In today’s episode, we will be discussing the ins and outs of supply chain structuring, from product introduction to shipping options, inventory forecasting and more. We have an exciting lineup of topics to cover, including a real-life case application set during CNY 2023, tips on packaging, and key takeaways that you can apply to your own supply chain strategy. Whether you’re an experienced seller or just starting out, you won’t want to miss the valuable insights we have in store for you. Plus, stay tuned for a special segment on the upcoming Canton Fair. Let’s dive in!
Topics Covered in this Episode
Seller & Product Introductions
Structuring your supply chain
Supply chain is a make/break for any seller who wants to grow and scale.
Tips on packaging
To us, packaging is what really defines our brand, so invest in it.
Timelines to take note of that may disrupt your supply chain
Case example: CNY 2023
Shipping options
As a seller, think long term. Keep products in stock, even if your logistics costs increases (short term) to build a solid listing.
Inventory forecast
Five key tips to forecast inventory
Key takeaways
Upcoming Canton Fair
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ Mike’s VIP Page
√ Excalibur Brothers
√ Cross Border Summit
√ Download Mike’s Slides
√ Visit our GFA partner – Mercury – for US banking solutons for your ecommerce businesss
√ Visit our GFA partner – Casia Cross Better Logistics – for your logistics needs
Episode Length 35:24
We hope you found this episode of the GFA podcast informative and insightful! From seller and product introductions to structuring your supply chain, inventory forecasting, shipping options, and more, we’ve covered a wide range of topics related to successful supply chain management. We hope the tips and strategies discussed in this episode will help you source from several parts of China to sell in the US via Amazon.com, or any other global marketplace. Thank you for tuning in, and we’ll see you next time on the GFA podcast!
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Show Transcript
[00:00:00] Episode 398 of Global from Asia almost at 400, doing a lot of fun stuff. Talking in Singapore about supply chain management. And I’m walking to Dougs, walking to Dougs. Welcome to the Global from Asia podcast. For the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice.
And now your host, Michael Michelini. [00:00:30] I’m doing more of my intros on the road. Been on the go for, for like over a month all over parts of Asia. I’m here in Shenzhen, China, back to my old stomping ground. Actually. My friend and business partner in Now Shenzhen, he’s opened a new restaurant called Daily Dose, which is, I’ve been eating here a few times already.
And to, I’ll get you any outro after the interview. I will do a little bit of like informal talk about this restaurant, but for today’s show, it’s just me [00:01:00] again on the interview, on the show, we have it where I was in Singapore at the Amazon offices sharing more of our supply chain management.
Actually, we got really good feedback. I took a lot of my paid content, my courses, and I put this again, I’m giving you guys lots of really. Trainings for free on the podcast the last few shows, so I hope you enjoy them. I’m also getting more interviews set up. We’re almost at episode 400, working on something special.
But for now, let’s tune into the [00:01:30] show where I was in Singapore sharing about supply chain and logistics for your Amazon and e-commerce business. After I will show you this Daily Dose restaurant and some of our friends and business partners after the interview, after the show. Thank you. All right. We have Tommy, the sales manager at Cross Better Logistics.
How are you Tommy? Hi, and hi. We just got to meet here in Angina. It’s great. They support the show at Global from Asia and we also use them ourself for many of our brands and e-commerce businesses. [00:02:00] And Tommy really cares. They always are trying to help us save money, you know, not, you have some products you keep for us in China.
You have some products you keep for us in the US warehouse and I really. That, and you’ll, you can talk to this seller, right? You can give them your advice. You work with many Chinese sellers a lot, right? And you can help help the sellers understand more. Yeah. We are very professional for the treatment to USA and Canada.
Also, we have [00:02:30] warehouse in USA and Canada. We can have our factories, supplies, service for the shipment. Yes. Yeah, yeah. For the eCommerce cities. Yep. And you even keep stuff in China too. So sometimes if you have the limitations about sending too much to Amazon, you can keep it here in China with, with cross Better, or you can send of course to the US warehouse.
They have many different options and they’re always trying their best. To find find out what’s the best [00:03:00] solution for you. So definitely talk to Tommy, talk to Cross Better, and thank you for your support of the community. Yes, we have good pricing and better service. Yes. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Natalie, for that introduction. How’s everybody doing today? Good. You eat first so that I’m not in the way of your food. I. Sometimes there’s food after, so I’m glad you ate first so that I’m not blocking you from your food. I know it can be dangerous getting in, in front of people and their [00:03:30] food.
