Doing business around the world has been something locked up for the massive conglomerates for decades. At Global From Asia, our mission has to been to bring this mysterious task of running an international business as a hustling startup or a budding business owner. Its been years and there is no end in sight for the information and knowledge and network we have to share. It has gotten to the point that we had to open it up to a network – a network of amazing international business experts around the globe – our very own GFA experts network!
How To Keep Your Supplier Motivated
Though suppliers in China are all very unique, they do have a lot of things in common. One major thing is the oversupply of orders that they receive. We need to take a quick look at Chinese economy and how massive it became in the past decade or so. This article about motivating suppliers would be very informative for businessmen everywhere.
Lessons and Tips Learned At The Pebble Founder Talk
So I had the lucky opportunity to go to a fireside chat with Eric, the founder of Pebble Watch. If you don’t know what Pebble is – I guess you haven’t been following the crowdfunding scene! They are the poster child of the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform, raising 80 million US dollars on their kickstarter campaign!
How My Belly Dancing Act Led To A New Business Opportunity
Today I thought I would try to share a fun story about a business relationship that has been building over the years. Learn how my belly dancing act Led to a new business opportunity.
Flying Into Hong Kong or Shenzhen
Flying in or out of Hong Kong and looking for flights? Well, which airline and which airport depend on where you are looking to go. Today we’ll share some tips and tricks on finding good flights to and from Hong Kong International Airport, (HKIA), also known as HKG for the airport codes. Read more on this blog about traveling to Hong Kong or Shenzhen.
Business Matchmaking At The Cross Border Summit
The Cross Border Summit here in Shenzhen, China is about a lot of things – learning and staying on top of the latest trends in e-commerce in and out of China – but also its about making relationships. Last year we noticed a lot of people making deals and talking business, so much that we doubled down and focused hard on putting together a proper “business matchmaking” session at the end of each day in this year’s summit.
3 Reasons You Can’t Miss The Upcoming Cross Border Summit
Are you a high level executive or founder in an e-commerce business? Then you can’t miss the upcoming, second annual, Cross Border Summit from Friday April 21 to Saturday April 22 right here in Shenzhen, China. Find out more reasons why you need to join cross border summit 2017!
Industry Report About China Manufacturing 2025 from the EU Chamber
I had the pleasure of being invited as press to the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China event in Guangzhou on Wednesday April 12, 2017. It was about their newly released industry report titled “China Manufacturing 2025: Putting Industrial Policy Ahead of Market Forces”.
Hiring and Managing Chinese Staff As a Foreign Company
Today, we have a hot topic. Monica Chao will talk about how to recruit and manage Chinese staff. She will share her strategies and idead in Hiring Chinese Staff.
Bookkeeping Services – What Are Some Differences
This blog is a bit of a challenge since bookkeeping puts us all to sleep. Clients come to us and wonder how to compare various bookkeeping providers. What makes one more costly than the other? If you want to know more, let’s dig into our HK bookkeeping services!
Progress Report – Global From Asia – Announcing a New Market & Jobs Site
It is about time we make a news update on what is happening inside the hustling and growing Global From Asia team. This article will highlight our recent activities and what we are currently working on. Read more for a dose of GFA update!
How to Get an American Express Business Account in Hong Kong
Merchant accounts has been a hot topic on the Global From Asia blog. It has lead into merchants in Hong Kong being able to receive American Express credit cards. Find out more about this blog on American Express HK.
Advance Ruling- More Offshore Questions
Why you need to pursue your offshore claim before your profit tax return is issued? Just some of the offshore questions that this article will help you with.
Can You Use a Different CPA from your Company Secretary?
One of the biggest misconceptions in a business is that owners think that it is a must to use their company secretary (or who ever set up their companies) for company audits. This post will dig into this more and all you need to know about company secretary audits.
We will dig into this today – but the quick answer is – NO – you do NOT need to use the same service provider to do your company audit as your company secretary.
The Differences Between East And West In Terms Of Culture And Education
It’s said that East and West can never meet up. As they differ in history, religion, political system and so on; differences are clearly seen in Eastern and Western ways to deal with education. Find out more in this article about East West Differences!
What To Do Before You Go To The Bank Application
So you have the company setup, and now you are working on getting your bank account setup. So pay attention, this can save you thousands of dollars! Hopefully you read this article BEFORE you go in for your HK Bank application.
Trade Trends and Invoicing in Domestic and International Markets
The global market is brimming with new businesses from various parts of the world. Widespread Internet access and different technological advancements enable contemporary business owners to work with domestic and international clients. If you are interested with domestic and International trading, this post will give you some insights.
Restructuring Your Business To Another Country
A lot of people reading, already have a company setup! Reorganizing, or restructuring your business is a big headache, but it part of business development just like any other part of a company’s evolution.
Dealing with 3 languages in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is such a cosmopolitan place. Just taking a walk down the street and you can catch five different languages being spoken! As a business owner here, which languages should you work towards servicing? Today we will give some pointers on all the various languages in HK and cultures in this diverse region.
How Do Taxes Work In Hong Kong?
This article is for people who have businesses and will most specially be very helpful to people who are opening a Hong Kong company. We will cover about taxes in HK and how it works.
Keeping Your Small Business Audit Cost Affordable
Got your Hong Kong company setup and wondering how to keep costs low for a smooth and affordable audit? This post will talk about how to achieve affordable business audit and what we can do to help!
How to Get Product Liability Insurance For Your Products (on and off Amazon)
Are you a businessman buying from China and selling in USA or Europe? Ever heard of product liability insurance? Do you have it in your company? Do you even need it? Find out all the answers and so much more in today’s blog!
USA Electronics Cheaper Than in China, Ya, What?!
Did you know most consumer electronics are cheaper in America than in China? When I first came to China I was thinking I was going to save tons of money on my computers and other gear, but turns out I had to pay more. If you are curious why that is then read more about this cheap US electronics article.
The Evolution of Chinese Sellers Dominating the E-Commerce Landscape
This article will discuss about how Chinese sellers dominate the world of e-commerce. If you find yourself trying to keep up with online sellers and how Chinese entrepreneurs stay ahead, you will find some this article discussing about Chinese Sellers Evolution very informative.