In this episode, we explore key trends in the global business sale landscape, with a focus on cross-border deals. We’ll discuss insights from Flippa’s community, highlighting the shifts in deal flow, including the rising competition for smaller businesses, and the importance of evergreen, subscription-based models. We’ll also delve into the current state of e-commerce and how strategic buyers are adapting in a post-pandemic world. Join us as we gear up for “The Asia Roadshow” and look forward to seeing you at the Cross Border Summit this November!
Topics Covered in this Episode
The Asia Roadshow Partnership
Discuss the upcoming partnership between Flippa and Global From Asia for “The Asia Roadshow” and the benefits of attending these free, community-driven events.
Current Trends in Deal Flow
Explore how buyer behavior is evolving, with a shift towards smaller businesses and how high-interest rates and geopolitical challenges are impacting the market.
The Importance of Predictability in Business Sales
Explain why buyers prioritize businesses with stable, evergreen models, focusing on B2B and subscription-based businesses.
The State of E-Commerce in Deal Flow
Analyze the recent stabilization of the e-commerce market post-2020, the role of Amazon aggregators, and the growing demand for strong, established brands.
Cross-Border Deals: A Global Perspective
Highlight Flippa’s 62% cross-border deal flow, with examples of unique transactions happening between countries like India, New Zealand, Singapore, and Israel.
Preview of the Cross Border Summit
Share excitement about the upcoming Cross Border Summit in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and Fiona’s role as a speaker.
Conclusion & Event Invitations
Wrap up by inviting listeners to join The Asia Roadshow and attend the Cross Border Summit, with mentions of key event locations.
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ Fiona’s VIP Page
√ The Asia Roadshow. Sept 24 – Oct 10, 2024 – Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen. Learn More Here
√ Visit our GFA partner – Mercury – for US banking solutons for your ecommerce businesss
√ Grab your tickets for Cross Border Summit 2024
Episode Length 37:21
Thank you Fiona for being on the show, and thank you everybody for listening in.
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Show Transcript
[00:00:00] Episode 440 of Global from Asia. We have Flippa here talking about a road show. I hope to see you here and some amazing opportunities for buying and selling your business into the new year and more. Let’s tune in. Welcome to the Global from Asia podcast, where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice.
And now your host, Michael Micheli. Thank you [00:00:30] so much for deciding to watch or listen to the Global Inform Asia Show. 440 show shows 4 4 0 Global inform asia.com/flippa is the URL today for the show notes and links and information. There’s lots of that. We have Fiona, I have been working with the last couple months on our road show together a joint roadshow.
It’s a fun one. We will talk about it in the, in the interview. Also leading up to Cross-Border Summit. They’re supporting and sponsoring the summit. It’s super amazing to have [00:01:00] their support. Really appreciate it. It’s been fun. We have great people lined up. So let’s get into the show and afterwards I will share some of my behind the scenes planning for the Road Show, six cities in three weeks leading up to the Cross-Border Summit.
Let’s tune in first, and then if you’re with me after, I’ll get into some more behind the scenes. Let’s do this. Are you looking for USA banking solutions for your e-commerce business? I am proud to say mercury.com is supporting the [00:01:30] podcast here, third year in a row at Global from Asia. And we’re proud to say, ’cause we use ’em ourselves for many of our own Amazon brands, e-commerce brands and joint ventures with our US structures.
And they’re super easy to do online application, no fees, and they have great customer support. Have helped us with trouble with Amazon Seller Central over the years about some receipts and statements and. Everything like that, so we’re so happy to say thank you, mercury, for supporting our show, being a great service and supporting other e-commerce sellers.
We’re really proud to say [00:02:00] they’re a sponsor here and we also have a video tutorial as well as an overview and a special link with a little bonus for you as well for us under certain conditions. Check it out@globalfromasia.com slash mercury for that information. Thank you for listening and thank you Mercury.
Alright, thanks everybody for tuning into our Global from Asia podcast. We have a phone with Fiona I’ve gotten to know pretty well over the last couple of months. How are you doing Fiona? I’m great, Mike. How are you? [00:02:30] Great. We’re so busy, both of us. I guess. There’s a lot coming this year. A lot of exciting things, and you’re heading up the Asia expansion for flippa.com.
