Getting To Hong Kong (HKG) From Shenzhen Airport (SZX)

Michael MicheliniBlog, Lifestyle, Travel2 Comments

Many of our Mainland China readers and friends have been coming down to Hong Kong, and as the Shenzhen airport grows in size and scale, it makes more sense for them to first fly into Shenzhen and then cross over into Hong Kong. This post is all about coming from Shenzhen airport to HK. Read on for more details.

Will Amazon FBA Be Shutting Down Seller Accounts for Foreigners in China?

Michael MicheliniBlog7 Comments

In an attempt to inform people and spark conversation – I am alarmed at some messages I have been seeing in private Wechat groups. There have been cases of Amazon FBA accounts being shut down for logging in continuously from China, as an Overseas seller. If you want to know more about FBA sellers shut out issue, read more.

Word On The Street – Chinese Bank Tightening Affecting Chinese Sellers HK Bank Accounts

Michael MicheliniBlog2 Comments

The month of November has been a very informative month especially about the whole China banking situation. As we have discussed on this blog quite a bit, Chinese companies often leverage a Hong Kong business and bank account for their trading.
Today we will share some stories and make some speculations about how Chinese bank tightening affect Chinese sellers’ HK Bank Accounts

Rough Year For Hong Kong Business Scene

Michael MicheliniBlog, Corporate, Incorporation4 Comments

What is the future for international business? What is the future for Hong Kong business? Today, let’s brainstorm what’s happening in the industry and the rest of the world. If you are a businessman wondering about hong kong business future and international business, read on.

How To Open An International Bank Account

Michael MicheliniBanking, Blog, Corporate1 Comment

international bank account
Are you “going global” and want to “branch out” from your home country and have a “location independent” company and lifestyle? You would need an international bank account (or at least an international friendly one) to be successful and avoid a ton of issues when dealing with a local bank that isn’t sophisticated enough to deal with international business and activity.

The Pros and Cons of Living In Guangzhou

Michael MicheliniBlog, Lifestyle, Living2 Comments

Deciding which city in China to base? Considering Guangzhou, the capital of the Guangdong province in the south of China? Then read on my friend! Today we will go through Guangzhou pros and cons of living in this capital city of the China’s southern region!

President Trump and China, Asia Business: Questions Asked

Billy BeardBlog, Corporate, Taxes2 Comments

Well, the election is finally over and Donald Trump is the next US president. I have been getting overwhelmed with questions and reading tons of social media – both English social media and Chinese social media. Plus hearing perspectives from my wife on this has been fascinating. Today I’ll just spark some thoughts on what this can mean for people … Read More

Be a Smart Business Traveler With These Apps In Asia

karenBlog, Lifestyle, Travel1 Comment

Heading to the next destination with a tight schedule? Be a smart business traveler in Asia by utilizing these apps to get instantly updated and accurate information on hotel deals, city navigation, currency exchange, attractions/ tours ticketing, and social networking. Go get the right app and enjoy a stress-free journey even if you plan things at the last minute. Get … Read More

Public City Bike: Why Shanghai Trumps Taipei

xingBlog, Business, Case Studies0 Comments

Shanghai just started to roll out public city bikes by a private company called Mobike. Taipei, on the other hand, has been offering public city bikes (uBike) by Giant since 2009. I have tried the city bike services in both cities, 2015 in Taipei and 2016 in Shanghai, and I believe that Shanghai’s city bike service is a lot more … Read More

Announcement: Launching a Live Talk Show for Global From Asia

Michael MicheliniAnnouncements, Blog2 Comments

Want to watch live news about Hong Kong and Asia business? With a fun twist, and interactive guests and chat? Look no further. Been podcasting now for almost three years, and loving it. Was honestly so nervous to put my voice online, then earlier this year started Mike’s blog video blog channel and was nervous about putting my videos online. … Read More

Doing Fintech? Why You Should Consider Hong Kong

Michael MicheliniBlog, Business, Case Studies2 Comments

Are you part of a fintech company or looking to get started with one? You may be wondering where in the world you should base your business and operations. Hong Kong is becoming the center of Fintech companies and a hub you shouldn’t ignore. This article gives you tips and explains why you should base fintech in HK. Read more.

Maintaining Good Status with your HSBC Hong Kong Bank Account

Michael MicheliniBanking, Blog, Corporate1 Comment

As the banks get more and more challenging in Hong Kong, many people are making sure that they have a good standing at their current banks. But what should someone do at their business to ensure their bank account stays in good standing? This blog will cover some tips for keeping your HSBC in good standing or any business bank account globally.

How to Get An E-Estonia Residency Card

Michael MicheliniBlog, Immigration, Lifestyle13 Comments

Are you a digital nomad? More and more people are running their businesses from Starbucks coffee shops while renting an AirBnB for a week, heading to the next place a week later. Location is becoming less and less relevant. But many governments and banks still want to keep us tied to a physical location. I’m excited to announce that I … Read More