This week’s podcast, we have Uncle Gary back due to popular demand! He’s been excited when we were both interviewed in a Bloomberg podcast. He likes to share his perspectives, and he has a lot of them and they’re very unique. So I hope you enjoy today’s show which is more about insights on the economy and some very unique perspectives that I think might help listeners understand.
Topics Covered in this Episode
Welcome back Gary
Back by popular demand! So many of you enjoyed the first interview “The Gutting of the American Blue Collar Worker” for the realness and perspective, and Gary enjoyed it so much, we brought him back
We were on Bloomberg!
Clips from Gary and I were put into a podcast with Bloomberg
What Is Politics?
Let’s define politics
The 1% Controlling The System
How is the 1% of the wealthiest people controlling the world
Forming People’s Coalitions
How can we stand up to the 1%?
Why are there only 2 political parties in America?
The reasons why, and the insights.
Alternative Energy and Why things don’t enter US markets
Why is USA stuck on oil? Gary talks about alternative energy concepts.
How can we improve / fix / what is the solution
Gary gives some insights on what we can do.
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ Bloomberg podcast w/ Mike and Gary
√ Previous episode with Gary – GFA267
√ Book – The Gulag Archipelago: An Experiment in Literary Investigation
Episode Length 56:46
In our shows, we try to get people informed hopefully try to bring them together certain times for events and other ways. So thanks so much for sharing your insights Gary, it’s great to have you back on.
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Show Transcript
[00:00:00] Episode 288 of the global Asia podcast. Uncle Gary is back by popular demand. Welcome to the global from Asia podcast, where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice. And now your host, Michael Michelini greetings from the Shenyang
[00:00:26] airports, I feel..I do these intros while I’m on the road. Uh, it’s been an intense time. Just spent, uh, most of the day with the kids before I head off to Manila, Philippines to work closer with the Alpha Rock team for about a half a year. And then back down Chiang Mai we have our Cross Border Summit.
[00:00:47] November 19th and 20th of this year in Chiang Mai. So I’m pretty excited about that. And this week by popular demand, a lot of feedback I’ve gotten is they liked having my uncle, the blue collar guy. They got, you know, went through a globalization and was on the wrong side of the trade. So he comes back on.
[00:01:10] He’s been excited, you know, when he got a little bit on Bloomberg with me. And, uh. he likes to share his perspectives, and he has a lot of them and they’re very unique. So I hope you enjoy, today is more about, you know, insights on the economy and some, some very unique perspectives that I think might help help listeners understand.
[00:01:33] I know a lot of you actually agree with some of the stuff that he says, and I just, I like to kind of like give a voice like this a little bit more, uh, reach. So enjoy my uncle Gary. We are making it happen. Cross-border summit, fifth annual, can you believe? Five years, 2016, 17, 18, 19 just passed. And now we’re coming to 2020 our first one outside of mainland China in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
[00:01:58] Save the date. November] 19th and 20th of 2020 I hope to see you there and it’s going to be an amazing one. As always, we’re working really hard on getting unique and valuable speakers and community of good business owners. Cross Border Asia, China, all around the world. I’m looking forward to it. Working hard.
[00:02:20] All right. Back by popular demand. And my uncle Gary, Gary, Gary Garneau. Thanks for coming on again, Gary. Well, thanks for having me on, Mike. I appreciate it. Yeah, so. We’re going into Christmas recording this. Um, but this show will go on after, into January, but, you know, maybe mid January. So, um, it’ll be a 2020 will be a new decade.
[00:02:49] Um, but today, you know, we talked last time kinda about trade war, and I don’t know if you know the title I used, I call it the gutting of the American blue collar worker. And, uh. I’m trying to think of a title today out. We don’t have one, but we’re going to talk about politics and the economy. And you know, I always remember, actually it was during the holidays when Gary, we would get together and you know, I would hear a lot of these insights and a perspective, so, so, uh, but how have you been since the last time we were on the show?
[00:03:23] So again, how has things been since maybe last time? Also Bloomberg, did you get to hear the interview with Shelley? Yeah. Yeah. It was pretty good. Yeah, they really featured. Yeah, they had me throw on a few, uh, comments, you know, me and my opinions. Very opinionated. Well, yeah, it was great. It was great that we got got into that.
[00:03:47] And, um. But so yeah, you, you were going to share about today, cause last time we didn’t get into it, but politics and the economy, right? Yeah. We didn’t talk. So I want to talk ideas of solutions, you know, I want the audience to understand out there that I’m not an expert. I don’t have a PhD in economics and politics, but I’m an old, I’ve been in politics a little bit and I have some opinions and ideas and sometimes a blue collar man,can come up with
[00:04:15] A good idea. Everything I say is not an accident stone, of course, you know, but I have some ideas, I see trends, and I try to connect the dots the best I can and I’m going to throw a few ideas out there and, um, I’ll leave it for the public to see what they think. You know, you want to start with the politics first?
[00:04:34] Yeah. I think politics is always a interesting, so, sure. So do you want to share, I mean, I’m trying to think. I guess I’ll let you, you, you start to. Well, let me start my tie right here on my lecture. My brother says that lecture, lecture. Anyhow, the world has been ruled by the 1% for thousands of years and the world is changing even though people say it’s not, it is changing.
[00:05:00] 300 years ago, most of the world was ruled by Kings. I mean, think about that for a minute. You know. And then of course, we’d come out with the, uh, constitution. And that was started by Thomas Paine. When he wrote the rights of man, he was eventually thrown out of England. The guards didn’t like them. He didn’t like the people to think they had rights and the constitution basically, even though we’re not taught in our schools, Thomas Paine was probably the grandfather of our constitution, our Republic.
[00:05:29] and now then Communism came along, which I don’t believe in because, uh. It’s a lot like fascism. It completely controls and the handful of people, and I recommend people to read, uh, Alexandra Sosa, Nielsen’s book, uh, Archipelago of Gulag is a very , scariest book I’ve ever read in my life.
[00:05:51] I’ve written one that it shows you what can happen when government gets out of control. But I want to, before I go into things, I want to define a few things about politics. What do we even call politics is a good one. Well, you know what it is, Mike, right now, all the politicians, Democrat, the Republicans and some of the Democrats are acting like socialism is communism.
