In this episode, we have a special guest, Yalchin Bayramov, a seasoned seller with a wealth of experience in e-commerce. Yalchin, who started his journey back in 2018, has a fascinating story to share. We first crossed paths with him at the Cross Border Summit in 2019 in Guangzhou, China, where he was exploring new opportunities. Having spent a few years in the bustling e-commerce landscape of China, Yalchin has now taken his expertise to Europe, and he’s here to discuss how he utilizes AI and software for product research and PPC launch campaigns. It’s a conversation you won’t want to miss! Let’s dive right in.
Topics Covered in this Episode
Introducing Yalchin Bayramov
Seller since 2018, met at Cross Border Summit 2019 in Guangzhou, China. Yalchin spent several years in China and has now expanded his business to Europe, utilizing Seller Sprite software.
Tool 1: AI for Amazon Review Analysis
How can sellers make use of this AI for Amazon Review Analysis data?
For Product Research
Find out how AI-powered Amazon Review Analysis is changing the game in product research, giving sellers an edge with its valuable insights.
For Enhancing Current Listings
Learn how AI for Amazon Review Analysis can help sellers elevate their current offerings and satisfy customer demands more effectively.
Tool 2: PPC Ads Insights - Reverse Engineer Competitors Ads
Explore how AI for Amazon Review Analysis can unveil crucial insights into your customer avatar, helping you tailor your products and marketing strategies for maximum impact.
About you and your company
Thank you, Yalchin, for sharing your valuable insights and experiences with us today!
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
SellerSprite Discount Code:
Enjoy a 30% discount on either monthly or yearly subscriptions with code GFA30 (all caps).
√ Yalchin’s VIP Page
√ Cross Border Summit November 16-17, 2023
√ Visit our GFA partner – Mercury – for US banking solutons for your ecommerce businesss
√ Visit our GFA partner – Casia Cross Better Logistics – for your logistics needs
Episode Length 46:33
Yalchin, a heartfelt thank you for sharing your expertise, and to our fantastic listeners, thank you for tuning in to this enriching podcast.
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Show Transcript
[00:00:00] Episode 412, 4 1 2 of Global From Asia. This is a fun one digging into some new AI tools for your Amazon business. Also some strategies. Screen sharing for those watching, but you can listen as well. Let’s tune in. Welcome to the Global From Asia podcast, where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up, actionable advice.
And now, your host, Michael Michelini. [00:00:30] Thank you so much for choosing to listen to most likely listen or watch global from Asia 412 Yalchin is here Yalchin and I got to meet when he came to cross border summit in 2019 in Guangzhou China just and when he was in his China journey beginnings and Amazon beginnings and he’s grown a lot changed a lot just like myself and everyone else before we get into the show You know, I think some of you following maybe saw some of my updates.
I was just in a [00:01:00] temple three days this past weekend Right in the middle of september two months to go to a cross border summit 2023 And we are really busy preparing and high intensity high stress enjoying as always so I feel refreshed and ready And for this week’s show, we are going to talk about.
Hello, we’re going to talk about the AI tools and software to grow your your e commerce [00:01:30] business and then Afterwards if you’re still hanging out here after Yalchin’s amazing sharing we will talk about Some of the things I’ve been learning from AI and tools as well as Some other little tidbits from the temple and uh, and some, a few different revelations that I’ve gotten from my temple experience.
We’ll save that for the blah, blah, blah session. See you later. All right. We have Tommy, the sales manager at CrossBetter Logistics. How are you, Tommy? Hi, how am I? We [00:02:00] just got to meet here in Shenzhen, China. It’s great. Uh, they support the show A Global From Asia and we also use them ourself for many of our brands and e commerce businesses.
And Tommy really cares, they always are, uh, try to help us save money, you know, not, you have some products you keep for us in China, you have some products you keep for us in the U. S. warehouse, and, uh, I really appreciate that. And you’ll, you can talk to the seller, right, you can give them your advice, you work with many Chinese [00:02:30] sellers a lot, right, and, uh, you can help.
