Episode 17 of the E-commerce Gladiator series here at Global From Asia – how are you doing? This show is a bit “meta” in that it is a podcast about the benefits of starting a podcast. I was down in Bangkok, Thailand for DCBKK last month and had the chance to catch up with Michael Waitze, one of the amazing hosts at the Asia Tech Podcast. We grabbed lunch – pizza – yes – pizza in Bangkok – while recording this amazing episode about the benefits and power of a podcast.

To put some context, some of you may know we started a podcast for our new Amazon FBA business- called The Coffee Journey – and Lorenzo and Roland, 2 of the partners in the Amazon business are leading the charge there. They help open up this week’s show and explain some ideas and strategy we have for the new Coffee Journey podcast and then it leads into the interview with Michael Waitze.
Topics Covered in this Episode
Discuss The Coffee Journey Podcast
Introduce Lorenzo and Roland, co-founders with me in the new Amazon FBA Business, Para Living Inc. We discuss some ideas and strategies for the podcast applied to our product line, Sisitano, and brand’s growth.
Introduce Michael Waitze
Co-host of The Asia Tech Podcast, we met in Bangkok to do this in-person podcast about the benefits of doing a podcast.
About The Asia Tech Podcast
A bit of background on Michael and the Asia Tech Podcast
The importance of podcasts
Are podcasts helpful to business owners and growth?
How to leverage a podcast
What can we do to build a brand with a podcast
Insights on our podcasts
Michael and Mike share some tips and tactics they have used in their podcast
The future of podcasting
Is this just the beginning, or nearing the end – what the future holds for podcasters and the industry.
Connecting with Michael Waitze
How people can connect with you Michael.
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ AsiaTechPodcast.com
√ The coffee Journey podcast
Show Sponsors
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Episode Length 36:20
Thank you everyone – hope you all got inspired to start a podcast! Make something happen, make a difference in people’s lives. I guess I am obviously biased about podcasts – but I see the power – and hope you too.
Let me know if you start a podcast, and if you have any questions – or tips – we are all learning.
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Podcast Transcription
“Like old day radio, right. Old day radio broadcast, that was the medium for really targeted advertising. And I don’t think podcasting is gonna be any different, it’s gonna be more specific, more easily measurable, and more easily targetable actually.”
Welcome to the Global from Asia Ecommerce Gladiator Series where you can follow along the progress of setting up a Cross Border Ecommerce business from start to finish. Hear insights of real product research, Amazon FBA, China manufacturing, branding, marketing, and all the blood, sweat, and tears of building a global business from Asia.
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Mike: Ecommerce Gladiator Series Episode 17. How is everybody doing today? So today I’m trying a little bit different of style. We have a couple of segments. First segment is our partners at Paraliving Inc. We are discussing the coffee journey podcast. Which is our new podcast focus on coffee lovers. I was really enjoying making some of that strategy. And we have Lorenzo one of our newer founders of the team up in Hangzhou. Keeping things on track with our sourcing ways. Also the host of the show, one of the hosts, and Roland over in Europe. He’s up right early for this call and he is gonna come also in helping host some shows. We just talked quickly about what we think some of the benefits are of this podcast, some of our strategy that we hope to get from it. So let’s listen in.
Mike: Yeah, guys so we’re talking, we got Lorenzo and Roland here. What’s up with you guys?
Roland: Hey, how is it going everyone?
Lorenzo: Good morning, good afternoon, good evening for wherever you are.
Mike: So we have a management call about the coffee journey podcast and I just thought it would be cool to also share with Global From Asia listeners our strategy or thinking of our podcast for the brand, for the product, do you wanna share Roland? What you’re thinking?
Roland: Sure, we’ve been developing our entire brand and we have the future in our mind pretty much. We’ve been doing a lot of research. We’ve been doing a lot of work and basically yesterday as we are scraping some emails and looking for influencers we were also talking about the podcast and how we can make advantage of the podcast. Pretty much there are many retailers within our industry that are selling different kinds of products that could be complimented or uncomplimented like our product could be complimentary today. So all the idea is pretty much to invite them to our podcast and give them some exposure, give them some chance to shine, some 15 seconds of fame. Basically we might just do a soft topic or a sub-podcast for them where we gonna be introducing some retailers in the coffee industry. Then later on, we will be getting as soon as we got in touch. We will be offering a different kinds of businesses to them and be the start for them in our podcast. I’m not sure if I’m making sense Mike.
