It’s a new year! And the team here at Global From Asia is excited to debut our first conference. This is the first of many – we’ve called it the “Cross Border Summit”.
What’s The Cross Border Summit?
You know who you are! You’re buying from factories, selling on Amazon, looking for partnerships to setup distribution around the world. Then you stress about how the taxes work for your business and your personal situation.
More and more people are doing global businesses. Yet the governments, banks, and “traditional” businesses have not yet caught up. They’re always the slowest, we know.
This conference aims at helping you find more people like you, who are doing global business between Asia and the world.
The Cross Border Summit is for e-commerce business owners and any online business owner who is traveling the world. You may have a company here in China, a factory or development shop there in Vietnam, a sales office in Melbourne, and a distribution partner in UK.
Its complicated, but its a new reality for many.
You’re not alone, though most people are still “in the box” dealing with their own country. Don’t worry – there are others out here – and you can meet them at this summit!
If you want the information and pricing for this year’s event (In April 2016) check it out here – GlobalFromAsia.com/crossbordersummit
Let’s hit some specific points on why you should come out here.
Quality Speakers with Unique Content

It’s specialized in cross border and international business matters for online businesses, we can hone in on the top speakers and great content. With over 100 podcasts on Global From Asia and a slew of blogs, guide books, and videos, we know what people are asking for.
Speakers will discuss items such as:
On top of these amazing topics, we’ll have breakout sessions so you can pick a small room of others with interest in the same topic! Learn, and build quality relationships, talk about win-win!
You’ll Be in Asia In April Anyway!
We picked this date for a reason – you’re on this side of the globe! This is the spring phase of the trade show season in Hong Kong and Guangzhou. If you’re doing e-commerce or import/export, most likely you’ll consider coming to Asia for the trade shows.
After many years going to them, we know how it is. Talking to listeners and readers here at Global From Asia, and meeting them when they’re here, we listen. We’ve learned they want some quality content and networking too!
So we are giving it to you!
Chance To Build Quality Relationships

This will not be as high volume as those massive fairs. Plus we’re working hard to get as many people to “meet and greet” as possible. This we’ll host fun activities and evening networking sessions.
We understand people want to meet more people in their shoes. The speakers are during the day, but even there you’ll have chances to meet people around you. Afternoon breakout sessions will be setup so you can have smaller settings. The nights for a more casual networking experience.
Bring your business cards, and get ready to meet some fun and global business people!
There Is Still Something About Face-To-Face That Beats The Internet
I love the internet. It’s so powerful and amazing. This is how you and I are talking right now – though this webpage.
Yet, it is still not as amazing as meeting someone “in real life”. I have met a lot of listeners and readers as they travel through Hong Kong and China – but it is hard to catch everyone. Plus, I want to connect some to other people, and build long term business relationships.
This is best done in an event, in a physical, face to face environment. Ask each other questions, find out pain points other people are having, and grow!
Specialized Breakout Sessions

In the afternoons, to switch things up from the speakers, we will have break out rooms. This is a way for people to share their ideas and ask more interactive questions.
We will take surveys from attendees on which sessions they want. We’ll also get the speakers from the morning to come out to different rooms and meet the attendees.
This will be a powerful way to get personalized, focus feedback for your business with people who have done it already.
First Access to Our Private Members Forum
And the final, bonus, that I have to say is you’ll be one of the first members of our new members forum. We’ll launch at the event, and everyone who comes will be able to login later and talk to one another.
I know, you’re too busy to check forums! But think, this will be a small network of people in your exact situation.
Plus, if you forget a name or did’t get a business card, you can later login to our private forum and look them up.
Also, share updates and progress you’ve taken since the summit, and prepare for the 2nd annual conference in 2017!
We’re So Excited, Are You?

For years we’ve been waiting to build up enough interest and momentum to launch this summit! We’re partnering up with a lot of other local event organizations and rockstars!
The first will be a big bang! Just gotta push to make it happen. And we hope you trust us that this will rock!
So, support more amazing conferences like this and RSVP now. There are early bird discounts for those who commit early, and we want to lock in special prices with the food and venues and other items. The page for all the details on speakers, schedules, and pricing is at GlobalFromAsia.com/crossbordersummit
Interested in being a speaker, sponsor, or have other ways you want to contribute! We’d love to hear from you, please contact us today!