So or following the Amazon PowerPoint slide format. So I hope you can see this as the first time for me to do this presentation. But a bit about me, Michael Michel. I started out work, actually being in Singapore has kind of been a little bit memory lane. I was here yesterday and I worked on Wall Street for four and a half years.
I quit six months before my pension, so I walked away from like $35,000. If I stayed five, six more months at Deutsche Bank. So [00:04:00] I was like six more months or start full-time sourcing from China. So I. The, the other, but Deutche bank stock might be zero soon anyway, so maybe it’s maybe made the right move.
We’ll see, we’ll see. But yeah, so I, a bit about me, I, I build and sell brands. I, I mean, of course I sell on Amazon. I sold on eBay. I started on eBay in 2004. And of course Amazon is, is the major marketplace now, and we’ll focus on talking about that. [00:04:30] So, We have, I signed a, I signed off a, a waiver to be able to have my photo in this slide deck by Amazon, so that’s pretty cool.
But basically if there something’s difficult, it means it’s valuable, right? If something’s easy and anybody can do it, it’s not valuable, right? Whether that’s, You know, making a product, whether that’s making NFT collection or whatever, when something’s difficult, is [00:05:00] more valuable. So we’re gonna talk about some difficult stuff today and I’m gonna try my best in 30 minutes to do all of this, but realize it’s not just, it’s difficult for you, it’s difficult for major, major companies, right?
Massive international companies have similar issues in logistics and supply chain that you do. So it’s not just you having these. So a bit about, a bit about me. That’s me and my partner in this brand Brothers Luciano. We developed this brand during Coronavirus, in lockdown, in Shehe China. [00:05:30] We started this brand in I think the idea came in like September, 2021, maybe, or 20, I think 2021.
And it is a men’s gift brand. And I brought samples with me. Also, I’m gonna give away some of my books as well for good questions if I have time, or I might just give him the random people. We’ll see. But these are some of my products. So it’s, it’s, it’s very, very [00:06:00] complicated packaging and that’s the fault of Luciano.
He does the branding. He designed this this packaging. But I believe packaging is very, I. You know, I, I think I’m want my dad complaining about packaging and complaining about me wanting to buy the expensive product over the cheap product. He said, you’re paying for packaging. You’re paying for packaging.
I remember that. So I can open this up, I can share it around. There’s gonna be time for questions as well. But we do like men’s [00:06:30] gift. So this is a flask set shot, glass set, polishing cloth, things like that. And we buy from China. This brand is all from China and I basically break it out into two main areas, Ningbo.
So I think a lot of you see f o b Ningbo, right? Or you see like F o b, Guang Jo, F O b I kind of mix hou and shehe together as P [00:07:00] R D, Pearl River Delta. I don’t wanna get political, but maybe Hong Kong and Shenzhen are the same now, let’s say that, but basically it’s South China and like kind of eastern China, right?
So there’s p r D and there’s nmo. Of course Shanghai is very close. I know Estee is here from, she’s goes to Shanghai and a lot of our families from Shanghai. Shanghai is very close to Ningbo. Right. It’s like a, I remember before there was a bridge I had to drive. [00:07:30] Tajo and then to Ningbo from Shanghai.
But they made the humongous bridge, I think in 2009 or 2010. So it’s, it’s like an hour drive, hour and a half to Ningbo. But essentially it’s these two different ones, right? So a lot of you get quotations on Alibaba, where you get quotations from factories. Normally you’ll see . Those are normally the three you’ll see.
Right. Is there other ones people see in their [00:08:00] quotes or other ports?
Nope. So little bit repeat slide. You know, these products. So I’m gonna do some unboxing right now, now, but we, we designed this packaging here. Thank you. So we put lots of stuff inside. So we have like this extra polishing cloth. We have a little gift card, right? We have, [00:08:30] this is actually two different suppliers.
The leather and the, the stainless steel are two different suppliers. So, You can take a look at this. Just don’t, don’t steal it, please. And don’t copy me on Amazon, please. One of my favorite questions to ask sellers is, what’s your asin? You know, you never, I wanted to always do with people to put my go to a presentation to Amazon to show my product on a slide.
