This blog answers a foreigner’s questions about Paypal China. Before explaining how to set PayPal up along with a Chinese bank account it’s important to first mention a few things about PayPal and how it works in China. Read on for more info.
Announcing A New Kind Of Event – CBM – Cross Border Matchmaker
The community here at Global From Asia loves events and connecting with each other. After our second Cross Border Summit this past April in Shenzhen- we had an overwhelming response to continue to do events and a demand to do the Cross Border Summit twice a year. The team felt that a summit twice a year would be too much and we have responded with a whole new type of event – called the Cross Border Matchmaker.
Day in the Life in Hong Kong (As a HK Local)
What is a day in the life of a local Hong Kong mid-20s college educated professional? Curious to see how they live their life on a normal 9 to 5? Today we’ll do our best to give some perspective and insight about life in HK and what a normal work day is for a Hong Kong local.
Announcement: I’m Going Back Into E-Commerce: An Amazon FBA Real-Time Case Study
We are starting a new e-commerce division at Global From Asia. We will be starting a new brand in a category on Amazon and sharing the progress on a weekly update with the community. Global From Asia started out as a Hong Kong business podcast in late 2013 and has evolved more and more into helping Amazon FBA and cross-border e-commerce businesses. So let’s get back involved ourselves in the industry and share it with the world. Read more about our Amazon FBA incubator case study
The Pearl River Delta (PRD), Differences Among Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen
For so many years, the most common question we like to chat about at happy hours is, where is the best place to setup your business operations in South China? The top 3 places, in my opinion, are Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. So today, let’s do some “battle” between each and see what city is the best for your situation.
Our First E-Commerce Pitch Demo Night a Success
As we have been building up the meetup and chapter communities of Global From Asia we have been testing different style events. Recently we had a group of Investors and Executives from Brazil coming to Shenzhen, China and we thought it would be a perfect time to have a demo session. We also have select clips of this e-commerce demo … Read More
Gary Vee’s Making Bets on China and Asia’s Future On First Visit to Hong Kong, Asia
Global From Asia had the pleasure to be media at this year’s Rise Conference, and I was even able to get a front row seat at a fireside chat and AskGaryVee book signing event hosted by Startup Grind. While the event was streamed live and recorded by a ton of different media and bloggers – today I want to highlight … Read More
How To Leverage Wechat Official Accounts
Are you a business looking to market in China? Want to take it beyond simple market research and personal Wechat accounts?
Then today’s guide is perfect for you. We are going to go into various tools and strategies for leveraging the true power of a Wechat Official Accounts.
Stripe Officially Launches in Hong Kong
Its official – Piruze Sabunca hosted the official Stripe Hong Kong launch event last night, and you can read up the official Stripe blog post on HK’s launch here. While I feel they Stripe has been in town for quite some time, they officially have launched in Hong Kong this week. At a special event at the Rise Conference, the … Read More
“Take Over America” Campaign goes Viral in China
A marketing agency in Shenzhen has given the world a glimpse of what the world could look like if China took over by creating U.S. currency featuring faces of Chinese emperors.
How to Start Selling on Amazon FBA, Internationally (The Definitive Guide)
The internet has made everything easier. With social media, ads and whatnot, marketing and selling has become a lot easier. Selling a product online allows you to reach a wider audience and new customers, and as a buyer, shopping online is basically like having a big shopping mall right at your fingertips – one click and you have access to the whole world. One of the wonders that the internet can offer, is selling on amazon FBA. Truly, the internet has changed the way people buy and sell things by removing traditional geographic boundaries.
Testing the Waters with International Trade
Can You Do A Trading, Import / Export or E-Commerce Business With Incorporating?
Just getting started out in your international business? Want to try testing before incorporating? Confused what the right steps are for making business moves? Then today’s guide is just for you!
The Rising Costs Of Insurance Inflation In Key Expat Destinations
The cost of healthcare around the world is constantly rising, and no one knows this more than expats and foreign workers. When you’re an expat, usually you have no choice in the matter of whether you need to buy health insurance. Read on to know more about insurance inflation.
How To Find a Quality Internship in Hong Kong? (A Global Business Boost)
Today’s guide is geared towards Hong Kong market interns, but can be applied to any hungry entrepreneurial minded college student looking to boost their career through international internships.
So buckle up, and let’s go through some ideas on how to find your dream internship in HK.
Techcrunch Conference Coming to Shenzhen, China
Everyone knows (or should know!) TechCrunch. It is probably the biggest, if not one of the biggest, English tech blogs in the world. This year’s Techcrunch China conference is happening down in the south of China – in Shenzhen city! As more and more globally known brands and events happen here, it is truly amazing what can be done in this 30+ year old city.
How To Know What The Import Duty Is In HK
Love a certain product and can’t find it on store shelves in Hong Kong? You and your friends group buying them from America and shipping over for your own use. You may be onto a new business opportunity! It is overwhelming deciding where to start to turn this into a business, and today we’ll go through some of the technical tactics for importing it into Hong Kong. Find out more in this import tax hk article!
Hong Kong Immigration, How To Make The HK Relocation Process Smooth
Many have the exotic dream of relocating to Hong Kong. Almost anyone who has done any business travel in Asia has at least spent some time in the amazing Hong Kong airport (read our extensive HK airport guide here) and hopefully ventured into downtown Hong Kong for an afternoon on a layover. It is a fast paced, dynamic, and amazing … Read More
Forms, which is which?
Hong Kong business is pretty straight forward, but once you get the company going, you will get some various forms in the mail and not be sure how to handle them. Today we’ll go through each HK business forms you will receive, what they mean, and what you need to do.
Day in the Life in Shenzhen
What is the normal day in the life for a Chinese worker, middle class? It can vary a bit from place to place in China – so I will focus today on where I know best – in Shenzhen. Learn more about life in Shenzhen.
What Do you Need, License, To Sell in HK
Looking to get started with doing your business in Hong Kong? Or start in Hong Kong and represent a Western brand throughout Asia? Hong Kong is a good starting point, and maybe you’re still researching how to make the leap from your day job to full time entrepreneur. This blog will give you some pointers on how to sell in HK.
Awards for Best Agencies in Hong Kong
Planning to set up in Hong Kong and wondering who the best agencies in HK to work with? While we hope you work with us – we also want to review the other top agencies we know in Hong Kong. Maybe you would prefer to work with them, and we may as well give you some good options to go to.
Singapore vs Hong Kong, Which Is Better For Incorporation?
A top question I get is should I setup my international business in Hong Kong or Singapore? This article will try to give our readers some tips and guide in making the decision whether to set up business in Singapore vs Hong Kong. It varies on your specific needs, we will go through the various factors today.
Amazing Start To Our GFA Experts Platform: Successful Experts Meetup & Experts Workshop
I’m happy to report that our new Global From Asia Experts (GFA Experts) initiative is off to a roaring start! Off the momentum of the amazing second annual Cross Border Summit, we have responded with a new platform for high quality experts and attendees to come together in the cross-border e-commerce and business community to learn, network, and share together. … Read More
4 Reasons Why You Should Organize A GFA Expert Meetup In Your City As a Chapter Expert!
Love the Global From Asia mission and want to meet others in your region who are taking their international businesses to the next level? The we’d love to have you work with us on organizing a meetup in your city or region! Find out how in this organize asia business meetup blog!
What is a BRC?
What is a BRC? Or other wise known as business registration certificate? Talking to a business and they want your business license? With a Hong Kong company, there are quite a few different pieces of paper, but the most common one to send them is the BRC, business registration certificate. Today we’ll explain what it is, and how to use it!