Um, help the sellers understand more. Yeah, we are very professional for the shipment to USA and Canada. Also, we have warehouse in USA and Canada. We can help our factories, suppliers, sellers for the shipment. Yes. Yeah, for the e commerce business. Yep, and you even keep stuff in China too. So, sometimes if you have the limitations about sending too much to [00:03:00] Amazon, you can keep it here in China with Amazon.
Or you can send it, of course, to the U. S. warehouse. They have many different options, and they’re always trying their best to find, uh, find out what’s the best solution for you. So definitely talk to Tommy, talk to Crossbetter, and thank you for your, uh, support of the community. Yes, we have good pricing and better service.
Thank you. Thank you so much. Okay. Thank you everybody for choosing to listen to, or maybe [00:03:30] watch Global From Asia podcast. And these are fun ones. Yao Chen, we’ve, we met at a cross border summit 2019 in Guangzhou, China. Feels like a lifetime ago and we’ve been in touch over, you know, COVID and, and over the years.
So thanks for making it on the show. You are, you know, a seller as well as you’re working with SellerSprite software, which we’re going to dive into. And where, where are you? Where are you at now? And maybe a little bit [00:04:00] about your background, Yelchin, and your story. Yeah, sure. First of all, thank you for the invitation, Mike.
I appreciate it. It’s a great honor to speak in your podcast, and I know your podcast, and I watch you on Facebook, sometimes on YouTube. Thank you for that. Nowadays, I am in Balkans country, you know, I traveled in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, uh, Albania, somewhere like that. [00:04:30] Before I used to live in Turkey, it was very hot.
So I moved here two months ago or something. And then now I tried to get visa and they moved back to China. How I started, it was 2018. I went to China to study master degree. Then, you know, the Guangzhou, Shenzhen, that’s very popular for e commerce sellers and, uh, business, uh, something like that. And, uh, I got some information from my [00:05:00] friends and, uh, there is, uh, Amazon, you can start, uh, this kind of business and it’s online.
And, uh, great, uh, I like a lot about something internet and the technology. Then I attended several meetings. Even I attended, uh, uh, your meeting in 2019 in Guangzhou. So it started like, yeah, it started like that. And then, you know, the 2020 COVID [00:05:30] outbreak came out and we moved. That time, I know you went back to China, but majority of the foreigners escaping from China to somewhere else.
It was a crazy time. We’ll talk about COVID forever. But yeah, so then what happened? Then I moved out from China and I lived in different countries, especially in Turkey, seaside, and I’m still doing e [00:06:00] commerce. You know, one of the best side of working online and e commerce is place free, I say place free.
I don’t know, is it correct description or not, but you don’t need to be specifically one place a lot. I think there’s a different way. You can say digital nomad, or you can say location independent. Usually is another way of saying it, but yeah, where, yeah, your location does, of course there’s some parts like sourcing and manufacturing, but, but [00:06:30] yeah, once, once you got, yeah, I mean, you can work anywhere, so it’s, it’s true.
It’s a, it’s a, it’s a great privilege to be able to do that. And I hope your visa goes smoothly back to China and the show will probably be online when you’re back into China. But so that’s, you know, it’s definitely not the normal life, right? I think. A lot of, you know, of us don’t live normal lives, and most people don’t believe what we do and travel, but it’s [00:07:00] really great that you’re able to travel and work anywhere.
So, yeah, exactly. Just, I would like to discuss about time, maybe me. I’m working more than normal people work at eight hours, but there is a flexibility. For example, I can get up maybe at nine o’clock or eight thirty. Just natural, like I could wake up when I would like. I [00:07:30] don’t need to get up at seven o’clock, wash my face and rush to job, something like that.
Of course, I work more than eight hours, but I could choose when I want to work. Maybe I would work in sofa, or maybe on the table, or maybe I would go to a coffee shop to work from there. And it’s good to choose that flexibility. Yeah, no, it’s true. It is true. So, so today [00:08:00] I think we’re going to do some screen sharing, but also the option.
This does go to audio version just on iTunes. So maybe we just speak about what we’re saying, seeing. So those that are not watching could still, I think, follow along a bit. And we’re going to do a couple of different, different things, right? Do you want to explain a little bit about what we’ll do? We’ll discuss today.
