Looking to crack the Amazon Europe market? It has been a hot topic, we had a great podcast with John Cavendish on the second gold rush being Amazon Europe episode 173 – today we bring you more! Nadine is a German herself and shares strategies and tips on Amazon German market.
This is also our first show where we opened it up for GFAVIP members to listen in live and at the end to ask questions! Chris Davey joined in and had some great questions to ask as followups which we included in the podcast.
Topics Covered in this Episode
Ineda company
Differences When Selling into Amazon German Market
Intro Nadine
we connected with Danny McMillan, who was over in HK for trade shows and shared on our podcast his experiences on episode 128 – where you 2 were at an Amazon conference in Germany, very cool. so you out the customer service outsourcing queen of Germany, very cool to have you on the show Nadine!
About Nadine
Can you tell us a bit more about yourself and your company
Culture Differences in Germany vs Europe
Now, I get some listeners to say stop saying this about myself, but I always soft joke that I am still a bit of an “isolated american” who sometimes isn’t too sensitive to various cultures. We had a great podcast with John Cavendish from FBA Frontiers talking about the 2nd gold rush – that being Amazon in Europe. The show there was an overview as Europe as a whole. So I’d like to say – as sensitively as I can – Germany and the rest of Europe, what are the differences really? I’m sure there are so many – but as far as an e-commerce seller goes.
Market Size in Germany Compared to All of Europe
So as an Amazon seller, in Europe, how big is the German market as a total of all Europe?
German Copywriting
Here is some more fun stuff- I have European friends who always joke about American copywriting as hyperbole – hyping things up to seem to special and great – where in Germany (Europe) they don’t like this. When writing up descriptions, should you be more “straight facts” and less “this product is amazing” as you may see in the American market.
Being perceived as local is a good thing?
How about in your listing, in your product – to localize totally for the German market? Of course we would say – yes – but the reason I ask is – in China for example, if it has English on the packaging and marketing – it is seen as international. So the market treats international products as higher quality and can charge a higher price. In Germany is this the case, or they want their products to really be 100% Germany focused.
Made in China to Germans
The brand “Made in China” is not the most quality brand, I think most would agree – Chinese and those overseas. Same in Germany? Has it improved at all over the years? Do Germans care if it is Made in China, or are they buying more “Made in Germany”?
Launching in Germany
(Based on answers to above) What are some good strategies to bring your product into the German market, via Amazon?
Customer Service in Germany
I have this idea, from my German friends here in China – that Germans have a high expectation for quality – both in the product as well as in service. Is this true? How can companies best prepare their customer service teams for Germany customer support.
German Customer Service vs American (English) Customer Service
Now, your firm does customer service for Amazon English (International) and Amazon Germany. So you must have some data here. How are the customers? How are the returns? I’m just curious to know if there are some trends – to help set expectations for listeners.
Ask for Feedback in Germany
Amazon sellers live and breath by feedback. Is there any tips or tactics that are different in German market vs international when asking for feedback? Or we just translate our process to German? My thinking is, Germans are more direct and organized, so may need to just go out and ask? Do they leave feedback, more….strict?
About Your Services
Thanks Nadine for coming on and sharing. So for your services – how can you help growing Amazon sellers?
Getting in Touch
How can people find you and your business on the web? Email, websites, social media, etc.
Thanks Nadine!
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ Enida
√ facebook.com/teamenida
√ AMZStars
√ Episode 128 with Danny Mcmillan
√ https://www.clubderprodukttester.de/amazon/rezensionen (German, no English website – Nadine and Edina can help make intro in English if needed)
√ our GFA meetups and events calendar
√ Our PR stunt USD with Chinese emperors
√ Our own blog post on the campaign
√ Danny McMillan on our GFA show (thanks for intro to Nadine!)
√ Chris Davey on the GFA podcast
Episode Length 38:01
Thank you Nadine for sharing. The Amazon German market seems to be the big opportunity, we also had a GFA meetup in Shenzhen last week with Wilson Blues (also on our podcast a couple times, episode 66 and episode 96). During his fireside chat with me, he says he sees Amazon Germany as the best market for new sellers now.