I hope [00:09:00] this doesn’t become the next what was that product that everybody sold the oven, MITs the plastic oven. MITs they got, you know, so please don’t copy my product. Top promise. But it’s pretty hard to copy honestly. So, so this is, this is 2021. And some samples we had, so you can see. We’re getting samples.
Samples. I mean, that’s one of the advantages of living in China is you get samples fast, right? That’s [00:09:30] one of the main reasons I I, I stayed in China so long is you can rapidly develop a product. Samples is like the hardest, slowest process, and that’s where a lot of sellers make mistakes because you get a sample and you don’t wanna wait.
Like Singapore is not so long. How long is it? Do you get a sample from China? Hmm. If it’s by six months, two weeks. Two weeks, yeah. Two days, seven days by plane. One week every week. Yeah. So I mean, [00:10:00] yeah, it can vary, but it slows it down. Right? But when you’re in China, it takes me like one day. It gets there like one or two days after.
Of course, if there’s a production sample they’ll take, they have to make. But if they haven’t, they’ll send it. So I get lots of different, this is all different types of leather, you know, I get different kinds of packaging, like that’s the original Alibaba. Everything on Alibaba looks like that, right? So you’re getting lots and lots of different samples [00:10:30] and it’s a very important stage, and it’s where I made a lot of mistakes in my early days, is I would not want to have another sample or the supplier.
It’s usually like, her name’s Lemon or Rainbow. I don’t know how they get their names. I don’t want to say more about that, but their names are like, about fruits, like watermelon, strawberry, rainbow. So usually they’re like a 25 year old business English graduate that’s [00:11:00] the sales rep of the factory that you’re talking to.
Right? You’re talking about Alibaba Chat. You’re talking about Skype, WeChat. They just want your order. They don’t wanna send samples to you over and over and over. They just want you to give them an order. Yeah. Okay. I understand. Yes. Okay. Place the order. No, no. I wanna understand, can you just put the 30% No, no, no.
I want the sample, so keep making sure you get that sample. But a key part is also the packaging. [00:11:30] So we work with one packaging supplier in China, in iu. Anybody know iu? Yeah. So we make this in iu. That’s Luciano. I, I couldn’t go to a second factory cuz my, I had only a 40 hour covid test, not a 24 hour covid negative tests.
I couldn’t go to another part of that day, so I can only go to one supplier in that photo. That was really horrible. But you [00:12:00] basically build your product around your packaging, which sounds crazy, but if you notice this nice little design, all of them will have this theme in our brand. And you know, if you, this sleeve right and the crocodile packaging with the embossed logo.
So this is part of our spec and it’s just easier to work with one packaging supplier. And we’re gonna share some case studies and examples of how that can help you later. [00:12:30] But we start with that first, and we work with a few different suppliers. And like I showed you in a map, China’s a big country and it takes time to go between all these places.
Try to find your packaging near your other, your product supplier if possible. So I feel like I’ve kind of covered this just now, but basically if I want near your factory, You know, find maybe one master packaging, which is also gonna be assembly, [00:13:00] and then it can be scalable. The real hack, this is actually hard brand, but some other, other brands I’ve done is, I don’t get this complicated, but you just make one sticker and you get a white box and you put that same sticker on all the boxes.
So one strategy is to spot from an EW market or going to a market and get white box and put a sticker. To start, because to do stuff like this, it’s like 5,000 m oq or the factory doesn’t want to do [00:13:30] it or whatever. So if you’re starting small, maybe just get white box with a sticker is a hack. So these are three big days of for sellers, China’s New Year, prime Day, and Q4, or Christmas, if that’s politically correct to say anymore.
But Chinese New Year is a big one. It’s the really challenging one because Chinese like to take like a month off. I mean, man, I got, well actually I [00:14:00] had a year and a half long Chinese New Year because of Coronavirus, but you know, without Coronavirus it’s like a month long. So it’s usually in the first quarter, right?
It’s not following, of course, the, the solar calendar, it’s following the lunar calendar. So normally it’s in like February. Sometimes early, you know, could be January, could be March. I think you in Singapore, you know the Chinese New Year holiday that’ve been me? I think so. You gotta be really careful. And it’s right after q4.