Mike: Yeah, it does. I mean so we’re thinking about doing this maybe we could be having a sub-section in the podcast where we feature a coffee shop, coffee brand, coffee business to give them a little bit about promotion like you’re saying a little bit of a boost and of course we will appreciate that, remember that. Build relationships and hopefully get back to us or we could even ask for something for that.
Roland: I love it. I love the idea.
Lorenzo: Yeah, I’m sure they would be very opened regarding with that, it’s a win/win for both party.
Mike: Definitely.
Roland: And let’s be honest this podcast, every time we do a podcast, we become so live like so exciting. I’m walking down, walking around the room right now fixing the morning and I’m bomb and I’m full of energy just so ready to do it.
Mike: Yeah it’s true, I mean it’s documenting the process, this engaging with people. It’s getting things rolling forward. We got also, I don’t think we’ll add this for today’s podcast. We got to talk about guest and strategy and outreach program so we could get to know more people in the industry.
Roland: And that’s the key point. We’re gonna be introducing more and more people that’s when we gonna be gaining insights of the entire industry and it’s funny because you might think that by now we are a rare of many things and day after day we keep coming up at even new keywords, new product ideas, new everything like yesterday I mean Mike and Cadrian doing the keyword and the analysis and came up with a new product that haven’t cross our, not in our mind but even in our computer screen. Doing these and always being and keeping up to date have us making the moves forward I believed.
Mike: Lorenzo, how is it going, you’re liking the podcast, right?
Lorenzo: I’m loving it. I’ve been enjoying it. So far I’ve been trying to reach out to actual coffee expert that can meet physically. I’ve met with Pia when I was in Shenzhen and on Saturday I have lunch with a guy from Costa Rica that employed coffee people from Costa Rica to China. I’m very excited about that. Even the another guy from Brazil, Laos, for a guy from Colombia, I want to form like an entire network of actual coffee experts from the main coffee producing countries in the world and eventually introduce those off catalogue coffee bean from around the world.
Mike: Alright guys I’m gonna, I think we’ll get in an interview I have with another podcast friend of mine. So let’s get into the meeting. I’m gonna, I mean let’s cut this for now?
Lorenzo: Alright. Cool.
Roland: Okay.
Mike: That is pretty cool. So getting Lorenzo and Roland on. Then talking about the strategy for the show. Actually this episode was inspired by Michael Waitze of asiatechpodcast.com when I was down in Thailand for DCBKK. I had lunch with Michael and he’s avid podcaster. Even more than I am. I was lucky enough to be on his show. We did an interview during lunch at a nice pizzeria in Bangkok. No Thai food. We had a pizza. We actually had a picture together while we’re doing the podcast and talking about the power of podcast. So hopefully, this inspires you. Podcasting has changed my life. This even led to this actual business that we’re talking about. So Michael is totally excited also about Coffee Journey and building audience there. He’s really expanding in Asia Tech podcast to do all kinds of amazing things. So this is fun, informative conversation to, hopefully get some more people listening today. Even be interested to start their own show. So hope you guys enjoy and again this is episode 17 of Ecommerce Gladiator on the Global From Asia Podcast. Thanks again for listening and show notes and pictures are always online. This is globalfromasia.com/ecommerce017. Type that in and you can see the picture and other awesome things that we’ve talked about. Enjoy!
Mike: Live from Bangkok and we got another Asia podcast expert Michael from Asia Tech Podcast.
Michael: How are you doing? It’s Mike and Michael. It’s not a sport show an ESPN.
Mike: I’m Mike, you’re Michael.
Michael: Yes, so what do you want to talk about, podcasting? It’s an important thing to us and it’s actually a part of a larger media goal. Podcasting is the easiest way to start media.
Mike: Yeah, it’s true. We just started another podcast for our brand, the coffee brand we’re doing.
Michael: What’s the name of the brand?
Mike: Sisitano. One of the partners, I’m not really been doing so well monetizing Global From Asia. Well it’s hard to measure.
Michael: It is hard to measure, right?