It’s really a really amazing to have gotten connected with you and you’re, you’re in. All around Asia lately, and we’ll be also doing a road show together very soon. We’ll speak about that later, but how, where you’re in Bali right now? Yes, I’m in Bali at the moment, but it’s a little bit of ask me where I [00:03:00] am and I could be anywhere in Asia at the minute, so, which is a blessing.
Definitely. Like it’s, I’m super excited to be working in this region. It’s definitely an emerging and exciting region as been so, yeah. Uh, no better place to be if I’ve, if I do say so myself, it’s very, yeah, it’s very. Actually, yeah, maybe a little bit about your time in Asia. I mean that, that just struck Got, we got two thoughts popped on my mind.
One is, where in the world is Carmen San [00:03:30] Diego? Do that one. No. I, I guess it’s showing me an old, it was a, it was a really cool video game back in. Oh yeah. Okay. It’s like an old computer video game, but it was, I think she, it was a female char main character, Carmen San Diego. But she had like a red overcoat, like with the, put the hat.
And she would you, it was like a learning game, but you had to figure out where she was based on some hints. Like, it was kinda like geography, learn geography in this game because they would give you [00:04:00] tips about the location and you would try to guess. Uh, so that was the first thought. And the second was, yeah, Asia is, yeah.
I’ve been here a, a while now, and it’s the energy and the insanity. I, I like the chaos. So some people can’t. I, I, I guess if you like it here, you must like that. Especially for this road show. It’s gonna be chaotic, but I, I lo I love it. I remember the first time I came, Hong Kong was my first. Location and it was just so many people and just so much energy and, and I, I guess I like the chaos.
I don’t know if, what’s [00:04:30] your, what’s your favorite parts or what you, you like about Asia? Well first off, it’s funny that you say that character because, I dunno the video game, but my friend dressed up as that character for Halloween one. Oh, now you’re gonna look it up and Yeah. Yeah. It just popped in my mind.
It didn’t. But where in the world is Convers San Diego? It’s, it’s kind of maybe your, our, my life In your life, but Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I think, yeah, Asia, it’s to me. [00:05:00] Every place is a little bit different. Like you are in Singapore, is different to Thailand, which is different to China and, and there’s, it’s a lot of, which can be challenging, right?
Like you and I are going to go on the road show six cities. Yeah. All very different culturally, all very different from an economic perspective, but. The amount of growth that this region is seeing, the amount of opportunity and excitement, whether it’s from [00:05:30] locals, whether it’s from expats, nomads, like it’s, I think a really exciting time to be in Asia and I’m excited to kind of see where it goes.
Yeah, I’m actually, I’m not sure where in Australia you’re from, but you’re Australian originally, and I think Aus Aussies are just tougher though. You’re like a tougher. Because I think there’s some, I dunno about Australia, but some, some expats come to Asia and then I don’t know if you have friends or people that kind of like can’t take [00:06:00] it and can’t wait to go back to their home country.
Right. Like Yeah. Some, you probably know those people. Yeah. I, I’ve met quite a few. I do. So you’ve Yeah. But you’re, you’re dealing, you’re, you’re a tough one. I, I, I see like you can deal with the, the chaos and ca like you, every country, like especially where. So I guess we should talk more about this roadshow planning, but even the roadshow, right?
Like we might have body cards that want, there’s, the cultures are so different in each of these places, and it’s tricky. [00:06:30] I mean, I think you’ve gotta respect cultures a little bit when you go to these places too, right? Like yes, it’s different to Australia and the US and things like that. I think if you under take the time to understand a culture, take the time to respect it and just work with it.
So you kind of. Take it in your flow a little bit and maybe we have to Yeah. Get some extra people to help us out or we have to wing it a little [00:07:00] bit in some places. And, and, and look, flipper does put on these events globally. So we do like what we put on in, in London is again, a little bit different to what we put on in Austin, Texas.
So. I think we’ve learned to just kind of go with the flow a little bit, and if you respect the culture and kind of just take it in your stride. One, you learn a lot about the, the people and the economy and, and whatnot, and that in turn helps you grow your business too. Agree? I think. I agree. [00:07:30] Yeah. I, I’m originally from the us.