[00:06:12] You know, they used to say communist. Now they don’t. They say socialist. But there is a very big difference between socialism and communism, in my opinion. And I want to explain to the public what I mean by that. Communism is a system of government where it’s a handful of community people. Control the whole country.
[00:06:30] There’s no private, there’s no private property. Nobody owns property. Nobody owns land. Everything is completely owned and controlled by the government. It’s a one party system. No, they do have a committee. They vote for the committee. And they’re set in their district, but they can only vote for communist.
[00:06:49] It’s the only party on the ballot. And they, and the communist party pretty much put who they want to run anyhow, and the committee meets, I think Russia has 20 committees, but now I think Russia has a multi-party system, even though the communist party wins a lot there. Um. So that’s basically it. It’s a completely controlled by, by, uh, by politicians and nothing.
[00:07:12] There’s no private industry. There’s no private land. It’s all owned by the government. Now, socialism. Basically, and by the way, communism does not empower the people at all. It’s like it’s closer to fascism. Actually. Socialism is kind of a capital. Let’s get into capitalism. Capitalism can be too powerful.
[00:07:32] It can get out of control. It can get to the point where it becomes like fascism. Actually capitalism can lead to fascism if it’s not kept in check, and what happens is the 1% completely takes over. If you look at the American constitution, it’s written basically to protect us against the 1%. Tyranny is when the 1% completely takes over, where they own everything and they control us.
[00:07:57] And you know, everybody talks about China being our enemy. Russia being our enemy. No. I hate to tell you folks, it’s your 1% that’s your enemy. They are the ones that will take away your freedom. They’re the ones that will take away your property. They’re the ones that’ll pay no taxes or make you pay all the taxes.
[00:08:14] They have to be kept in check just like anything else they have to be kept in check, and the constitution of America was written to protect us against that. You’ve got to remember the people that came to America, they were dealing with the, with the, with the English in English at that time, had a bureacracy they had a system of aristocrats, no rights.
[00:08:35] And a matter of fact, that tea company and that also that trade company up in Canada, that for a company, I forget what it was called, these were cooperations. And so the constitution, in my opinion, was written to protect us against tyranny. Our enemy is not China. It’s tyranny. And tyranny can be oh it’s happening.
[00:08:55] They want to take our guns away. Uh. That’s a very dangerous thing. Stalin., in,in, in this book, uh, they’re supposed to need some red, Archipelago of Gulag. He makes a statement. He says, a society that’s unarmed and a week will be enslaved. I want to repeat that. Stalin made this statement. I want everybody to be aware of this.
[00:09:16] A country that is unarmed and weak will be enslave. So we have to think about that. The constitution was written to protect us against tyranny. You know, the right, the right to bear arms or free speech, the right to assemble, a press, free press, all of these things. And you can see what’s happening in this country right now.
[00:09:38] The press is owned by five huge corporations. You know, you know, you’ve got this thing about the impeachments going on in, uh, in Washington and are all screaming about Trump. You know, he broke the constitution. But you know, a funny thing happened a couple of weeks ago. They voted under president, the President of Wars Act, which gives the president the power to send troops and start Wars without permission from Congress.
[00:10:03] They voted on it and they couldn’t overturn it. Don’t you think that’s more important than what’s going on right now? The Consti you see our forefathers, they wanted 500 people to vote before we go to war. And the reason for that, it makes it harder to go to war if one person decides if the country goes to war, it’s a lot easier to get into a war.
[00:10:23] Now, these people in Washington were a bunch of hypocrites. The fact that they would not, they talk about Trump following the constitution. Well, I think it’s very important that Congress decides when do we go to war, not the president, and yet they wouldn’t vote to bring us back to the constitution. I think that’s hypocrisy really.
[00:10:44] I think the people in Washington, Democrats and Republicans have betrayed the American people in many ways. The industrializing the nation, allowing these corporations to get bigger and bigger and bigger. You know, you, every time you pick up the paper, there’s a media buying of another media company and are not stopping it in their leg.
[00:11:03] All these companies buy everything out and that threatens democracy really? But you don’t have competition or we’re going right back to the way it was in the 17 the 16 hundreds pretty soon. You know what? A handful of people owning everything, you know, it’s just not a good thing. So, and you know, I wanted to bring that.
[00:11:22] Well, I want to talk about socialism a little bit. Socialism basically empowers the people. It doesn’t take all the power away from the rich, but they don’t like it because they want to be in complete control. What it does is it allows a more plain and open, more open playing field with the people who have more to say.
[00:11:40] Socialism allows a multi-party system. Socialism allows privatization. You’ll listen to these politicians. One politician said the other day, socialism means the government owns everything. That’s not true. That’s not socialism. That’s communism. Socialism, Eugene Debbs back in the 1920s and 1919. Around that era, during the world war one, he was the head of the socialist party and a world war one was great.
[00:12:10] The oligarchies loved that. They are able to destroy the, uh, the, the socialist party and they got rid of the international workers of the world. They had an office in every, they arrested all those people. Because Wilson passed a law that you couldn’t speak out against world war war, or you go to prison for five years, and all the socialists were speaking out against the war.
[00:12:29] So they arrested all the leaders, threw them in prison, and they were brutal to them. A lot of them died in prison. So anyhow, Debbs was very upset because, uh, you went to prison too. A lot of people were getting felt that the socialist party wasn’t effective enough and they wanted to go to Communism. He was upset because he felt, he knew that it was a big difference between the communist party and the socialist party.
[00:12:52] Now basically what the socialist party does is it allows more power to the people that, like I said before, it allows private property and allows a multi-party system. It allows free enterprise. It doesn’t take over companies, but it regulates, and what it does is it puts people in power that look at the country as a family.
[00:13:11] We’re all in this thing together. Under strong socialism, we wouldn’t have been able to get off of gold. We wouldn’t have been able to move our jobs over to our manufacturing overseas. A lot of in these Wars, we would go back to the constitution, and this is what I believe. I’m basically a progressive people tell me because I’m, I’m for certain things that are conservative that I’m not a progressive, you know?
[00:13:36] But that’s not true. I mean, I. On certain issues. See, I look at it this way. If you listen to these progressives, everything the Republicans say are, is wrong, and if you listened to the Republicans, everything the Democrats say is wrong, but each party has his good and bad points. The sad part about the political system today in this country, in my opinion, is which of the two evils you want?
