We’re gearing up for one of the biggest and most anticipated events in the cross-border business world—The Cross Border Summit 2024. This event has become a must-attend for entrepreneurs, business owners, and industry leaders looking to expand their global reach. In this episode, Peter Miller, our dynamic and charismatic returning MC for the summit, is taking over the mic to interview Mike himself. Expect some fun revelations and behind-the-scenes insights as Peter digs into Mike’s story, his plans for the summit, and the surprises he has in store for attendees this year.
Topics Covered in this Episode
Fun Facts About Mike
Discover the unique story behind Mike’s name and some other surprising tidbits.
Mike’s Surprise Gift
Get a sneak peek at what Mike will be giving out during his speech at the summit.
Summit Agenda Highlights
An overview of the exciting lineup and key topics for this year’s Cross Border Summit.
Pre- and Post-Event Activities
Learn what attendees can look forward to before and after the main event.
Featured Speakers and Topics
A look at the standout speakers and must-attend sessions.
Exclusive Phuket Villa Yacht Mastermind
Hear about the first-ever villa yacht mastermind happening right after the summit.
How to Get Involved
Find out how you can participate and who this event is perfect for.
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ Peter’s VIP Page
√ Cross Border Summit 2024
√ Cross Border Mastermind
√ Mike’s behind-the-scenes blog: Family Business Balance
√ Visit our GFA partner – Mercury – for US banking solutons for your ecommerce businesss
√ Grab your tickets for Cross Border Summit 2024
Episode Length 19:12
Thank you Peter for being on the show, and thank you everybody for listening in.
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Show Transcript
[00:00:00] Episode 441 of Global from Asia Podcast, we are talking a little bit of some what’s expect at the Cross-Border Summit with our mc Peter Miller. Let’s tune in today. Welcome to the Global from Asia Podcast, where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice.
And now your host, Michael Mic. Thank you all for watching and listening to [00:00:30] our global from Asia 441 shows grinding here over 10 years. It’s actually probably 11 years, almost now, and this will be the last one I’m doing in the studio here, in a home studio here in Chang Mai for a couple of months. I’m gonna be on the road.
Be on the road again. Well, my Lake Uncle Bill loved when I said that on the road again. It is gonna be an intense one. We got the Flippa Global Roadshow to Cross Border Summit Starting next week or when this show goes online and we’ll be doing our first one. Check [00:01:00] it out@flippa.com slash. Asia for the lineup.
I won’t get into that too much Last week, hopefully enjoyed the show with Fiona, the senior broker at Flippa here in Asia, and I’ll be traveling with her and others for that Epic three week trip. So I can’t wait to take you with me. Hope to meet you. Some of you there. So this week’s show, we have Peter Miller.
He’s our mc. He’s a speaker’s coach. He’s a really great guy from Australia up here in Chiang Mai. Took the family out on a weekend, did a recording with him. He can check out the [00:01:30] vlog too. Mike’s blog, if you’re curious, to see the behind the scenes, and we talk about what to expect. There’s some surprises and things and things that you might not know about for the Cross-Border Summit.
I hope to see you there. November 3rd to the fifth, 2024. Let’s tune into the show with Peter. Are you looking for USA banking solutions for your e-commerce business? I am proud to say mercury.com is supporting the podcast here, third year in a row at Global from Asia. And we’re proud to say, ’cause we use ’em ourselves for many of our own Amazon brands and e-commerce brands and [00:02:00] joint ventures with our US structures.
And they’re super easy to do online application, no fees, and they have great customer support. Have helped us with trouble with Amazon Seller Central over the years about some receipts and statements and everything like that. So we’re. So happy to say thank you, mercury, for supporting our show, being a great service and supporting other e-commerce sellers.
We’re really proud to say they’re a sponsor here, and we also have a video tutorial as well as an overview and a special link with a little bonus for you as well for [00:02:30] us under certain conditions. Check it out at global formia.com/mercury for that information. Thank you for listening, and thank you Mercury.
