This week we have Nate Ginsburg a friend of ours who we have been following along our growth in the inter webs and got to sync up with recently.
He’s done extremely well on Amazon FBA and been a great leader to his team and those in his network. Today he shares that journey and tips for us to learn from.
Caught up him at DCBKK and he was an amazing speaker at our Global From Asia Cross Border Matchmaker event. Been meaning to get him on our podcast and today we did this interview in person in Hong Kong. We get to hear how he got into the Amazon FBA game, built his online distributed team, went through some stress and overcame it all to exit and also grow his Amazon Europe operations. Take it away Nate
Also, we have the dates already for our third annual Cross Border Summit – Friday April 20, 2018 to Saturday April 21, 2018 in Shenzhen, China. Already some amazing speakers, sponsors, and attendees! CrossBorderSummit dot com slash 2018 for the event page – 6 months away but we are lining this up to be the best one yet!
Topics Covered in this Episode
About Nate Ginsburg
Intro Nate, thanks for speaking at Cross Border Matchmaker! We have both come a long way since that Podcaster mastermind back in 2013!
How you got started on Amazon
When did you start selling on Amazon FBA?
Dealing with Overwhelm
Nate discusses how he was doing product launches while with his family on vacation in Greece
Attending Blacksmith Camp
His experience attending Blacksmith camp
2 Big changes
Nate made 2 big changes to his business that helped him move up the value chain
Selling is Amazon USA business
How it was to sell his amazon FBA business, US division
Growing his Amazon Europe Business
Getting his sales to the next level in Europe
Making Tough Decisions
Reorganizing the team and structuring to get to the next level
What’s Now and the Future
What is the next step for you Nate
Connecting with Nate
How people can find you
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ NateGinsburg.com
√ Cross border Matchmaker
√ Upwork.com
√ Dcbkk.com
√ Blacksmith Camp
√ Cross Border Summit 2018
Show Sponsors:
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Aurelia Pay. I use them for sending money to my Chinese supplier from Hong Kong – it is a cross border payment solution between China, Hong Kong and South East Asia. So when I need to make a payment to a Chinese supplier, I just hop in to place a remittance, pay to their HK bank account, and Aurelia Pay settle RMB within the same business day! Check them out!
Episode Length 41:25
Thank you NATE! Boom, great value, great story and I am excited to see what Nate develops next. I think this interview got me thinking – you need to keep chipping away at something. And you may not be working on the right exact business or niche right away, but it is to keep on sharpening the saw, to keep on chipping at that tree. The key is to keep your head in the game. So many people don’t see results right away and get bored / discouraged and give up. It is those who can be consistent about taking swings and building something great.
And hopefully that is what you are doing – what we are doing – and let’s stay ahead of the game by taking daily action in our businesses. Cheers
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Podcast Transcription
Welcome to the Global From Asia podcast where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice and now your host, Michael Michelini.
Mike: Episode 201 Global From Asia. Thank you everybody for tuning in. We’re over for 200 and we still have amazing interviews. This one is a friend of mine many years so it’s been great to get him on the show Nate Ginsburg. We met through the DC back in 2013 and we’ve seen each other grown progress so much. He was an amazing speaker at our Cross Border Matchmaker. I’m so happy you could make it and share. And he’s talking a lot about selling on Amazon business also by managing his online team is a hard decision he had to make. Just a lot of learning and went through. He just shares so openly . He did this in person in Hong Kong after the Cross Border Matchmaker before went up to Chiangmai Thailand. His place I still need to get to. This is episode 201 of Global From Asia interview series. So let’s enjoy. Also, really quickly, we’re already promoting the next conference. It’s like conference whatever it likes. So Cross Border Summit is our 3rd Annual in Shenzhen China, April 20 and 21, 2018. We’re like 6 months out. So there’s no excuses. Block off your calendars. It’s gonna be amazing. I’m actually going with my wife Wendy right now to look at the couple of venues. Talking to some amazing speakers or we got some great sponsors confirm like Andy Church Insight Quality, thanks Andy. It’s amazing and some other new sponsors and the old sponsors and old friends coming together crossbordersummit.com/2018. Alright let’s take a win Nate. It’s great interview. Happy to share this one. Enjoy.
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Aureliapay. I use it personally for sending money to my Chinese suppliers from Hong Kong. It’s a cross border payment solution between China, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia. So, if I need to make a payment to a Chinese supplier, I just hop online to place the remittance, pay to the Aureliapay Hong Kong based big account and Aureliapay will settle RMB within the same business day. So, check them out online at www.aureliapay.com A U R E L I A P A Y .com or check them on their link at our show notes.