It’s right after Christmas. And this year was [00:14:30] earlier this year. Chinese New Year started in like, I feel like mid-January the factors are closing. Right? I’m like, man, I just finished Christmas and I’m free. I got a order for Chinese New Year. So we have a case study. I’m gonna share. So it’s always this rush to get your order out before China, every year, prime days, around July.
Hopefully get a big boost of sales, maybe work some influencers. I think last session, I watched the session here last time. Thank you for sending me. That was [00:15:00] a really good session. The previous seller I even learned some things about influencers from his talk. Session here and then q4. Q4 is really hard, right?
Q4. You gotta make your best guess on how strong the consumer is. Are they gonna have a lot of money to buy your products and are you gonna get it there in time? You’re not gonna have too much stock. So we will, well go through this for all of these. [00:15:30] So the. This is my story about this specific product that’s still being fixed to this day.
So we’re still dealing with post Chinese New Year of bi flask. So we had a really good Christmas for this product. It’s really funny. Christmas is where you make your money as a seller all year. You’re kind of building up for Christmas, at least in my opinion. We keep it, we are selling really well, so we keep increasing price.
Increasing price, increasing price cuz you don’t wanna run outta stock. It seemed like I dropped my ppc. [00:16:00] I increased my price. Like normally this was, we launched this pro product at like around $20 and we’re selling it like crazy in Christmas for like $40 or $35. We couldn’t stop selling it. I have this problem, it’s a good problem, but it’s weird.
It’s like opposite. You’re trying to slow down sales cause you wanna stay in stock. We made it through c. And then we had to make another reorder, and then the factory’s like, oh, we’re closing January 15th. And [00:16:30] the way we do it is we send the packaging to the factory and the factory assembles, but we had to flip it in this sa in this case, we didn’t have enough time.
So what we did is we sent the flask. To iu, to the packaging supplier because he stayed open longer in China New Year. So we sent the product to the packaging as a hack, cuz we didn’t know what else to do. We’re like, you know, the [00:17:00] product was ready but the packaging wasn’t done yet. And then another element is we didn’t have all these cards.
We like to put a little like thank you card inside our products. And we didn’t have enough for all of our products. So I think we had, I think it was just a thousand pieces we were ordering, but we only had 400 cards. So we had a thousand of everything else except the cards. And then we’re talking, do we not put 600 packages without the cards?[00:17:30]
And then we’re like, no, we think it’s important. Cause what if somebody complains or it’s inconsistent. So we sent 400 before China’s new year and 600 after Chinese new. And we used a fast boat shipment option rather than a slow ocean boat. We sent by ocean. So we used a fast ocean ship, which is like two or three weeks, more like three weeks instead of like four to five weeks to the us to la and that was the solution.
And then we, we finished printing these cards after Chinese New [00:18:00] Year. It’s so hard after Chinese New Year. I think they had too much hot, hot and too much food, too much family, too much bajo, and they’re slow to get started. You’re like, can you finish the cards? Can you finish the assembly? And then they did finally.
But we rejected the qc, always do qc. So we had to do two QCs because we had to QC for 400, we had to do four, the 600 piece qc. And you know, my team’s like Mike, do we really need to do a qc? [00:18:30] They know how to do this, you know, we can save some money and save some time. No QC favorite, redo, you know, so QC every time, please.
But you know, I’m, I’m, I’m not reading off the slide. I, I think it’s in my head. I covered these points, but basically just, you just gotta be flexible and nimble. You gotta, you gotta be like I said, you have maybe your packaging supplier, you have your product supplier. Ours are more [00:19:00] complex cuz this is very complex.
We even get this from a different supplier. We add this, we actually don’t put this even on the listing. This is like a little extra gift. Actually, I was the one that thought of this. I added this after on our second production at Habit. This just because I, you know, I want to. Polish the metal. You know, this is kind of nice.
I, that’s actually a, do you think it’s a good idea? It costs like 20 15 cents for this, and I think it’s nice to put a little extra that’s not even on the listing in the product[00:19:30] to keep ’em happy. So, shipping options. Shipping options. I mean, ups, I’m actually gonna, I’m always list learning about shipping.