I haven’t been back in. Man, six, seven years now, might take the kids next year. It seems like they want to go, but a lot of times, some cultures, I think some people don’t do well globally is they try to. Force everybody to follow their culture or their way. Right? And especially in these expat, every city has the expat bubble, right?
You can go to the expat area where you may have the more western food and the western, like a common, and I’ve kind of lived in those over the years. But I [00:08:00] think though, to really succeed is you kind of gotta, like you said, you gotta adapt. I, I actually have a workshop I do about like China business and it’s like a three hour workshop.
I’ve done a few times, not lately, but. I call it tread lightly. So like when you’re going to a new country or a new culture, right? You’re not trying to rip, rip in there with your four by four and just like rip up the trees and like dig through the dirt. You kind of gotta go slowly and otherwise I think you’ll just burn out and fail usually.
I mean, I think that’s why a lot of these international expansions fail from some [00:08:30] countries or people. They try to just push their ways or their country or their culture onto the people and that’s definitely an issue I’d say. Yeah, I think you’re met with resistance if you do that right? But people put up a defense and, and you met with resistance.
If you kind of go and sit in it a little bit, then it’s like when someone takes over a business, a lot of the time a buyer will come in, take over a business, and now will continue to run it as it’s being run pretty much the same for six months and just [00:09:00] sit in it and then figure out where the changes need to be made and, and how to do that efficiently.
Agreed. So yeah, we, we kind of touched on it, but let’s just formally talk about the Asia roadshow, which is coming up and just we’ll put this show out right a week before the first week. So this will go out on the 17th, next Tuesday. So we’ll have one starting the week after on the 24th. So flippa.com/asia is the quick, easy URL to see all of the different.
Places, but we have six cities, [00:09:30] three weeks. So starting here in Chiang Mai, you’ll meet up here in September 24th, down to Bangkok to 26th, which is Thursday. And then we’re gonna go into Vietnam Ho Chi Minh first we’re gonna do it at Asia, at the Amazon’s office, which is really beautiful. And then we go up to Hanoi, which will be a cool venue.
And then we go up to Hong Kong, which we actually just confirmed the venue. Then into Sheen China. So it’s gonna, it’s, it’s actually, if you look on [00:10:00] in a map, it kind of is a, a little bit of a line from like, so it, it’s, it makes some sense and I think it’s a little bit maybe different than like the ones in the US.
’cause like the US is, is big and it’s one currency and one, I feel like it’s gonna be a little bit more exotic on this trip. Yeah, I think, I think you’re right. I think, like I said, even the culture’s a little bit different from each of those countries and, and places, but I mean, I think [00:10:30] it’s gonna be a really great opportunity for us to partner together and, and grow the community.
Let let everyone know, Hey, we’re both here in Asia and this is what we do. And, and, and have a really nice welcome environment where people can meet. Founders, entrepreneurs, experts, and just create that, that culture and community. Yeah, so we’re following the format that Flip has done in the Exit Road Show in the us.
So it’s seven to 9:00 PM Well, one, [00:11:00] one time. Just check of course. Each event, one event in the Ho Chi mins gonna be a little bit earlier, but usually they’re evening seven to nine and there’s a free event, and we even accommodate some drinks and some nibbles. Nipples Australian there learning some. Yeah.
And it’s casual environment. We might have just a couple little quick announcements and some prizes, but it’s not like PowerPoints and, and, and, and talks. So it’s really meant to network and, and yeah, make some relationships. So I’m, I’m excited to follow this format. [00:11:30] For sure. We just had a couple in Australia and just the people just saying, Hey, oh my God, it’s so meet so great to meet the Flip A team in person.
And I think obviously Covid ISS a little bit of a distance away. Now we’re all typically back to normal, but even still networking in person is. Is so valuable and yeah, really fun. So yeah, I’m, I’m excited. I agree. Yeah, I mean, I still feel like we, or at least I, or I feel [00:12:00] like our credit global from Asia community, I’ve still gotten people, still, still like going through transitions post Covid.
There’s a couple even specific ones in my mind. I think we’re still, at least our community is still kind of readjusting. ’cause a lot was China cross border and Asia cross border, and there was a lot of. Damages with business and and personal relationships. During that time, we even had an event, we didn’t call it the Cross Border Summit in the Covid, we did a broken border [00:12:30] event.
