Stripe in Hong Kong? Well, hopefully soon – but Stripe just entered Singapore with a private beta.
Global From Asia Office Opening Party!
Celebrate the opening of Global From Asia’s new office in Hong Kong!
3 Ways To Import Into China (From Smuggling to Importing Legally)
Looking to get your products into the booming Chinese market? Everyone is looking to do it, but don’t get stuck with your products locked out in customs, take some of our China importing tips.
Announcing: US Citizens Will Notice Increased Pricing
An American trying to open a company in Hong Kong? Sorry, our rates are now increasing for US citizens. This is due to the higher regulations & paperwork required.
How To Get Your APEC Business Travel Card (i.e. Asia VIP Card!)
Looking to travel through Asia at ease? Skip the lines. Especially between China and Hong Kong, this has been a life saver. Learn the process I used to get the APEC card.
Applying To Hong Kong Banks? Results After Visiting 20 in 2 days (As an American Entrepreneur)
I spent 2 days visiting as many banks in Hong Kong as I could. Covered about 20 of them, and share about what each bank told a new Western entrepreneur with a HK limited company, read on!
Chinese Business Owners Love Hong Kong Limiteds Too (Not Just Foreigners)
Think just Westerners like leveraging the power of a Hong Kong Limited company? Think again! Mainland Chinese are big investors and believers in using a HK company!
The Ultimate Paypal Hong Kong Guide (Get Verified, Stay Safe)
Confused how Paypal works internationally? In Hong Kong? Business owners confused how to deal w/ multi currency & verifying check out our free guide!
You Ready? Preparing for A China Trade Show (Tips to Maximize Your Trip)
All ready to come to China? Is it your first time, for business? The most common time you’ll be coming is during the trade show season, so let’s go through some items for your list!
Shenzhen, China Startup Guide
The Shenzhen, China startup community is hot! With the rapidly developing coworking spaces, hardware accelerators, and investor network its time to have a detailed overview!
Offline Tools When Traveling in China and Across Borders
Traveling across borders much? Struggling with getting wifi in airports and on borders? Today we share some offline travel tools and tricks to stay on track and not go crazy!
Celebrating 100 Podcasts
Pretty excited to be typing this up – we have reached 100 shows now in Global From Asia! Remember having no clue how to do a podcast when first starting in October 2013.
Going Offshore? Should You Do BVI or Seychelles?
Looking to establish an offshore company? What is the first place you think of? Most likely BVI (British Virgin Islands), right.
Hong Kong Company Registration: The Definitive Guide
How hard the company formation process is here in Hong Kong? Dig into this guide on Hong Kong registration now. Learn how to setup your international business.
Guide To Connect in the Hong Kong Tech & Startup Scene
A tech geek? Looking to come to Hong Kong? Or maybe you’re a introvert geek already in Hong Kong and want to get more connected. Today’s post is for you.
Should I Use a Shelf Company When Registering A Hong Kong Company?
When you are considering opening a company in Hong Kong you may be learn you have the choice of buying a shelf company.
Merchant Account Signup Flow – Why Offshore Accounts Are Hard
One of the top questions I get, and therefore biggest struggles, for business owners here in Asia is what their options are for merchant accounts.
Are Americans Doomed to Be Disadvantaged Doing Business Overseas?
I have had many American listeners and readers ask about the changes (or let’s call it full-on enforcement) of FATCA and if they should still consider opening a company in Hong Kong or anywhere outside of the USA.
Getting Healthcare As an Expat in Hong Kong or China
As an entrepreneur who is going through the process of being a good husband and dad, I have been doing a decent amount of research on healthcare and insurance in Hong Kong and China.
Locals in Hong Kong Don’t Want to Be Seen as Hong Kong Companies
This blog is focused on the English-speaking Western readers, but I do interact with Hong Kong locals and Mainland Chinese on a regular basis on similar topics.
China Is the Number 1 Economy; What Are You Doing About it?
I came to China in 2007 and I had no idea I’d still be here in 2015! I initially came to deal with sourcing products from China for my e-commerce business, and maybe dabble or experiment with selling in China.
6 Top Industries for Hong Kong Companies
Many people approach me about relocating to Hong Kong, China, (or Asia in general) to start or grow their business. I encourage all of them to come and try – life is short! But I do think it makes more sense to come if you’re interested in some of the following industries. I don’t want you to scan the below industries … Read More
Should You Live in Hong Kong or Shenzhen, China?
Many people ask me why I live in Shenzhen, China, instead of Hong Kong? In a way it feels a bit strange that I have a Hong Kong blog and podcast but don’t live there.
Should You Go To A Chinese Girl’s Hometown For Chinese New Year?
Today I am mostly talking to the single expat gentlemen reading. I’ll share some insights and tips that I and many of my friends have faced while in China about being invited to a girl’s hometown in China.
Getting an Apple iOS Developer Account Set up in Hong Kong (DUNS number)
There have been questions about how to register a iOS mobile app with a Hong Kong company. I went through this process for my startup Social Agent over a year ago and it was a very painful process with limited information online, so let me take the time to share the process here to save the headache.