GFA400. Welcome to today’s episode of our podcast, where we’ll be joined by Chris Thomas and Regina Peterburgsky, two experts from The Australian Seller community. In this episode, we’ll be discussing the evolving landscape of product launches in 2023 and how it differs from the past. As e-commerce continues to grow and change rapidly, it’s crucial for sellers to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and strategies to ensure their products stand out in a crowded marketplace. Additionally, Chris and Regina will be sharing details about their upcoming mastermind event for established sellers, taking place in Bali, Indonesia from June 18-22. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of e-commerce and product launches in 2023. For full show notes, check out
Manufacturing and Selling a Lingerie Brand from Chiang Mai Thailand with Ian Rembrandt
GFA399. Today’s episode is a fun one – we are talking about selling lingerie made in Thailand around the world. We will be featuring Ian Rembrandt where we talk about his experiences 10 years since he started selling lingerie on Amazon, Etsy and his website – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Let’s tune in. For full show notes, check out
Supply Chain Management (Speaking at Amazon Singapore) with Michael Michelini
GFA398. In today’s episode, we will be discussing the ins and outs of supply chain structuring, from product introduction to shipping options, inventory forecasting and more. We have an exciting lineup of topics to cover, including a real-life case application set during CNY 2023, tips on packaging, and key takeaways that you can apply to your own supply chain strategy. Whether you’re an experienced seller or just starting out, you won’t want to miss the valuable insights we have in store for you. Plus, stay tuned for a special segment on the upcoming Canton Fair. Let’s dive in! For full show notes, check out
Speaking at Amazon Thailand – External Traffic for Your Amazon Business with Michael Michelini
GFA397. In this episode, Mike shares his insights on the topic of external traffic for your Amazon business, providing tips and strategies on attribution affiliates, paid ads, and real-world examples. This episode is perfect for Amazon sellers who want to build a long-lasting, sustainable business with reliable external traffic sources. Join us as we learn from his extensive experience in the Amazon space. For full show notes, check out
Preparing for the Canton Fair Re-opening with Michael Michelini
GFA396. As one of the biggest trade shows in the world, the Canton Fair has been a crucial platform for businesses to showcase their products and connect with potential clients. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fair has been closed for more than a year, leaving many businesses uncertain about how to navigate the upcoming re-opening. Michael offers practical advice on how to make the most out of this opportunity, from logistics and planning to building relationships and generating sales. Let’s tune in! For full show notes, check out
How ecommerce has changed since the pandemic, and now AI with Michael Michelini
GFA395. How much the world has changed. In today’s episode, we talk about all the things in the world that have changed mainly focusing on the ecommerce, and Amazon FBA space. For full show notes, check out
Using Meditation and Mindfulness (TLC) to Become a Better Business Person with John Hubble
GFA394. In this episode, you’ll hear from John Hubble, the founder and creator of TLC, also known as The Living Crystal. He’ll be sharing strategies for improving your business and mindset using meditation and mindfulness techniques. We’ll also touch on John’s journey from the US to Asia, his experience in engineering, and his role as a mindfulness guru. The episode coincides with the launch of TLC on Kickstarter, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from the best. For full show notes, check out
Enter the Rising Sun (Japan Story & Lessons) with Gary Huang
GFA393. I’m excited to have our guest, Gary Huang, back on the show. In one of our previous episodes, Gary shared valuable insights on 7-figure sellers, but today we’re going to dive into his journey to Japan and his pandemic story. As a cross-border business person, Gary has an interesting tale of how he ended up in Japan during the pandemic. For full show notes, check out
Growing Your Ecommerce Sales in 2023 – Tactics and Strategies with Chris Rawlings
GFA392. We have a great show today talking about growth strategies in 2023 with Chris Rawlings who is dropping amazing knowledge! We discuss about different strategies of growing your Amazon or e-commerce business in general. Listen to us talk about listings, business and even a little bit of AI. Let’s tune in! For full show notes, check out
Horizontally Grow Your Ecomm Biz Case Study (globally) [EU, AU, UAE, & More] with Nicholas Leconte
GFA391. This week we got a really cool one with Nicholas Leconte who is a seller on Amazon. He’s doing amazing growing his Amazon business all around the world while traveling. Let’s tune in. For full show notes, check out
Building an Eco Friendly Ecommerce Brand in Thailand – Entrepreneur Story with Antoinette Jackson
GFA390. In today’s episode, we actually have a fun one going on site and meeting more sellers. We are featuring a pretty cool brand using natural beeswax products, environmental friendly products which are manufactured here in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We have the founder Antoinette Jackson who is the founder of and making lots of amazing things. Let’s tune into the show. For full show notes, check out
The Ups and Downs of the Amazon FBA Acquisition Industry with Geoff Matthews
GFA388. In this episode, Geoff Matthews shares a wealth of strategic knowledge and insights gained from his years deep in the Amazon FBA market. Tune in now for an information-packed show full of tips ‘n tricks that’ll take your business up a notch. For full show notes check out
Alternatives To Selling Your Business with Coran Woodmass
GFA 387. Welcome back Coran Woodmass on the GFA podcast! It’s been a pleasure to have him involved with the community over the years speaking at our Cross Border conferences, and being a guest on the show. Today’s topic – Alternatives To Selling Your Business – is perfect for the GFA community. Many of us are bootstrappers and lifelong entrepreneurs who build businesses. We enjoy the start, but are not sure what to do once it hits a certain critical mass. Let’s tune in!