I mean, I’ve been selling online. For almost 20 years, actually, somebody said it’s true, 2004. So and I’m still learning about shipping, but these are some of the ways I, I’ve been you know, it’s all about trade offs, right? Time and money. So one is keep the stuff in China or Asia, right? It’s cheaper.[00:20:00]
Warehousing is cheaper, but shipping costs more. Mm-hmm. And. The others, you know, San to the US put in a warehouse in Amazon’s warehouse or put it in third party warehouse. A lot of us are learning to use three pls since coronavirus because of a lot, I mean, a lot of changes in the world because of coronavirus.
So now we’re using three pls. Also limitations of stock limits in Amazon. So the before, before Coronavirus, we would just send a container to [00:20:30] directly to Amazon, no problem. But now it’s Coronavirus or post Coronavirus world, and we have limitations in Amazon. So we have to work with third party. I know there’s Amazon upstream.
I haven’t learned about this yet. Maybe we have a speaker session. I think upstream is coming, but you know, you use three pls, but of course that costs more. But it’s faster. So you’re basically trading off time and money, which is, I guess anything in life. Come I on time. So let’s just, you’re [00:21:00] weighing these options, but I think the best is you’re just gonna have stock everywhere, you know?
And Amazon seller is a, you know, we have to learn how to finance inventory. We have to learn how to deal with inventory. So keep some stock in China. Keep some stock in America. You know, we’ll go through some phases, but this is a lifecycle of a product in my opinion. So when you launch a product, you think, you know it’s the best one, right?
You used what? Helium 10, or you used [00:21:30] different Amazon tools or Chrome plugins. You think this is the best product, but you never really know until they actually put it there, right? Sometimes you’re wrong. And I tell new seller, I’m wrong mostly, almost all the time on my first product in a brand, right? You have a few ideas.
You test, you test, and if you’re wrong, just admit you’re wrong and just move to the next product. Try not to invest too much on your first order, right? So your first order is your [00:22:00] kind of, you’re testing your hypothesis, right? So for the flask, I was, this is a pretty competitive, a pretty competitive space.
I mean, and our price is pretty high. There’s some sellers, Chinese sellers, they sell like five of these for the same price. We sell one, you know, so but it’s still, it stands out. I think it’s the branding and the positioning, other things. But you know, you’re doing your first order, you’re testing it, you’re looking at the response, right?
You’re seeing the traction. [00:22:30] But then once your, your first order is successful, like we were happy with Christmas. That’s when you start really investing in your supply chain. That’s when you start really investing in your production. Now we have like 400 pieces that we sent by Fast Ocean shipping. It costs a dollar 36 per product for shipping.
Right? I know that is my cost. $1 36 cents per unit, right? For fast shipment. But you’re having stuff now in China and production, you have [00:23:00] stuff on the ocean, you have stuff still on Amazon. Maybe you’re gonna start to have stuff at three pl, right? So you’re, you’re managing this, but you’re confident you can sell it, right?
So you start to invest in your supply chain and, and inventory. Once you’re confident you can sell it not on your first order. Your first order is just send direct to Amazon. Or maybe I’m gonna learn from UPS later, or others. Maybe you can do some fbm, which I’m starting to study and. I think it’s gonna recap what I just said, [00:23:30] but there’s also other life cycles of products, right in the beginning.
You’re also trying to break. You’re probably not gonna make one in your first order. Your first order. Usually you’re breaking even if you’re lucky. I try to break even. I don’t wanna lose. But your first order, right? You’re paying your most for your shipping, right? You’re paying most on your ppc. You’re giving away products to people.
You’re begging for reviews. Whatever it takes to launch your launches. You’re just trying to get traction. And then like I said earlier, don’t be afraid to cut a [00:24:00] product. Don’t be afraid to cut a product. It’s part of selling, you know, it’s part of selling. So if it’s not hitting your KPIs, You know, it’s not worth it.
Don’t, don’t, don’t do it anymore. And then Prime Day specifically, it’s, it’s mostly similar. I feel like similar to q4, Christmas you’re, you’re, you’re thinking about you’re, you’re trying to be magical and your crystal ball, but you can also kind of plan, are you gonna use like [00:24:30] influencers or are you gonna do like Facebook ads, TikTok ads?
Are you gonna put a lot into this? Are you gonna build a campaign around this or are you just gonna like leverage Amazon’s own internal campaigns? But you try to kind of forecast what you’re gonna do. Try to look into your crystal ball and think what you’re gonna sell. You can also look maybe if you’re first prime day or your first year of your product, of course the longer term you’re doing a product, you’ll learn better, you’ll learn your market, you’ll learn your trends and your own.