What are your thoughts – think Amazon Europe – specifically Amazon Germany are the best markets for FBA sellers now? Let’s get the discussion in the comments below, and best of luck to everyone.
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Podcast Transcription
“Ohh, that was a mistake from Amazon but I got new one, its amazing service, thank you so much, we need customer service in Germany, you need to reach out to these people.”
Welcome to the Global From Asia podcast where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice and now your host, Michael Michelini.
Mike: Episode 182 of Global From Asia. Happy July 4th Independence Day of America. And we did a new PR campaign. It just came out partner with our agency and we sent out 500 red envelopes to Chinese tech companies, 500 of them, with the US currency covered over with Chinese emperors from 1 US dollar bill to 100 US dollar bills and it’s been all over the internet. So, I’ll link that up in the show notes, so you guys can check out that campaign we did. It’s just to raise awareness you know, I think China is taking over US and the US, I think, we all know that and other parts of the world. It’s the Global From Asia about is, sharing this news and sharing whats happening here in Asia and China business for global business owners. Anybody that, but of course English it’s a language, anybody that wants to listen and learn and make a better life for themselves, the way the world is today. Whether you agree or not, it’s a reality. And also, some other announcements, we’re doing so many events up in here in Vietnam right now and we can met John Cavendish which was popular Amazon Europe podcast. We’re talking about Germany’s specifically, talking about have him come over in China, for some events. We did a meet up here as well for we’re trying to do monthly meet ups in Saigon. Next one July 27, we’re explaining to Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong, Rise Conference can have a meet up July 12. One in Shenzhen July 13. So work, work, talking about Miami, we got Claudia and many others there, interested to do something in Miami and also the country Colombia for free trade zone there, just tons of amazing things. We’re really trying to take this community and Global From Asia movement to the next level. So, if you’re interested to organized Global From Asia events in your city, I’d love to talk to you and we make standard contracts and kind of franchise, making win-win deals for chapter leaders, it’s a great chance for you guys. I hope you like what you’re doing and wanna get more involved, reach out. Okay, now for this week’s show, we have Nadine. She’s in Germany, she’s a local German citizen, she gives us some insights and difference in selling in Amazon Germany and she does a customer service company there to help you out and talk about launching your products there and some other interesting tips. We also have Chris Davey at the end, ask us some questions. We had a live recording and he pop in so this is like new thing for GFA VIP members. So, we do have a private paid membership so another way you could support us is becoming a pay member and with that, we’re gonna start this podcast interviews live and ask questions, interact with the guests, just to find more ways of course to support this show and and engage with you guys and make things more fun. So that will be at the end, too. So thank you guys and have a great day. Have a great July 4th in American Independence Day.
Mike: Okay, thank you everybody for tuning in into another Global From Asia podcast. We have with us my friend, a mutual friend of ours, connected us and this is Nadine Eich and she’s from Enida Services. So, thank you so much for being here, Nadine.
Nadine: Thank you, Mike. I’m really excited to be in this podcast as well.
Mike : Sure, sure. We are prepared for it. Often with my crazy kids and family in the background, so, you get the real time story here, of a busy new father. It’s an interesting topic, we were preparing for the show, we’re talking about, you know a lot of people are interested in Europe. We had a previous guest, John Cavendish, sharing about the second gold rushes what we called it Amazon Europe. So, I think this is a great show which is talking about some differences with selling into the Amazon German market as well as differences in cultures and different styles because with you and your company Enida, you deal with customer service, right? And for German and then English for the German market and international markets. So, maybe before we dive into technical stuff, do you want to introduce yourself a little bit more, Nadine?
