Jason Zhang of Rabbitow

Billy BeardBlog, Member's Series0 Comments

This week’s featured member is Jason Zhang of Rabbitow Technology Co.,Ltd. It is an innovative scientific and technological enterprise that specializes in the intelligent health interaction field. Rabbitow brand products were awarded for “Men’s products of the 2016 Asian adult industry” in Asia Adult Expo in HONG KONG, the “Innovative Sex Toy of the Year-Design” in Asia Adult Expo and Reddot Design in 2018.

What Is Up?! A Lot Is Cooking at Global From Asia

Michael MicheliniAnnouncements, Blog0 Comments

Summer2018 is approaching and as Global From Asia approaches its fifth birthday, a ton of new initiatives have been coming out of the R&D department. While we have been inundating you with blogs and emails as they come out – thought today I would reflect and share those initiatives in a blog post. Let’s list them out here – and then it is your turn to tell us if we are crazy or not.

The DV Lottery Guide

Michael MicheliniBlog, Corporate, Immigration0 Comments

The DV lottery is a great opportunity for individuals from different qualifying countries to grasp their dream green card and take advantage of a permanent residency in the US. Reading through the rest of article will teach you how the does diversity visa application work.

Nick Bartlett of CBIP Logistics

Billy BeardBlog, Member's Series0 Comments

Our featured member this week is Nick Bartlett of CBIP Logistics. From the scenic landscapes of New Zealand, 31 year old Nick Bartlett an expert in logistics and consultancy, saw plenty of opportunity in Hong Kong. After moving into Hong Kong with a big corporate company He simply could not let this opportunity slip from his hands. Learn how Nick did it all.

Becoming An English Teacher in China

Michael MicheliniBlog, Corporate, HR and Legal0 Comments

If you are an aspiring teacher, or if teaching is your passion, and you have the necessary skills to teach English, then why not consider getting a teaching job in China? This English teacher China post will give you tips on and ways on how to find an English teaching job in China.

Thiago Honório of Winner Best

Billy BeardBlog, Member's Series1 Comment

Today’s featured member is Thiago Honorio of Winner Best. Thiago was exposed to China leading him to seek his own path and establish himself by networking with the Bicycle and Motorcycle Community in China.

Can Amazon Compete with AliExpress in China?

Billy BeardBlog, Business, Ecommerce0 Comments

Amazon vs Aliexpress. Can Amazon compete in the Chinese market? Do they stand a chance against the already established AliExpress? Well, those are exactly the questions we are looking to answer here and in this article, we plan to look at Amazon and AliExpress and see if Amazon can hold up in a market where AliExpress has already made its name.

Esteban Kadamani of Infinite Group

Michael MicheliniBlog, Member's Series0 Comments

We are back! Our featured member for this week is Esteban Kadamani of Infinite Group who started the company from humble beginnings with his partner back in 2004. After reaching a milestone of 11 million in sales, they decided to travel to China.

Kickstarter Campaigns: What are these and what makes them work?

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce0 Comments

Nowadays, modern innovations, as well as social media, both have played a big role in opening up a whole new world of possibilities both for business-minded people and those who take the creative role. One of the platforms which have gained much popularity is Kickstarter. Here are a few kickstarter success stories or a list kickstarter campaigns that did well and why.

Amazing Amazon Success Stories Today

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce0 Comments

As more consumers continue to discover the convenience of shopping online, the online marketplace is only bound to get even bigger. This is, of course, good news for entrepreneurs; e-commerce is a virtual goldmine waiting to be explored. In fact, it is a commonplace these days to hear success stories of newly-minted millionaires who owe their good fortune to online selling. Read more of these amazon fba success stories.

Ascension Into The Future Of Cross Border Business: Recap of Third Cross Border Summit

Michael MicheliniBlog, Event0 Comments

For 2 days, from Friday April 20 to Saturday April 21, Over 200 e-commerce business owners from both inside and outside of China assembled to take part in the third annual Cross Border Summit . Hosted by the organizations, Global From Asia, it was a conference to bring together top e-commerce business owners from all corners of the globe. Here is the Cross Border Summit 2018 Recap.