[00:13:59] You vote for the Democrats. They want open borders. They say they don’t, but they do. They want to make, they said, well, we want to have an open borders voters and that we weren’t going to make it a felony to cross the border. We’re going to make an a misdemeanor that’s open borders. They scare a lot of people about the guns.
[00:14:16] I was in restaurant. Yesterday for breakfast, my brother and I go to breakfast on Sunday morning and three different people walked in with t-shirts talking about gun laws. You know. Saying how they were for the right to bear arms. It’s a very strong emotional thing, and it’s going to hurt the Democrats.
[00:14:32] They, they really, uh, you know, if they want to get elected. They’re going to have to lay off those two issues because it’s actually sabotaging the progressive movement. Having those, those views, you know what I mean? People look, you know, they’re going to lose the South. I’ll tell you that right now. I’d be, unless the demographics change enough, this is probably what they’re trying to do.
[00:14:51] Trying to change the demographics. I don’t know. Then if you vote for the Republicans. They go again. Look what Don did. He gave another tax break to the rich. He, uh, he’s gutting all the, all the environmental environmental programs. He’s, uh, putting more money into the war machine. So, which one do you vote for?
[00:15:15] You know, and of course, the Democrats are for abortion. They think it’s the Holy grail for women. And it’s a real, it’s a real mess. Now let’s get into some, I think what has to happen, I’m sure, Mike, go ahead. Keep going. Sorry. Well, uh, I think what two people are gonna have to do, we’re not being represented.
[00:15:36] It’s very clear and very obvious, like I said before, and I want to repeat it again. These people are screaming lots of constitution against Don, but they wouldn’t give, take the constitution back and put it into the Congress’s decision to go to a war. And that’s where, you know, some countries is a very serious thing to go to this country.
[00:15:54] It’s a drop of a hat. You know, Obama announces that he wants to send troops or bomb Olibia, you know, or bomb Syria is just, they just announced it. There’s no debate anymore about it, you know, now, you know, I’m sorry, my what? No, I mean, I’ve, I’ve noticed there’s been just more a lot faster than I remember, right.
[00:16:14] I remember it used to be more like decisions or debates, but now I just feel like there’s, there’s no debates about it. There’s a guy that has a TV program. His name is Chris Hedges, and he was a award-winning, uh, reporter for New York times. He wanted to print an article against the Iraqi war. Now, I’m not sure if he quit.
[00:16:37] They wouldn’t let him print it. Number one, they said, no. I don’t know if they, if they threatened to fire him or if he quit. I’m not sure which is which, but they, there’s no, there’s no two views about anything anymore. It’s what it’s like the media. It’s just a voice for that, for the government. Look at what’s happened to Julia
[00:16:52] And, and, and, and Manning Manning’s in prison now because they wanted him to, uh, to, uh, testify a second time. And he says, I’m not going to, I don’t have to. I’ve already testified. So they throw them in prison and he’s been in prison for months. It’s, it’s, it’s really scary what’s happened. The surveillance and this whole mindset, you know, I’m going to say something about this.
[00:17:16] So called security. I don’t think there should be security. You know, and this secret security, it should only be secret when the mission is on. So but once it’s done…it should be known to the public, well if you, if you don’t want to have the public know about it, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.
[00:17:35] Cause she’d be no secrecy except during a mission. This secrecy thing is gonna. It’s gonna destroy us. You know what I mean? I think we should also get rid of the CIA. They’re destructive. Yes, scary stuff honestly. just get rid of them. They’re just terrible. They’re murderers. They are …. They destroy
[00:17:56] But anyhow, uh, what’s happening is the world is changing. A lot of people are tired of the system of oligarchies. I know what’s happening in Venezuela and what’s happening or what happened in Bolivia. I’ve come to the conclusion, the key is they’ve got to get the army to change, to go against the people you know.
[00:18:15] And uh, and what this world, uh, with this globalization’s very dangerous. Cause if they don’t like a country, they can destroy it. This is what you’re trying to do, and it’s Venezuela. Venezuela is a country that’s a true democracy. And I’ll, I’ll tell you why I say that. There’s more poor people in Venezuela there are people doing well and well off.
[00:18:35] So when in a true democracy, they’re going to vote for a government that’s to the left. The one percenters don’t like it. They want complete power and control, and this is what it’s all about. You’re trying to stop the world from switching over to a more socialized type government where more people have more power and say, in your government, what were you going to say, Mike?
[00:18:55] Yeah, I was just saying like, so what I guess there’s these really rich people and they have these meetings. You know, the 1% I guess there’s these, these events and they’re just these elites even we don’t hear about it, I guess, as normal people and they’re just, they’re happening and owning all the major corporations?
[00:19:17] Well, the dangerous part about the 1% is they don’t care about nothing. They don’t care about the environment. They don’t care about poverty. They don’t care about homelessness. They don’t care about on a, for affordable housing. These are things that socialism would address. You see, then don’t address that stuff.
[00:19:33] They just want to make money. They don’t care if they pollute the air. Oil is their best friend, just like wars because oil control, control the people. I talked about it before when I was talking to them about delocalization. This is the key. We don’t have jobs, localized jobs anymore. Our banks aren’t localized.
[00:19:53] A lot of Florida’s pretty good. We have some localized, uh, what do you call it? Agriculture. Once you take a state like Connecticut, what’s there? All the industry left, right? There’s no farming. The banks are all big banks now. Then you’ve got Walmarts, all these people, all the money’s being sucked out. Okay, I’m getting off my subjects here.
[00:20:14] Let’s get, let’s get back into politics. I think the thing about politics that we know the two party system does work. It just doesn’t. Bernie Sanders, you know, to call the democratic party and democratic parties an insult to the word because they wouldn’t let Bernie Sanders get on the ballot. They fought him tooth and nail.
[00:20:30] I think the Oligarchs called, called him and told him, listen, we got to keep this guy off the, off the ballot. The guy from a home Depot was having nightmares about Bernie Sanders being on a ballot, you know? But, uh. We have to get together as, as people and work together. We have to form coalitions.
[00:20:49] People have to get together and form coalitions and like for example, we had a guy run for office in our district. He was, he came and moved into our district. Okay, I’m not going to give the name, it doesn’t matter. This happens all over the country and then he gets on the ballot and then he gets money from the outside.