Hi, Pete Miller here and I’m with. Michael or Mick Michael Micheli and he’s told me about his middle name, which is Angelo. So it’s Michelangelo. This is a great start because we’ve got something very special for Cross Border Summit 2024. I was the mc for 23 and he’s gladly, I’m so glad he is asked me back for [00:03:00] 24, and we’re just gonna talk about the differences.
But he’s got a major announcement for his presentation for Michael’s presentation. Welcome Michael. Thanks. Thanks for having me, Peter. Yeah, it’s great to be here. So tell us a little bit, this is very exciting because as a speakers coach, ah, this is heaven for me to to, to organize something like this, which is it.
I’ll give you a little, it’s the launch of a book. It’s a fiction book though, but it’s got a great story. So tell me a little bit about it. Sure the book has been written. Right. There’s still some editing and, and I’m still [00:03:30] playing a couple different titles. Right. But the book is about a, a merchant in, in ancient, a merchant.
Merchant. Well, surprise. Surprise, right? Yeah. And he, he’s not happy in his environment, in his, in his day to day. And then the, what, what year is it set in? It set in medieval? Yeah, it’s like the Roman times. Oh, wow. And he’s, the tipping point is when one of his other merchant friends is, is captured and executed without any Oh wow.
Any, any reason or notice. And then it sparks his interest to find a [00:04:00] new way. A new way and, and bring people together in his community. Wow. Okay. Me. Evil. Evil being the operative word there, right? Evil. Yes. Yes. So, uh, this book is fiction, but it has mythology sort of tied into it, right? Which is people can relate to your own experience and the experience of your audience.
Yeah. Yeah. We. I, I have even, this is my product brands. I use this medieval. Part, like you said, the EXCO brothers. I, I like the whole idea of the Mm. It’s also some [00:04:30] of my, my movies I like are like Laier and others, so I, it’s also the hero. Mm, the hero person. Just trying to make a better life for him, A better world or for himself and the people around.
For everyone. So anybody I, I’ll give you a little bit of a tip here. If you would do a 10 Mike’s presentation, you will get a copy of the book so that if that’s gonna inspire you, then if anything, that, that should inspire you. To come along and it’s in, what are we looking at? Two months now? Oh, it’s about a month and a half now.
Month and a [00:05:00] half away. Only a month and a half away. Wow. Okay. And not to give too much away, but you don’t wanna miss this presentation to Mike, but what, what else have we got? You are the second speaker on the first day and before you we’ve got a, a keynote speaker. Yep. We have Keely too. Keely, right. And then we have Ali Gray.
And then we will be sharing about Black Friday strategies, right? To really boost your sales and kind of like push your limits to use that, use that holiday to really grow your brand. Mm-hmm. Black Friday is big. [00:05:30] Yeah, it’s just, and then there’s Cyber Monday as well, right? Yeah. So it gets grown and grown each year and sometimes Black Friday starts a couple of weeks before I keep moving earlier, right.
Everybody wants to make more money. Yeah. So, and tell me about, I just, I. Saw the run sheet just the other day, and it’s a great run sheet for mc. It’s got lots of different things and one of ’em is a game show, right? Yeah. We’re gonna have like trivias and game shows and prizes and everything. Wow. Okay.
More [00:06:00] fun. So the best thing about uh, cross Border Summit is there’s lots to do, lots, lots of good people to meet, but there is a lots of time to get to know everybody, right? Mm-Hmm. Networking. I’ve then seen conferences for years, but there’s, I’ve never been to a conference where there’s so much time given to getting to know or mixing with the speakers.
’cause normally the speaker comes in, gone, but the speakers with Cross Border Summit stay the whole time, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We, we have [00:06:30] a lot of speakers too. Right. And it’s a high percentage to the, the number of attendees. Yeah. But. Every year. We started this in 2016. It was always, the feedback was they got to talk to the speakers.