Yeah, I would be happy to share the screen to show the software. Recently, I am [00:08:30] Amazon seller. I’ve been selling since 2018, autumn 2018. And recently we started our podcast and working with Seller Sprite. Seller Sprite has monthly more than 2 million visitors and big. subscribers. So I would like to show some hacks and analyzing tools by sharing the screen.
I don’t know is it suitable to [00:09:00] listener, but it would be very helpful for who watch the video. Yeah, I think if you’re watching, if you’re listening, we try to tell you switch to the video version of this on the link in the show notes to better follow along.
Also a little bit about the history of sellers. Sprite is it’s made in, it’s a Chinese, a lot of big Chinese sellers are using it. I’ve been using it lately. And do you mind give us a little bit of background [00:09:30] about the tool? Yeah, Seller Sprite founded in 2016 or 2017, early 2017, and there are more than 100 sub tools, and each sub tools have even several like 10 or More than 10 sub tools on there.
And we have traditional tools like product research, keyword analyzing, checking, keyword history. Besides [00:10:00] that, we have some special tools like AI review analysis by doing, using. I review analysis if you can analyze maybe a few 100, 000 reviews in just a few minutes like five minutes or 10 minutes to break down to to analyze what the cost you can find the answer for what customer likes and what they don’t like, but motivates them to purchase your product [00:10:30] rather than others and you can you.
Got you can get all a lot of information from review insights. A second tool I would like to say is market analysis, you know, on subcategory or in the when we search the keyword and the different sellers revenue share and the sales share mostly are different. We could use the seller Sprite market research and get information.
For [00:11:00] example, why seller a get 6 percent off total revenue, but you get maybe this is the next tool and the one cool feature from seller sprite is ads inside by using ads inside, we can Figure out or our any competitors at structure. For example, they use how many campaigns they have. For example, they have 50 campaigns and each [00:11:30] campaign has maybe one or maybe some campaigns have 10 ad groups.
This is not so likely a lot, but. Uh, maybe several ad groups, we could figure out it and we could figure out all the search terms as well, for example, what search terms are there and this is race match or exact match. So if you would like, I could share the screen. Yeah, I think we share screen and then [00:12:00] I’ll try to help maybe put some audio on your comments to those.
Because I still know a lot what our listeners, they tell me they’re outside, but so we’ll try our best to give the audio inputs to, but if you want to go ahead, yeah, yeah, well, let me begin. And I could share the screen. You see my screen, right? Yep. Yep. Yeah. Now, if you come to seller sprites, and we can, we can analyze this [00:12:30] product, what you need, just copy ASIN, And we’ll share And come to seller sprites tools and here we are going to find ads inside, click ads inside, then put Asyn here.
We could analyze weekly or monthly. Let’s begin with weekly and search now. We see the first layer. This product has four campaigns and the [00:13:00] four ad groups. We randomly call it with this name, but you don’t mind. Just this is the campaigns and events. There are bigger, big and small circles. These all circles indicates search terms.
I think this is highly likely auto competing because sometimes auto competing gets much more search terms, sometimes less. Let’s open [00:13:30] and see what the search terms are there. This is the search terms like glass rimmer, glass rimmer with sponge, marriage, glass, glass, marriage, glass rimmer. Yeah. Yeah, something like that.
And this is the rank for this particular week. This is July. Last week of July, I think, and this is your, the keyword search volume [00:14:00] year over year for Amazon Brand Analytics ranking. And this is your position for organic rank. The software suppose you were 50th position for this particular keyword, the org sponsor rank.
You appeared seventh position, you see? Yeah, I see. So I have to hover over it to see. Yeah, I see. Got it. For example, we can switch to different wick, like [00:14:30] that. I would like to see just a big dot, for example, this dot. Mm hmm. And here we see different, uh, search terms, like trade for drink, glass, rims, margarita.
