Jan and Mike are on, showcasing upcoming speakers for the Cross Border Matchmaker – which is on Friday May 21 – evening Asia time, afternoon in Europe, and morning in Americas.
SEE YOU THERE – totally free ticket option for this “broken border” series which will have a ton of amazing things
THIS IS NOT JUST SOME BORING ONLINE EVENT with recorded powerpoint slides and boring text comments that are ignored.
This is an interactive – panel, AMA, round table, and live auction event – with some guest artists singing and showing their creations – as well as giveaways, and fun!
In today’s podcast, we will discuss some of the topics, some of the speakers, members, programs, and what to expect.
While some of the CBM will be recorded – this will be an amazing opportunity to MEET people – bring a beer / coffee (unless you drink beer in the morning depending on your timezone) and enjoy this event.
Topics Covered in this Episode
Mike Intro
A lot of you may have heard about the upcoming event happening this May 21, which is the Cross Border Matchmaker — and it would be the very first time to throw this huge event online. Mike, can you share with us the general idea of Cross Border Matchmaker, how it all started and the ultimate goal of this event?
Mike Explains CBM
THIS IS NOT JUST SOME BORING ONLINE EVENT with recorded powerpoint slides and boring text comments that are ignored. No, this was planned and organized in a way that all attendees will pick up and learn something while having fun. As the event title suggests, you can connect with a perfect match to your business’ needs, widen your network of experts, find services, and even partnership if you are keen! This is an interactive – panel, AMA, round table, and live auction event – as well as giveaways, and fun! Experts discussing people’s lives and how businesses have been totally transformed.
CBM Event
The event will consist of 3 panels and 3 sessions of roundtables in between.
Panel 1 - War Stories During the Cross Border Trade Transformation
Ino Topalovic, Simon de Raadt, Ash Monga, Rico Ngoma and Meghla Bhardwaj
Panel 2 - The Future of Ecommerce & The Internet
Catherine Qian, Andy Lee, Luciano Drehmer, John Cavendish, Susan Falola and Jelena Lucic
Panel 3 - Buy, Sell, Scale - Consolidation in the Ecommerce and FBA World
Davide Nicolucci, Luciano Drehmer, John Cavendish and Andy Lee
And Many More Surprises!
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ Jan’s VIP Page
√ Visit our GFA partner – Mercury – for US banking solutons for your ecommerce businesss
√ Crossborder Matchmaker
Episode Length 19:12
Good things don’t stop there! Find out more valuable insights and true stories at the cbm2021 event on Friday. Again, this is not your normal online event with pre-recorded sessions and chat – this is highly interactive, engaging, and full of prizes and giveaways.
If you’re a super fan and want to upgrade from free to our GFAVIP membership, you’ll receive our pre-drop of NFTs and other bonuses.
We look forward to seeing you there!
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Show Transcript
[00:00:00] All right. Thank you everybody for tuning in to listen to another Global from Asia podcast we have with us Janie again. Thanks for being here. You’re welcome, Mike. Glad to be here. It’s awesome. It’s awesome. So let’s talk a little bit about the Cross Border Matchmaker and some of the big changes, I think the whole community, as well as Global From Asia, has been going through. Welcome to the Global from Asia podcast, where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down, into straight up actionable advice.
[00:00:35] And now your host, Michael Michelini. There’s been a lot going on. A lot of people may have heard about the upcoming event happening this May 21st, which is the Cross Border Matchmaker. And it would be my, this is going to be the very first time to throw this huge event online. Right. We’ve done the Cross Border Matchmaker in person in Shenzhen a couple of times. But this is the first time for the online version.
[00:01:06] So we’re adjusting. You know, the quick, the quick story is, you know, we even have videos 2017, 2018. We did it. And you know, we’ve been waiting to do another event, but we’re finally making a move to making an online event. And we’re trying our best to make this not just a normal online event where people watch power points and recordings and chat. But we’re making this all about like, that’s what the name Match
[00:01:34] maker means. It doesn’t mean dating, it means business dating. Right? A lot of people, I think we got some jokes in there. In LinkedIn, somebody says, Oh my wife won’t let me go because it’s a matchmaker. But it’s not. Yeah. I mean, the name honestly is about business matchmaking and the, you know, one of the big, I think values of our community is like you’ve noticed is this truly cross border.
[00:01:58] We have Chinese members like, and people in our community on WeChat and then in China. And, we have our overseas like Facebook in you know, English language. And this is where we really try hard to bring these communities and groups together because, you know, especially without trade shows and the online, offline events.