Mike: You don’t know what’s work, I put out to the audience to start another, to start Ecommerce business, Amazon FBA business.
Michael: Okay for few who don’t know what is FBA?
Mike: Fulfillment by Amazon.
Michael: I know, but I just wanna make sure that other people know.
Mike: Sure. So we raised 40,000 US and started a new Delaware company that sell on Amazon.
Michael: How do you come up with the name?
Mike: Sisitano is one of the partners Lorenzo. Sisi is the name of the city in Sicilly, I think. And sounds Italian, I think the got The Ano.
Michael: Just being entire name.
Mike: So it’s totally made up.
Michael: And what’s the idea with coffee so specific? I’d like to find out if there’s a research behind this stuff and what the strategy is. Just curious.
Mike: Okay, there’s some tools we used and the way things are crazy.
Michael: I like this stuff.
Mike: It’s fun right. And we used some tools like Jungle Scout. We had an interview with the CEO on show. We also used of course just Google search, Google keywords. We look at it. There’s one huge competitor of this coffee product. I don’t feel like it’s in a brand. But it’s from like early 1900, almost invented this coffee products. So there’s such a strong brand. So our idea is we can come in, not just on price but also targeting like college students, any other ideas. So many kids, younger generation just looks at their phone all day. They just buy coffee from Starbucks. We want to say make coffee at home, invite your friends over or have a cup of each other. Put your phones aside. So we’re trying to hit that market, the younger generation. We’re going to use social media and we’re gonna use our brand, our image should be younger, fresher.
Michael: And what’s your target market? And where are you sourcing your coffee from? Not the name of the brand, just the country.
Mike: US to start as the target market. Sourcing in China but we’re making it here.
Michael: So interesting. So you take a brand in China. You gonna take a coffee that the US you gonna target.
Mike: That coffee is the accessory. Like plastics and metal products. Like the stove top cooker, to cook an espresso.
Michael: So if I remember correctly, this is a similar thing for you.
Mike: I’ve done the bar supply.
Michael: That’s what I mean now.
Mike: I even go back to some like my contacts there.
Michael: Because it’s an interesting thing that it’s all accessory business. Those are the things that people overlook. So it seems like there’s a big opportunity then.
Mike: I mean, there’s a lot of people doing like electronic maker. But we’re kind of doing the non-electronic made products. Of course maybe in a podcast, we start the podcast for coffee brand. ‘Coz what happens was the partners, there’s 5 of us, it’s kind of crowded. But 5 of us are partners in this new business as new brand and this new product. And then we’re like we gotta start to be influencer, we gotta target KOL.
Michael: This is a big thing in China, right, KOL.
Mik : Yeah. KOL means Key Online Leader.
Michael: Yeah Key Opinion Leader whatever you wanna call.
Mike: But even in the US it’s getting big. Like your reviews can push that hard. We all know Gary. So they’ll say “oh we gotta contact them say we order the product” and we’re like why don’t we approach them as a podcast, invite them on the show, we got to learn about the industry. We gotta share with others, build an audience, build trust with others. So as what we call on this interview, it’s gonna go live tomorrow, Friday. But of course the show go online in the future. But we’re putting the first show online. It’s already approved on iTunes and everything. I didn’t test, I didn’t like a 1-minute, just to feed iTunes get approved. So we’re trying to build it up. You’ve also launch a couple of new, maybe you wanna.
Michael: So we launched a total of 6 podcasts before this year is over. We already have 4 going. We launched the 5th one in the next week or so. And the 6th one we are calling the pitch. And the pitches are basically same idea. Actually our entire podcast is not working as the same idea just with what are you doing for the coffee accessories. We think that the podcast itself can monetized the standard advertising model. Everything that the more content you have, the more likely you are just a scale. Use it better to monetized. But also if you drill down into different verticals which you are doing with the coffee. Then it gives you a better audience that will be more interested. So if you are just talking about and we do the same thing, right. But if you are just talking about tech in Asia the Asia Tech Podcast, you are going really wide. So maybe let’s say 10,000 people that could potentially listen to it. But maybe they’ll be on and off, right. But if you go in and say coffee is a very specific for people to have a cup of coffee every day that look for coffee for social interaction and they are very enthusiastic about it and knows people that are gonna listen to the coffee podcast, but it feeds off itself. I feel like I’m marketing to you. But it feeds on itself. Because that coffee podcast and feeds into the brand which feeds into the accessory that goes right back to the podcast. And that’s what you are getting engagement and that’s the beauty of a podcast is that it can be so specific and so targeted. And we’re doing this rebuilding the entire network of show like that.