Yeah. Yeah. We see your position like 20, then went to 33 for sponsor product. [00:15:00] And uh, that time I think it’s the, what’s the timeframe? This timeframe May, May 13th to May 20. That was not Prime Day Organic. Yeah, from here, we can detect an organic rank is ever only sponsored. And here you got this particular isn’t got a [00:15:30] rank for reamer 59th place.
I mean, glass reamer is a good target. Salt reamer, glass reamer, those number 13. Those are some target keywords. So this product is a margarita. I don’t know if you drink cocktails, but you put the salt or the sugar around the glass rim at a bar or restaurant or your home. That’s what this product is that we sell from a picture.
I couldn’t understand. Oh, really? Yeah. [00:16:00] These thoughts are similar to each other. It’s quite possible as they are phrase or most of the time exact match because exact match get. Again, it’s always the same search terms, right? Not one week, 20 search terms and the next week, 30 search terms. Search terms are most of the time the same.
And I’ll need to check one [00:16:30] more week.
So you’re basically trying to see if it’s changing or not over time to understand if it’s like an exact match, phrase match, automatic campaign. You’re trying to understand the different campaigns to understand, you know, how the advertising is done. Yeah, yeah, exactly. It works like that. For example, this time there was only one keyword.
So need [00:17:00] to check maybe a little bit more or to wait a little bit more about the create. Creating history for this product, uh, Dream Creamer Market. I think this is exact match because I saw these keywords on several things. Yeah, yeah, that’s definitely more like the exact match keywords. Yep, yep. By doing like that, you [00:17:30] could analyze ads inside from your competitors and most of the time you can figure out if you pay close attention what search terms they use and if there is root phrase.
And we suppose it phrase or broad match. And if you, you can look at the keyword and analyze keyword and you can understand easily is it a phrase match or broad match. This is Review [00:18:00] Insights. I wanted to show audience. Would you like to watch Review Insights? I can… So just to recap… We were doing, that was the ads insights we just did.
So we were able to like reverse engineer the, the way the ads campaigns did. So now we’re going to do the review analysis, which would be on using the AI. Tool or. Yes, yes, yes. This is the ads inside. We discuss [00:18:30] by using inside. You can analyze and see all the search terms and you can see competitors ranking for organic and the sponsor product.
And also you can see from here. Which kind of PPC structure they use, like broad phrase and which keyword they use broad and which keyword they use, uh, exact match. We analyze it by [00:19:00] reverse engineering, like take the search terms and put together and analyze. Then we could understand what kind of campaign is it.
Got it. I would like to talk about review insight. Is it okay? Yeah, let’s move to the review. Yeah. So that was ads insights. And now we’re going to go to reviews insights. Yes. This is a detail product detail page. Yep. Okay. When you come to [00:19:30] product detail page, I would like to just maybe for example, this guy, this is one of the best feature from our software.
This guy has 311 products in Amazon warehouse daily check. And the right to product tracker. We have product tracker from sellers, right? And this is one of the best way to estimate how many sales each, uh, any of Async get. For example, we check today and we [00:20:00] check tomorrow. And then, uh, to show the, uh, how many sales they get, even I could product tracker.
You can see it from here. For example, this guy, how many sales they get daily and the unit sales tracker. Let’s go back. Just I would like to show it this function. When you come product detail page on Amazon, you’ll see there is a extension pops up and just you [00:20:30] need to click any of them generate a I analysis report.
So how it works. We take all the reviews from here. And they put a shoelace shoelaces a I analyzing tool like a chat GPT but much but much smaller, not so big. And shoelace analyze all review inside and give us report on the here is the report. You can open it here or we can [00:21:00] open it here as well. Firstly, we are going to see product.
If there is a variation, we can see variation. We can see price, subcategory ratings, average rating product information here. Then under that, we can see customer profile reviewers. For example, 46 percent reviewers are men and 54 percent are women. And these are the main questions what they ask. Who, when, [00:21:30] where, and what.
For example, what’s when entering a quest. Something like that when related question. This is usage scenery. And the way they use, what they do with, uh, that product, and, uh, And these are the main reason related these, uh, rimming glasses. Like, uh, 70 percent of reviewers mentioned or something related this topic mentioned.