Yeah. Network, build a community. This is unusual. It’s really unusual to have so much time with the experts. And I filmed the testimonials last year and they all said the same thing. I said, wow, I’ve never been to a conference like this before. And they’re walking away because look, at the end of the day, ladies and gentlemen, you’re gonna work with [00:07:00] people that, and you’ve met and you talk to and you trust.
It’s just too much these days to go, oh, who are you over email? Or something like that. I, I’ve tried it and it hasn’t really worked for me, but if I meet somebody. I know sort of pretty much straight away whether I can work with ’em or not. No, agreed. Agreed. Yeah. It’s our annual conference and second we took a break as of Covid.
Right. And it was a little bit slower to get started again ’cause China was closed and everything. Mm-Hmm. So it’s, it’s a highlight of our year for our community, but it’s a highly evolving [00:07:30] marketplace, isn’t it? Environment, because you’ve got ai. Mm-Hmm. Which is, that started sort of, that was our conference last year.
A little bit of it. A lot, but now it’s matured a lot. And you’ve got Amazon sort of changing the rules here a little bit. There’s so much going on and I guess a conference like this is, it should be your annual time to catch up, catch up on what’s been going on with these experts that are the leading edge.
I’m looking forward to see Can Chan Yeah, he’s, he’s a very good speaker [00:08:00] and even though English is his second language, you wouldn’t know it. He. He’s for a speakers coach and Mc, he’s really at the cutting edge because he likes to entertain his crowd and, and give them value, and that’s just terrific for me.
So I’m looking forward to him. Yeah. There’s round tables as well. Yeah, so we, we have, we’ve almost done it almost every summit we have the end of the day, right? We take some of the top speakers and, and topics and we give. Attendees almost a full hour at the end. Five 5:00 PM [00:08:30] till about six. So, but it’s 10 minutes on each table is it?
Or 20 minutes? No, it’s, uh, it’s one, we don’t really have rotations at the one hour people can naturally maybe move. Oh, right, okay. But it’s meant to be, maybe stick with that table for one hour. The idea is you can actually really interact with that person. Wow, that’s deep. That’s really deep. Normally it’s kind of a rushing around.
Yeah. Okay. See, I mean, people can hop around, but what I’ve noticed over years is people usually stick to one table and get deep with that person on a topic and the people in that circle. [00:09:00] So I always ask my audience at the beginning of the conference to say, okay, just figure out what are you here for?
What are you really looking for? What do you need? And if this is done properly, at the end of the day, two days. Most people can say, I found what I was looking for, and you’ve gotta actually write it down and amazing how the universe works True. And who you meet and so forth like that you put in front of the right people.
Law of attraction. Yeah. The law of attraction. That’s right. And. One of the best things I remember my [00:09:30] memory from last year was that speed networking, where all these chairs are lined up, maybe 20 chairs, and you move along and you, and you introduce each other. That’s called speed. Speed networking. I think we called it speed dating or speed dating speed.
It’s on the agenda. We did publish the agenda. It was fun. It was really a lot of fun. And, and you, you just moved chairs and the whole time. And that went on for about an hour? Yeah, we did after lunch. Wow. So some people could, it’s optional, but people could join if they want some more [00:10:00] structured network and make sure you meet other attendees.
Right. So there is a VIP section and they, the V ips get to go to, uh, special. Networking session, the, the night before the conference starts? Yep. So there’s two, two additional parts. Major parts being a VIP is a half day last mile round table. Right. So that’s maybe what you’re meeting with the speed desks over a four hour period.
Oh, right. So people will go with some of our, not all speakers, but certain select speakers and they can spend. [00:10:30] Time with each one and we rotate them in the afternoon. And then we have the speaker and VIP guest dinner the night before. Oh, the dinner. Yeah. People like that. ’cause you can meet all the speakers really closely and other VIPs, it’s a smaller setting.
Yeah. To really build more relationships. Yeah. And relationships is really what it’s about. Even though it’s a digital product and it’s relationships, to have a a working relationship is so nice. It just makes it all so much easier. Exactly. And, and at the end of the day, it’s about trust and, and that’s [00:11:00] hard to find sometimes.