Yeah, it was a theme. We did the we we have, it was an online one, it called the Cross Border Matchmaker. We have, and we did those sometimes online, more like at round tables, and we called it the Broken Border in 2021. It was actually a really good event, honest for an online event. People were. Because, but yeah, I mean that was really damaging that, that for our, especially I think for our, our, our community.
’cause it was Yeah. Separated internationally. Mm-Hmm. Yeah. For your [00:13:00] community. Definitely. Like I’ve been, I mean, I’ve been to one of your online events, Mike, and they are done well. They’re, they were really fun and I ended up meeting someone that virtually in person, virtually, that I had engaged with on Flipper.
So it was quite funny. But yeah, I think it, it’s. There’s definitely a place for those, but it’ll be nice to get out in person. Yeah, so definitely check out, we’ll link it on the show notes or the URL is flippa.com/asia and you can see the six cities and you can [00:13:30] sign up. Please register. It is free, but please register in advance.
We have to prepare how much food and drinks and, uh, the space. Make sure there’s enough space. So please register in advance and you’ll get all the information about that, the time and location once, once. That’s all set up. So let’s. Let’s move on a little bit more on the business side. So I think most of us know Flippa in our community, although there was some, we’ve even talked to in these venues that are not familiar, but your online platform to buy and sell online businesses.
I remember, I remember listing with you [00:14:00] guys in 2010 business, so I mean, you’ve been around for a long time. So I think maybe a little bit about, about Flippa, if. I think that’s not go so detailed. I think most of us know, but also some trends you’re seeing in this steel flow now, like Yeah, like election year.
I saw other points stuff you’re seeing. Yeah, for sure. So we, yeah, we’re a m and a platform for online businesses and what we really love to kind of, what [00:14:30] we do and we love doing is we combine tech. And people, so I’m a broker, senior broker in the APAC region, and I work with the platform, which is a tech platform, and it’s got a huge global reach.
We’ve been around for a long time, as, as Mike mentioned, and we combine that to, to provide people with a lot more. Deal flow than they may have experienced just going to a local traditional broker. So yeah, I think kind of jumping into the, the [00:15:00] trends in the market, people have continuously asked me like, is it slow and are we in a downturn and stuff like that.
And I think there was a loss of confidence there for a little bit. There was the geopolitical challenges, high interest rates, and election year we, for, for many countries, I think it’s uk, Australia, and the us. At the minute so, and probably more, but so people kind of saw that as a bit shaky ground, but the confidence is definitely coming back.
But buyers [00:15:30] who were traditionally focused on like very large businesses that give 5 million plus revenue, they’re considering other businesses a bit lower in revenue, so they’re coming down in value, just which. Is, is, that’s a consequence of confidence and things like that, but it, for the seller, it creates a more competitive environment, which is really interesting.
So if you are, you’ve got a business that’s, you know, one around [00:16:00] that $1 million mark, you’ve got more buyers now you’ve got, which is gonna give you more options. So, and, and that continues down the funnel, Shane, as well. So whilst I think people kind of hear, oh my gosh, the market is, is shaky and things like that.
It’s, it’s not always the case. There’s, there’s two sides of every story. Okay. Yeah. I mean, I do think so. 1 million in re in revenue or valuation? I think it’s revenue right year. [00:16:30] Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So anybody in that range, just talk to Fiona. So I’ll also meet her, or of course reach out to her. I think it’s also good.
I think also just maybe I can say at Flippa, I think there is more people behind it. I mean, I dunno if that’s a new thing or I just was too small or I didn’t know how to reach people there. But there are people there right, like you that they can talk to, which is pretty awesome. I mean, ’cause I think a lot of people feel like it’s, at least I maybe started out that way.
It was more like [00:17:00] online only. But it seems like you have people now, like you and others that people can talk to and it’s bigger deals now. Maybe. I always felt like maybe it used to be. Again, I hope I’m not saying the wrong thing, but I maybe it’s in the mind of others. I feel like it used to be more online only, maybe quote unquote smaller deals, but now it seems like you’re doing more like bigger deals and more like broker per personal kind kind of things.