I don’t, uh, not [00:22:00] exactly rimming glasses or baking. Something related baking they mentioned, and, uh, here is the description. Somewhere I found. The rimming salts and the sugars to be more style for baking, working, making, and the cooking in general. They appreciate the added flavor and the texture they bring to the creation.
Need to know the product detail, but [00:22:30] this is the baking related description AI generated for us. Is it clear, Mike? Yeah, I mean, it’s clear. It’s in the actual text or I think it’s, I mean, the AI is probably like making some in some hypothesis, right? It’s not from the text that the review is writing, but it’s looking at what they’re saying and then trying to [00:23:00] relate that to this report.
So you’re going to understand who is using it, how they’re using it, what, what other topics are related to it.
Yes, yes, yes, yes. So you can, of course, and you can also export this because I think what we’re been using it too. And we, a lot of times our content team doesn’t really have Amazon experience, but we can export this as a report and they [00:23:30] can review it. Right? Is the export button here or download? Yes, you can export the Excel like this, and it’s gonna download as Excel.
And, but the best way is that you can share this with someone. When you share, there is a link has been created, and I copy that link. Now I can send anywhere, so you don’t need to, [00:24:00] you don’t need to have… The software, yeah, or Amazon. Yeah, start pages. Yeah, exactly. Copy it. And you see, I opened this in combination mode, so I haven’t signed in, and this is a request.
So you can see that dataset here and the review analysis from here, and you can send anyone. Just use this share button. Okay? I [00:24:30] have a request. Is there a way to remove review? If you could make a button that could delete a one star review? Thank you. I’m joking, man. I’m joking. Maybe if you’re serious, I’m pretty honest.
I’m joking there. That was a joke from here. You can analyze the review. You can remove it from here, but from Amazon, I think it’s difficult. Not possible. Yeah, you can. [00:25:00] Like, look at that one. Do you see that one? I want to talk to see the, see the fourth one, that one star Amazon sucks. Do you see that go down?
It’s on the screen. It says one star Amazon sucks, but good
product for my product. But why does that we, we actually asked Amazon to get rid of that. But they, they said they, that’s not qualified to be removed. I don’t [00:25:30] know. It says the product is good. It says Amazon sucks. That’s unbelievable, isn’t it? It’s, it’s always funny and very bad. Like, I was, Mike, have you ever had the experience to remote review from the product?
We try, we still try, but I can’t say I’ve recall one to get only if you can contact the customer and get them to change it. But I haven’t, [00:26:00] of course it’s easy on the seller, the seller profile, but not the product review, the seller profile is easier than the product review. Have you? No, even like this review and I don’t know that.
They received the product and they say, Oh, this is not what I expected. And, uh, Amazon brought it, uh, 10 days later, et cetera, et cetera. But still they didn’t, [00:26:30] uh, I couldn’t remove review from Amazon site. The, as you said, the best way is. To reach out the customer if possible and it’s right to try to find a problem from Amazon site.
No, I don’t think Amazon would be helpful, but this one’s because it does. It even says they don’t like Amazon, but they like the product, you know, and that totally means it’s not our, our fault, you know, some believable. What’s the thing? Is it a bad [00:27:00] review for your opinion? Or maybe it’s good, right? Well, the one good thing is this is our top rated negative review on the, on the page.
So if a human being reads this, They think, oh, this is stupid review is the products good because it says the products good. So it’s kind of like a good bad review. If that makes sense. You know what I’m saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. It’s I wanted to say, yeah, [00:27:30] China. And is there was a hack, for example.
Sooner or later you are gonna get the, let me stop sharing and we can talk like this, is it okay now? Yeah. Sooner or later you are gonna get a negative review. In China, I know a Chinese seller, after getting maybe 30 or 40 reviews, and they give, like, nonsense reviews. Yeah, like product [00:28:00] is good, but amazon handle it very bad.
I like product or Like everything is fine, but my mom said it would be something else here and vote it up Keep it there So maybe it’s, it’s a little bit, I just, it reminds me, yeah, I don’t, but we didn’t do that on purpose unless somebody, unless somebody on the team did it without me knowing, but, uh, that one was not on purpose, [00:28:30] but, or maybe it is a competitor messing with us.