Mike: It’s awesome. The funny thing is I don’t drink coffee.
Michael: Isn’t that the classic podcast thing that yeah you have an iPhone but I just do an iPhone podcast.
Mike: I’m not gonna be the one leading the show. Lorenzo is gonna, I want them to be the expert.
Michael: So are you gonna produce at all?
Mike: I mean, I’m not. It’s not gonna I’m shy but I’m also trying to use it as a case study. I’m trying to help people listening to Global From Asia to learn how to maybe build their own brand on the Amazon. So, I’m trying to say don’t just go on Amazon and just try to get PPC, just pay ad in Amazon drive traffic, even podcast can help build your brand. I think it’s a great way to build a brand.
Michael: I think it’s the best way to build a brand actually. I think what’s gonna happen over time is that you really directed, like old day radio right. Old day radio broadcast. That was the medium for really targeted advertising. And I don’t think podcasting is gonna be any different. This is gonna be more specific, more easily measurable, and more easily targetable actually. But I think that’s really straight forward for us.
Mike: It’s true. So, of course we have some sponsors for Global From Asia like one of our longer term. We have like Aureliapay as one of my sponsors. It does cross border payments which is perfect.
Michael: Fits right into your whole thing.
Mike: He’s happy to target a niche audience for ecommerce sellers and buyers, manufacturers, and suppliers doing cross border trade. So we deal like a long term deals with him. We just do at the beginning of the show. I put like the sponsor beginning of the show.
Michael: And you gonna have sponsorships on the coffee shows, is that what you’re saying as well.
Mike: So that was a kind of different agenda. We’re trying to sell product. I thought of the name, The Coffee Journey. We got the domain www.thecoffeejourney.com. But what I did I just forward to sisitano.com/thecoffeejourney. I don’t feel building another website. So the idea is follow our journey, building Sisitano as a brand. And also the journey of learning about coffee. But I guess we can take sponsors but I think the real goal for that podcast is to get, to build our brand, build trust in the market, and then build relationships with this KOL or influencers that I was mentioning. We can hopefully approach them. Get to know them. Promote them and also hopefully can help us. It’s not just like a cold email like “hey guys can you please promote my new brand and product, you don’t know me but can you do something for me, I wanna say, can we do something for you”.
Michael: And what’s your view and have you done this in the past for distribution for your podcasts, in other words, would that be standalone, will you put it on some other platforms besides YouTube, besides iTunes. In other words, I think some of your other stuff has been on, some major media outlets, will you do that to your coffee podcast as well?
Mike: So I actively have a few podcast now. I was actually, I started the China, Forbes China podcast. They approached me. I met them in Shanghai and they’re like “Oh, we like your podcast. We really believed in the ability of doing multimedia not just text. We want more audio and video on our site”. It’s a long story.
Michael: I’m really interested in how that distribution works on this way.
Mike: Of course they have huge reach. And in China everything is block. So it’s mostly on WeChat. So even on Global From Asia we try to embed, we actually embed this into Chinese media sites like Tencent video. I think that’s the only one we’re doing now. But there’s also Himalaya which is another like podcast network were you in China which is worth looking at. And then we have China Businesscast Podcast. I do that with co-host Shlomo.
Michael: Oh yeah Shlomo. I’m gonna be interviewing him soon actually.
Mike: Yeah, I introduced you guys. He’s excited. He’s a nice guy.
Michael: I can’t wait.
Mike: He’s basically launches here. Maybe we could put a picture of our lunch in the show. But the China Businesscast actually, I took that show over from a friend JP. He started in 2013 and he emailed us he’s gonna stop doing it. And I made a deal with them. I kept all his shows online. So I think he’s up to until episode 18 of China Businesscast was by JP Jing. He’s a Chinese born Canadian raised, an educated guy, really nice guy. While I start to go in Asia like I took that show over. And it usually hosting myself with an ad of Shlomo. I think he started like episode late 20’s.