Is that Yeah. So you, you’re not wrong. You, you’re correct. Back in [00:17:30] 2010, you definitely would’ve seen it was self-service. It was smaller deals we. Yeah, can, we’ve upgraded our, our services on the tech side, so we, we integrate ai. Now we’ve got a lot of integrations to verify both buyers and, and the businesses and things like that.
And we’ve got some really great tools on these, both the self-service side and the broker side. But then we have implemented our. Broker service. And [00:18:00] that’s the people. So again, going back to that combined people in tech and, and we’ve moved up that value chain. So we, we saw the need to do that because you’ve got your.
Investment bankers who, who won’t look at anything, well, less than 50 million. And then you’ve got other platforms that don’t go into the lower middle market. So we, we saw the gap there and that’s definitely where we’re kind of the experts. Great. Really [00:18:30] cool. Thanks for the insights. So we talked, we were talking about kind of general deal flow, of course.
We are here in Asia, but also e-commerce, so maybe some insights on e-commerce. ’cause I, I, I remember it was just totally insane in 2020, I feel like 21 was the peak, but 2020 even. I, I don’t know. I, I, I, I, I could go onto this for such a long time, but basically I remember I thought that old business was gonna go to zero at.
At the beginning of 2020, I thought business was dead. Like Amazon stopped accepting shipments. I thought we were just dead. [00:19:00] But they said non-essential, right? So most of the stuff I sold and others I knew sold were non-essential. So some of us thought we were totally dead. We were just trying to sell masks to stay alive.
We were just doing PPE to stay alive, thought we were just dead. But yeah, then everything went crazy. And then all these aggregators, I guess there was all money printing and people just buying everything and anything. It was just total insanity. But we feel like. I feel like it’s not like that now. Right.
But I mean, you, there’s still some, what are some ways people can do deals now in e-commerce or FBA [00:19:30] that you see? Yeah, yeah. So it’s definitely stabilized. I mean, 20 20, 20 21 and, and even I. Started of 2022 with an anomalies, right? Like you had aggregators who were pushing up the competition and they, they, they raised $16 billion in capital and almost all of that was in 2021.
So that gives you an idea of just how, how much of peak that was. And then of course, COVID. Kept pushing that through and, and [00:20:00] people were obviously excited by the, the e-commerce side of things and kind of going back to trends before, there’s still demand for e-commerce for sure. I. I speak to buyers and sellers, so I, I work with both and buyers still asking for, for strategic buys.
So you and I have spoken about a, someone looking for a Japanese Amazon store. Yeah. So they, they’re looking at how can they expand lowly into that cross [00:20:30] border business. And a lot of that is, is through acquisition. So I think. It’s for people who are maybe curious about the, the process of selling their business or who the buyers are and things like that.
It it’s about having a conversation and, and understanding is their business in a position to be sold and who that might be as far as buyers. Yeah, I think we’ve talked to some sellers. [00:21:00] I’ve, I’ve been introducing to some and Mm-hmm. They feel a little bit regretful. They didn’t sell when that crazy time was.
So I guess none of us have the crystal ball, but their way, their, some are wondering should they wait or should, should the valuations maybe come back. I mean, I’ve even had people think valuations might go down more from here. I, I don’t know. I know it is like a crystal ball kind of thing, but I guess it’s.
It’s more about when [00:21:30] should somebody sell, which is a whole topic by itself, right? I’ve seen people speak about that one topic for an hour, right? So, I don’t know. I don’t know if, I don’t know if what you would say to some, I mean, you probably talk to people about this all the time, right? Like what’s the quick kind of answer of like, I.
Yeah, I mean, I have, I I have, I have an hour answer and I have a, a, a minute answer. So, but we also have you, you speaking at the cross, I guess a little plug, you’re coming, of course, you’re supporting Cross Border Summit. You’ll come out, yeah. We’ll have you speaking about this. And of course you’ll be there as well as these [00:22:00] exit, uh, at the Asia roadshows too.
But yeah, maybe just a quick, like, what do you tell somebody when they say, oh, should, should I wait? Should I sell now? Like. So a pretty blanket statement without getting into the weeds of it is I always say you don’t wanna sell when you have to sell. So whether that is you have to sell because sickness divorce, the business is not doing as well, you’ve moved onto something else.