[00:21:06] $5 million come in outside to his candidacy. Well, what I want to see is a local guy. Do, everybody knows a school principal, a doctor or somebody, everybody knows a guy with a cell phone, but there’s a plumber who knows what, and he wants to run for Congress and we get him on the ballot and he runs. Now talking about the ballot, none of which we have to form coalitions.
[00:21:30] People’s coalitions for jobs and for it’s gotta be done. What’s happening right now two parts of the country? I’ll talk about, uh, Kingston, I think it’s called Kingston New York. I’m jumping back and forth from politics to jobs. What they’re doing there is they’re forming coalitions and you’re starting to form their own businesses.
[00:21:49] I don’t know how deep it’s going, if they’re making their own banks, but there’s businesses and housing and because the oligarchy, you know, they have no, they don’t care. They don’t care if they lay off 10,000 people that moved to plank to Timbuktu. It doesn’t care to them. What matters is, the bottom line is they make money for the people in the stock market.
[00:22:05] The local people, they don’t care about. They have no regard for us. But anyhow. Getting back to politics, we have to, we have a very close political system to Democrats or Republicans control, uh, the ballot, the ballot box. They think it belongs to them. The ballot box does not belong to the democratic and Republican party.
[00:22:25] It belongs to the American people, and we have to take it back. Now, most countries don’t have the system we have. They have an open ballot runoff election. And that means in some countries they might have as many as 20 people running for one office. You get a lot of local people running for office, and then you have a runoff election.
[00:22:46] Whoever gets the two top VOCA, I wouldn’t say anybody gets more than 50% you take the two top vote getters and they go in the runoff election and then you have a second election. Get rid of the primaries. Second of all. The people themselves in each district can pick their Congressman eventually Senate.
[00:23:04] After a couple of years, the people will know that good politicians, like Bernie Sanders is very popular in Vermont, and he’s an independent because he’s not owned. I remember him when he was running for, when he was a Congressman. When I ran for office in the 90s no, he’s a US Senator, now he’s running for President.
[00:23:22] But, uh, what we need to do. Is having an open ballot runoff election. Now, see what happens to which system we have now is the independent candidate is the spoiler. NoIn other words. If the Democrats hate Ralph Nader, they said that he made them so they couldn’t win the election because he drew enough votes away from the Democrats parole, the same thing he drew votes away.
[00:23:46] And also, if you have a strong third party candidate, what on a runoff election, he can draw some electoral votes. I mean, you won’t draw any electoral votes, but it’ll draw more popular votes. Now everybody talks about Don losing, but by winning what him minus 3 million votes, president Clinton, the first election, I think only got 38% of the popular vote because parole got.
[00:24:10] 36 and he what a rough election. You have to have two 40 electoral college should be really effective. And I believe in the electoral college, and I’ll tell you why in a minute. The electoral college, I says two candidates, you can’t have another candidate that can disrupt things. The Democrats or Republicans should not be allowed to pass laws to restrict the ballot.
[00:24:32] They have no right to control the ballot. They have only one right. And that is to be on a ballot, they control the polling stations. And let me tell you something. They monkey around with the vote. They do stuff over there. I was in, I went to, I was living in Portland and I went to the library. They had an election.
[00:24:46] Listen to this, and I’m sure this is the tip of the iceberg. I walked in and, uh, they, Connecticut has steel voting machines and the machines have a line, I don’t know if you’ve ever voted in Connecticut, and I don’t know if you were voting in.. you voted in Connecticut, right? You already have the mechanical machines.
[00:25:08] They have mechanical voting machines, Mike, and they have a list of names lined up on a machine, but unlike a ballot, they took all the independence and put them on the bottom. So if you see a list of names and it stops, you figure just the end. For some reason, I looked down, I don’t know why there where all the independents are at the bottom.
[00:25:24] This is a criminal act. It is a criminal act because the people look at the line in names. They see the lanes stop and they figured that’s all, and they didn’t know they were on the bottle. I looked, because I’m, I’ve been an independent and I know how these guys work. They did some strange things with me.
[00:25:39] You know, when I got 15% of the vote at the green party the next day, they didn’t list me in the paper, didn’t even list the damn a vote in the paper, and they won’t list me on a as being a candidate and they do shenanigans these people. So yeah, they did this. This thing about the Democrats or Republicans controlling the ballot box.
[00:26:01] It’s got to stop. We need to have open, open ballot. 20 people can run for Congress. Who cares? The many people that want to run. They could, the newspapers could give a section each day to get a different issue, taxes, war, and each candidate would be allowed to make their statements seen. The Democrats and Republicans don’t want that.
[00:26:19] It would be too fair. They want everybody to believe that everybody else’s illegitimate candidates. They’re very scared now because after Jesse Ventura won there, they really restrict the ballots. They wouldn’t allow, Pearl got 26% of the vote the first election or 23% he was not allowed in the second debates when he ran.
[00:26:39] That is not democracy. The green party runs every year and they have to petition practically every year to get on the ballot. No country in the world would allow that. The green party would be on a ballot all across the country. This is how they can control the political system. And then on top of that, they control the democratic party, the high levels.
[00:26:56] They control both major parties. Now they can’t lose. So, and then also the voter registrar, I think, Oh, at the polling stations. Democrats, Republicans do not control. You have a group of people that swear allegiance to the American people, the constitution and the election, and they cannot be party affiliates.
[00:27:16] And, or if they are to have a mix of a lot of independence, none of which busted up, don’t have just Democrats or Republicans running those polling stations. Break it up. Also, the photo registrars here are Democrat or Republican. I don’t like that either. Also, the voter, uh, the state, the secretary of state, I called them.
[00:27:36] And I have turned hard time getting, he called me back twice. I finally connected with him and I had two questions for him. I says, uh. My first question, he answered right away and he said, yeah, yeah, you’re right. You’re right. I says, when we have a referendum on the ballot, which is when people vote on an issue, uh, don’t write it so complicated because I seen people spend 45 minutes voting.
[00:28:00] They read these referendums and you’re confused. You know, usually they use lawyer jargon, you know, and you got to have a PhD in law to understand the damn question, you know, he says, yes, you’re right. You’re right. The second question, he never let me finish me says it’s not going to happen. And it was a very, very, a reasonable request.
[00:28:19] I said, no more abbreviations of parties on the ballot, not going to happen. Or you see, when you put a party that you don’t know the name, you see a bunch of letters. You don’t know what a stands for. It could be the gun, right? Law party of Florida, the right to life party of Florida, the socialist party of Florida.
