getting curious now about the story. So she left her work ’cause she wasn’t And so you both don’t have the, this steady paycheck anymore and, and you had a, just had another child.

So I’m, I guess I’m kind of want to keep digging in here. How did. [00:18:30] Things change or Yeah. How did things go from there? So we’re Intel savings, we’re living on savings, and then I had this, this big, like this big sale ticket item of a piece of property. I had two lots of land and I said, Hey, I would sell one of the lots to be able to at least finance us as a.

As a safety mechanism with the income of what I was doing, which at the time was [00:19:00] financial coaching on the sideline of the podcast, which was the focus. Yeah. But we had all these things lined up as to-dos where the conference, because Amanda and I both attended the Dan Miller’s conference, but the favor is what

Comes into the faith walk. ’cause every business person I know, I believe walks in faith and the, when I say faith, [00:19:30] I’m defining the elements of, yeah, this year I’m going to hit the 200 K mark. And you have no clients or you have a handful of clients. It’s, it’s just this, I guess the concept of how do I manifest something?

Yeah. From nothing or a little into, into a lot. So, um, yeah, we, we had none of those things. Yeah. And we, [00:20:00] we eventually sold the property on the tail end of the year. And we did what we did before to get out of debt. We, we lived a minimalist life. My children were always taken care of, . And one of the big things in Trinidad that I’ve had is the support of my family.

So my parents, there’s a support system and it’s something I did I haven’t seen in the US and it stuck out to [00:20:30] us when we did the journey across the 40th states in Canada. Like, like it’s, it’s, it’s something we didn’t see here. I agree. We didn’t see. Yeah, like family. Deep family connections that in itself creates support for business models to actually get us that first five year, what feels like the, like the hardest experiences you could ever [00:21:00] have in those first five years.

Yeah. So interesting. Yeah, I have, there’s a lot here. I, I have a lot. Stay here, but I like the Faith Walker, the Walk of Faith in the Festing. There’s a, a really cool book. I’m still reading. My wife Wendy recommended I read it. She’s pretty, uh, deep into Buddhism practice and studying. And there was a book, I wasn’t prepared to share it, but let me get the author, master Master, the key is the name of the book [00:21:30] and it is by Charles.

F Han Hael, H-A-A-N-E-L. And I’m still halfway through it and I’m actually, this is one of a few books where I actually have a notebook next to me and I’m writing as I’m reading it, but it, it’s connected to this manifesting, but it’s basically almost teaching you how to, how to manifest in a way. But it’s basically saying that energy thought is energy and thoughts is creation, and everything starts from your thoughts and your, and in, [00:22:00] in your mind.

  1. Of course we see the outer world and, but that’s still a product of our mind. It sounds a little woo woo or, or some people might have trouble grasping that, but it really makes sense like to me because if we, if we don’t think it, it’s never gonna happen. And, and, and by thinking it, it’s, yeah. Similar to manifesting it, we sleep on it.

Our subconscious mind helps make decisions, micro decisions every. Point, it can throughout your conscious day [00:22:30] to get towards that goal and make that a reality. So that’s, I think, my interpretation of what you mean with the walk of faith manifesting because you’re, you’re basically setting your mind to it, and your mind will help you find the way if you trust yourself.

So that’s, that’s the one point there. And the second is the family. I . It’s almost a little bit emotional to me. I’m from the US and I’m in Asia now. I’ve been out here. Since 2007, [00:23:00] mostly with a few trips back, but I fully agree about the family support. I mean, I love my parents and my, my sister and my uncles, but it is more, much more independent and fragmented from what I’ve seen in Asia and what I hear you’re saying in Trinidad.

But I feel like most of the other cultures around the world, I think also in Europe, has this more of a family support system. But, but there’s a, there’s a yin and yang, there’s a good and a bad the point. Though I, I fully agree with you on, on the family [00:23:30] support. They, their family is much more independent in a, in, in America, at least in the United States.

And they, of course, there’s exceptions, but like, you seem to have noticed too. And I, I feel the same as your family’s. Like, oh, why do I have to help you? You’re, you’re grown up. You should take, you know, move outta the house, take care of yourself. Like, and it. But then the, the positive side of that is it makes people a little bit, maybe, I guess, more independent and somewhat maybe stronger.

and you don’t have that net to fall back on, [00:24:00] which is kind of scary. But I think they would take you in if you really were on a low, on a bottom. Rock bottom fa a lot of times. But I do agree with you on that. Family support in, in America, United States is not as much. There is is a lot of other cultures like in Asia.

Asia. But on the other side of that though, the negative of the family support is sometimes the family I’ve seen in China and Asia is in Thailand holds. The entrepreneur back from making risky decisions, but [00:24:30] maybe that wasn’t your case. But I’ve seen that happen in Asia where the family will really discourage them from taking risks in their career or finances because, because they, uh, support them and they love them, and they don’t want them to take that risk and that risk of failure or financial pretty.

So, I don’t know. I kind of a lot there, but I don’t know if you have some. . Some thoughts on those. I agree. I agree with you. I, I agree with you. The influences [00:25:00] just like reading the book, you’re reading, right? The inputs really de determine and define the outputs. I agree with you and I believe, well, two things come to mind.