Nadine: Sure. My name, as you said, is Nadine. I’m from Germany and I’ve been working at international online jobs for the past, I think 6 or 7 years now. I began there during my studies of Psychology then became freelancer and the head of customer support at another international like a Swiss, it wasn’t international but a Swiss online shop. We’re just fun. And then, I kind of renting to Amazon seller and he said he needed customer support because they couldn’t handle anymore. And we got to talk and stuff and then, we decided to do this together, and 6 months in, I founded Enida with a few Virtual Assistant that we call Enidas today. So, it’s like Virtual Assistants. So they’re very specialize in customer support, on how to meet the needs of these people and the customers. We are 12 freelancers now, 13 and we’re growing every month for like 1 or 2 or 3 people. And yeah, so we’re specializing in e-commerce customer support in Europe and we’re very passionate about making customers and clients happy. That’s the whole thing. We just want good vibes.
Mike: Very cool. Very cool. Congratulations on your growth and success and your growing Enida family. That’s awesome. So, we’re talking today basically about cultural differences and the people listen to my show sometimes joked that I make fun of myself too much. I kind of call myself stupid American you know, we have a bad name around the world for not being so culturally sensitive. So, I’ll try my best not to be too offensive but you know, even within Germany, and other parts of Europe of course, languages, of course there’s. I remember my first trip I went to Italy for high school in 98 for couple of weeks and it was a lot of different there, a lot of complex, just getting more more simple now with the currencies but there’s still tons of differences in cultures. Maybe of course that could be a bulk in itself, but some high level ideas of how people can locate cultural differences maybe wonder thinking about German market versus European market as a whole?
Nadine: Okay. I would say Germany is second largest obviously marketplace when it comes to Amazon. We have a lots of signals going on here and then the rest of, and then the UK obviously. And then the rest of the other things, you know, they just call at that. You know, because like the Italian and Spanish market places, it still really tough to sell products. I think because most people don’t buy online. In Germany, it’s very different, we all buy online, buy online new e-commerce is should do the same. But we really are very culture, very keen to buying stuff online. But also, we’re very picky and serious. It is a common kind of, I think people think that we’re very serious and we don’t have a lot of humor and very on time. We are.
Mike : Yeah. I feel, yeah, not in my head here.
Nadine: And it is not just something people say that actually that way. So, when type of something in English doesn’t even matter, in Germany it does. Especially when the lot of typos, lot of grammar, like e-commerce issues, stuff like that, we get, I don’t know, it’s more like somebody doesn’t speak flawless German, we’re just like, okay. Trying to talk to me basically, and then if you’re lucky enough you can talk to them in English, but oh my, very exhausting, i don’t speak that well. Not a lot of people speak good English here.
Mike: Got it.
Nadine: It’s a pain. So when they talk to customers from the US, they are just like, why they should even bother. I’m just, okay. If you translate the listings and you have a good customer service, you are good to go other ways, we will just ignore you.
Mike: I have a confession on that actively selling online. But I had been doing 8 years. I exit in too early but it is booming now, but regardless I entered a European market with my bar supplies. And I had no idea what Germany, I bought that D.E. domain. Amazon wasn’t there yet, this is like 2009, 2008. I think maybe Amazon was there but we didn’t list there. But yeah, I was really honestly using Google translate to talk to people. I don’t know, we didn’t had so many customers. But, I don’t know how much they appreciated that. But yeah, I do feel like agree with you my limited experience. My German friends especially in China, you have people from all over around the world come on here. I definitely think German’s seems less, less flexible, has to be on time. Has to be what it says and the quality must be good. They can’t have much patience for lower quality or my.
Nadine: Yeah, I think you’re right. It’s just always you said similarly like you know, when in Germany, the bus isn’t coming on time, it doesn’t mean get there on time, we complain and another country you know, they just like, oh well at least there is a bus coming because some point, we are just like, no like 2 minutes late and then we roll eyes. We have the whole bunch complain things in Germany. And that’s terrible because everybody make sound of it always. You know. Running late, but google translate, i think you could so do that, the least stuff and there, not that cranky. France is cranky as well i think, but Germans, they don’t take you seriously then. Its just say, for example for Chinese, i feel like a lot of Chinese produces then moving over to their pin market trying to sell this stuff online. You know a good move, but we won’t buy if there tons of mistakes in the listing because then it is low quality, that is what we think.