[00:28:40] They won’t allow that on the ballot. They abbreviate. So if you’ve got a party, you don’t know what its name is. You can’t tell what the name of the party is cause it’s abbreviated. You see what I mean? This is when you have control that the Democrats or Republicans have right now. They control the whole system from bottom down.
[00:28:55] You know who was, it was, it was an early president that said like, don’t, he didn’t believe in political parties. That was it. Well, Washington, George Washington, and he says the political parties, willl put, put themselves above the nation. And that’s what’s happening right now. The Democrats want immigration open immigration cause they know if they get all these minorities in that they’re going to favor them because they let them come in and then they, they, they, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s not a good thing because they put, they put the party of, look what’s happening in Washington.
[00:29:28] When Obama got voted, a bunch of Republicans got together and they said, we’re going to make sure nothing gets passed. What? Obama’s in there, we’re going to make sure nothing is done. So they’ll vote for Republican. Now the Democrats are doing the same thing to Republicans. They could just keep going after each other, you know, and it’s gotten so bad.
[00:29:45] And just like a Tulsi Gobert says, this impeachment thing is not going to be the thing, because now when a Democrat gets in, a Republican going to try to impeach them and they can find something, they can’t.. The president would make hundreds of decisions. You know, and one of those decisions might be a little wrong or misguided.
[00:30:02] It’s possible. You know, you talk about impeachment. I think a man should be impeached for starting a war with lies and changing the information of the war. There was an FBI, I’m not going to give the guy’s name. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. I’m not gonna. I’m just going to talk about principles here.
[00:30:17] There was a president we had recently that actually changed the FBI report to get his war, and then we went to war and they didn’t have weapons of mass destruction. That’s impeachable. That’s really impeachable. To me, the greatest crime is a lied war. When you lie a country into a war, you cross thousands of lives, tens of thousands of wounded men for the rest of their lives that our arms, legs and her faces blown off a tremendous debt.
[00:30:47] The country that you’re going to war. And we leveled these countries, destroyed their cities, caused millions of people to move out of their country. So there was nothing left. That’s a serious crime. And yet they look, the other one was, that’s the polos. He says, Oh, it’s okay. It would cause a disruption if we, if we, but boy, Don makes one phone call and they’re jumping up and down screaming against the constitution.
[00:31:07] He’s going against the constitution. But anyone even got the guts to give the Congress the power of war back. I mean, there’s such a bunch of hypocrites in Washington. It’s disgusting, really. You know? But Anyhow, that’s what we gotta do. We gotta open, balanced. Also, no politician should change laws to restrict the ballot.
[00:31:26] Now they pass a lot of laws in Connecticut. I mean in Florida. When a Christy ran for governor, he had left the Republican party. And he ran as an independent and then they passed the law. If you lease their parties, you got to wait a year now before he can run for office. That’s bullshit. They make it harder to petition.
[00:31:45] You shouldn’t have to petition. You want to run for office, you run for office. You know, the two time vocoders going on. Oh, I’m going to tell you one more thing that people in this country don’t know. France and most of the world has opened ballot runoff election. We have one of the most controlled political systems in the world, even more so did Russia because Russia now has opened ballot runoff election.
[00:32:04] But in France, MACOM who won and Le pen, who ran against him in the runoff election were not major party candidates. They were minor party candidates. You see, the French were mad at the, they’re Democrat Republican party, and they just skirted right around him. See, we can’t do that. They set the system up, so we’re locked in, you know?
[00:32:28] Interesting. Okay. Yeah. I just want to know what’s going on about the economy. Yeah. Yeah, that’s important. I get going on politics. I’ve talked half an hour on politics about the economy. I think what we need to do, we have to understand that there’s a war going on right now in this country and around the world right now.
[00:32:46] The world has changed. Like I said before, the world 300 years ago was ruled mostly basically by a. Kings and Queens. And then we went to, Thomas Paine, started the rights, and then we went to communism, which, so it’s gone, right now what we’re trying to, a lot of these countries you’re trying to do is have a democratic socialism now, democratic socialism.
[00:33:06] The elites and the corporations don’t like, because they can’t control countries. A country that has a democratic socialism is going to be a country that’s going to protect its resources. So there’s a war going on right now. And, uh. One of the things that this globalism is hurts a lot of countries. They de-industrialized America.
[00:33:24] We’re in trouble, in my opinion. And we need to bring back jobs that we have to do it within ourselves. If oligarchs and the cooperations are not going to do that, they like the delocalize because it empowers them. And we’re becoming very, very vulnerable. But the city and Kingston is doing that to people who are getting together, forming coalitions, and they’re starting companies and they’re starting, this is what we gotta do here.
[00:33:48] Imagine if everybody in Florida put up 100 bucks, a hundred bucks. You got 26 million people, that’d be two point $6 billion. We get together. We formed coalitions for politics. We formed coalitions for jobs. We start employee owned seed companies or co-ops. Now it’s not the same that communism was collective.
[00:34:09] There’s a big difference between a Co-op and a collective. A collective is owned by the government. They had collective farms in Russia, but the people didn’t own the farms. They work for the government. There were collective farms, co-op farms that people own the farm. They’re owners. Co-op businesses, co-op housing in Jackson, Mississippi.
[00:34:30] The black leaders are really doing something or they’re tired of criticizing the system. They’re doing something. They’re getting together and they’re buying up land right now. What’s happening is the blacks in, in, in, uh, in Jackson, Mississippi are totally ignored. The government won’t help them. The locals won’t help, and they’ve got a turn to themselves as there’s new leadership there to saying, okay, there’s strength in unity.
[00:34:55] When people get together, you have strength just like the unions. This is why the Jewish people do so well because they’re unified. They help each other. This is what we got to do. We’ve got a form co-ops, and what’s happening in Jackson is they’re buying up all the land in the inner city because.
[00:35:12] Corporate America is very racist. They won’t build Walmarts wpn’t build Walmarts in black sections of cities, they maybe because they’re afraid of their rights, whatever it is, but they, they won’t build jobs in her areas. They won’t put housing. They look at, look at the, uh, that town where they had the riots there.