Mike: Live in Hong Kong with Nate Ginsburg. Dude we’re just talking before the recording. It’s been 3 countries in a week. We’ve seen each other.
Nate: Bangkok to China to Hong Kong.
Mike: It’s the life of, I don’t know if I’m a digital nomad buy maybe.
Nate: Active conference topping.
Mike: Exactly. So thanks for getting on the show. Finally. And we’ve been friends for many years. I was joking, if we were on the podcast mastermind back in 2013. And this seems part of the show, is still going strong. This will be, I don’t know the show number yet but we’re over 200 shows now.
Nate: Well that’s amazing. I remember the podcast mastermind. My podcast or slash podcast idea and was quite short lived. So good to come in full circles so still your podcast obviously is still going strong and me I guess now living background and been in bubble podcast.
Mike: Yeah that’s great. So in the time we met in China you were one of our more popular speakers at the Cross Border Matchmaker here with Global From Asia thanks for sharing your experience. We’re gonna get some of that also on today’s show. So for Nate you’re an Amazon seller. You have built up both Amazon US and then Europe. You’re currently still active in Europe. You’ve sold your US business with Amazon and you’re doing a lots of making, a lots of different moves now, making things happen. So, how did you, 2013 we did a podcast and Mastermind when this show started and we got, when did you get into Amazon?
Nate: Yes, I got sort in Amazon think it was 20, my first product went live in Spring of 2015. The first one was kind of started slow, it was until the second product that I launched in the summer that like really started to, really start to take off. And I remember that time the product was selling, I literally couldn’t keep in stock. Maximized my credit cards, by my inventory and coming in and getting back in and selling more. It was really crazy and yeah during that time, the first again year or so I launched, mostly by myself but yeah got maybe like 10 products and think you’re in the holidays or we got up to around maybe 100K a month in revenue. And yeah the foundation of, started to be the foundation of what eventually has become, ever since the day. And it sounds that it sticks out from that time is, I remember I was on family vacation with my family and increased and they were all, they are out having dinner and drinks. I had a 2 products that were just landing. I do launched them so I remember being in my hotel room doing the launches and the promotion as well and my family was out having fun in Greece. As much as I remember it was all very exciting the business is growing and kind of first getting attraction. But there are some other stuff like I was living in Asia and having the stay awake late at night catch my freight forwarders. The logistics company that I was working with that was based in California and so I stay up til 11 o’clock to catch them at 8 or 9 am when they opened to coordinate some documents from the factories for the products to clear customs to get in time and stuff like that. It made me realized that I needed help and couldn’t end, didn’t want to couldn’t do all the stuff by myself.
Mike: Nice, yeah. We do have all been there all entrepreneurs. We want to do everything ourselves and maybe it’s might been good I think to learn the business, to learn the processes anyway before you have others help you. So what time was this, 2015 launch in Greece. So you start feel overwhelmed like you said you got the product launches and the hotel room, you got the late night calls with the freight forwarders in Asia when you’re in Europe like, when was it you finally got something to help you.
Nate: So the team kind of, during that time I guess the first year, I did a few things well. Few things that works out well. Some other didn’t. But some of those work out well was getting off my plate. Some of the most are easy to manage task, customer service and admin things which also our member during that first year like I was travelling a lot and needing to find reliable internet so that I could log in to my email to follow-up with customer ‘coz you don’t wanna response more than a day and sending refund follow-up emails. So there’s one thing that I pretty quickly was able to off load which is great. Start to free off my time. It wasn’t that hard find someone to take over that. It’s not the hardest task or responsibility or I guess not the hardest part of thinking involvement with the business. Then something else that I’ve mentioned with the logistics stuff which I at that time and still honestly don’t know very much about like it’s not the area of the business that’s not my strongest core competency. I recognized that and so instead of me trying to learn it all and figure out how to do all this stuff and supply chain and freight forwarding and getting everything to Customs. I also pretty early on found someone who has much more experienced in doing all of those things to just like take over that and manage that which was a huge for me. Like I said, I don’t know very much about it. I still don’t know very much about it and to be able to get the hardest stuff off my plate was super valuable. So during that time getting some of the easiest stuff as well as some of the hardest stuff off my plate in that first year allowed me to really double down on the things that I was good at to be able to keep growing the business during that first period.