[00:02:19] So Cross Border Matchmaker is really about action. You know, we’re going to have some panels, we’re going to have round tables where we have this, we use a paid subscription of Airmeet, and we have these tables of up to eight people. And we’re going to have some auctions, which we can talk about, first time for some things we’re doing here.
[00:02:37] And some other fun stuff. We’re actually having Marisol gonna do a little show on her art and her music, which I’m excited about. So we’re really trying to make this. You know, not just educational, but entertaining. Is that the right word Jan? This was planned and organized in a way that all attendees will pick up something.
[00:03:00] This is not just your usual online event. This is for a cost and it’s for a good cost. True. Exactly. Yeah, because also I think. I don’t think a lot of people say it publicly, everybody’s going on their Facebook, all positive and happy, but I think a lot of people, and I don’t know, I know I don’t mind saying it.
[00:03:17] I’ve been going, I think a lot of has been lonely, you know, have been somewhat depressed, have been, you know, affected negatively a lot with lockdowns and business. So, you know, we want to try to keep people positive, happy, connected and communicating, because I think a lot of people have been going through this isolation and being very quiet.
[00:03:36] So it’s another goal is to re-engage the community and a people. So it’s going to be a nice way to really show how we can connect still, even in this new normal. Yeah, I think that’s very important right now to be able to reconnect. To the people, not just within your vicinity, but as well as the whole world, because we are trying to keep them together by doing these online events.
[00:04:03] This is going to be an interactive panel, ask me anything round table and live auction events. You know, we have a lot going on as well as the giveaways and. Experts discussing, um, people’s lives and how businesses have been totally transformed over the years, especially in this time of pandemic. True.
[00:04:24] Yeah. That’s that goes right into our first panel. Maybe we, I think in his podcast, you know, it’s a it’s of course we’re focusing on this event. We can also showcase some of the speaker videos that were submitted. But let’s talk about the first panel, which is kind of what you were just mentioning people’s transformation through cross border trade.
[00:04:42] Some of these stories that a lot of these business owners have gone through. So who we have a good lineup of people on that? Yes, we do. We do like we have Simon de Raadt, Ash Monga, Rico Ngoma and Meghla Bhardwaj for the first panel of our event. And that’s about discussing the war stories during the cross border trade transformation.
[00:05:07] Yeah. I mean, all of them are amazing experts in our network and are in a community. So, you know, Meghla is the expert in India. She’s been in Singapore. You know, Ash is in the UK, but he’s a QC expert. Ino’s in China, right in Yiwu area. So it’s going to be this amazing assignments. One of our amazing members doing drop shipping, you know, Rico’s in the Philippines, he’s the Made in China podcast host.
[00:05:35] There’s this amazing people. So everybody let’s watch a few of these speaker profiles. Hey guys, this is Andy from FBAulous Training, I’ll be speaking in your first online Cross Border Matchmaking event taking place on Friday, May 21st, 6:00 PM. Hong Kong time. And I’ll be covering your topic about future e-commerce and the internet together.
[00:05:54] with the other panelist or speakers, so you can go via the link below. Okay to reserve a seat and I’ll look forward to meeting you at the Cross Border Matchmaking event. So Hi everyone. My name is Simon, and I will be a panelist for the Cross Border Matchmaker. 21st, May 6:00 to 9:00 PM, China time. For the past 10 years, I’ve been helping
[00:06:17] companies facilitating their Cross Border trade from China to Europe, from Europe to China. I want to share my war stories and maybe even on the way, some more stories of others as I am the host of the China Business Cast, where we interview entrepreneurs and business owners, senior executives about their war stories of doing business in China, particularly. We will zoom into
[00:06:41] The supply chain, sourcing. What has been the main change in the last few years, particularly the last two years, because there’s been a huge change. If you want to know what it is, check out the 21st of May, register here below and hope to see you there. Hi everyone. My name is Catherine Qian. I am an international e-commerce consultant based in the UK.
[00:07:03] I have over the last 15 years, helping many UK retailers to expand the online presence and grow their international markets. I know many of you are perhaps Amazon sellers. If you wish to take your business to the next level, I can show you how to go beyond them to own your own e-commerce store. All my traffic offline channels.
[00:07:26] Customer and your data on 21st of May, I will share with you at the Global From Asia conference, some of the key factors to show what works, when you cross that border. And some of the strategies successful large retailers use to grow their online presence. There’s some cost-effective tactics you can implement in your existing business that will straight away.
[00:07:52] Make a difference to your bottom line. If you wish to take your existing Amazon business to the next level, click the below link and register and join us all on the 21st of May. And I will see you there at a Global From Asia conference and show you how to grow beyond Amazon.