So you can look at your historical. If you don’t have historical, you can look at your competitor’s [00:25:00] data to try to see how they do in Prime Day for that product. And then this is the word. Maybe if you’re really confident, maybe use a three PL in the us, you know, keep some extra stock there. I don’t really do it, but some, some of my friends use three pls because they can be more nimble, meaning you could actually change your product a little bit or add some extra bonuses inside of it.
Where you want to give a little, like I said, I, I didn’t do this in the US [00:25:30] but I added this, this polishing cloth in the second order. This is not the first order, but I’m not changing my listing. I’m not gonna say this is in my listing, but you could also see your competitors are adding like some extra accessory.
You can use your three PL and add an accessory and then send that to Amazon. So you’re trying to stay maybe flexible, but there’s a lot, there’s, you know, different advantages here. So I hope I did good on time. But basically [00:26:00] Amazon or e-commerce or a product business is two mean things and it’s a product and marketing, right?
And there’s these discussions a lot of us have. What do you think is more important product or marketing somebody. Of course both. But that’s not, you have to choose one front product. Marketing. Yeah. I think [00:26:30] Jeff Bezos was here. You’d say product, but I think Amazon would say product. I don’t think Amazon really likes marketers.
Actually it’s not Amazon, but his WeChat, the founder of WeChat hates marketers. He, he doesn’t want marketers on his platform if he could stop. They just want the best product. I think as Chef Bazo says, there’s three things in Amazon, the best price, the best fastest delivery, and the best [00:27:00] service.
I’m pretty sure it’s those three things. So if you have a good products, and so part of your product is your supply chain, right? Supply chain, having the product there in good condition consist. Because you know, maybe your brand will be, hopefully people will search the brand in Amazon, Excalibur Brothers Flask.
Not just Flask, but Excalibur Brothers flask. That’s the ultimate goal of a brand is somebody searching your brand name [00:27:30] and you want it to be there always. So having that, and it’s difficult, like I say, for everyone. Huge sellers, like I’ve worked with aggregators, they all have these problems. Hopefully there’s a more coronavirus ever again, although, as, as she said, another variant’s coming.
But let’s hope no more coronavirus to make our lives more difficult. But it’ll always be difficult and choosing to be in stock or save money. [00:28:00] I don’t know if you have a preference. I guess you probably know my answer, but what do you, what? You know, I think usually as a seller, you choose to be in stock, which I mean, The question from my logistics company or, or my supply chain manager is like, Mike, we’re gonna be out of stock.
We almost have only have 150 units, but the, the stuff’s still in China. Do we air free this for $5,000 or do we ocean ship it? But we’ll be out of stock for three weeks? [00:28:30] I mean, there’s a math formula that you can run, but you generally try to stay in stock. Even maybe you’ll send some of it by ocean, some of it by sea, you’ll split.
I, I constantly am splitting shipments, as I said, like a strategy usually is splitting shipments. So you make some send by ocean, send by air, or send by fast ship ship. But of course you’re gonna spend more money and it’s more paperwork. But you want to be in stock. That’s, that’s critical. And then try to make a year plan.
I’m still yet to do it, but my [00:29:00] one day in my dreams is have a big wall calendar. I’m constantly moving, so it hasn’t worked for me. But, you know, you put it up on a, on a wall, right? And you put the, the, the major dates of your business and build your business around these dates, right? Again, like last month’s session here, he says, you know, It takes a long time to build a marketing campaign with influencers.
So you gotta put, you gotta plan that in advance, put that into your calendar, and then you also gotta update your supply [00:29:30] chain for the marketing campaign. So if you’re gonna do a huge KOL launch, you need to make sure you have enough stock. So supply chain and, and marketing needs to be aligned. And then kpi, like I said, have kpi.
What’s your, what’s your kpi? And stick to it. Don’t be afraid to cut a product. And I think that’s main basically it. But we’re also working with the global selling team here to take some of you to Guang Cho to the Canton Fair. This will be [00:30:00] phase two Sunday, April 23rd until Tuesday, April 25th. I’ll be there.
We’ll have some other great sellers and, and friends there. It’ll be like a full package. Just gotta get your flight there and your visa. And we will take care of you. We’ll have some mastermind session speaking sessions. Of course, we’ll see the show potentially. If you wanna go to see a factory, we’ll take you there.