Mike: Make sense. So going to the listing, I think it’s also related to the culture but I know Americans are known for marketing or you know basically getting people excited about our products you know, making huge claims about how great it is. I’ve heard from my European friend, I’m not sure specifically in Germany, but they always kind of complain a little bit about American saying how amazing and great your product in your description when it’s just a normal product. I mean, I don’t know if you know that kind of talk about. You know like Americans, we say about the best are the fastest, or save this express then, we’re like to kind of leverage and expand as much as we can, like whatever advantage we can say, and I think the cultures a little bit different. Precise translation of the listings is there any other strategy for like the listing copywriting or differences that you could think of?
Nadine: I am not really sure. So I would go the same way but turn it. Emphasize the advances of the product contrast to the ones in the competition. And i stick to the facts, because in Germany obviously, we have like hoard of lawyers, and when you say something, that’s not true especially you know, health things and stuff like that, you can get in trouble. But if you sell a garlic breast for example and you make claims that are not 100% correct, then customers. I don’t know they don’t appreciate that. They believe what’s in the listing and if it’s not 100% accurate they leave bad reviews. So, just stick to the fact, make it simple. But also point the advantages and just do your researching and you’ll be fine. I don’t think you need the entire marketing point that much in Germany.
Mike: Got it. Just be real, Ithink. ‘Coz that’s my summary write like, no, don’t push your envelopes too much. Does it, maybe we’ll talk about specific you mention Chinese sellers, maybe just be generally like, is there kind of like buy local pride. Like in America, there’s more like made in USA, trying to make people feel buy American. At the same time of course, people like German cars, in America. Even in China because German is known for quality. Is there are things like that in German market like American or Chinese or anywhere, global international brands, or is it like better to buy local brand or local made goods?
Nadine: I think it really depends. So, if you have good brands and you made your way to Germany, then it doesn’t matter when it is coming from. But in general, obviously just like the US is made in Germany, that sounds better than made in China. But if you don’t really emphasize it especially in the listing of the product itself, like the packaging and everything you care, could copy and you say it’s, you know we’re really focus on quality, nobody will like it less. You know what i mean. It’s so common that the things are made in China and you keep on eye on the quality, that’s fine.
Mike: Got it. Even if it’s made in China like, there’s no negative like made in China might not be the best brand, name, but I guess everything like you said, in America globally I mean, it seem if made in China, so it’s still the same. I guess I have 2 parts of these questions, it’s kind of 2 questions but like Haagen Dazs, is that a German name or is that Swiss or something, ice cream, have you heard that one before?
Nadine: Yeah, but I think that’s Swedish somehow, something.
Mike: Honestly, I’m pretty sure it’s American brand, it is by some smart Americans that made it sound like fancy European. To sell for higher price and it so popular in China, like it’s crazy ‘coz, and there’s another examples like Croissant de France it’s in China, it’s a chain of coffee, croissants and doughnuts, bread shop, but it’s a Taiwanese owned brand.
Nadine: Nice.
Mike: They strategically kind of use the French branding or feel but it’s not at all connected to France. And there’s another I think of 2, but in Germany is some, I guess, people are people anywhere. I guess of course, if there’s certain type of product that might think its better its like American or French or if it’s i guess symbol like anywhere, I mean. I just want to list this out to you.
Nadine: I think it’s the same. It’s completely the same. It’s all branding. It’s all branding. I mean, come on Apple, look at it.
Mike: Yeah, Apple. Cool. This is interesting. So then, I don’t wanna thought my feeling is German might be the last to open to made in China, but they don’t. We just think they are scrolling through the listing. I guess made in China but the listing is good German to buy it. If it’s Chinese seller or do they know the care to Chinese seller or German seller. Maybe even American seller they don’t see to look or care.
Nadine: To the way the customer won’t even notice, you know. And because that’s the best way especially like French brand you sell, like the whole marketing thing. If you have a good coffee and shift yourself over to Germany instead of living in China and then rise like 5 weeks later. Then customers got to be pissed, because they think i’m assuming i’m going to get it tomorrow. I think this is the main problem because if you only go to Germany, be serious about it, you know, because we can be really cruel. You know it’s, but it’s not that bad, if you just start here and stuff here, you have good copy, people will buy everyday and very nicely and will take care of the customer when they have problem or something and there’s no dead end, then you’re good.