[00:08:18] And then of course we have, we have the people on panel too, talking about the future of e-commerce and the internet. We have Catherine Qian, Andy Lee, Luciano Drehmer, John Cavendish, Susan Falola and Jelena Lucic. Yeah. I mean, this is an amazing lineup again, with people from around the world in the cross border ecosystem.
[00:08:42] Cross-border trade. Catherine is an expert in digital marketing and localization. She’s in London, in the UK from Shanghai originally. And then Andy Lee is amazing. You know, he’s been on a podcast, I think just last week. He’s a Singaporean, Amazon expert in Taiwan now, does training all over Southeast Asia.
[00:09:06] Very, very nice guy. Also one of our sponsors. Right, right. Jan. Yes. Thank you. E-comm universe care of Andy Lee. Thank you for sponsoring this event. Yeah. Thank you, Andy. So supportive. It’s really appreciated. Luciano is amazing. He’s in our community. He is in Shenzhen. He does, he’s a branding expert.
[00:09:25] He’s an Amazon seller and he’s very, very talented, work with huge sellers in Amazon in China and overseas. So we’re lucky to have him, John Cavendish, also in our community from sellercandy.com – a one-stop solution for managing your seller central. And he’s always on top of the trends.
[00:09:44] He’s a seller in Europe and the US. Susan is, is new for us. So introduced by Catherine, she’s also a marketing and marketing consultant, which is great. And Jelena, Jelena is awesome. She’s been in our community so long. She’s been to a few of our offline events in Shenzhen. She’s in Europe. And she does amazing things, helping factories, kind of really localize and be more economic, environmentally friendly, and she has great things to share.
[00:10:12] So I’m just really, really excited to, I mean, it’s going to be like a party, you know, I got to bring it. My San Mig light or Red Horse or something. It’s Friday night coffee off the, I know I don’t actually enjoy it. Do you drink? I don’t know. Sometimes I think this, the last panel Mike is the most popular for the, for the attendees, because if this is yeah, FBA more than Amazon.
[00:10:42] So I think this is the most popular panel that that’s happening in the event. Yeah, exactly. So, so Davide Nicolucci is amazing. He’s been in many of our events, always a very popular speaker and expert, Amazon consultant, and currently in Thailand, but in China a lot. Luciano’s back John Cavendish, again, a big seller.
[00:11:03] And we’re going to add some more people. We’re still confirming a couple of spots right now as we speak. But yeah, this will be about the next stage in Amazon. There’s all these, roll-ups, all these consolidations, investments here at Global From Asia and some of the consulting and advising we do, we’ve been working with more and more sellers that are investing or selling their business.
[00:11:24] So it’s going to be a hot topic. We, we, we get a lot of questions about, so I’m really excited for this one. Yeah. By the way, we might also have Andy Lee on this panel. He just, I think, just confirmed that he’s going to be on panel three as well for his other, he has another business, which is called the Andy Amazon advocate.
[00:11:46] So this is, this has something to do with FBA world. Oh, he might share some valuable insights for the attendees to, you know, pick up.Great. Yeah. There’s a couple others. I don’t want to announce yet. There’ll be a, they’re a little bit more private. I think you might know some of them, but they might be most likely to make some surprise appearances.
[00:12:12] And then also in between these sessions, we’re going to have a little bit of guest appearances. Some short intros. Marisol is a talented singer artist. She’s a Filipino I met in China and she’s also in Vietnam. She’s going to share some of her music and art with us in the community which I’m excited about.
[00:12:28] And then we also are going to have Travis Price, the e-commerce growth expert in mercury.com. One of our ongoing sponsors and supporters of the show. I’m really happy to have him share a little bit about how e-commerce sellers can maximize the benefits. Use US banking, US businesses and other options to grow their business.
[00:12:47] I’m really excited about that one. Thank you, Travis. Thank you, Travis and mercury for that sponsorship. And so, and then after we’re going to try our first ever auction. Honestly, we’re still figuring it out as we go, as always. Those who know me know. Yeah. So stay tuned, guys. You have a lot of going on after the, after the panel, is the round tables and we’re going to be trying to do something.
[00:13:12] Do some fundraising, as part of the proceeds will go to the GFA kids program we’re working on. Also, I think we should probably figure out some way to support, you know, some people there’s been a lot of issues with COVID now, again, it’s popping up. So we might. Add that also into it. Cause it’s about supporting the community, supporting the network.