Exactly. I, we all naturally wanna trust people, but it’s not a wise decision sometimes. But if you come along to the CVS, the Cross Border Summit 2024 in Chiang Mai, the, the trust level is very high. These, they come because of Mike, and he’s been around for a long, long time in this marketplace. And he has established a very trustworthy and friendly and giving kind of environment.
Yeah. Yeah, that’s true. This, I, I [00:11:30] try to be open myself and I think the speakers comment are open. We don’t record the sessions. There’s highlight, we’ve done, we did record one or two years. I didn’t really like it ’cause people feel like, oh, I can just not pay attention as much. Or speaker’s also holding back some information ’cause they’re, so, we really try to encourage speakers to share things that they wouldn’t.
Normally share with the recording button on or something like that. Good idea. That’s rare. Again, normally all conferences, it’s tempting, right? Because you like, oh, I, I can sell this, I can package this as an, an online course [00:12:00] and I can sell it. But big difference. Yeah, big difference. There’s a, a privacy.
Aspect. And it’s true, it’s true from being a speakers case. I know that people will hold back if they know it’s gonna go on, on onto a camera, they will. Alright, well, so that’s a, a very quick summary Yeah. Of, of CBS 2024 Chang Mai. The dates are, well, the VIP starts on Sunday, doesn’t it? The third? Yeah.
November 3rd, right after Canton Fair in China. Oh yeah. That’s why we moved up earlier this year. Can we have some other I’d love to go to that, but I, [00:12:30] I’m otherwise involved, but I, I’d love, I’ve heard so much about it over the years. It’s been intense. I’ll be there. I’ll be there. So I’m coming right after and it’s enormous, right?
It’s the biggest, I think biggest definitely in China, but I think the world of like manufacturing fair. Yeah. I’ve heard lots of stories. So everyone’s coming from the Canton Fair to Chiang Mai and then the Sunday, and then it officially starts on Monday at nine fourth, 9:00 AM on the fourth, November 4th, 2024.
Right. Two days. And there’ll be some evening activities. Yep. There’s evening, I think. We, [00:13:00] we are, the second day will be the main, the main one, right? We want maybe people to self-organize on the first night, right? We’ve tested over the years and people maybe wanna go in their own little groups the first night and the second.
That would be the after party. Main after. Oh, official after. Oh, okay. Yeah, we got some things planned for that. Oh, good. Okay. More, more fun stuff. And then recovery the next day. But the next day is actually, you’ve got some workshops planned. Right? Workshops. So like you mentioned, Ken, this guy, he cannot, we can have him the whole day probably.
Oh. So he’s amazing. He’s got more, so much [00:13:30] content and he wants to do some additional. It’ll be an additional fee, just to be clear. Right? But you can choose to maybe if you’re already in town and you wanna take out a day for a workshop with him, and there’ll be other speakers we’re confirming right now.
But if you’d like to participate in some form. Half day or full day mastermind workshops, we’ll have those. So don’t look just for the two days. There’s actually book your hotel for the whole week. Ang Ma is a really beautiful place. I can show you. I’m gonna turn this around now we’re recording at my farm and that’s, that’s the view there, you can [00:14:00] see there.
And so Mike and his family’s just come up for the day and, and we’ve had a, a nice time. So yeah. And there’s one more thing actually. Hey, I don’t think you, I’ve even told you, but we’re having a, a ette mastermind. Oh, after, oh, ette. Yeah. Oh wow. So there’s about, oh wow. It’s about 15 people max and we’ve, we’ve already got about almost 10 so far.
Oh, wow. So some of the spears, like Ally Gray, Kaylee, they’ll also be going, we have a villa. Oh, and a yacht. Yeah. Wow. We already moved. [00:14:30] Oh my God. So it’s really intense. This is life. Wow. Yeah. That one’s first for me. Kay is Kaylee’s idea. She does these kind more high end experiences around the world. She’s from south in South Africa and the uk and.