Mike: Got it. So, would you say product in Germany, do you think you can get away like shipping from another, part of Europe or should it be in Germany or is there a strategy?
Nadine: Most of the start sellers, they go to UK and then they ship their things over, which is still fine. It’s not just fine if you’re shipping over from China.
Mike: So getting into cracking in German market, of course we are talking about copywriting not enough push envelope too much and your promises of the product. Is there anything that you could think of that would be special in Germany for kind of getting into the marketplace?
Nadine: Well, we have one issue here. We are not allowed to send out any follow up emails to customers. Well, that’s like legal side and Amazon side. Don’t send any follow up emails. But honestly, from my experienced, everybody does it. But, then the next thing if you do it and you, for example, I have 1 US customer, I send out 30 emails and only 1 reply and I’m not even sure if that was a reply. What did you do? Did you not do it correctly? What the hell that you do, I’m just like, that’s normal unfortunately. We’re not like Americans. Americans when I worked in, I still work ads in American company and the customers are going crazy, you know. From 1 to another 15 like more reviews and they just oh, it’s amazing. In Germany, we have to work behind, like hey, I’m still here, it would be nice if they get review.
Mike: True.
Nadine: Yeah, well, we do have platforms like AMZ Stars or Clubderproduktester that’s what we called it. That you can hire to get reviews even though Amazon does. I know that, but they have to work around and that’s what the most people do when they launch.
Mike: AMZ Stars and the second one, I’m not able to try that. Or is that the same one?
Nadine: No. Club is like club. Club Der Produk Tester. So it’s club that product tester, that was, you know.
Mike: Wow! Maybe we could put that in the show notes or something. I’ll ask you for that, I don’t know if you want us, maybe come to the website and find it. Alright, that’s great thank you for those tips. Yeah, i think i’ve heard the same with feedback in Europe but then again it’s also less competitive because nobody has, people have reviews, maybe you don’t need as many as in the US to get booster or get found.
Nadine: You need about, I think 20 or 30 and you’re good. Because we, I’ve been browsing over .com and we’re just like, what the hell? So many reviews, what is going on. And here is very casual. And sometimes, like 20 and the biggest is like 190 or something and there are these some kind of sellers that much more than that. But that’s very you know, that’s not average kind of sellers.
Mike: Got it. Okay, this is great. Yeah, I think that was people see in Europe. There’s still some room for new commerce and then your specialty now is customer service. You also the English I’m sure a lot of listeners are interested as growing in European market and maybe they don’t have these German speakers. First I mean this, is there a need to how you suggest to respond to customer support in German to Western world like with the returns or a ways approaching customers?
Nadine: No, I think it’s basically the same just in German and it is being you know very nice and gestures of goodwill are more less expected. So instead of I, you know me as a customer service person instead of asking the customer go to Amazon to send back the products, don’t need anyway if they send it back. And just go bit okay I will refund you the money, I’m so sorry about that or whatever, I’m sorry you didn’t like it. Just be proactive. This is why I always tell my people to let the customer do the job for you. Search for the name, search for the order number and the Amazon central, before you ask for them. And, you know it’s just the same.
Mike: Okay, got it. This is sound good like a lot of sellers and so, you have mentioned does Amazon English international as well German. So, I’m just thinking data here is there more return you think on one side or the other? If you have that data or if you could tell, I just wonder if like consumer behavior.