Mike: Okay and then so, you said you found that, the person you hired them, was it full time?
Nate: Yeah, I started to previously getting into this business I had already a lot of experience on upwork. Just hiring for I mean, prior to the Amazon business I was doing a bunch of stuff marketing consulting, PPC consulting, niche sites, some like marketing agency and so I had a pretty a lot of opportunities to get experience hiring. So I was pretty comfortable doing that. But up until that time was only hiring contractors, part time hourly, project based. When this business kind of started to I realized that this business was more serious. I was approaching him more seriously or more long term than the previous stuff I was doing. I made to switch to hiring this full time. We still use some contractors or for some hourly for some things. But majority of my team now and overwhelming me when I’m hiring I like to do there’s full time and keeps it simple. They get paid X for month. They’re full time and attention is to you and the business and that’s the really important to have their focus and the team focus and to know that everybody is, we’re all on this together and people are doing all this different things and involved in this but also doing that and so it’s really. So I started with that at this point early on in the business and then have continued with that.
Mike: Yeah, definitely it’s the skill. You said like I think for both of us and many other listeners. You’re building skills even for not doing what you meant to do or the best, the current success, might not be worth get the best project in the beginning. But it’s all building up to were, even execute that skills later and hiring online is the very valuable skills, right?
Nate: Yeah absolutely. That’s the Steve Jobs quote I think that the, can’t connect the dots going forward but you see how the dots connect looking back and I continue to come up in my career in different things that I’m involved with. This for example we met in Bangkok 4 years ago and we’re in the podcast mastermind together and I wasn’t do, later did do anything with podcast but we stayed in touch and now we’re both involved with China stuff and we’re at the event last week and then you invite me to come and speak and that we’re here and now we’re doing this. Who to known when we were on that, I remember the Skype call 4 years ago.
Mike: I remember people, too. It’s awesome. That’s building a network, it’s always more valuable building skills especially if they can applied to multiple different places.
Nate: It’s brilliant and that time back to our crazy last week or 2 in Bangkok and in China and now we’re in Hong Kong meeting people and seeing people again and yeah it’s impossible to know where the connections or opportunities will be moving forward but you gotta get yourself into the situation or the opportunities to make those connections to begin with to them, allowed the dots to connect later on.
Mike: Exactly. So then yeah you return to build up the team and you’re starting to off load some of that stress especially like you said the customer service where you gotta be scramble to get into the internet to check email every 24 hours. I know we have some outline here. I’m actually curious to learn about Blacksmith Camp is that you wish to talk about next or what’s in the story?
Nate: Yeah, so after I guess yeah about a year, a little more than a year into the business I had the opportunity to join Blacksmith Camp in Lithuania which is entrepreneurship camp over the summer. Really, really amazing program with encourage any young and inspired motivated entrepreneurs to check it out so yeah I was had the opportunity to at
tend and I guess this was 2016 in the summer and honestly it totally blew my mind. Learned so much I was able to meet and connect with and get advice from some of the smartest entrepreneurs that I still know today. A lot of, some of the big take aways for me was that If I wanted to grow this business and if I want this business to grow and have success like I needed to be the one to lead it and prior to that I was kind of, I think some people in our community or people with location independent business, you kind get of fix it on this idea. The lifestyle, I’m hiring people in the Philippines and India and we’re on Slack and they’re doing this and now I don’t have to do anything. I was guilty of that for a while, I hired people and try to get people in placed to just kind of run the business for me. It didn’t work so well and it wasn’t until Blacksmith Camp that I really understood my, the role and opportunity that I had to be the leader in my team and be the leader of this business. And so from that I started doing weekly calls, weekly team calls which we weren’t doing before, started doing one on one with my team. Some of the people on my team at that point, I never spoken to. Like some of them like working for me literally for months and I had never spoken to them. And yeah it’s crazy how much you learned when you start talking to your team and it sounds so obvious but yeah it took me about a year to really understand it appreciate or start doing some of this things that now I recognized as being non-negotiables for running a business communication the team. It’s so important and so doing that, another thing that I learned that the event which was I mean which was awesome and I implemented after that was doing they’re Wednesday weekly updates and so since then every Wednesday I recorded video for my team and just kind of like an update of share code and do update for the business and shout out at team member and some updates for me. The goal being transparency and communication and sharing and getting everyone on the same page. You know it’s been incredibly impactful, people want and need to know, what’s going on in this business that they’re doing if you want to have good people, they need to feel like they’re part of something and if you don’t share that with them then how they gotta know. The people that are okay working in the environment when they are not included into the direction or the big picture, how long are they go wanna stay there. They want to know that they’re going to the right direction or careers going to the right direction and so yeah so Blacksmith Camp hugely impactful, learned so much really change the trajectory of me as a business owner as entrepreneur and how I understand my role in the business.