There is many, many [00:22:30] reasons that I have sold businesses where people have had to sell because regardless of the market conditions, you’re going to be having to push it for a low valuation. If you are selling at a time when the business is, is growing and healthy again, regardless of the market conditions, it’s going to sell at a higher valuation at within that market Granted.
Evaluation might not be as it was in 2021. That’s an [00:23:00] anomaly. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles unfortunately. And we don’t have that crystal ball. So I think just being, get preparing your business so that when you are comfortable and ready to explore and exit, that’s the best way to do it. Okay, great.
Great. Yeah, I think that’s a, i a important one, right? Because I, I think you’re talking to some people about weight. They’re waiting right now, or they’re hoping. Yeah, so I guess the main point is [00:23:30] one, my point is if you lost your passion for it and the growth is gonna go down, I. If somebody sees a downward trend on your business, that’s not a easy, that doesn’t make it easier to sell.
So if you think you’re gonna like stop having the passion to push it up and show a good case, I guess sooner is better. ’cause a lot of times people will look into sell. I think one reason people look into sell is. And there’s so many questions I’d like to ask you, but I guess I’ll, well, I guess probably in my opinion, people [00:24:00] wanna sell is ’cause they’ve lost maybe that passion for that business, right?
They wanna do something else or, and I think when you get that thought, it’s, it’s probably a good time to, to take it serious about selling. ’cause it’s probably not gonna go up in, in the growth of that business. Yeah. Correct. So a lot of people start other businesses while they’re. Still fully focused on, on the one, the older business, and it’s suddenly the other business takes off and they get distra distracted for a lack of better term, and then the other [00:24:30] business suffers.
So if you’ve already kind of prepared your business for sale and, and I’m talking about the, the boring stuff like the financials and making sure it’s all ready to go, then you’re at least halfway there, right? You can contact a broker and say, we need to sell this. And like, let’s get started versus, I don’t even know where to start.
So yeah, you’re right. People, people lose passion, they get distracted. I would say moving on to [00:25:00] something else is probably the main reason people, so, okay, great. My, my main, my last main topic is Cross-Border Summit. Cross-border deals, cross-border business. That’s a key word. I’ve, I’ve, I, I like and. I think especially in Asia, it must be cross border.
But I mean, Flippa, I think you’re OI think if I remember, I, I’m a user, I, I’m a buyer and seller. I don’t know if taking in my account one day, but, but a lot are like in sellers a lot of times. I remember India, Vietnam, right? Like I, I don’t know if [00:25:30] put words in your mouth, but I remember, I remember a lot of the sellers are like Asia and buyers or like US or West.
I don’t know if that’s a, a theme, but I mean, let’s just talk generally. About some of your experiences. I mean, you’re here traveling, Carmen, San Diego here, uh, traveling everywhere, mean making deals all around the world. So like cross border. What are some countries or deals, stories you can share? Yeah, I think so.
I mean, Flippa, we’ve, in our community, we’re, we’re in 180 [00:26:00] countries and 62% of what we do is cross border. So it’s, it’s common, right? And a lot of the. Are out of the us and I would say however, in Asia or apac, including kind of Australia, New Zealand as well, it, it is a little bit more regional. So for example, last, last month, I had a.
Eastern European expat who resides in Thailand, [00:26:30] and he sold his business to a company in India. And then at the moment I’m working with a business in Singapore and they’re going to a, a family office in Israel and then a negotiating at the an e-Commerce Store outta Singapore to an Italian buyer living in Bali.
So it’s just that. I mean, it’s Mike, like you’re in this, this cross border business and the digital economy really has no [00:27:00] boundaries, and it’s pretty exciting. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I mean, yeah, I, I’ve, I’ve been sick of being restricted by where you’re based. It’s kind of one of my personal things. It’s like I.
Of course, I’m a privileged American Caucasian male, so I have these privileges. I almost wanna argue there’s almost reverse racism sometimes now at some places, but I was born like that. But I mean, I, I don’t want people to do [00:27:30] deals or be restricted just based on where, where they’re born, right? I, I, I, one of my favorite.
Things is, is to give people opportunities wherever they are, more based on their ability rather than their country of origin or whatever. Right? So it’s one of my passions at, at the community here. So it’s great to see a flip of making that happen for people. ’cause I basically, some of these exits are, are life changing for people, right?
