Looking for a group that has your best interests at heart for your cross e-commerce business? As things have developed here in the South of China in preparation for the upcoming Cross Border Matchmaker, great things have been happening. Find out more about this new ecommerce association.
Cameron Walker President of Gifts, Home, & Hardware for Global Sources
After a crazy month and the successful CBM2017 event, we have another featured member for this week. He’s none other than the President of Gifts, Home, & Hardware for Global Sources – Cameron Walker.
Recap of Cross Border Matchmaker 2017
Over 300 e-commerce business owners from both inside and outside of China assembled to take part in the first ever Cross Border Matchmaker. Hosted by 3 organizations, Global From Asia, Popeye Incubator, and Guangdong E-Business Association, it was the first event of its kind to bring together top Amazon FBA sellers to the stage. Read more for the CBM 2017 recap.
Curious About Cross-Border E-commerce Into China? Here’s The Definitive Guide
Looking to sell in China? Wondering about all the complications of importing, duties, taxes, corporate structure, logistics. The list goes on and on. In today’s guide book, we are going to tackle this problem to give you a clear overview of the process with recommendations on how you can structure your global empire and include China in this map! Enjoy this China cross border ecommerce post!
Jons Slemmer of RedStar Consulting
in this blog, we will feature member Jons Slemmer who does website hosting in China. His business focus on helping international brands to set up websites in China. They provide/arrange website hosting and apply/assist with the required ICP license.
Claudia Rincon GFA’s Chapter Organizer in Miami
Our next member is our GFA chapter organizer in Miami – Claudia Rincon. She’s been helping GFA and organizing events in Miami. She’s a former business owner who likes to do B2B.
Happy Birthday to Us! Global From Asia Turns 4 Years Old Today
Get the candles out – it’s our birthday! Global From Asia is now four years old! Let’s take a minute out of our normal business blog posts and share some fun stuff you guys.
Questions Asked During a Hong Kong Audit and Tax Process
Love doing your taxes? We all know the answer to that! Being educated about the main points about taxes though is important. It affects the decision making you will make in your business. In this post,we talk about it a bit on our workshop calls in our GFA VIP members forum. Learn more about Hong Kong taxes.
Xiaoning Rao a Freelance/Project Manager
We are back with our new member’s series and I’m happy to present to you our next member – Xiaoning Rao who will share her great experience as a Freelance Project Manager. She currently does the market research and consulting for Sovereign company.
Overview of Global E-Commerce Marketplaces – Which is Right For You?
Selling online? Then you need to choose your channel. Even if you’re “just” selling on your own website- that is a channel! Today – we got you covered! This is an overview of various e-commerce marketplaces.
Overview Of What We Currently Offer
The world is flat. Location and business are no longer one in the same. Global From Asia is fulfilling the need for Western entrepreneurs who need access to the same tools and opportunities in business structures as the big conglomerates. We have grown quite a bit here at Global From Asia. Listeners and readers are confused on all the things we do – so today we want to kind of use this blog to recap everyone on where we are and what GFA offers.
A Business Guide to Taipei: 10 Things You Need to Know
Are you planning on visiting Taipei for your next business trip? Perhaps you’ve scheduled some business meetings or you’re visiting a large industry event. Whatever the case you’re going to need a business guide to get a clear picture of what you should expect during your stay. Here are ten important things you need to know about Taipei before you … Read More
Developing News – Hong Kong Banking May Get Easier & Tax Reductions For SMEs
I’ve never been so excited – after years of frustration – I remember back in March 2016 as this banking nightmare started – seems Hong Kong regulators are loosening up. And developing news that the Hong Kong banking system may ease up with not requiring local HK residential address proof, combined with tax reductions from 16.5 to 8.25% if profit … Read More
Leverage Shenzhen As Your Base During Trade Show Season (For Canton Fair, Global Sources, & More!)
Looking to come to China for your trade show “hustle”? A common question I see floating around various wechat groups asking about which trade show is the best to go to. Find out more about this Shenzhen base canton fair article.
Finding The Right Product On Amazon FBA
Choosing what products to sell is one of the most vital and probably the hardest part of starting a business. One mistake could lead to possible investment failure. The Internet has made selling easier; with social media, you can now easily know what’s trending, and online advertising is an effective and affordable way to easily reach customers. If you want to know more about choosing product to sell, read on.
Jelena Lucic of 1 Clever Dot
We’re back again for another member to be introduced on our series. I’m here to introduce a passionate woman when it comes to her business. Tune in as Jelena Lucic talks about her friendly eco products.
You Want To Sell To China? How Far Are You Willing To Go?
We all have the China dream, if we can just make a dollar from a billion people, life would be good, right? The numbers in China are massive, and so are the opportunities. I receive a ton of emails from friends and readers asking how they can tap into this massive consumer market, and today I am brain dumping all I have to get you want you need to get on the fast track on sell to china.
Finding Your First Product Category To Sell on E-Commerce
As we develop our new Amazon FBA business, we are researching and digging to find the right product, and product category to invest our time and money on. This is definitely SCARY! Heck, even for me with my decade plus experience in e-commerce – placing a bet on a product is a nerve racking thing. But this is business, and … Read More
How To Get Declined For Your HK Bank Application
Want to get declined for your bank account application in Hong Kong? Then you’re in the right place! Of course you don’t want to get rejected when applying for your Hong Kong business bank account, but today I want to have some fun and give you some tips on how to get a declined HK bank application.
China’s First Online Store That Comes in Both Chinese and English
MicroMart is an online Hyper Market found in 2017. Living in China it is a challenge to find an online store that comes in English. Well, MicroMart is the perfect solution to that. Introducing first China bilingual online store that comes in both English and Chinese.
Lorenzo Sarwari – GFA Chapter Organizer / Paraliving Partner
Our featured member this week, is our Paraliving Partner / Chapter Organizer/ Speaker in HangZhou. His passion as a football coach gave him the opportunity to pursue his dreams. A great guy indeed, Lorenzo Sarwari.
Alibaba Vs. Global Sources (Which is Better For Sourcing?)
As a seller, it is vital to have a reliable and trustworthy supplier. The best supplier basically must be reliable, negotiable, offers high quality products and good customer service. There are many ways to locate a good supplier – thru the Internet, friend referral, yellow pages, industry events, etc. Two infamous happy hunting grounds for most sellers are Alibaba and Global Sources. Find our more about his Alibaba vs Global Sources article.
How To Add New Shareholders To Your Hong Kong Company
Business booming for you in Hong Kong? Want to add a new business partner or shareholder to your limited company? This is something that is common in business, and it is an exciting time. But how do you change owners in your business? You may be curious the methods and steps needed – so today is a treat for you. Let’s dig into how to update your shareholders for your Hong Kong business. Read more of adding shareholders in HK.
Sandor Weyers of ElementZ Travel and iDOPT Wildlife
wildlife conservation
Our next member is an entrepreneur who has the passion and love for nature and wildlife. I am grateful to be able to talk to our next featured member. Let me present to you Sandor Weyers who will be talking about how he pursued his passion for wildlife conservation and made it into 2 business companies.
Using Shopify to Grow Beyond Amazon
Changes and innovation are key aspects of growing a business. As time passes, people change what they like to buy and how they shop. Just as the Internet has grown into an effective medium of marketing and selling, e-commerce has been the greatest rival to traditional shopping. Hence, for sellers, jumping on the bandwagon (e-commerce) became essential to grow their businesses. Find out more about shopify ecommerce in this blog.