Mike: Awesome man. Yeah, I got look into this and then, I think we’re talking before that’s how you start to invest to Europe. Is that where you started growing?
Nate: Yeah, so also around that time I got investments to expand the business into Europe which was convenient timing around all this events happening because all of a sudden now we have all this money available and a lot of this physical product businesses, Amazon businesses, the bottleneck often is capital for new products ‘coz that’s the way that this business is grow is new products. So yeah now all the sudden like I had a bunch of money to play with and the challenge/opportunity was not to grow by adding one product and another product and another it was how do we add 5 products, how do we add 10 products, how do we add 30 products. So yeah then I was able to take this different kind of learnings and also I guess after the Blacksmith Camp I kind of get caught me on this deep dive that’s kind of continue till this day on management and team building and team psychology and motivation and company structure and yeah once until then that I really got our first kind of organizational structure in placed. And for the business at that time the way that the business gonna grow we had this money available, we got to launch new products. So I build out our new product development team. We got a really good or proved to be effective structure on place with clear process and workflow and goals. I had 4 people that were that became their job and that was their team. We had separate NPD weekly calls. Fast forward the next couple of months and we were able to get like 30 products into production, more than doubling at that time I think it was tripling the amount of products that I had previously launch over the last like year. So, the timing of getting the money to invest and the new found knowledge that kind of starting down that path of team management and company structure really came together at the right time.
Mike: Nice. Not if you’re willing to share that worth, how did you get, how did the investment lined up?
Nate: Yeah, so it came from my business partner. A couple of months prior to that, I sold half my business to my now business partner. He was the one that loan the business, the money for the growth.
Mike: Okay, cool. Great thanks for sharing. As far as the milestones you’ve sold to US business now is the recent.
Nate: Yeah, so after that the new products and all that stuff was like about a year ago that they kind of got kick into motions and the last summer cue for last year. Fast forward couple of more months to this past spring. The US business was doing pretty well. I think we were doing 130K a month or 150K a month. Our growth kind of flattened out because we had been investing all of our, a lot of our new products and marketing effort. The team was really focusing on the Yiwu which we were working on with all these new products and so yeah. It was April had an opportunity and sold the USA side of the business which then a lot of us to focus on the new stuff. But honestly at that time the Yiwu business was not doing very well which is why it wasn’t included in the sale. The US was one basically making all the money and the Yiwu side of the business was at that time losing money, trying to want this products and doing promotions and giveaways and stuff was not sticking and selling and which is why it wasn’t included.
Mike: And then you this is exciting part I know this is the hard one if you can talk about that at the Cross Border Matchmaker Conference we had. But you were, you had it make some hard calls, right.
Nate: Yes, so fast forward to another few months. It’s July of this past year and I was in Kiev for actually different Amazon event and yeah the stuff, it had been eating away of me. It’s stressful if your business is not doing well and so I knew that I had to make some changes some drastic changes if the business was not gonna file. And so too big things that I did over the summer. One was fired half about half my team I think it was 5 people or maybe as much as like 7 people over span of few weeks and I remember there was one day I was in Kiev. It’s a beautiful sunny day. I was hanging out in this really cool trendy cafe, it like old, there was court yard and sitting outside on this table and gothic church kind of, often the distance. And yeah that day I’ve straight up had to fire 5 people in a row back to back to back. One of the hardest things that I’ve ever had to do as a business owner. But I knew that if this business was going to succeed and was gonna persist. One of the things I had to do was consolidate and just trim any of the fat and I, if I wanted to have an A Team, then I couldn’t have any non-A players on that team. So part of my commitment or recommitment to my remaining team was by getting rid of the people that I knew weren’t gonna be the right long term fit. And showing my team that remained, I think we cut down to 8 people and they knew that it showed them my commitment to them to keep the people around them and keep this team at the highest level that possibly could be. So I did that, we trimmed down the team. The other thing that was that ended up being really big was totally restructure how the business was run and so previously for, on the marketing side of things. We had, we’re kind of segment it by roles so I had the guy that was managing PPC. I had someone doing customer service. I had someone that was doing kind of listing set up. Someone who is doing launch strategy. They were all, we tried to promote good communication between the different people doing different things and I totally changed it to one person in charge of one market. So, we’re selling them Yiwu that’s 5 markets and I had, well just implemented just one person in charge of France, Spain, Italy, Germany, and UK. So yeah that was the other big change the idea being giving kind of shortening the feedback loop and kind of removing places where miscommunications or speed of communication would be slower. Empowering the people that were there and showing them really explaining to them like the business and how it works and how this role everything that they needed for this role and empowering them to make their own decisions with the big picture in mind as a post to trying to fit in these pieces together and trying to get them to communicate with each other just one person, one market. They do everything customer service, setting up the listings, deciding on a phrasing. They all know what margins were targeting and they are the ones we’re looking at the market to what we need to sell out to be competitive. Doing the launches and yeah that’s what, that’s what happened in July.