And I think in Austin this will be first time in, in Thailand, so we’ve got some people that are coming to that as well. So it is for every kind. Yes. You can tell the CVS even if you are just a beginner, you’re gonna get a, a, a lot out of it [00:15:00] or you’re very experienced. So it’s for everybody. And this is a hard thing for conference organizers like yourself to sometimes cover do.
How do we, how do we pitch this? But I know from experience last year that you can deep dive on and you can get a lot of information about everything, about every, you can just ask, actually, that’s the, that’s the thing. It’s very approachable, especially having the speakers there. Yeah. We usually say it’s not really for beginner.
We saw we turn ’em away, but we have application forms for applications. Right. And we. [00:15:30] We actually, other conferences I’ve talked to are more beginner and they even do it on purpose. They want, the sponsors want the beginner and the event wants the beginner. ’cause I guess beginners pay for more things, right?
But we are more at medium to advance. Right, because actually I don’t, I’m not a beginner. I actually, I learn myself. I, I don’t want to like watch like one-on-one sessions. So we, we try to actually stay more for experience somewhere. But you can upscale pretty quickly with the amount of knowledge that’s in that room and if what you’re [00:16:00] looking for Exactly.
That’s the important thing. Right? It’s true. It’s true. We’re actually, I. We’re always improving. We are also gonna have a, uh, like what are you looking for? What, ah, like get on the batch this year so people can really see to what, who you’re trying to be. We’re gonna have some more network. I think I told you in the morning, we’ll have some people sharing like five minute like intros.
And we’re really trying to introduce everybody around, right? Not everybody, but those, some people don’t want to be some public, but those, some that do. So we’re really gonna try to work hard to get people [00:16:30] to. Connect even more, right? Because that’s the value people are coming from all around the world.
Yeah. Yeah. So you won’t be singing that song, that U2 song at the end of the two. I still haven’t found what I’m looking for. You will have found You’re looking for what you’re looking for. Okay. Save the date. Cross Border Summit 2024 is coming back. 2020 threes was epic. Never got such great feedback in all of our events.
Cross Border Summit 2024, we’re planning already a year in advance. It is a full week, uh, [00:17:00] of. Amazing things. There’s pre-event, post-event workshops, trainings, elephants, sanctuaries. We have a lot of amazing things here in Chiang Mai, Thailand again, so I would love to see you there. We’ve already pre-sold some tickets to previous people.
We will be opening up tickets soon. Subscribe to get updates at 2024 dot cross-border summit.com. Also, check out videos and testimonials from last year as well as all of our years. We did ’em in China, and this will be our [00:17:30] sixth. One. It’ll be great to meet you there and network and make some great relationships.
I can’t wait. November, 2024. Thank you so much for watching and listening to Global Psia. I’m here. This will be@globalpsia.com slash CBS 2024. So you can get all that information if you want to make sure you get your ticket, there’s still some spots open at cross-border summit.com and you’ll find this 2020 fours.
We archive all of them. You can see all the way back to [00:18:00] 20 sixteens as well. If you wanna see all the years building up to this, this is our sixth one. Of course. There’s a little bit of a break between for the coronavirus nightmare that is finally mostly gone. So I hope you’re all doing well. Hope you’re.
It’s not just surviving, but thriving. We finished the summer. We’re into September. I think we got a great rest of the year planned. I hope you do too. I’m gonna miss my kids though. Next couple months we’ll be a lonely trip for me on the [00:18:30] road. We’ll be with the Flip A Crew and a Globe from Asia Crew, seeing people all over Southeast Asia and then Ton Fair, we got TCP k, we got course, the Cross Border Summit and the Mastermind in Burquette.
So there’s just so much amazing things happening. Keep pushing your limits. Keep growing. Keep making things happen. Thanks for listening. Thanks for watching Global from asia.com/cbs 2024. Have a great day. Take care. To get more info about running an international business, please visit our [00:19:00] website@ww.global from asia.com.
That’s ww.global from asia.com. Also, be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed. Thanks for tuning in.
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