[00:35:28] What, what was it called? That town in Missouri, I forget. Anyhow, it was 52% unemployment among the, and that’s a perfect place to build a factory. You know, get all these people employed, but what they’re doing is they’’re buying up the land and going all out. They’re even going to have their own thanks.
[00:35:47] Are gonna have their own money system. They’re going to have their own housing co-op housing. They’re going to have co-op farming. Do they have co-op business? What they’re planning on doing and Cayston, new York’s doing the same thing. The people have to work, get together because the rich man’s never going to help you.
[00:36:02] He’s going to beat you down. He’s going to suck the blood out of your, your money out and he’s going to control you. You’ll never be on your side and he has no loyalty to you or your country or anybody else. It’s all about him. We have to get together and not in a violent sense. I’m not talking violence here.
[00:36:16] If anything, the to Richman will probably turn on us pass laws where we can’t do stuff. Matter of fact, the people in Jackson are expecting the state to stop them even though they’re not taking a one nickel of government money from the town and state or the government, not one nickel. They’re going to do this all on her own door expecting trouble.
[00:36:33] They’re expecting the pod 1% or assists pass laws where they can’t do this. They can’t do that. So they can’t, you know what I mean? They’re expecting it and you have to expect that from the rich man, cause he wants to be in controlling power. So that’s what we gotta do. We gotta get together and in a peaceful manner who will pull our money, get the banks localized, uh, get the jobs localized.
[00:36:57] Have co-op housing where we own the houses. You have a housing project. I like apartment in a nice apartment house. Maybe build a downtown where you don’t, you can have everything where you don’t have to get into a car to do everything. There’s gotta be some planning. We have to get together, work together.
[00:37:12] And uh. Yeah, we do those things. It all has to do with us getting unified. As long as we’re not unified, we’ll never get anywhere, and I want a warn the Chinese out there. Be careful of that one percenters, more billionaires in China than anywhere else in the world. Those are the people that are going to take away your standpoint.
[00:37:27] Those are the people that are going to enslave you. Be careful. Don’t let them get in power. You know? It’s going to be hard to stop it, but they will probably try to wheel their way and maybe corrupt the government because they have so much money. It’s a hard thing to do to stop the rich from taking over because they have, and today there are so much money out there.
[00:37:45] It’s scary really. There’s trillions of dollars. They have invested groups that have hundreds of billions of dollars at their fingertips. You know, if we put a progressive president in there like, like a Bernie Sanders or, or Elizabeth Warren, we have enough investor groups, they could just start selling stock and cause the economy to crash and say, see, socialism doesn’t work.
[00:38:05] They say, well, social was a word looking Venezuela. Well, what they don’t say is they’ve been having a, what do you call it, a a. Embargoes for years. They won’t even, they wouldn’t even let Venezuela, Venezuela. One of their goal. They said, no, these people are, are bandits and pirates. Venezuela asked England for their gold.
[00:38:25] They said, no, they had one point $5 billion with the gold. I’m just, wait, I watched your gold and it’s in your country. They should have your gold and you should give it to them. They wouldn’t give the the gold This is how corrupt these people on these cooperations in these Oligarchs are choking Venezuela because they want Venezuela’s oil.
[00:38:41] Well, Venezuela has got some of the biggest oil reserves in the world. What we should be doing is trying to get off of oil, but the cooperations, the bankers. And the oligarchy. They like oil. It makes them a lot of money and control us because like I said, we have to localize everything. We have to localize energy too, and it can be done.
[00:39:01] Now you know what’s going to happen with electric cars. They’re gonna make them out of lithium to batteries and make them exclusive and expensive. They’re making batteries out of carbon is a lot of new ideas about carbon. Matter of fact, the miners could be used, the coal from the mines could be used for the carbon batteries and just tons of coal, coal miners going out of work.
[00:39:22] We use them to mine the coal again we can use them for batteries. It’s gonna make us so that it takes batteries the last five years, costs $5,000, and it’ll take half a day to remove the batteries out of the car. That’s what they’re going to do. What they could do is have carbon batteries that are very reasonable.
[00:39:39] Make the battery so you can exchange them real easy. Uh. You could buy a car without even batteries in it. You could release the batteries from a car company. I mean, from a battery company. When you buy your new car, you don’t even have to have batteries in it. You know, there was a, there’s a patent right now for electric cars.
[00:39:57] The electric motor is inside the wheel, inside the wheel. This patent was a hundred years ago. What it is, you know what a planetary gear is. It’s a ring, but gears inside of it, and you put a smaller gear inside of it. A pinion gear, and that’s where the electric bonus is. What’s in a contained unit inside the wheel.
[00:40:16] Now, you can still remove the tire, but you know, just one here. You don’t have no axle no rear end in no transmission cause electric doesn’t need a transmission, electric, diesel, electric trains, electric and steam. You need no transmission. There’s so much torque that you don’t need to have cycles in the engine.
[00:40:32] and RPMs, you have instant power at any RPM. Imagine what that would cost to build a car like that. There’d be nothing to it. The only thing when electric cars were the last 50 to a hundred years, and if the engine went wrong, it just take that whole hub off, bring it to the dealership or go to a parts place and exchange it for a rebuild and slide it back and
[00:40:51] It’d be too simple in the batteries. Slide them out. You would have, you said of having gas stations, you’d have fueling stations. You could have steam power cars. Steam is very powerful, you know, and with the new alloys we have today, you wouldn’t have the corrosion. You could somehow it seal the system so the moisture doesn’t go into the air.
[00:41:09] It gets condensed and reused again. And steam is extremely, you know, the Pike’s peak at first one w the steam car cars used to beat the gasoline car cars all the time of steam has torque. And, uh, Oh, I want to talk about one more thing. I’m getting off into a new subject topic. I want to talk about. I want to talk about agriculture a little bit.
[00:41:28] We’re going past the half hour, but you know, it’s a funny thing you read about, you know how the world’s going to starve and it’s going to be no food and everything. But you know, right now we have corn farmers producing thousands of acres of corn and they’re putting it into the gasoline because they can’t sell the corn.
[00:41:46] You know, all those fields are being used to grow corn at, they’re pumping into our gas tanks. You know, China right now, nobody’s talking about it. But to China, if they play their cards right, they can. They can be exporting food. In a couple of years, China built three of the largest dams in the world. And they have vast deserts to the West.