The Further Tightening of Hong Kong Regulations: New Policies In Place

Michael MicheliniBlog, Corporate, Incorporation0 Comments

Quite a few updates the last month with regards to Hong Kong incorporation and upkeep that we need to catch you up on. It further strengthens the reason why Global From Asia partnered with Unipro Consulting Limited about a year and a half ago – to have a proper license and dedicated team on these policies has been critical. Read this article about HK Regulations 2018.

How Exactly Product Reviews Can Help (and hurt) Your E-Commerce Business

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business1 Comment

In the current setting of Ecommerce, product reviews are very visible throughout the industry. These days, consumers are struggling with making purchases online brought about by the exposure to false information with common cases like tricky advertisements in television and even online that leads to mistrust. Some information on how product reviews can help or hurt your business.

How to Open a Chinese Bank Account

Michael MicheliniBanking, Blog, Corporate5 Comments

Opening bank in China is not a hard as one would think. In case you are a foreigner or a resident of the country and needs to open either a personal or business account, the process is not that difficult. All you have to provide is your passport and do not forget to bring some money, of course. Get a few tips here.

USA Virtual Address Options

Michael MicheliniBlog, Corporate, Incorporation1 Comment

The most common dilemma for a web-based business owner is not having a physical business address. In the United States, federal guidelines require businesses to acquire and maintain a physical address, even if it’s a web-based business, to avoid potential legal consequences. For small business owners and international sellers, getting a physical USA address may be a pain. Nevertheless, there are still a few options to obtain an American address.

Importing a Car to Hongkong

Michael MicheliniBlog, Lifestyle, Living1 Comment

Owning a car is a necessity to most people, but for a country like Hongkong, owning a car is more like a vanity. Despite Hongkong’s very efficient public transport, many still choose to drive their own car around the city. Find out all about importing a car in HK.

USA Incorporation for Foreigners

Michael MicheliniBlog, Corporate, Incorporation4 Comments

Looking to set up a US company as a non-citizen? This is a guide in response to the huge response we received on how to open a US bank account from overseas. The best way to open a US bank account as an overseas non-resident is to register a US company, and today we will go through that process, enjoy!

E-commerce Accounting & Bookkeeping

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Logistics0 Comments

One vital aspect of a business is accounting. As they say, accounting is the backbone of a business; without it, a business simply won’t work. Accounting keeps everything together, and gives you a clear picture of how your business is doing financially. Find out a few pointers here about e-commerce accounting strategies.

Top ICOs In Asia

Michael MicheliniBanking, Blog, Corporate2 Comments

Cryptocurrencies are the hottest topic nowadays in the business industry. Last year, Bitcoin made a huge buzz by achieving a huge milestone that surprised everyone. The leading cryptocurrency has proven to all its critics its value. What are the leading initial coin offerings in Asia? Here is a list of the leading ICOs in Asia in no particular order.

Selling on eBay

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce0 Comments

If you are selling on ebay, this blog will help you understand more about its advantages and disadvantages. This blog will also give you a comparison between Amazon and Ebay.

What Is the Silk Road and What Does It Mean for Me?

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business0 Comments

Europe and China are the biggest traders in the world; in fact, trade between them totals about €1 billion per day – primarily on consumer products like clothing, shoes, machinery, chemicals, and vehicles. The trade between countries began a long time ago through the Great Silk Road.

Shopify vs. WooCommerce

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce0 Comments

Shopify vs Woocommerce. Over the years, e-commerce has been made a lot easier – more and more dynamic solutions were created, including readily available selling platforms. You can find many e-commerce platforms, but, to date, Shopify and WooCommerce both reign supreme in the e-commerce industry.

How to Send Money to China

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Ecommerce0 Comments

China is the world’s biggest exporter for its immense variety of merchandise / suppliers. With millions of dollars coming in to China from all over the world, many companies have improved the way people send money to China.