Hot off the press (and more press) my startup Social Agent has just been acquired by Unchained Apps Ltd. You can read all about those details in the press release, today I want to use this as a chance to explain the various ways a company can be sold, specifically for a Hong Kong company.
Merchant Account Comparison
Getting a merchant account in Hong Kong, or anywhere in Asia for that matter, is a massive headache! Here at Global From Asia, we are working hard to keep an up to date list of providers who offer merchant accounts for Hong Kong based companies.
Hong Kong Company Setup & Upkeep Costs: Audits & Accounting
Confused how the yearly audits and accounting processes work for a Hong Kong company? Today we dig in to the nitty gritty of Hong Kong company setup and upkeep.
How Is Occupy Hong Kong Affecting Business
I have been contemplating if I should say anything about the Occupy Central protests that have been happening in Hong Kong for the past couple weeks, but as a podcaster and blogger about Hong Kong business, how can I possibly continue to keep my mouth shut?
Hong Kong Business Traveler’s Guide: For Your First Visit to HK!
Doing business in Hong Kong, or thinking about it? There will be at least one time you’ll need to travel to Hong Kong. Here is a short traveler’s guide for a short-term business trip.
Hong Kong Needs Stripe Merchant Account Services
GFA026. As a Hong Kong business owner, accepting credit cards online is a crucial piece! We need Stripe in Hong Kong. With limited options for accepting credit cards online, especially in many of our e-commerce and technology startups!
The Story of How this Podcast Started
Totally excited to be posting this first “blog” post on the site – Its been only a week since I was inspired to get this podcast started.