Who knows.
Yeah, it’s, I mean, uncertainty for Amazon sellers, right? Yes. Great, man. It’s great. Well, thanks really for sharing those insights. And there’s, of course, that’s just a couple of the many tools we’ve been using it also internally. Actually, the team are, [00:29:00] you know, it’s also saying it’s very helpful for the you it’s
I think it’s more convenient. It’s an extension on Chrome and it’s, it’s just built right into the page and you can see so much insights about the, the product, like you said, the inventory level of the product to, to see how much stock the seller has and understand the sales. Um, so it’s, it’s very insightful.[00:29:30]
Yep, you can use Amazon Brand Analytics tool from here. I think Amazon removed it from Seller Central. Previously we had, you know, we had EPA rank, Amazon Brand Analytics ranking weekly and monthly, but still you can use it from Seller Sprite. Also, one of the features I like, you can evaluate the keyword conversion ratio, right?
It’s one of [00:30:00] the best things when you do reverse engineering or just searching keywords, like on keyword mining. You can search the keyword and they see a conversion ratio. You know, some keywords have better conversion than others. So in the beginning, you know, it’s better to target that kind of keyword, which have better conversion ratio.
Then ultimately you need all the keywords you can use it less conversion ratio keyword later. [00:30:30] So it would be helpful as well. I just wanted to say. Got it. So are those the most popular tools you think sellers are using it for? Just, we have also market analysis, we have also other tools, but you know, all the softwares have same tools, but our advantage or like our unique tools are those.
Top 10, I just indicate we [00:31:00] have, if we can even analyze one more tools, if you have time, just a few minutes. Yeah, yeah, let’s do it. Just find the subcategory of this product. This subcategory. Um, what’s the subcategory? This is in our bar products or like glass rimming salt and sugar is one but it’s more about It’s more of a tool than the actual sugar, right?
It’s not, but [00:31:30] yeah. Is this products are related with yours? Yeah, that’s the second one is ours. To see those. Yeah. Yeah, that’s that’s ours. Competitor. Yeah. Should we can analyze this subcategory and indicates the sales or we can search the keyword like we can. I think this is the main keyword, right? [00:32:00] Glass salt rimmer.
Yeah, yeah, it could be salt rimmer, glass rimmer. This is usually what I would call it, but you can say salt too, I think.
If you could search that keyword and all the sellers, if you could analyze from here, or we could analyze from subcategory, both of them are okay, but you need to just run the seller sprite [00:32:30] Chrome extension. And here we are going to see competitors, right? I think they are not related with your product.
Yeah, some is the salt. Yeah, like the actual salt. But we’re not selling the salt or the sugar. We’re just selling the product.
Yep. You, from by clicking here, you can remove it. This product, I think maybe. It’s kind of similar. It’s a different material, but it’s, it’s, it’s kind of a competitor. I’d say. [00:33:00] Yeah, I removed this salts and I would like to remove sponsor product and easier 48 products, right? And here we have analyze. Just click analyze and analyze.
Now we are gonna get the percentage of the sales like who get we analyze 48 listings. And these are, uh, 48, um, 48 [00:33:30] brands and 42 sellers. This is brief info about all those 42 products. And from here, you can see the keyword volume, main keywords volume. And this is sales over the year. And since 2021 June, you see there is increasing trend.
And it’s also good, you know, yeah, it looks good actually. Yeah. [00:34:00] Yeah. And for, uh, increasing market from here, you’re going to see a listing concentration and for revenue and for sales. Uh, this purple color indicates the product launch in last six months. We can switch to 12 months for three months or like 12 months.
And if you see how many products launched in last one year, one, two, three, For like this product launched in [00:34:30] one year and I think there are more than maybe approximately 10 product launched in one year. Yeah. Brand concentration, you see this brand dominate and it takes percentages. What’s the percentage?
