GFA006. Thanks so much for being on the show Marshall, people have been learning a lot and messaging me to thank you already!
InvestHK’s Charles Ng Shares on Ways Businesses Leverage their Government Programs
GFA005. Interested to learn about Hong Kong’s government initiatives to help businesses startup, base, and grow with Hong Kong as their headquarters? Then today’s episode is for you! We’ll sit down with Charles Ng, Associate Director of InvestHK and heading their new initiative StartupMeUp.HK. Listeners today can learn how they can better get benefit from the Hong Kong government programs, and talk to a real person about finding their way in Hong Kong’s many business programs offered!
Hong Kong Visas & Immigrations with Stephen Barnes
GFA004. Today we sit down with Stephen Barnes from Hong Kong Visa Centre and discuss how business owners should consider the visa and immigration process in Hong Kong. Is it right for them? Will they be registering a HK Limited and planning to remain in Hong Kong, or working “offshore”?
Casey Lau from StartupsHK + Softlayer Catalyst on the Hong Kong Startup Scene
GFA003. Today’s episode I’m lucky enough to catch an interview w/ Casey Lau, co-founder of Startups HK and also the Asia Pacific Community manager at Softlayer Hosting. I get some time to chat about the Hong Kong startup scene and how those who have a Hong Kong company but not in the local area can get involved.
Sunny Wong, Hong Kong Accountant – Straight Talk About Registering in HK
GFA002. In this episode, I interview my current accountant, Sunny Wong, and get expert insights on items you’re considering when opening or maintaining a Hong Kong company. Try not to get too complex or boring, this is geared towards those in the beginning stages of a HK company setup process.
What To Consider When Opening a Hong Kong Company
GFA001. My first podcast, I pushed it out quickly to get the ball rolling after an amazing DCBKK (Dynamite Circle mastermind) a week earlier. Please be easy on me – its my first podcast and more to come regularly. Thinking weekly, will settle on a regular schedule soon.