In this episode of Global From Asia, we welcome Richard Patey to discuss the rapidly evolving world of AI agents and their impact on entrepreneurship and investment. Are AI agents replacing us, or can we leverage them to stay ahead? We explore different types of AI agents, the best strategies for eCommerce and digital business owners, and what holds value in a post-AI world. Tune in to gain insights and stay ahead of the AI disruption wave.
Topics Covered in this Episode
Welcome Richard Patey
First-time guest on Global From Asia, long overdue!
AI Agents – Our Replacements?
Exploring the rise of AI agents and their role in business.
Entrepreneurs & Investors Hold the Best Position
Why owning assets matters in an AI-driven economy.
Different Categories of AI Agents
Breakdown of AI agents by industry, category, and function.
AI for eCommerce Sellers & Digital Business Owners
Should you sell assets or double down on AI-driven strategies? What strategies provide the highest ROI today?
Value in a Post-AI Agent World
Identifying what remains valuable in an AI-dominated landscape.
Richard’s AI Agents Product
Insights into Digital Asset Pros and how it helps business owners.
How to Connect with Richard
Links and resources to follow his work and engage.
People / Companies / Resources Mentioned in this Episode
√ Richard’s VIP Page
√ AI Agents Digital Asset Pros Course: https://whop.com/patey/
√ Richard Patey’s Website: www.RichardPatey.com
√ Book an AI Agent Session: https://unlockagentic.com/
√ Fractional CMO Agency: patey.marketing
√ Unlock Agentic: unlockagentic.com
√ Latest Tool – Metric.tech: Metric.tech
Episode Length 58:01
Thank you Richard for being on the show, and thank you everybody for listening in.
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Show Transcript
[00:00:00] Episode 454 of Global from Asia, AI agents taking over the world. How can you as a business person be on the right side of history? Let’s tune in. Welcome to the Global from Asia Podcast, where the daunting process of running an international business is broken down into straight up actionable advice.
And now your host, Michael Micheli. Thank you so much for listening to, or [00:00:30] maybe watching our Global from Asia podcast and try to keep it real to keep you up to date. Got some more. . GEMS today. Uh, Richard Ty, a friend, a AI digital marketing internet business expert, been through all kinds of different businesses over the years.
He’s totally doubling down on ai, learning it, making programs, making automations, talking to experts all around the world. I mean, we have a really, a deep discussion. It’s about an hour discussion longer than we had both [00:01:00] expected, but we just went down the rabbit hole. I started sharing some of the things I’ve been testing and doing.
He’s sharing amazing things. He’s got great stuff he’s working on. So it’s at global information.com/ai-agents for the show notes and links. You can check it out. It’s the first time I met Richard’s on the show, which is kind of shocking to me, but . Better now and it’s a great one. I hope you learn a lot. I got inspiration.
This is a really a mix of both [00:01:30] deep thinking and practical things you can do now. So let’s tune in. Do you enjoy the podcast, global community? Enjoy all the community events that we do. The best way to support is coming out to our annual cross border summit. Dot com In Chang Mai this November 3rd, fourth and fifth, 20, 25.
I have amazing speakers, amazing people getting together. We’re pushing the limits. We’re making things happen. This is where the movers and shakers and the deal makers come. It’s a limited supply of attendees and [00:02:00] tickets, and we have been selling out every year, so I recommend checking out earlier cross border summit.com.
All right. Thanks everybody for tuning us to a global from Asia podcast. I think first time on a show is it, is it true, Richard? I can’t believe, uh, Richard paid a friend, an investor, always up on the newest technology and digital business and marketing. Uh, of course AI now. So thanks. Thanks for making on the show today.
Great to be here. It is true. This is my first time. Yes. [00:02:30] Amazing. Amazing. Yeah. This show is 10 year, 11 years, 2013. Wow. So, wow. That’s crazy. Yeah, we’ve been in the same space. Location independence before. Before it was easy for everyone to do, uh, during the pandemic. True. We were doing, we were doing it first, and that made us feel a lot less special.
But everyone now going back to their offices. So I guess remote is, is more of a niche becoming more of a niche thing again, possibly. Maybe guy, maybe AI will let everybody work anywhere. Well, , I, I think AI is, [00:03:00] or they lose their job. I don’t know. I think yeah, think gonna make everyone remote in terms of not required.