17%. This brand, this brand get 17 percent of total, I think it’s revenue, right? Yeah, sales. Sales, yeah. sales. This get gets [00:35:00] 17 percent off total revenue off marketplace. And you see from here on the brand related information like price spends a launched and their ratings amongst the sales. The sales are 2472 units.
Or we can maybe check this product, this product launched in last one year, is it related with yours? It’s a different [00:35:30] material. It’s ceramic. It’s more just the covers with a lid. I mean, I guess some people might choose this over
alternative is a little bit higher. It’s more a little bit more expensive. It’s 2026. It’s handmade ceramic way. Oh. But I mean, I guess it’s something people could use, but it’s got bad. It’s got three star review, if I can see. Yeah. Uh, yeah, rating is [00:36:00] three out of five, and they launched it this year, February 26th.
But you know, Mike, this product could, let’s check this one. No, they have only three reviews, right? Yeah, it looks like it’s handmade. I don’t think the seller is maybe as experienced or something. The keywords and such too.[00:36:30]
Yeah. Monthly revenue 4. 6, 000. It’s not much. And this is the percentage. You can see the sales percentage of each, uh, competitors, right? And you can see a revenue person from here. Also seller, for example, you can analyze sellers from here. Maybe Some sellers have several products. For example, this seller has two products.
The first one [00:37:00] and the second one, you can see from here and the, you can also say it’s monthly revenues more than 11, 000 and this, this one, this one is after all product. But no, they have on the portfolio and you can see the ASIN and massless is for proportion. And [00:37:30] there is Amazon in your category, this category also.
Yeah. There’s a lot of 30 FPM. Oh no. Amazon itself. You mean? Amazon. Yeah. Amazon.
Maybe when, yeah, most probably when they’re not like Amazon basic, maybe. Yeah. I don’t think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I don’t think either. It’s Amazon basic, maybe vendor. You can see the seller’s [00:38:00] country, China, United States, two guys from Canada and one from Netherlands. This is also the product launched phase, like 10 product launched in last…
Six to one, six months to one year for product in last six months and the majority of them launched three years ago. Yeah, established. But in [00:38:30] contrast, here you see the 15 product launched in 2022 and the six product launched this year already. You know, you can analyze it and you this is also a review analysis.
How many reviews have and just there are nine competitors, uh, over 500 reviews. And for example, four products just have 300 to [00:39:00] 500. I guess this is review inside related. There is review. You can analyze it. And this is I wanted to show. Especially this part says proportion of brands, listing, and the seller, how, how is the total overview of a market?
It’s like brief picture of a marketplace. It’s really helpful. Yeah. Thanks. This has been on [00:39:30] insightful for sure. And so for the seller Sprite software, I think maybe there we can offer some special, maybe in the show notes, we can, if people want to try it out, we can give them something special. I could maybe mention it in the outro.
Yes, exactly. We can create the promo codes for Mike 30 or what code you would like. You can send to me. I will [00:40:00] create a promo code for you. Great. Who is you going to use your, the promo code can get 30 percent off discount for monthly or yearly planets, for example, if you purchase yearly. It’s pretty big amount, like 200,
200, but you’re going to save, just use it and get happy. Yeah, we’ll put the code in the, in the show notes and [00:40:30] thanks so much Elton. And also we are looking forward to seeing you at the cross border summit to this year in Thailand. So we’ll share more info as that comes up to the listeners. But thanks Yalcin.
Thank you. Thank you again. Yeah. I’m looking forward to meet you there. And I know you have monthly, uh, weekly meeting as I watch sometimes on Facebook. Yeah. Or here in Chiang Mai if you’re in town, it’d be great. [00:41:00] Yes. Looking forward to, uh, join your meeting in Thailand in November. Perfect. Thanks so much.
Thank you. Thank you, Mike. And thank you to our sponsor, our returning sponsor, Mercury. com, online bank. Well, it’s a real bank, but you can totally online for us. Our blimp program participants are going through this as well. Thank you, Mercury. Travis is great there. It’s been on our show. It’s been in our events.
We’re going to have another event where we will have them [00:41:30] attending as well. And if you want to get a little bonus for you and us, if you sign up and do some special circumstances, you can go to globalformation. com slash Mercury. I also have a video tutorial. that we use, even for the Blimp people, I use the same exact video to learn how to use it.