Nadine: I think it is probably the same. There are people very keen to sending back stuff. And there is obviously the more like, there’s more risk for bad reviews, I have to tell you that. Because German complain. You know, instead of good reviews, they complain, but the good part of this is, the message is now that one thing about bad reviews, you can reach out to them and we have tools in Germany that can find the order number of that person. That left a bad review and so we will reach them privately until you know, look it can help you with this, don’t worry i just sent you a new product. For example yesterday, one of my not yet customer, keeps in touch with me, he called me, I don’t know Nadine there is a customer who got used product from Amazon, this is not my fault and they just sent it. What am i gonna do, he left a bad review, I said okay, first of, you openly and properly. Search for the order number you tell them ok, just send you new one, so sorry about it. And he did that. And yesterday I met him for lunch and he said, like, 2 hours later, okay, the customer email back and he will change the review. So this is how we need customer service in Germany, you know. Otherwise, you need to reach out to these people and then It was just ohh that was a mistake from Amazon but I got a new one. You have amazing service, thank you so much, that’s how we do that.
Mike: Great. That’s really great. So that your service could also, you also would do that, that service as well.
Nadine: Yeah, sure. We do that on a regular basis. But it’s you know, I can’t promise you that works, but this is what we do to change reviews. Find and change reviews.
Mike: Got it. Got it. That’s pretty awesome. I guess my last main question for today is, kind of feeling that you just answered it, but can, it seems like it’s harder to get positive feedback, it seems like you’re saying than negative, i guess it’s true everywhere, but you know, I guess you can’t ask them or they seems then only leave feedback when a problem not one as a good thing. It seems in the market.
Nadine: Yeah, just like I said. There’s this conversation that has to happen. And a lot of people send out emails anyways. But, i would also suggest putting in the good design in like for example handful of your product. A lot of questions about the product. How do I use this? It doesn’t work. Then you put in, handbooks that is very helpful and at the end you say okay, we’ll be happy if you left a review.
Mike: Okay.
Nadine: You can do that. In Germany there’s always the legal limbo, But I’m thinking when your German the legal limbo is much more serious than when you’re from China or West. Because they’re just like okay i’m not got to bother. You know what I mean.
Mike: Awesome.
Nadine: Just like depend on tip thing.
Mike: Great. Alright. So thank you so much for sharing and maybe you can give people some ideas about your services and how it works with your, how do you say, Enidas?
Nadine: Yeah, exactly. So first of, if you already have a company that’s also kind of market. I would suggest a person you hired get like a customer support for that like English one. And you set up FAQ and stuff like that. So, there are questions that answer and then when you know if we come together and you hire us, then i can, you know introduce you to one of our girls that has access to the FAQ and also access ,lets say to this head of customer support. And that can have like conversation on their problems, things like that.
Mike: Alright.
Nadine: And, we have a monthly fee, that is separated to let’s say you only want us to go to Amazon Germany then you say, no, I just want entire Europe and its little bit more expensive. So the monthly fee is 100 Euro for us to be there, every 24 hours to check emails on the weekend, have like replacement ready for your own Enida when she goes on holiday or when she’s sick. This is for the monthly fees for, so you don’t have to worry about that anymore like regular VA. When she’s sick, you can do these stuff. And then we bill by the message so whenever we send out the message or we send replacement or answer bad review. We have like assistant that we count this messages and we’ll bill them, you know. Just bill at the end of the month. And you pay us and then, same things happened again.
Mike: Got it. Alright, this has been great and how could people find you and your business?
Nadine: So, it’s really you know, it’s easy, it’s called Enida E N I D A.de there you can find us and we just supply like the new strategy, we have a lot of people who want to work with us, so you would have to apply to work with us, because we’re very small team and we want high quality, and we only want people who are serious and then with this, for the long one. So we’re very fun team by the way, or you just want people who really interested in us. And also if you are interested on our website the first thing you probably see on the English part is the 6 must knows about Germany. I put a little PDF what you should know about the German market before you even consider getting into it. This just probably a lot of things always by inviting, that would be interesting for some people. Send us a message to hello@enida or yeah anywhere on the website. And on Facebook you can find us, too. Facebook.com/teamEnida. Yeah. that’s it.
Mike: Great that’s put in the show notes as always.
