How to Send Money to China

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce0 Comments

China is the world’s biggest exporter for its immense variety of merchandise / suppliers. With millions of dollars coming in to China from all over the world, many companies have improved the way people send money to China.

Amazon Seller Scams

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce0 Comments

Amazon used to be a great place for honest and trustworthy product reviews written by consumers. However, some sellers have sought to maximize their positive reviews. Let’s dig deeper into Amazon seller scams.

How To Setup My Own Online Store

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce1 Comment

As time goes by, people change, technology continuously develops, certain products get outdated, and so on. A good seller knows how to catch up and cope with these changes. Today, if you’re a seller who hasn’t ventured into online selling, then you could be missing a lot of opportunities. Read on about how to set up online store.

Building an International Fashion Blog from Singapore with Sylvia Van de Logt

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast1 Comment

GFA210. Building an International fashion blog from Singapore. This week we are talking Singapore and blogs! Sylvia Van de Logt is a seasoned internet marketer and blogger who has done quite a nice job growing her Forty Plus Style fashion blog while based in Singapore. We discuss how she got started, tactics for growing a blog, but also some insights on how she setup in Singapore and the benefits she has gotten there. For full show notes, check out

What Is An ICO And How To Use It For Your Global Business with Ellis Gyongyos

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast2 Comments

GFA209. What’s An ICO And How To Use It For Your Global Business? This week is for the FOMO people like me (FOMO stands for “fear of missing out” for those who don’t know). And I have been hearing about ICO over and over again the past couple months. So Devin from Shadow Factory VR Agency kindly connected me to Ellis Gyongyos from Know Your Token to discuss this ICO game. For full show notes, check out

Shipping to Amazon FBA

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce1 Comment

Over the years, Amazon has been rapidly growing, with more people choosing online shopping. More online shoppers create more demand for package delivery. Eliminating the delivery middlemen may cut their costs and give them more control over order shipments. Read more on how to ship to amazon fba.

Bridging Borders Between China and International Markets using Logistics with Josh Ruskin of SF Express

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast0 Comments

GFA208. Happy 2018! This is our first podcast for the new year – and we are bringing you the good stuff as always. This week we bring to you Josh Ruskin, from SF Express. He has a wealth of experience and knowledge on logistics and cross-border e-commerce into China as well as outside. Tune in as Josh tells us how he is bridging borders between China and international markets using logistics. For full show notes, check out

Building Up a Youtube Channel From Inside China with Winston Sterzel, SerpentZA

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast0 Comments

GFA206. In today’s episode, we have China’s first Youtube blogger, and been a regular blogger since 2008. – Winston Sterzel otherwise known as SerpentZA. We get him on the Global From Asia TV show (and audio podcast) to share his journey building up a China youtube channel and making it a top channel. For full show notes, check out

Selling on

Global From Asia TeamBlog, Business, Ecommerce0 Comments

Etsy is a peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace founded in 2005 for creative people who want to sell their products to the world. Etsy is for people who look for unique products that are either handmade or vintage. It has long been known as the leading marketplace when it comes to handmade, vintage and craft supplies. Learn more on how to sell on etsy.

Equity Crowdfunding Tips From An ex-Googler who moved from Asia to London to build a fintech company with Viktor Nebahaj

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast0 Comments

GFA205. Equity crowdfunding tips From An ex-Googler who moved from Asia to London to build a fintech company. In today’s episode, we have Vicktor Nebahaj who will tell us how he followed his passion in equity crowdfunding to get into his current venture Free Trade so let’s listen in! For full show notes, check out

Selling on

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce0 Comments

Jet was founded in April 2014 by Marc Lore, and was launched online in July 2015. Its objective was to create a marketplace where consumers could enjoy low-priced items and discounts from bulk buying, and save money on shipping fees. Find out more on how to sell on jet in this blog post.

Selling on

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce0 Comments

Walmart is the largest retailer in the world, and also the world’s largest and fastest growing e-commerce marketplace. has over 110 million unique visitors per month. Interested in selling on Walmart? To get started, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to sell on Walmart.

Leveraging Cross-Border E-Commerce for B2C Into China With Dominiek Pouwer

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast2 Comments

GFA203. This week’s GFA interview series we have Dominiek from TMO Group. I have known him since at least 2012 and he has been at this cross-border e-commerce into China game for the long haul! Tune in as we talk about leveraging cross border e-commerce for B2C Into China With Dominiek Pouwer. For full show notes, check out

Empowering His Amazon FBA Team To Build and Sell An Amazon FBA Business with Nate Ginsburg

Michael MicheliniBusiness, Ecommerce, Podcast1 Comment

GFA201. This week we have Nate Ginsburg a friend of mine who have been following along our growth in the inter webs and got to sync up the last month. He’s done extremely well on Amazon FBA and been a great leader to his team and those in his network. Let’s hear from Nate all about empowering amazon fba team. For full show notes, check out

A New Association For Cross Border E-Commerce

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce0 Comments

Looking for a group that has your best interests at heart for your cross e-commerce business? As things have developed here in the South of China in preparation for the upcoming Cross Border Matchmaker, great things have been happening. Find out more about this new ecommerce association.

Curious About Cross-Border E-commerce Into China? Here’s The Definitive Guide

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce, Logistics3 Comments

Looking to sell in China? Wondering about all the complications of importing, duties, taxes, corporate structure, logistics. The list goes on and on. In today’s guide book, we are going to tackle this problem to give you a clear overview of the process with recommendations on how you can structure your global empire and include China in this map! Enjoy this China cross border ecommerce post!