Mike: Sounds yeah, I mean but this are the hard things that entrepreneurs and business owners have to deal with, right to make a difference, to make it happen. Otherwise it will fail that what separates the men from the boys.
Nate: No. Absolutely. That was one of those things so this whole idea kind of transitioning to country manager. It was something that honestly that will, I guess both of the things, firing and consolidating my team as well as this kind of ship this into this country manager structure. It was not honestly like I’ve been thinking about it for month. And I knew that this was what I had to do but it’s hard, it’s scary. I mean it’s never fun, it’s not fun firing people. And it was a big structural change and ended up being a lot of work for me and my team and the transition. I put it off, right. I kind of had the seed for in a month it’s like “Oh, this is how it should be but just didn’t act on it because it’s hard and I was scared”. But yeah then at a certain point the business it was kind of options. So kind of force my hand and then ended up working up pretty well.
Mike: Great man, congrats. I don’t think out of the rest have been through MBA but it sounds like MBA case wherein, I think there’s vertically integrated and horizontally integrated org charts. So it’s true so less communication but it’s almost hard to think that will work because that means really know the whole the front and back of Amazon, right. What do you think it would be better to have a skilled people and a skill that could.
Nate: Yeah, so I mean communication and I think I mean a huge thing that I guess as a result of this change. Just more ownership. Before it’s like okay well someone’s working on the PPC. And someone’s deciding, some of the strategy or someone setting up the listing. We all have this products and also well part of the challenge was we have like 30 products into production. 5 different European markets. 5 different languages. It was a lot. We had a lot of stuff to try to manage and be on top and it’s hard to give everything, it’s hard for anything to, hard the attention that it needs when a PPC guy is looking at 150 different products/markets. When you’re doing the launch, you’re trying to be the strategic for 150 listings, nobody really, there’s no ownership over any of what happened to any of these things. So the ship to that were also you’re in charge to this market. This products it starts and ends with you. So empowering my team, giving them the responsibility and empowering them to be able to make decisions that affect the outcomes of the products and the business. All of the sudden now like the team they had ownership of what they are doing and they could see this impact. So it gave them the opportunity to try things and just paying close enough attention to be able to try things and see what works and then try other things and see what works and it’s having their full attention of these products having someone’s full attention as post to kind of little bit of attention of a lot of people has a really bit important. And also you mentioned about communication and now more vertically interpreted or whatever. Less communication which will, so there’s less communication needed to make decisions which has been I think really powerful. They’re not, no one’s really asking people for permission do certain things, so the speed of implementation has been able to go up really fast. But also like our team communication has actually I mean now is amazing and one of the things I also implemented when we switch to the country managerials was a Slack channel where everyone will retail country manager will post updates each week. And the idea is that everyone to have more visibility and more communication across the team of what these other people are doing because, they are doing very similar job. And so this way we’re still able to have other people kind of checking on each other and they can ask each other questions like “hey, why you do that” or “I’m looking at this product, have you thought about of doing this?”. And also share about different ideas like “Oh this is what I’m trying in my market and oh we’re trying to launch this new strategy” or trying to new pricing strategy or trying to PPC strategy. So it’s enable that encouraged a lot of really positive communication amongst the team and still having the, having my team then having the authority to make this decisions and not need to wait for someone to approved say or whatever. But still be able to learn from each other and help each other and share has been, it’s been amazing.
Mike: Nice and then, this is an audio podcast but on your presentation you had like really positive. I guess it test monitors or screenshots of your team sending you they are really happy working in your team and culture seems really great.