And we have a special discount for [00:30:30] attendees. We got a little stand here. I think there’s time at the end to talk and I would love to see you there. This is some pictures at the Canton Fair. I haven’t even been since before Coronavirus, so I’m excited. I haven’t been there. 2019. So it’ll be great if some of you can join me and we would love to see you there.
And thank you to our sponsor, our returning sponsor, mercury.com online bank. Well, it’s a real bank, but you can turn totally online for us. Our Blimp program participants are going through this as well. Thank [00:31:00] you, mercury. Travis is great there. It’s been on our show, it’s been in our events. We’re gonna have another event where we will have them attending as well.
And if you wanna get a little bonus for you and us, if you sign up and do some special circumstances, you can go to global information.com/burglary. I also have a video tutorial that we use even. People use the same exact video to learn how to use it. I hope you can check it out totally free. Why not see you there?
All right. I hope you enjoyed my session podcast 3 98 where we [00:31:30] were talking about supply chain management when I was in Singapore. We are here at Daily Dose. It’s a, how old is this place, David? April 1st. April Fool’s Day Open. That was almost my birthday, dude. Almost. And so it’s a Matan restaurant.
It’s for MA focused. Matine focused. Healthy food. Healthy food. Awesome. Yeah, we’ve been eating though. I’ve, I’ve been here like four times already. It’s great, man. It seems like [00:32:00] it’s about healthy fast food. So I’m a Let’s look in the menu here. So it’s, it’s a, it’s these wraps and sunny Oh no. Sunny’s not gonna be in the picture.
Oh, you already are. We’re just doing. Stuff. And then Luciano, you guys know Luciano is our partner, Excalibur Brothers and doing some cool stuff. When you’re, you’re always now going between no Bangkok and Shinji, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So [00:32:30] what, what do you like about her Bangkok or Xinjiang different cities.
Each one, one has its own quality, both mm-hmm. For different reasons. Yeah. There’s true, there’s I guess everything in life. There’s the good and. Of everything, but, but yeah man. So we’ll be, we’ll be going to Bangkok and we’re gonna do that business trip in May. Yeah. Yeah, that would be great. And then let’s also take a look at Jasmine.
Hi Jasmine. So she’s helped us with [00:33:00] sourcing over the years. Also you have your, yeah, I have the close brother car service and Hong Kong Air Airport transfer. Great. We also provide the on arrival of consultation for kids who is coming to Chan but don’t have a Chinese video. Nice. Good job. Yeah, it’s, thank you.
We’re gonna do some interpretation work tomorrow I’m gonna meet a Chinese businessman and he’ll help me with that. So yeah, I will be happy to join a meeting as a translator. [00:33:30] Yes. Thank you Jasmine. It’s it’s great. Finally, COVID is passed and we can meet in real life. Yeah. Met impression. Yeah. Again, it’s great.
So it’s a good time. It’s a good time. Yeah. Awesome. All the best for business. Thank you. Been great working with you too. So awesome. Who’s getting another another food? Oh mate. One delivery. David. Man, these guys keep. It’s working. It’s working. Great. Great. All right. That’s a wrap, episode [00:34:00] 398 of Global from Asia Podcast.
I hope you enjoyed all these one-on-one series education, almost episode 400. Getting up there, working on something special. There’s a lot of things happening as always. Just keep on pushing. It seems like Covid is finally gone in China. I don’t see many masks. No masks. Hello? Hello. Okay. Yeah, they don’t have masks on.
So we are no mask. They don’t have masks anymore. There’s no [00:34:30] scanning and checking. Controls. So, you know, I think we’ll be at the Canton Fair next week and working on that every, every season and also Cross Border Summit November 16th and 17th. People are begging me to get tickets. We’re gonna probably open up tickets early bird tickets in May, so stay tuned for that@crossbordersummit.com.
That’s it for today. Hope he enjoys. Outro clip. Keeping it real. I’m on the road. Might as well do my podcast intros [00:35:00] while I’m on the road. Thank you so much. Okay. Oh, he’s not saying hi. It’s all good. See you later. Bye-Bye. To get more info about running an international business, please visit our website@triplew.global from asia.com.
That’s Triple w.global from asia.com. Also, be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed. Thanks for tuning in
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