GFAE010. We are here in Hangzhou city China today at the Alibaba campus, and sitting with Lorenzo. We added him on as a partner in the Amazon FBA business Para Living Inc as we need someone with his hustle and position. Today we are talking to him about the Hanzhou and Yiwu market and how we are going to make things happen in hyperdrive!
What Is Cross Border Ecommerce with Mike Michelini
GFA194. This week’s show we are talking about my experience and a broad overview of Cross Border ecommerce more on the export side. I did this as a presentation at our Global From Asia Shanghai meetup. I share some of the insights and the history of how cross-border e-commerce came to be and some perspectives being involved in the industry and watching it over the years from a China angle. For full show notes, check out
Product Sourcing Updates
GFAE009. Product Sourcing. We got 3 out of 5 together! Roland is visiting Shenzhen from Europe, and Cadrian popped over from Hong Kong. Friday night 8pm meeting on our latest developments on the new Amazon FBA business. Listen in for our product sourcing update! For full show notes, check out
How Overseas Investors Can Tap Into the Hong Kong and Asia Startup Markets with Jay Kim
GFA193. This week we are talking investment! It is a topic many people are always interested in getting into (myself included) and wondering how does it start. Especially here in Asia where – during my Wall Street days, it seemed so obscure and high risk. Let’s listen in as our guest, Jay Kim give talks about how overseas investors can tap into the Hong Kong and Asia startup markets! For full show notes, check out
Biggest Product Decision Factors Part 2 with Meir Simhi
GFAE008. Part 2 of this amazing topic of finding and developing your product line. Meir delivers the goods, and this is a highly recommended listen for anyone doing a product based business, whether it is e-commerce, Amazon FBA, or a retail shop! Tune in as Meir tells us about the importance of product decision factors. For full show notes, check out
The Story of Setting Up a Factory Operation in China with Greg Fisher
GFA192. In today’s podcast, we have Greg Fisher to speak all about China factory operation. He has created an amazing hardware community called Hardware Massive which is a global network of makers where I have had the pleasure to speak at a couple times and really enjoy the people in the community. For full show notes, check out
Picking a product for your ecommerce business Part 1 with Meir Simhi
GFAE007. Meir Simhi is back! This is the first part of a 2 part series and in this episode Meir talks about e-commerce product selection which he said is the hardest part of e-commerce and right at the start – so we must brave through it! For full show notes, check out
Importing and Distributing Food Items For the Chinese Market with Glenn Ball from Nogogo
GFA191. Everyone wants to sell to China. And one of the top product categories people want to sell is imported foreign foods. This guest has been on my list for quite some time and I am excited to have him on the show – Glenn Ball, the General Manager of Nogogo Online groceries. It is one of the first and largest online stores in China for foreign goods, based right here in Shenzhen. Let’s tune in and listen more about selling food in China. For full show notes, check out
Strategy For Our Amazon FBA Product Selection
GFAE006. It is getting hot in here, and I’m not talking about end of August heat in Shenzhen – I’m talking about our new e-commerce Amazon FBA business! This week’s episode I have a 1 on 1 call with each of our FBA business partners to get their feedback and perspectives on the product selection process so far. We are going to talk about FBA Amazon product selection. For full show notes, check out
Japan Business Overview, Which City, What Mindset with Masaru Ikeda
GFA190. We are in Japan this week! Masaru Ikeda is a popular blogger – yes in English language – about Japan. Masaru talks about some new cities as well as investment opportunities for those willing to venture into the land of Japan – let’s tune in for today’s episode about Japan business overview! For full show notes, check out
Finding That Needle In a Haystack For Your Product Research with Greg Mercer
GFAE005. Welcome to the fifth episode of the ecommerce series! In this episode, we dive into the product selection process. Greg Mercer is back on the show and will talk about the important part of an e-commerce business – product research. For full show notes, check out
Taiwan Hardware and Supply Chain Manufacturing Oversight with Daniel Weng
GFA189. We have Daniel on the show to discuss how he is leveraging Taiwan for PCB manufacturing, then final assembly in Mainland China PRD – Dongguan specifically, and then building up sales and distribution in America. For full show notes, check out
Preparing For The E-Commerce Business Launch
GFAE004. This podcast is about the preparation of our e-commerce business launch. I have been brainstorming the task list for kicking off this Amazon business and I broke it into 6 departments: HR, Finance, Operations, Marketing, Sales, and Customer support. For full show notes, check out
Running a Development Shop in Thailand With Gustaf Bystrom
GFA188. We are back in Southeast Asia! Today we have one of our GFAVIP members, Gustaf Brystrom and he is sharing about how he manages a development team in Thailand. While we have already had a podcast about incorporating in Thailand, he also mentions some of the practical advice for doing it – as well as some priceless tips on how to do it as a foreign company with special permits and licenses. For full show notes of this podcast on team management in Thailand, check out
Structuring a New Equity Partnership and Joint Venture for E-Commerce with Edward Jacobson and Gregory Segal
GFAE003. Today’s show is another amazing one – we are talking to US lawyers about this venture. I reached out to Edward as he is a listener of the show and also active in the startup community here – attending some of our Global From Asia meetups in Shenzhen too. So glad I did – he brought his partner, Greg, from Jacobson Associates on the show as well and we have been having some deep discussions about structuring fba ecommerce partnership.
