Get the candles out – it’s our birthday. Let’s take a minute out of our normal business blog posts and share some fun stuff you guys.
I remember registering the domain in Bangkok, Thailand towards the end of DCBKK conference. The inspiration from Dan Andrews to start a Hong Kong business podcast got me to take action before the conference even ended! Popped up a quick wordpress single page website (or was it Launchrock?) and got people to sign up.
Off to the races!
In about mid 2014 was when we started to also write blog posts. Seems blog posts have helped boost our Organic traffic – and we have even experimented with various forms of video.
Here are the stats so far of what we have “created”
197 Audio Podcasts
205 Blog posts
16 Videos
144 GFA Pulse Newsletters
2 Cross Border Summit (our annual conference) – with third one lined up for April 20-21, 2018
3 Books – Hong Kong Supercharged, Destination China, and China Startup
2 Video Courses – Hong Kong Supercharged (video series) and Global From Asia Course
It’s been exciting times here. And still – we feel like we are just at the beginning.