I hope you can check it out. Totally free. Why not? See you there. Okay, so thank you so much for listening to our show. 412 episodes. Thank you Yelchin for supporting, as always. [00:42:00] Coming to the cross border summit 2019 before COVID you can’t believe it when you think about it That was like three or four months before the world shut down and and the people got stuck wherever they were for many years You know, so we’ve been using this review tool a lot since this interview with the Altium we’ve been using it seller sprite Also, there’s a coupon code If you’d like to use that from us, but what we’ve been doing is we give it to our copywriters because we have an Amazon department That’s different from our copywriting or our content department.
They don’t use these [00:42:30] tools. They don’t know how to use these tools You can export it as I think Spreadsheet CSV or PDF and we send it to our writers and they review this this kind of analysis And one of my favorite parts is not just like what they say in reviews, but who they are So they’re males or females or a different demographic data because it’s not just about the keywords.
It’s about what are the people searching for? What are they looking for when they are buying a product because if you know you’re selling to 90 percent women Probably should be a bit [00:43:00] of a different write up than if you’re talking to 90 percent men. I mean, I know there’s different genders besides men and women and there’s like a whole menu of different kinds of genders, but if you’re normal gender, there are some different ways of writing to that.
I don’t want to get political here. And so that’s my favorite feature for sure. And it’s really simple to use workflow. A bit more about the temple. While I was at this temple, you know, three days, Friday morning until Sunday night. So three days, two nights. [00:43:30] Some, some, some interesting things, like a pigeon fell right near us walking.
You know, there’s a couple other students or meditators with me, walking. And, uh, it was trying to fly, but it couldn’t fly anymore. And, it was, uh, you know, hopping, you know, flopping around on the, on the, on the sidewalk. And, uh, Also, another fun fact, many women go to these temples, not many men. I’m married, so of course you can’t do anything at a temple.
But, you know, it might [00:44:00] be even interesting for meeting, meeting other meditators. And, uh, so there’s lots of, of women. And so they were all scared of this bird flopping around. So I, I grab a big, a couple big leafs, you know, those thick big leafs here in Thailand. And I pick up this flopping bird, pigeon. And…
I put it, uh, in a kind of corner area off the main sidewalk, and one… One girl was kind of trying to make it survive, or, or talking to it, while the others were just kind of doing [00:44:30] other things. This is kind of in our break time between meditations. And it died while this woman was looking at it, and she really started…
Crying deeply and it was a sad thing. So she called us over and she’s crying I I had to kind of bury it a little bit in leaves and you know, some put some seeds and other things around it But yeah, and then when I got back here to my home My wife Wendy comes into my home office and says hey [00:45:00] There’s this bird here.
She’s got a bird in a napkin And it’s a, it’s a, not a pigeon, but like, more like a little green bird. And it was still alive, but it died shortly thereafter. I’m like, why are these birds dying around me? But, you know, the point of this story is, you know, death is part of life. That’s why I told the girl Meow Meow is her name at the temple.
You know, death is part of life. You know, the body is part of, uh, suffering. Peace of a suffering in in [00:45:30] Buddhist belief and in the mind. It’s not really you, it’s a spirit and you need to separate yourself From your body and your mind and that is not you. You are not your body and you are not your mind I know it sounds a little bit weird and But it’s been helpful for me and I’ve been processing that a bunch more actually I highly recommend doing some of this meditation time, time out of your normal life Unplug from the phones your daily routine things like that So I’ll do this also after a cross border summit and those going to summit [00:46:00] if they want to join me Let me know it’ll probably be that Monday after on the November 20th Simple to do it’s kind of informal.
So I’ll probably just sign up later But let me know if you’re interested if you’re coming to the summit. I’d love to join Me to be fun as a little group. Take care everybody. See you later. Bye. Bye To get more info about running an international business, please visit our website at www. globalfromasia.
com That’s www. globalfromasia. com. Also, be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed. [00:46:30] Thanks for tuning in
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