Overseeing Production of Your New Manufactured Product in China with Chris Oliva
GFA187. Part 2 of manufacturing knowledge overload! Last week was a bit more on protecting yourself in the growing F2C (Factory to Consumer) world – this week we are into manufacturing. So now you have the custom product idea, how do you make it a reality. Chris gives us insights on getting an MVP going all the way to mass production manufacturing and some really good tips in overseeing production of your new products. For full show notes, check out
Deciding Where To Incorporate Your Amazon FBA Business with Mike Hartman
GFAE002. Where should you incorporate your Amazon FBA business? It’s our second show on the Global From Asia E-commerce series and while applications are still coming in – I need to prepare how to incorporate this new company. We talk on the show about transfer pricing and more tax planning. Its an exciting show – and we bring on Mike Hartman to share all about amazon fba corporate setup, let’s tune in! For full show notes, check out
Keeping a Competitive Advantage In Today’s Factory To Consumer (F2C) World with Christopher Oliva
GFA186. Wondering how to stay ahead in today’s factory direct to consumer business trend? We bring with us an electronics design engineer and China business expert on the show – Christopher Oliva who will share a wealth of knowledge about factory to consumer competition. For full show notes, check out
Questions When Starting On Amazon FBA E-Commerce with Meir Simhi
GFAE001. Welcome to the Global From Asia e-commerce series – Where you can follow along the progress of setting up a cross-border e-commerce business from start to finish. Hear insights of real product research, starting Amazon FBA e-commerce, China manufacturing, branding, marketing, and all the blood, sweat, and tears of building a global business from Asia, now let’s tune in! For full show notes, check out
A Vietnamese Millenial’s Perspective on Changes and Growth in the Economy with Nhung Truong
GFA185. More Vietnam! Today we have Nhung Truong a local Vietnamese interpreter who has witnessed the rapid economic growth and changes in her country over the years. We dive into what she has seen, from her perspective, and get some insights on how to better do business in the booming Vietnamese economy. For full show notes on Vietnam economy growth, check out
Building an Internet Marketing Company in Saigon, Vietnam With Karl Kangur
GFA184. This episode is the second part of a two part series while I was in Vietnam – we have Karl Kangur, an internet marketing guru who is making moves in Saigon Vietnam. Learn some insights on how he came out to Saigon, as well as perspectives on local staff, company set up, and managing teams as well as the internet marketing in Saigon, enjoy! For full show notes, check out
Guide to Relocating to Saigon, Vietnam with Jon Myers
GFA183. This week’s episode is for people who want to relocate to Saigon, Vietnam. It’s my first trip to Saigon, Vietnam and thanks so much to Jon’s tips and advice along the way – so as the trip comes to a close, I want to take this opportunity to have Jon share some of these value bombs with you guys for your trip to Saigon – which if you ever spend time in Asia and you’re a business owner and entrepreneur – you gotta come out here and see the scene! For full show notes, check out
Strategies for Amazon FBA Germany Expansion with Nadine Eich
GFA182. Looking to crack the Amazon Europe market? It has been a hot topic, with one of our podcast episdoes with John Cavendish talking about gold rush in Amazon Europe. Today we bring you more! Nadine is a German herself and shares strategies and tips on Amazon FBA Germany,
Moving Back to America After Asia with Travis Darrow
GFA181. This week, episode, we have Travis Darrow who has a ton of experience in Asia . Travis has been back to America a couple years now and we got him on the show to share how it feels to go through the reverse culture shock. If you are wondering how it is moving back to America after life and career in Asia, stay tuned! For full show notes, check out
How Companies Can Do Chinese Competitive Market Research with Xiaoning
GFA180. Ever been curious how to do proper research before jumping into the Chinese market? Want to learn how a market research associate gets her analysis done? Then our guest for today’s episode, Xiaoning can help you with Chinese market research! For full show notes, check out