One. The podcast again shows up to be something that really provides you with an opportunity. What, whichever podcast you’re listening to here with an opportunity that then secondly helps your choice. [00:25:30] So one of the things we’ve built, we’ve, we’ve built a lot of things, right? And I’m attempting to still speak from the perspective of, of a time sensitive conversation here.

So I’m super summarizing in my mind everything I’m saying here. Mm-hmm. But one of the, one of the things we’ve built, the first step is identity and understanding your identity and. [00:26:00] We’ve built it in a way that Caribbean people, I believe, will understand it. So the word identity is broken into four words.

Choices, consequences, results, and intentions. It’s, it’s, it’s like a, a soundbite here for a conversation. And you are, if, if I. What you are seeing into those boxes, then you can realize, [00:26:30] yeah, the family element of support could affect things in any one of those in a way that doesn’t give the person their ability to launch out independently.

However, ing your identity has been key to your success. And I’m referencing when you put the picture, the thought picture in my mind of moving from Wall Street to [00:27:00] to Asia, right? Like, like when, when you go from there to where you are, there was a choice, there were consequences. However you’ve gotten no result.

And truthfully, it always anchors. What was your intention? And for those listening, it’s, it’s the first step. Yeah. Mm-hmm . What, what truly is your identity right now, [00:27:30] and what do you want your identity to be? Because as humans, we have that, if anything, to choose what our identity is going to be. . This is, this is great.

I feel like this is the topic of the show now, , that this is, this is, this is kind of, I feel like, I feel like the theme of this conversation that we’ve had is, yeah, who are we now and who do we want to be? And I think [00:28:00] the sad reality, and you don’t have to agree, of course, but I feel like most people don’t, don’t think about that, and don’t, don’t really become who they’re supposed to be.

Right. Which is good. Which is okay, like let’s say that, yeah, it’s okay. ’cause it’s tough, right? Like we know it at this time, right? It’s tough, Mike. Yeah. If, if someone says no to, to taking this bill, right? I understand. At this point I didn’t understand [00:28:30] Years ago I was screaming from the top of the mountain.

Everyone should understand who they are and make the choice here. Interesting. Now. . Now I’m okay. I understand. But if you do want to make that change, yeah. I’m here to support you is my, my posture now, which it, I guess it’s, it’s just the, the older me now. Yeah. Seeing I can’t, [00:29:00] and I don’t use can’t often.

Right. I can’t change anyone. Yeah. Who doesn’t want to make a change? That’s a fair point for sure. And, but it’s, I guess it’s true, right? Like I’ve, to the second, what you say is, I used to try to change people. I, my hometown friends, I used to really, earlier on in my, my journey while I was still in New York.

I was trying to kind of convert them like I thought they wanted to kind of like [00:29:30] do what maybe I’m doing or do their own business or, or find their own way and how do I say yeah, I didn’t, they didn’t, it didn’t go that way. Some tried, some didn’t try, but I, I don’t even know how to say it. But yeah, I, I guess everyone, like you said, everyone has their own decisions and.

Maybe they are meant to do what they’re doing now. And I was maybe interfering almost ’cause sometimes, almost like a little bit, I don’t wanna say aggressive, but maybe pushy is the word. When I first started my journey to have them kind [00:30:00] of break out of the, I. Mold that life had kind of sh said they were supposed to go.

But that’s a good point. We can’t force it. And this is a, yeah, I, yeah, I mean I’ve enjoyed being on your show and this is great to have you on our, our channel here. But yeah, maybe I have to be more chill about, about people finding their own way. We had a meetup here, we did some e-commerce meetups.

Yesterday and there’s always these new people [00:30:30] that, Ching Mai, where I am is also kind of a digital nomad hub where a lot of kind of newbies come. It’s kind of got the newbie brand where people, people kind of come off the plane from their old lives to find their new life. And it’s fascinating. It’s really fascinating.

Like, hey. I’ve been in here three days, five days. That’s crazy. Like they left behind their own life, but not, not a lot. Stay. Right. And they somewhat, I’ve seen ’em go back quite a few times and so [00:31:00] maybe I’ll, you like what? It’s not failure, right? I don’t wanna say that they failed, but maybe they still have to find their own way.

What would you say to that? It’s like maybe perspective really helped take away. Take away the edge of the sword of reality. Yeah. So failure really, and when, like, I was speaking with someone yesterday and I was explaining, the person was telling [00:31:30] me how challenging it is, where they’re currently working and, and she was expressing how challenging it, it it is.

And then . One of the things I do now is story tell. I’m not saying, well, you should stay because there’s so many things that you can gain from, like, I don’t do that. Right? Like, I story tell and I’m telling the story of years after. So I’ve, I’ve left the [00:32:00] company that I was working at. It’s been six years now.

Almost six years. Yeah. And, and, but the, the, the lessons I learned from the challenging experiences that I’ve been able to, I. Actually make money from are the ones that I, I thought I couldn’t live through. Right? Or as like the 2-year-old child having a tantrum, right? [00:32:30] Mm-hmm . Like, like screaming. But those are the things that, uh, people actually pay for to learn how to fix.