[00:13:32] So yeah, stay tuned for the auctions and the fundraiser we’re going to do at the end of the three panels. And just so people realize it’s not just panels, we’re going to between each panel, we’re going to have these round tables. So then you can connect with say Catherine or Andy or these other experts, or just a new group of people.
[00:13:49] We’re going to make the tables different themes. So people can hop around and also of course, live chat. You can connect with people. So this is again, not meant to be just sitting there listening. It’s meant to be a wayto interact and engage with people in the community. Yeah, just a heads up though, that lawn table only holds up to eight people.
[00:14:08] So, so hurry up. If you like the, the, the specific speaker on this table, make sure to, you know, to reserve your seat so that you can join that, that specific table, but we are going to have three sessions of this, so make sure to, to stay on the event. And try your luck the next, the next session. So you don’t miss out.
[00:14:34] You don’t want to miss out on events like this really. I mean, we’ve been working on, you’ve been working really hard, our team, a lot of people behind the scenes been getting this all put together. And, uh, you know, we’re going to, it’s the first one ever online, larger scale event and a totally free option tickets.
[00:14:50] So there’s no strings attached. Totally. You can join for free, which is the first time ever for our community. Usually we do paid events that are a little bit more expensive or middle to expensive side, but we want to really try to connect with people all around the world that are interested in cross-border e-commerce who trade of course, Amazon and a new digital marketing trends.
[00:15:10] So it’s going to be an amazing one. Also, of course we do obviously need to be supported and we do have a member’s ticket. If you’re a member, many of the speakers are in our members community. So if you’re really interested to get part of what we’re doing here and behind the scenes, just sign up for our GFAVIP membership.
[00:15:31] Where you’ll get access to private communities, connecting with these speakers and experts. And also we’re going to have a bonus workshop about NFTs and this new blockchain technology we think is going to really, just really redefine the way that e-commerce has done. And I know people will think it’s not going to, blockchain is not affecting e-commerce, but we feel it will very soon.
[00:15:55] So if he wants to be ahead of the trend, we’ll have a workshop, live workshop that I’ll be hosting the day after the event on Saturday, that will be recorded for members only. Yeah, that’s true Mike, and come June, we have more events coming up. The GFA kids, we are cooking something for the members that we have on GFAVIP.
[00:16:18] We are cooking something out for these guys. So if I were you guys and you want to get on the inside, grab the opportunity now, before time runs out because we’re going to have a different, like, we’re going to have a different pricing on the GFAVIP membership by June or after June. So grab it now.
[00:16:39] Thanks Jan. I really need that help to promote, because we have such a valuable stuff here and we’re going to be releasing some new programs at the event. So those that are currently in a membership will be locked in on the current rates and benefits, but those that want to join this stuff after when it’s much more valuable, we’re going to have to increase the price for those going forward.
[00:17:00] So again, I know some people have been hearing about our membership and they’re not sure or not ready. If you’re, if you’ve been thinking about it and not sure then this is probably the time to do it. Because like Jan says, we have some new things cooking. I like that cooking and we’re going to be releasing them and including them for members only.
[00:17:17] Where you can get advantage of that by being part of it. So, so definitely grab this while it’s at the current low, lowest price ever. Yeah. Mike, why don’t you share with them how they can contact us if in case they, they want to get on the inside. Sure. So we have a dedicated mini site, gfavip.com. And if it is put slash join or click the join button on the homepage, then fill a little form.
[00:17:43] Honestly, we don’t want to be just totally open. So you got to fill, let us know about you a little bit first, and then we, we connect, make sure we’re a right fit for each other. This is meant to be an exclusive, you know, executive business owner, entrepreneur network. And then we will get you all set up in our forums and in our communities.
[00:18:03] So that’s the main process, gfavip.com. The last one is for the events, you know, the event itself crossbordermatchmaker.com/May2021. So that’s the, that’s the place you should go right now. Even if you are a member, it’s good to just register. So you get updates about the event as it comes, and we’ll see you there.
[00:18:24] It’s going to be this Friday, May 21st, early morning. You were so quick. I know it’s going to be in the morning, US time, Europe afternoon and evening in Asia. We’re trying our best to, to hit all the time zones. So I’m excited. Thanks, Jan, for coming on with me on this, on this show. Great. All right. I think we got to go.
[00:18:46] You still got a lot to talk about for the events. It’s a lot of work to do so I hope everybody takes advantage of this amazing opportunity and we will see you all there. To get more info about running an international business. Please visit our website at www.globalfromasia.com. That’s www.globalfromasia.com.
[00:19:06] Also be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed. Thanks for tuning in.
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