Improving Your Cross Border Logistics, (Or Shall we Say – Cross Better!) with Mark Chen
GFA386. In today’s show, we bring on the show Mark Chen, CEO of Cross Better Logistics, our newest GFA partner sponsor supporting this very show and we are talking about how to improve your cross border logistics – rock on! For full show notes, check out
Logistics Nightmare – Lesson & Example of Messes Ecommerce Seller Get Into
Due to the sensitivity and relations of various parties, this post has been removed. If you are an active member of our community, this post has been moved to our private GFAVIP member’s area as a lesson on logistics, as this is a very important and valuable lesson we want people to learn from. Just cannot be a public one.
Experience Launching a Product on Amazon FBA in 2022 [Blimp Case Study] with Luciano Drehmer, Francis Austin and Peter Luxenburg
GFA385. Today’s show we have one of our franchisees from the first cohort of the Blimp Method program which we kicked off right in the new year Jan 2022! We thought it a perfect time to invite Francis and Peter to the podcast today to share the experience – as well as insights – of launching a product on Amazon in 2022, and working with us at GFA’s Blimp Method course and program. Let’s tune in. For full show notes, check out
The Covid Grind in Asia – and How We Businesses are Adjusting with Rico Ngoma and Alan Scanlan
GFA384. In today’s episode, we have a round table with Rico Ngoma and his newest business partner – Alan Scanlan about the grind on Covid business. Everyone will be learning a lot from this episode. Let’s tune in. For full show notes, check out
Building a Brand in Thailand: Handmade Jewelry in the Mountains of an Indigenous Village with Andres Matos
GFA383. Today we have a great treat for you – we bring you people ON THE GROUND in Asia doing cross-border trade and ecommerce with our guest and also business partner – Andres Matos where we did an ON-site visit at the factory. For full show notes, check out
Checkin – What is Global From Asia Now
Dear Global From Asia community, Have missed the last couple weeks of the GFA podcast, due to the massive transition and family move from China to Thailand. But don’t fret – we are preparing a new and improved community. One investment is a new community manager, Faith. I was typing this up and figured – why not make this a … Read More
Excalibur Brothers Brand Story Case Study with Luciano Drehmer
GFA380. In today’s podcast we are talking about brand story, case study, a recap of the Excalibur brand, some highlights as well as things happening for the rest of the year. Let’s go into today’s show. For full show notes, check out
Opportunity Returns: Amazon FBA Seller Business Growth (Plus Your Chance) with Meir Simhi
GFA379. We have Meir back in the show. We have a lot to catch the GFA community up on, and today we will have a seller recap and share about the opening of the next program and webinar slot. For full show notes, check out
Mike’s Personal Check in & Call To Action For Cooperation
GFA378. There is a lot going on, and after our podcasts, many do ask for more details and insights on my “intro” sharing of what I am doing and what I am planning. It has been quite a bit since we had a show like this, so let’s get down to hearing what Mike is up to, sharing various businesses, opportunities, and see if we can get more people in the community involved! For full show notes, check out
Print On Demand (POD) Strategies in Shenzhen, China with Eric Wang
GFA377. In today’s episode, we will talk about Print On Demand with Eric Wang back on the show. The show will be a bit different as it is audio only but we have a separate clip for a video where we visited some seller’s offices. Let’s tune in! For full show notes, check out
Drop Shipping Strategies in 2022 with Simon de Raadt
GFA376. Today’s guest is a special one. He is one of our GFAVIP members – Simon de Raadt and we will talk about Drop shipping where he shares his ideas and insights. For full show notes, check out