[00:42:03] If they pumped out water out to the West, they could turn that into a huge, uh, uh, like they did in California after they built the Hoover dam, you know? Yeah. And, uh. Also a funny thing happened. I was traveling around the country 30 years ago. I traveled the whole country for six months and I went to the Hoover dam and I saw cars driving over to Hoover dam and I didn’t like it.
[00:42:28] I just, I pulled over, I talked to one of these employees, I worked her and she says, you know, you shouldn’t have cars driving over that dam it’s too dangerous. What if, there’s an atomic bomb in a trunk? I didn’t say I did. I was responsible, and now traffic does not go over to, dam, I’m not saying my saying that change it, but here’s what I want the public to know.
[00:42:46] Here’s something that I found out that floored me. I says, you know, and the guy who answered right away knew the answer right away, which amazed me because I didn’t think he would have the answer. I said, sir, he says, what? I says, look up. When the Colorado river flows into Lake Nene behind Hoover dam, the water is all muddy and Brown.
[00:43:03] Yet when it flows out beneath the dam, it comes out crystal clear. That means that you’re leaving deposits in a dam. Silt deposits. I said, how long will it take for the dam to fill up with silt? 300 years. I was in shock how quick he answered that. But you know, lately I’ve been thinking, you know, everybody’s talking about there’s problems now with fertilizer.
[00:43:24] They’re finding they’re having a hard time finding pine ash. I think pine Ash is a Norris and done normal, or is that from the bones of animals? I’m not sure. There’s a certain element to use it as fertilizer that’s supposed to be important and you’re running out of it. Here’s the source right there. Mike. If we could set up private company or even the government could set up dredging units next to railroad carts, they could have a barge come out there and load the, the railroad carts with the silt from these dams.
[00:43:53] And you know, silt is rich and mineral and our soil is tired because it has no mineral. And then you take the human waste from all these cities and you bring it out to the desert too and let it dry and mix it with the silt. Now you have a natural organic fertilizer and you mix it with, the silt is high in mineral content that needs all the trace elements.
[00:44:17] I mean, you’ve got a tremendous source of fertilizer that’s natural. It doesn’t have to be, you know, really processed. It doesn’t have to be mined or anything like that. It’s labor intensive, but that’s good too, cause it would make jobs. Let’s think about that for a minute. All the dams we have in this country are going to eventually fill up.
[00:44:34] We’re going to stop that from happening, and we can use that silk to make soil mixed in with human bio, waste and animal waste mixing it all together and making it really rich soil. You know, energy, energy. We were talking about solar panels and wind. That’s good, but there’s two other sources that are even more reliable.
[00:44:57] Ocean currents are tremendous and powerful. Harness to ocean currents, tides up, falling main, the tides drop 20 feet. What if we build with huge barges and hooked them up? The generators and as a tie went up and would run the generators. Geothermal is the ultimate because you drill a pipe down. Now the earth’s surface is only five to seven miles thick.
[00:45:20] I thought it was 60 miles thick but it is not. The earth is. 8,000 miles in diameter. Okay. I mean, yeah. Cross in diameter or make it an inch equal a thousand miles. That would mean an eight foot sphere, an eight inch spear. You know how thick the surface of the earth would be if one inch equals a thousand miles and you’ve got five to seven miles.
[00:45:42] Sickness on the earth is the thickness of two four 10 a aluminum foil. Together. That’s how much, that’s how thin the Earth’s under surface. We’re floating on top of a huge Magnus source, the center of the earth just hotter than the sun. All we have to do is grill down deep enough to get heat. You don’t want to go into the magnet.
[00:46:01] You can be well away from the magnet. I was reading. the Russians were experimenting with deep drilling and they were melting drill base. You’ve got to remember, lava is liquified rock. A blast furnace is contained in rock. They give you an idea how hot DEP lava is. We could also build our geothermals near volcanoes.
[00:46:18] It’s a volcano has event that’s coming up. Come on up. We can go close to the event. You bring a pipe straight down. You get up maybe five miles or. Four miles. I think it’s a mile deep miners the mine goal I think it’s 130 degrees or something about a mile down into the earth, but then you put a pipe at an angle that hooks up to that pipe and you put a check valve so that water can only flow or steam in one direction.
[00:46:43] You pipe it down. Now you’re going to an endless supply of steam that can make electricity and hydrogen because electricity. Hydrogen is made for running a current for water and now won’t cost money to make fuel because the energy sources free. Now there’ll be maintenance values of course, but to make hydrogen today, you’ve got to use oil or other things.
[00:47:04] But see, now we have four sources of energy for and even cars. There’s several ways to propel a car. I was reading about a guy who had a car that was running from compressed air. Hmm compressed air . He put enough air on there. Now, supposedly the tank was at 4,500 PSI. That is a high pressure, but you build the tank to take it, and it was supposed to go a thousand miles and do 80 miles an hour.
[00:47:30] It was a light car, but even if you could only go to a 500 miles, you can only do sixty. That’s, that’s, that’s even better than electric because you can just, All, you need is compressed air. You’d have fueling stations. Instead of gas stations, they would sell hydrogen, compressed air battery charges, and even exchange exchange of batteries.
[00:47:51] So you’d have the battery city could either charge them or you can exchange it. Now, China has already beaten the system. They’ve made gasoline cars obsolete. And this is a couple of years ago, Warren buffet bought out this company, uh, there were, there were supposed to come into America and I guess they stopped them.
[00:48:06] The oil companies, here’s what it is. They have a car to go 300 miles on a charge. Okay. But on a quick charge, 15 minutes they can go was 75% what? 75% of a 300 225 miles. That’s the end of elect gasoline powered cars. That’s the end of gasoline powered cars, but they won’t bring it into the market. Let’s see.
[00:48:30] So there’s a lot of innovation out there, but you see, when you have corruption, innovation is stopped. 1% want to make sure that we are controlled. The controlling isn’t a word, a very dangerous situation in America right now. You know, we, our jobs are all leaving. All these big factories are moving them to foreign countries, big banks.
[00:48:50] Our food is grown far away. Uh. Yeah. Everything is all spread out. Instead of being in the city, in the city, surrounded by farmers. Maybe we can wrap up with some ideas or remarks. I want her to bring those. Yeah, those ideas about the soil and I want to bring those in tne interview. I want to throw it out into the, basically what we need to do, Mike, is form coalitions.