Mike: Okay and then this interview we did as a GFA VIP members call. So what I mean is members were invited it was like a trial so learn it last minute but i got Chris Davey. He’s been on the podcast for a couple of times before, you might know him. He was able to dial in and listen to the podcast live and then we got him in, as people to ask questions and he got some personal help from Nadine even at the end. I just want you guys to hear some highlights we talked about 20 minutes after. I don’t want you guys to listen to all of it but i did pick 2 or 3 parts of Chris’s engagement and questions. I hope you guys consider becoming a paid member of the forum of Global From Asia gfavip.com and you can get on these live recording and questions and we get some special preferences from the guests with you so gfavip.com and now for Chris Davey he had some great questions and we had some fun stuff so let’s listen in.
Chris: One thing I find when selling in Germany is there are a lot of people comment on the reviews which doesn’t really happen in any other countries, so somebody like a 1 star review while other people come on the listing and send and post out a video and all that. What are the reviews, got 23 points, I think in most countries I’ve got more than 1 in my review.
Nadine: Yeah, I think it is fun sometimes that I just set to like this, the whole conversation happening in Germany. You know want to talk to customers, want to talk about products and how to get them, like how to improve them. Is there people for example that was really bad example though. There was a customer, who just left a bad review, she didn’t even buy the product. And she just have bad review, i think way too many product testers on this listing, I don’t like the product. 1 star and then other customers came on what the hell are you doing. That is not me. What the hell this is not the point about the product. Yeah that’s kind of fun. So we got into.
Chris: That’s the kind of things I was getting. Somebody said, the product that I sell and the accessories and somebody would basically say No that we still include the main product, and people getting back like the main products like 200 dollars, you thought you get to pay like 20 dollars and get the main product, you’re an idiot.
Nadine: Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you get it.
Chris: But that just doesn’t matter in other country, the one’s just kind of ignore it. I think I mean I’ve done a lot of discussion about Amazon Germany before, I don’t sell a lot in Amazon Germany. In fact, the product i launched back in January. I always bought from the beginning when I start from Amazon, I always want to try marketplaces right at the beginning so i send it to UK, Germany, and in the US. Expectation in the US is really great. And actually turned out Germany is really great. Followed by the UK. Followed by US.
Nadine: Good.
Chris: Well, I keep telling the people is like, hey if you are only doing the US then you are an idiot, do you think it’s really bad? It doesn’t, it sell all over in Germany, could really be a whole lot seller.
Mike: Actually if you are okay with it it, I used a couple of your questions at the end of the show like, more comments on Amazon Germany feedback and prior that one I note on that, if you’re not selling in US and don’t want to go international, you’re an idiot, something like that. (laughing)
Chris: That’s what I tell people of mine, they stock and selling and stuff and haven’t even tried in any other marketplaces. It’s not that difficult to try in any other marketplaces. When I first launch my first product, I always launch in US and Japan was like one of my Chinese friends told me Japan is good, so I’m got to try some of my products and sell to Japan. I’ve seen Germany is really good, because i found anyway my product is much lower competition and that is why I ended up doing so well in the product. Because in the US, when my product launched it was on the page 17, I remember and in Germany in page 1 so.
Nadine: Chris, to tell you what, would you mind to save me your product you know, and I’ll just look up over it if there’s anything that catches my eye, you know that you could improve. Just because I want to help.
Chris: Yeah, sure no problem.
Mike: Thank you so much Nadine for sharing. Guys, definitely reached out. Thank you. She’s willing to help you out, give you some free advice, some free tips too, if you’re lucky enough and just support her. She’s supporting the show and we’re one big happy family. I am just really excited just had too much slurpee at 711, kind of little bit of brain freeze here, it’s the weekend before July 4th. It’s just amazing. I love what i’m doing here. I love the growing and you know listening you guys email me, asking me of my upcoming shows, i really could not download anymore honestly, i’m just trying to help you guys. And I think that’s the key. I hope i’m helpful we still have so many interviews that are already recorded and more people want to get on the show. The best way to support really is financial support become member we have great members Chris Thomas if you are listening, I know you are great supporter and many others. So, I really appreciate all of you and we’re gonna have more and more events around the world for meetups, summits, workshops, seems the best way engage with you guys. Kind of like make some money of what we do. So, have a great day and talk to you later. Bye!
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