So yeah, failure is really perspective. Yeah. And. I’ve had that, I’ve had the opportunity because the concept of age brings wisdom. Right? Like, like that’s always thrown around. Right. But I can agree today, I’m only 41 [00:33:00] at the time of this recording. I see. But to, again, to put things into perspective, I’m 41, but I’ve listened to thousands of people.

Like tell their story. Yeah. So those are all parts of my wisdom library building process, and I’ve realized that, that, yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s really not failure, but if your perspective [00:33:30] isn’t prepared or if there isn’t a plan for what. You do with failure when it comes, then it stays as failure and you don’t get to like the concept of molding clay, right?

If like you get to put the thing on the spinning thing and you mold it, if you’ve not seen ghost, well, I’m dating myself, but Ghost, ghost has the picture of, of, of that being done, right? But when, when you, you, you can just add water [00:34:00] and, and recreate a thing again. And in life we once, once we have life, there’s that opportunity here like add water, which cemented was similar to, right?

There’s, there’s cement that fails like we test. Using A STM standards or we tested, I tested using A STM standards and cement failed when it couldn’t get back. Its moldability when you added [00:34:30] water. Yeah. So if, if, if it couldn’t, oh, if it’s set too fast and when it’s set, if it couldn’t be softened again, it was a failure.

Yeah. And I think in life with the businesses I’ve done. It’s been that, yeah. If the, if it happens too fast and it’s not able to be broken down and built again. Yeah, I failed. Got it. Interesting. Yeah. You got, I guess it’s afield engineering or technical here, [00:35:00] but, and related to, to life. But yeah, it’s, I, I, I have similar thoughts.

My fav, my favorite is diamonds in, in coal, right? Like diamonds are built under pressure, I believe. Uh, maybe you could expand. I don’t know if you have more technical insights on that, but the idea is I try, I try even tell my team or myself when I’m under pressure, that’s when I’m growing. If I’m not under pressure, I’m not growing.

Right. Love that. Of course [00:35:30] it is just like going to the gym or, uh, or Michael Jordan. There’s that famous quote from Michael Jordan, just like, I’m gonna mess it up a little bit. But it’s basically, I failed over and over and over again. I’ve took the winning shot and missed over like x times. I’ve, you know, let down my team this many times.

But he says be, but because of that is why I succeed. Mm. It’s a pretty powerful one, but we have to push our limits. If we’re not, we’re staying in our comfort zone or a comfort [00:36:00] pit, and this has been, I always, I’m really happy, Angela, to have you on this, on this show and identity. I think finding your identity is this topic, and you’ve been a great guest and thank you.

I think we’ll start to wrap up and of course, how can people find you? You have your 12 minute . Convos, we’ll link it in the show notes for your podcast. Uh, is there other businesses or other, other. Projects you’d like to, to shout out or [00:36:30] mention? Hmm. Now the podcast is cool. One of the things I’ll add that has come from the podcast is the ability to take someone’s story and create a book from it.

Yeah. So you can get So that’s the, that’s the other thing that I’ll plug in there. Yeah. Okay. Self-publish Great. I’m writing it down. I’ll also link to that 3D [00:37:00] PDF of Zig Ziglar. I’ll find it. And yeah, that’s cool. This has been, this has been great, angel. So have a great day.

Let’s definitely keep in touch and, uh, I appreciate always connecting with content creators and creators as as you are. So have a great day ahead and we’ll have a great year in 2025. It’s a great way to get us started. Yeah, thanks for having me. Great. Do you enjoy the podcast Global For Amazing. Do you enjoy all the community events that we do?

The best way to support is coming out to [00:37:30] our annual cross border in Chiang Mai this November 3rd, fourth, and fifth, 2025. I have amazing speakers, am amazing people getting together. We’re pushing the limits. We’re making things happen. This is where the movers are shakers and the deal makers come.

It’s a limited supply of attendees and tickets and we have been selling out every year, so I recommend checking out earlier cross border Alright, thank you so much [00:38:00] for sharing. I hope everybody enjoyed that fifth 457 shows. He’s got me way beat though. He is doing a lot, a lot, a lot of ’em. Even though I started way a bit earlier in 2013 with Global from Asia, but we’re chugging along trying to keep his every couple of weeks.

And we always have something action packed. Actually, today when the show is live, we’re recording a live webinar about AI agents and we had some sessions about, I had some questions and input for that. We’re also incorporating that lot into our cross border Summit 2025. This November, [00:38:30] we have a mastermind in Hua, Thailand.

We’re about eight people. Really small and, and knit, but. It’s gonna be in all of our lives. And of course here in cross-border trade and e-commerce, it’s gonna be even more important for us. So you can check out some stuff I’ve done and we’ll be having some cool shows coming up about AI and blockchain and the future of e-commerce and cross-border trade.

That’s my passion. You gotta keep an open mind, especially in today’s [00:39:00] environment, you can’t stay to the old way. So I hope you enjoy and thanks again for watching Mike here at Global from Asia signing off. To get more info about running an international business, please visit our from

That’s dot Global from Also, be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed. Thanks for tuning in.

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