Michael: How many have you done so far?
Mike: For China Businesscast is up to 70 shows or 69 or 70.
Michael: Is that the one on Techno?
Mike: That’s the one on Techno. The distribution we know then, I’m trying to see if I can get Global From Asia on there. But I think they feel that it’s less relevant to their audience because it’s not a pure China play. Global From Asia is, I guess for now I just do it on my own. I’m the only host and I can kind of just do whatever I want and feel. Like we’re having lunch, we have our podcast.
Michael: How many of the Global From Asia have you done so far? That’s really look delicious.
Mike: You wanna try some?
Michael: I’m ok.
Mike: You got a huge pizza here. So we’ve had a 197, almost 200.
Michael: Is that once a week for 4 years?
Mike: There were some time I took a break and I did every other week. But the crazy thing is I started this another podcast on the same channel. Actually I need your feedback. I started the Ecommerce Gladiator. So the coffee brand is actually a case study on Global From Asia every Friday at 2 p.m. We have the Ecommerce Gladiator Series.
Michael: What is that mean?
Mike: It’s the name I made up.
Michael: But what is the mean, you have, it’s just you talking about.
Mike: Usually it’s our partners and me.
Michael: Oh wow, so what are you guys are talking about?
Mike: Well people have been really liking this a lot. We getting a lot more people saying it’s more interesting. So Tuesday is this interviews. So this will be an interview series. I don’t know what date yet. But this will be on a Tuesday. And we will have on Friday it’s at 2 p.m. we have the Gladiator Series which is really real time. Like I recorded this week’s, yesterday.
Michael: Yeah. We did the same thing. So Graham and I were record something on Tuesday and just release on Wednesday. Just want to have it out there. It’s really just like an ongoing conversation between us. So it’s the same thing.
Mike: Some people say you should start another podcast channel. But I decided to do on the same. It’s just 2 in a week now. So we did 13 shows of the Gladiator since August and a 197 of the interview series . But technically we are over 200 shows on Global From Asia channel. But I sequence the number separately and some people have been annoyed. I don’t know, I don’t put the number on the show at the beginning of the title, in the wordpress or in the blog. I want the show the name, but people say I don’t know what episode it is on the iTunes feed ‘coz there’s no number to the beginning.
Michael: If there’s any like in order to, this one feeds into that one if you’re talking about something that spoken about previously people wanna know the number. So I’m a big believer of putting the numbers first.
Mike: So you put the number first.
Michael: I like it.
Mike: I guess I’m also thinking on the internet on the website if kind of, I think it’s ugly on the website, looks nice on iTunes but looks ugly on the website. But I think especially now because I have 2 different kind of have a show on this like a sub-show or a series. People are saying can you just put like a number at least in front so I know which ones are Gladiator and I know which ones are interviews.
Michael: But they also know which ones they have listened to. The way the brand marks. People really understand they’ve listened to episode 25, I’m gonna go to 26 next, go to 27. Where is like the 29 looks interesting let me just know I did 25 and 29. It’s much easier for people to remember that way I think.
Mike: So. I should probably, I guess I have to go back and edit all of them with the number at the beginning. So technically I have 200 shows on Global From Asia, 17 on China Businesscast. The forms will get cut, you know why? The whole website got shut down for a year. They closed, Forbes China closed forbes.cn was offline for a whole year. The government will like crack down the foreign media in China. So they shut down but then all my stuff was gone. It’s like, within a year later, I was checking and it was back and people are listening and finding it again. But it’s not my account, it was hosting on your server. Businesscast is also syndicated on tech node because they want to kind of aggregate China business or China tech in their site. But they don’t have their own podcast. Actually I should introduce you to the China tech, China tech talk Matt Brennan and John from Tech Node started China Tech Podcast, CTT China Tech Talk.
Michael: Sounds pretty familiar.
Mike: Okay they are good people, they can connect.
Michael: I’d love to meet them.
Mike: Awesome. I think I was actually just in a session, I met them in DC event. It was about lead generation and monetization. They say mostly the US. I think it’s still hard for Asia media to monetized. So I’m finding out the same thing about that. So I’m just kind of putting out there building a brand, monetized podcast as sort of an agency from the podcast the Hong Kong corporation and the tax from a lot of our listeners. I have my partner on the show couple of times.