Nate: Yeah, I mean like, what I’m really most proud of in the business is really like, it’s really my team and I have an amazing group of people. Everyone individually. They are not just like smart and motivated and hardworking. But it’s a culture fit and part of the way that we hire is based on our core values and some of our core values, growth mindset, abundance mindset. So that’s why we have on this team. Everyone is like very encouraging and positive and trying to help each other. Sometimes I’ll login to Slack and see the way that my team is helping each other and encouraging each other and it’s just like it’s amazing as a business owner to see the kind of company culture. It’s just amazing. It’s probably what I’m most proud of in the business and something also that I’ve thought of with this whole idea of company culture that’s amazing is that now, it’s something that like, I’m not even necessarily. It doesn’t necessarily rely on me now. It’s like this team and this people like they are the company culture and so whether I’m there or I’m not there like this is something that is like a tangible thing. It persist with me or without me. It’s amazing like it’s a lasting thing and again it’s something that I’m extremely committed to preserving because it’s really something special and I gets, I mean it works for the business and the business has been running much better. But it works for the team. They are happy and motivated and it’s just like a positive environment and yeah sometimes get some really nice messages from my team of just to know them sharing, how they’re feeling about the work and they’re enjoying it. Some of the my proudest moments as a business owner or as a manager so yeah it has been good.
Mike: Yeah, congratulations dude. Congrats so much. It’s a lot of working and you deserved it. So, what’s 2.0 or 3.0, what’s next or what’s happening now in the future?
Nate: Yeah, so we’re talking about the Yiwu business now is doing really well. It’s up to the point almost of where the US business once we sold it. The team more than anything is doing an amazing job. Managing it. We’re growing. We’re back to growing the team, growing more products. And it’s at that point now where the business can scale and I’m not the one that needs to be, the team is really the one’s that are scaling it. I’ve got great people in place that know what they have to do and know how to run this business. So yeah for that business now I’m really more than just steering the ship and at the highest level dictating the direction. Aside from that I’m here trying to put myself out there. Talked about my experience and the things that I’ve learned like I was able to do at your event and here now at the podcast and yeah I’m looking to put myself out there. See what kind of connections could be made, what ways. Me or my team or my experiences can help other people look into get more involved in investing. So being able to leverage the team and resources and experience and knowledge that I’ve gained to work with more amazing entrepreneurs to help them stand the team, if people are looking for opportunities, just kind of sharing my story and put myself out there more to see what connections could be made and opportunities that we can uncover.
Mike: Great we’ll link it up on a shownotes. So what’s the best way to people to find you.
Nate: Yeah, so you can check out my website nateginsburg.com. Get in touch, we’d love to hear from you. If there’s anything I can help with. If you have any ideas, pitch me, we’d love to hear it. If you are interested in Yoga and Travel then you can follow my Instagram. Aside from business, I also love to tackle yoga and also do fair of travelling, it’s a good way to stay in touch. We’d love to hear from you, if any of the stuff sounds good or sounds interesting, make believer. Success is better than shared, try to find those 1+1=3 opportunities, abundance like, let’s see what we can do together. The bigger and better things, we can create working together as oppose to working against each other. So yeah would love to hear from you and feel free to reach out.
Mike: Agree, thanks so much Nate. Cheers buddy.
Nate: Thanks for having me. I’m glad I’m able to do this.
Mike: Definitely, enjoy. You’re all here Asia. Alright, cheers.
Nate: Thanks.
Mike: Thank you so much Nate for sharing. It’s great I mean, he’s so open about some issues he went through and things he’s learned. I think that’s what’s important. If you know successful people are open. A lot of time, we have this natural response for we don’t wanna share, without don’t wanna share our vulnerabilities. But I think that’s one we actually build relationships and build trust without our teams, within our network and amazing things can happen. So what you guys think? Again, show notes we talked about some amazing programs and other things, we’ll link it up on the show notes as always we try our best globalfromasia.com/episode201 for all of that. Again my plug, I always say this on episodes, Cross Border Summit 2018 April 20th and 21st, Friday and Saturday. Actually, we’re talking to some amazing people Danny McMillan he’s coming from London. He must been running on half day, mastermind Sunday afterwards the 22nd. I’m talking to some amazing people in Guangzhou about a tour of factories afterwards. So this is gonna be a bigger event, longer event and even more action packed. So hope you get some of you there if not, it’s all good man, life is short though. Gotta make best of it. Hope you’re taking some action in your business and making things happen. Bye.
To get more info, on running international business please visit our website at www.globalfromasia.com that’s www.globalfromasia.com. Also, be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed. Thanks for tuning in.
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