Like yeah, it’s, it’s amazing. Mm-hmm. They’ve worked hard building it and they, they can [00:28:00] cash out. So it’s amazing. Yeah, absolutely. Like the one in, in the, one of the businesses in Singapore, he, he’s cashing out so he can spend more time with his new, new son and yeah, and, and I think kind of the, the cross border also allows.
People to get really good businesses that they might not have had access to. Right. So it’s a bit of a stereotype, but you know, India’s known for, for really good strong software development. [00:28:30] Eastern Europeans are known for really good app development. Asia Beauty products, which is the e-commerce store I spoke about.
They’re, they’re known as being some of the best in the world. And so people in other countries get access to that and are able to. Expand these brands. So it it’s, it’s really cool. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it’s an amazing time. So I guess with that, I. We’re making some deals here. Of course, the Cross-Border Summit.[00:29:00]
The Cross-Border Summit is actually our sixth. Sixth. I don’t wanna, I don’t know if, should I say annual or not? I mean, we had a whole gap because across of Covid we paused it. We didn’t wanna do the online ones during Covid, I was, I had people begging me not to do the online cross-border Summit. ’cause like you said about offline events, they said one of the core reasons.
Values of it is the offline networking. ’cause it’s, it’s not a big, big event. It’s like we have a bit over a hundred or so people and, but it’s, it’s high value, high impact. So I’m really happy to have you and [00:29:30] Flippa there to, to, to make some deals. ’cause I know some last year I. Did deals through Thrift Flippa.
Actually Evo introduced some to Flippa that did deals after a couple. I know. And so it’s gonna be great to have you at the summit and you’ll be speaking and it’s really cool when we were talking to do this road show and I, I was so excited when you proposed that and we’ll, we’ll have a, a wild sick. Six city, three week adventure.
I’m preparing my wife, they like, oh, literally before [00:30:00] this call I was preparing her. I’ll be on the road, but it’s gonna be a a, a great networking and community building experience. Yeah. Yeah. Super excited. I think we’re, we’re very privileged to be able to do this and yeah. Get out and it. Get people excited about the Cross Border Summit.
Get them knowing what it is. Get them knowing what Flipper is and how we can help create a community in this region. It’s amazing. So thanks. [00:30:30] Thanks, Fiona. It’s been, we’re talking regularly. It’s been fun and I can’t wait to meet some amazing people listening to this show. I know there’s quite a bit in Bangkok coming Mai, I mean, I’m most Vietnam.
I just got my EVs approved. Th I’ve had three this year. I’ve been there three times. Every time I gotta apply again, I just got it approved. I, I hope you, I think yours. Yeah, mine’s pending. Still pending. Hopefully Vietnam lets us, lets us go. It’ll be great. So, and the Shenzhen’s got a huge, [00:31:00] huge interest already and got great venue, so I can’t wait to meet everybody there.
And so that’s, that’s a wrap for now and thanks. We’ll put this@globalfromasia.com slash flippa so people can, can see this show. And then of course we’ll link to the events. So, or you can go right to the. To this, to the Asia Road show@flipit.com slash asia to see all of those. Or you can link to that on the show notes.
And I will let you go if you, and I know you’re super busy, I’m super busy, but it was a [00:31:30] pleasure to have you on the show. Glad we made it happen. Yeah. Thanks so much, Mike. Looking forward to meeting everyone. Save the date Cross-Border Summit. 2024 is coming back. 2020 threes was epic. Never got such great feedback in all of our events.
Cross-Border Summit 2024. We’re planning already a year in advance. Save the date. November 14th and 15th will be the core events. But of course it is a full week of amazing things. There’s pre-event, post-event workshops, [00:32:00] trainings, elephant sanctuary. We have a lot of amazing things here in Chiang Mai, Thailand again, so I would love to see you there.
We’ve already pre-sold some tickets to previous people. We will be opening up tickets soon. Subscribe to get updates at 2024 dot cross-border summit.com. Also, check out videos and testimonials from last year as well as all of our years. We did ’em in China, and this will be our sixth one. It’ll be great to meet you there and network and make some great [00:32:30] relationships.