Michael: Talked about business actually, setting up a business.
Mike: We talked about the taxes and corporation in Hong Kong. So that comes from this podcast. So it’s so hard I think. Advertising is what I know like it’s hard to measure and track, downloads even. I don’t know about you, I was on Amazon and I had no idea what really happening with people if listening to the whole show. I would love to see people are stopping at the end of the show. They listen to my intro. I do an ending, too. I do like a summary.
Michael: Yup, so do I.
Mike: Some people, actually in China Businesscast we don’t bother we just do the intro. I still tell people to start a podcast. I guess it takes time to sell. You have to sell sponsorship like it’s manual list. At least for me like, I had to build those sponsorships myself by knowing them. They kind of understood and believed what I was doing. I don’t know how you experienced sponsorship.
Michael: Yes, the view for me, we’re playing a long game. We get sponsors. We actually had people come to us and say we want to sponsor stuff. And I think there’s actually a methodology for almost like a buzz feed model for sponsor content but in podcast format. And we seen a really interesting uptake in that model. When you see some announcements of some of stuff that we do. But I think the most important part of the podcast is, have we really targeted? Like in the old days television, you kind of didn’t know who’s watching, you knew when they are gonna watch it because that is on Thursday 8 o’clock but we didn’t know who is really gonna be watching. I know Nielsen did a bunch of statistics about it even that games and you were never really sure who is sitting in front of that box. But podcasting you really have the hardware device ID’s, you kind of know who’s really listening and I find that really powerful, in another picture it’s awesome.
Mike: It’s true, I mean. I don’t get that many downloads, I mean I think it’s usually few thousand a show. But people I think are really passionate about it. People are listening for long term. Like we do some meetups and events, we have a conference in Shenzhen in next Friday. I listen to show for years and I never seen those. I have no idea.
Michae : You don’t know that, right? So this is the key for me. This is the conversation actually that I have with potential advertisers., It’s rare for me to have a day where I walk into some room and someone does and say aren’t you the guy that does the Asia Tech podcast. I was thinking about the implications of that.
Mike: I’m awesome, right.
Michael: I’m not doing video. Just think about that. So who’s ever listening to it is also looking for my name, Graham’s name kind of figure out who you are, what have you done in the past, and the thing also funny is that doing the podcast and you’ll see this with your coffee business as well. Because of your credibility, you’re the guy, you’re the team, it’s putting your opinion on the line. Every time you podcast is recorded, right. You can sit over there in the corner and talk about the coffee all you want. But no one’s gonna care. It’s you opinions are well known. And we pick topics where we think we have an edge and I think sponsors are really starting to pick up on that and like it.
Mike: That’s great. So then you guys are, you guys are remotely. Then you do your interviews separately. I’d love to learn how you guys coordinate according your shows.
Michael: So Graham is a computer scientist and studied artificial intelligence in college. Graham has built an incredible back-end to the podcast which is proprietor that handles all of our scheduling, all of our production, a lot of stuff that we do. A lot of the stuff that we do or a lot of stuff that gives us scale is proprietor automation. It’s pretty impressive. So if I wanted to start a new show with you, literally if I want to start a new show with you called the Thai Restaurant in Bangkok. I can start that tomorrow as long as I get Graham’s not approval but sign off. We create a little spot for the rest of the stuff that we do and we’re done. And as an example I literally pitch the idea and I had these ideas for a long term but I’m pushing them bit by bit. I pitch the idea to Graham with each other of doing the pitch which the show will be launching on the next few weeks. Just create a slot for it, he created a logo for it, it’s already in the pipe one. And I could start on it right now.
Mike: That’s awesome.