[00:49:13] Now when these coalitions,whether it’s a company, we can have a universitues help us. Let’s say people need, you know, guidance in your coalitions. A university coulld help them and the States could help them. You know, the state of Florida gave one year, one point $5 billio to all these companies that promise jobs, what if we took that 1.5 billion and started co-ops or employee owned.
[00:49:37] Just start small. If it fails, it isn’t that bad. You know, some companies I want to finish on one thing, there’s a very successful co-op. It was formed, uh, 30 or 40 years ago. It’s called moroan. It’s in Spain, just like Jacksonville, Mississippi. This is the section of Maine where everybody to corporations, everybody ignored these people.
[00:49:59] So priests get together with the people and he said, okay, first we’re going to form schools so people can read and do mathematics. Then they started a small company with five people, a co op. Owned by the people. Now this isn’t shares. The share shares that they can take away when they changed the deal, these people were the owners and they made the decisions.
[00:50:17] You know, they have over 100,000 people belonging to that co-op today and they make some of the most sophisticated equipment. They make stuff for Microsoft last I knew. And they’re all over the world. And the most important thing in this co op is not profits. It is providing good jobs for their employees and they don’t lay off.
[00:50:34] They’ll cut back the hours or they’ll move to another plant and they’ll start a new plant so people have jobs. Second is profits, but it’s not the first thing the CEOs they like to have from within their organization, and you can only make eight times as much as the average wage. They don’t make 300 times as much.
[00:50:51] I know. I’m going on way past my time here. Yeah, I’ve up to 45 minutes. You know me, I can go and go. But anyhow, in ending, can I, I want to make an ending statement to all the people out there listening to this list, folks. I’m not a genius. I don’t have big degrees, but hey I see that there’s a need for change out there.
[00:51:12] I think we all agree on that. We need, and I think the biggest problem was we have to unify. The Romans had a symbol they used to carry with them. Was a stack of sticks tied together and it simplified unity. When you have one stick, you break up the stack. Each stick can be broken over your knees are weak, but when all the sticks are wrapped together, you can’t break them.
[00:51:33] This is what we need to do. We need to get together as people on a local level and take it from there, whether it’s politics or whether it’s jobs. We have to take control of our lives because right now we’re being controlled. Well that’s a great way to end it. I know. I mean, this we even try to do with the show.
[00:51:51] We try to get people, you know, informed and, and uh, and you know, hopefully try to bring them together certain times for events and other ways. So thanks so much for the sharing, Gary, it’s great to have you back on. Thanks for letting me talk, Mike. I really appreciate it. I know I don’t, I’m not right on everything, but just throw some ideas out there.
[00:52:09] Maybe some of them we’ll coordinate. Yeah. Perspective here. Yeah, they’re teaching these kids in college. Anybody with ideas is wrong because ideas can make more problems. That’s what they’re being taught in college. They’re also taught, there’s no such thing as common sense, and I’ve had several people approach me and I was running for office and says, Oh, I took a political science course in college, and they told me there’s nothing you can do about the political system.
[00:52:32] So this is what they’re teaching them in college right now. All right, well, thanks so much. Thank you. Alpha rock capital, stepping it up, making business deals with us at Global From Asia in what we’re doing here. If you’re interested in getting into a fund of Amazon businesses, there’s a portfolio of 10 brands and growing, or actually I’m a partner and we’re currently doing a capital raise.
[00:52:57] If you’re looking to invest in a passive investments to get exposure to this growing Amazon FBA world. We would love to hear from you or doing webinars more regularly. People are enjoying that at www.alpharockcapital.com/webinar. Thank you uncle Gary for coming on. I think he’d be down for another, but we’ll give it a break for awhile.
[00:53:20] I, uh, I hope, I hope. Well, listeners, I know, and I’ve, uh, I’ve met people and I’ve heard from emails and I’ve gotten feedback, a lot of people like these perspectives. And it’s true. I mean. Mass media doesn’t, it doesn’t, doesn’t listen to people like Uncle Gary, and I remember from all of the holidays and the arguments in the family of political and economic views, and he is a very unique thinker and he reads a lot, and he watches a lot of interesting TV perspectives.
[00:53:50] So I hope he enjoys this podcast, and I hope you enjoyed episode 288 why are going far into these shows and this airport? It’s this a thing about China there’s so many people, right? That’s just a story that we keep hearing is the huge amount of people, and if I could get one RMB from every single Chinese person, well I’ll be a multi-billionaire, almost two maybe, I don’t know.
[00:54:16] Is it 2 billion people or one and a half billion people? Something like that. Excuse me. So I’m just getting a little exposure to this, but have a connection in chin chin airport, just fo a couple of hours, gonna see some of my friends down in Shenzhen and then balancing down to Manila, I’ve been having these rough flights where I don’t get to connect.
[00:54:40] I have to get out of the airport, get a new ticket, and go fund through fond security. And I can imagine I’m carrying podcasts and cameras and. I might look like a, T. E. R. R. O. R. I. S. T. They always double check my bags cause these are kind of heavy, uh, heavy equipment and a part of the game, part of the game.
[00:55:03] So we’re boarding a little bit soon and I’m going to try to catch up on some work. Upload these videos to the cloud our amazing Alvin editor’s gonna make these happen. So many cool shows coming up. I mean, next week is a fun one. I mean. If we, you know, I got some really special guests, so I hope you enjoy these shows.
[00:55:24] And also of course, Cross Border Summit coming up. We have our membership GFA vip.com for those hardcore members that really want to interact with community. And I’m going to be dumping even more value into that because while I will keep up these amazing free shows, I’m going to double down with even more premium, valuable private content there.
[00:55:46] So. And there’s a huge amount of stuff happening in Global From Asia’s websites. I’ve been spinning off websites from it cause it’s just so big. Most of you say you can’t figure out what we even do. Somebody just kind of peeling off stuff and it’s going to be purely community podcasts and a premium membership while we’re spinning off the Amazon directory or seller directory or spinning off the, uh, other services directories into the other websites.
[00:56:13] Cause it’s just too much. And we’ll see hopefully it works, you know, gotta take some chances in life and, uh, that’s it. Thanks for listening. Hope you’re having an amazing new year already. Peace.To get more info about running an international business, please visit our website@www.globalfromasia.com that’s www.globalfromasia.com also, be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed.
[00:56:43] Thanks for tuning in.
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