I can’t wait November. 2024. Thanks Fiona. She’s, isn’t she cool? She’s really great. I, I, I always was really well impressed since I started talking to her and working with Flippa. It’s been a lot of fun. Appreciate their support of our community and doing this joint road show and supporting the Cross-Border Summit.
So a little bit insights. I booked all my flights. I will be flying to all of these six places and it’s gonna be fun. I’ve been to all of them in advance. I, I kind [00:33:00] of been taking point on finding the venues and coordinate with a local operating team and things like that. So some behind the scenes insights for our.
Asia Roadshow first ever. This is where we have Chang Mai, where I’m here right now. Fiona’s coming in from Bali. We will go on Tuesday, September 24th, seven 9:00 PM at at re coworking as of now. It will be some free drinks and cocktails and networking, and a little bit of snacks or nibbles, nibbles. I’m learning [00:33:30] Australian s slang here, so that’ll be epic.
That’s my home turf, my recent home turf. So starting here and can’t wait to see some of you there. We also got some WhatsApp groups going just for this event. You can join and talk to some people, so I can’t wait for, for the first one. Then we fly down to Bangkok. On Thursday. So two days later, after Tuesday the 26th, we’ll be in Bangkok seven to 9:00 PM and that’s gonna be actually one of our most popular, heavily registered, most active [00:34:00] ones of the six.
So Bangkok’s gonna be amazing. We, we locked in a really cool corporate. Space that’s getting confirmed right now. It’s really gonna be a nice environment. So high up in the city here in, in Bangkok. So if, actually I think people are coming in from all over South Thailand for that one already. Some good contacts coming.
Can’t wait for that. And then happened over to Vietnam, got the Visa approved. We’ll be going [00:34:30] to Ho Chi Minh first in the South Saigon. A lot of good friends. I was just there recently too, so we’re gonna do it at Amazon’s headquarters there, up in there, high, high, up on this really nice building in downtown Ho Chi Minh.
That’ll be earlier though, five to 7:00 PM ’cause their office closes, so we adjusted that time a little bit earlier. We might also do a little private workshop at their office before for our, our VIPs. So it’d be great to see you there. Let us know if you’re in Ho Chi Minh. In our, our, in [00:35:00] our circle.
That’s happening. And then we head up to Hanoi and North Vietnam. We got a hotel that’ll be on Thursday, October 3rd, right? So Ho Chi mins Tuesday, October 1st. Then we’re going to Hanoi, which Claire is amazing. Shout out to Claire. She’s helping us on the ground there. We did an amazing event there earlier this year.
So we have a great hotel lined up. We’ll have some good cocktails and, and drinks and networking there. And then the weekend. [00:35:30] Fly up to Hong Kong. Hong Kong will be on. I’m tired speaking about this. We’ll be on October 8th, of course. Check flip it.com/asia for the exact dates. And eighth Tuesday, 7:00 PM at the dough in North Point on the Hong Kong island.
We got a really cool space there. I was preparing, we got some insights from the event about maximizing the use of that. So that’ll be on Tuesday, [00:36:00] October 8th and then we, no flight there just to land border to Shenzhen, China. My old home, that one’s GM packed. We got, we’re gonna fill that one up already and it’s still almost, it’s like a month away and it’s pre registers are jammed.
We got a nice law office in Fuen. He was our corporate office. Thursday, October 10th, seven to 9:00 PM. With, of course there’s always drinks, so I dunno if some people are gonna see me in multiple, I think some people are gonna chang my and Bangkok, maybe you can join me in [00:36:30] more, but it’s gonna be so intense.
And then we of course have Canton Fair and I’m, I’m going to D-C-B-A-K and then of course our cross border summit, November 3rd. So the fifth. So I’m gonna be basically on the road. I’m miss my kids already. But I love ’em and I’ll be calling them on the road. That’s it for now. See you global information.com/flippa for this show.
Notes and embeds and downloads and links. And if you wanna go to the uur L for this road show, flippa.com/asia, which is the landing pages of all the different events. So thanks so much. I [00:37:00] can’t wait to see you and see you in the next show. To get more info about running an international business, please visit our website@ww.global from asia.com.
That’s ww.global from asia.com. Also, be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed. Thanks for tuning in.
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