Michael: It’s super awesome ‘coz the whole idea for a media business is to get scale and scope right. ‘Coz it’s more than just scale. The whole idea is I don’t necessarily just want of a million listeners. I’m happy with 10,000 for just one podcast. Because those 10,000 gonna come back every week. They’re gonna get deeply engage that they already are. They’re gonna be really interested in sort of Michael topic that we’ve chosen. We also run a lot of analytics on the backend as well to find out what are the topics that really interest people and we have an edge because I could do an entire podcast on snapchat for 12 year old. But I don’t know anything about snapchat and I’m not 12. But the place that we have an edge if you feel like we can really dominate that space, we’re already starting to see that happens and that’s what I say to be bold and I say as an example I have a friend Nikki and Nikki runs a business called Akin Asia, it’s a female focus supporting women in business organization and business that she’s running. And I’ve been pushing her for months, do a podcast. Do a podcast with women, interview other women, interview businesses that supports women. Interview other women that are in positions or power or in a position that giving other people power. And I said to her look I can do it, I don’t want to do it, ‘coz it’s not genuine for me, it should be you.
Mike: Yeah, it has to be her.
Michael: She started, she’s on her 2nd or 3rd podcast already. But I’d love that context right in the sense and I also offered last week to somebody. Let’s just say they do something on plumbing, that’s not what it is. For example I can do that podcast, too. But what I said was look, I build it with you, we’ll make it big for you, and I’ll just give it to you. We’ll brand it. We’ll build the infrastructure for you and then will just give it to you. We don’t have the fix rate, let’s have the revenue 50/50 at the beginning and in the end we’ll just give you the rest of it, it is yours. It’s really powerful because when you do that for somebody they end up being supportive of you and you don’t need the money per se. That’s how we are building a lot of our audience as well. So we are doing stuff for other people.
Mike: It’s true. I mean I a fanboy at D.C. you asked me about a little bit. This show started at DCBKK in 2013, in October 2013. Dan’s is great at that. He inspired a lot of people. And yeah he didn’t make anything out of it. I think partly because of that, you know.
Michael: Loyalty is really important, right. Loyalty, honesty, integrity these things are really important. But I don’t mind giving stuff away.
Mike: Yeah it’s great. So my show is little bit short. Some of our listeners want longer ones but I think we should enjoy the rest of our life but I think it’s been cool I think the main point is great to connect with you, you guys do amazing stuff thanks for having me on your show, we’ll link that up on this.
Michael: Thank you very much.
Mike: Yeah, we had a great interview and I’ve been also trying to give you a start podcast so I had a chance to start a coffee one with the new FBA business.
Michael: Good stuff I think that’s really large potential.
Mike: Yeah and I want to show everybody that you can take some zero to brand and that’s what we’re doing and maybe we could help more people with building their brands with podcast and media and building relationships.
Michael: Yeah and if there’s one more thing you let me say is that technology is allowing every aspects of our life to be democratized media included. And that media democratization allows people to build a brand from scratch. So we’re good we’re doing exactly what should we get to retail’s best. My simple opinion.
Mike: Yeah, very good.
Michael: Thank you very much by the way.
Mike: Oh thanks Michael and then what’s the best way to where can find you guys.
Michael: So the best way to find us is on Twitter Asia Tech Pod, you can find me at @michaelwaitze. You can email me at mw@asiatechpodcast.com and look for us on Facebook as well.
Mike: Perfect, we’ll link it up on the show notes and other things we mentioned today. Thank you Michael and we got you, some Italian food, we’re gonna start a podcast with Italian food at Bangkok.
Michael: Good idea.
Mike: Awesome.
Mike: Alright, I hope you guys enjoy. Thank you Michael from Asia Tech Podcast for sharing and having some great pizza together. I hope I wasn’t too annoying, was it that too annoying doing that in a restaurant. We got a lot of eyeballs looking at us with our full microphones set up at our table having pizza and salad I hope you guys know of my no carb diet, slow carb diet. I’m fanboy. But thank you for making all through the show and thanks for listening ecommercegladiator.com it’s a short URL to go to the series or of course globalfromasia.com/ecommerce017 for this specific show. Thanks so much for listening and I hope to inspire you guys. I hope maybe you think growing beyond Amazon , growing beyond product only and start adding some valuable content to this world. I don’t wanna sound crazy but I might die soon and hopefully this podcast can help people even if I’m not here anymore or somewhere else. Of course who knows where we go after you die but thank you so much for listening and keep it coming.
Welcome to the Global from Asia Ecommerce Gladiator Series where you can follow along the progress of setting up a Cross Border Ecommerce business from start to finish. Hear insights of real product research, Amazon FBA, China manufacturing, branding, marketing, and all the blood, sweat, and tears of building a global business from Asia.
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