Um, or is it gonna be people all done the streets burning garbage cans like in . You know what I, I think of like that Demolition Man movies or the Running Man. You ever seen that old classic with Arnold Schwarzenegger? Yeah, absolutely. I haven’t seen that for a long time. I haven’t seen that for a long time.
They have. Yeah. I, I feel, anyway, I’m, I’m gonna have that. I, I can’t remember how, how that one goes. I’ve definitely watched it. Yeah. Yeah. And I enjoyed it. I think [00:03:30] I’ve watched it, but I always remember the early scene where it was, yeah, no, no, no jobs, right? They’re like, burning garbage. There’s garbage cans on fire.
They’re like, I don’t know, they’re even cooking on it. Or they’re like, they have nothing, but they just watch this, this, this game, this game. Right. Uh, Arnold Schwarzenegger is like a contestant thing. I’m gonna have to rewatch that. I, I remember enjoying it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was a good one. Yeah. I think, yeah.
- Yeah. Unless there’s some universal basic income and, and wealth just redistribution. I mean, yeah. Well, what, what do I I I, I see a pretty [00:04:00] dystopian future. I, I see an abundant future with AI doing all of the manual, menial stuff that we all, all had to do previously, but I, I, I see very few opportunities for the majority of people to make any meaningful.
Money in terms of what people have been doing in, in employment so far. So like for, for me, the only, I, I think there’s like a couple of year window for service providers. Like, uh, I’m, I’m a marketer. I’ve done marketing services, uh, for 10 plus years, SEO for clients, all this kinda stuff. I’ve also built, so a number of, of my own businesses, [00:04:30] but the bulk of what I’ve been doing has been doing services, marketing services for other people, like in terms of productized services and we can talk about that kind of stuff.
What I’ve done, what I’m currently doing in, in the newsletter space. , but I, I, I think there’s like the, the rise of AI and the power and, uh, in terms of what it can achieve, the automation, the workflows is exponential. So I, I. People are thinking that, that this kind of dystopian or this kind of like crisis future is, is five, 10 years away.
I think it’s within the next kind of two to three years [00:05:00] that we’re gonna see very dramatic changes. And I, I, I think most service-based businesses, most agencies are not no longer gonna be required. I think there’s like a two year window where we have an opportunity to set up these agentic workflows and get AI agents doing everything for businesses before they’re able to just do it themselves really easily.
And you’re not gonna need SEO experts and paid ad management experts and, and, and, and social media people replying and everything’s just gonna be run by agents and it’s gonna be done better. So we’ve got a couple of year [00:05:30] window. And then what does that leave? I, I, I think that leaves just real world products that leaves e-commerce, which, which is obviously, you know, the bulk of your experience.
And I, I’ve got some background in that and I’m looking at that again, I’m looking to move into real products, or there’s local businesses. There’s, there’s, there’s the plumbers, there’s the, all, all, all the kind of local services, roofing, uh. Emergency boiler repairs, all this kinda stuff. I think that’s, that’s pretty much all that’s gonna be be left.
And, and the people that are gonna win are the people that are u that are ahead early in the race of [00:06:00] setting up their ai, AI agents, getting the agent workflows running radically increasing their profit, their margins, and their profitability. O Otherwise, I, I think, I think everyone’s just gonna get, get crushed.
And in terms of jobs, uh, um, I, I, I mean, . In terms of marketing, at least like every, every specialism. It is just not gonna be required. The robots can do everything better. They can do keyword research better. They can write articles better than humans, which is why we have to use like AI humanizing software to make the copy worse, [00:06:30] to make it more done so that it doesn’t get detected by AI detectors.
Everything that I, that I have done to date as a marketer, um, including like sales funnel building. Like I was really into that back in 2016. I was doing it. I had my own funnels. I was building it for clients. AI can do all of that better. It can do the, the, you know, landing page copy. You know, I was paying for top quality copywriters to do the copy.
Now chat. GBT does it better, or j just as well, probably better. All of these previous skills, all of these specialisms, uh, it does [00:07:00] it better. So. Where does that leave us? We have to be the business owner. We have to be the ones owning the assets. We have to implement this. Um, and we have to make sure that we’re not, uh, that we’re not just placed displaced.
So, um, but yeah, like this is like, I think this is the biggest transformation, uh, in our lifetimes in humanity. I mean, it, there’s going to, you know, these, the LMS. These agents are just gonna perform everything better than we could, and we need to be the architects. We need to [00:07:30] be the ones, we need to be the ones overseeing and, and, and, and owning this.
But yeah, like this is the biggest opportunity right now. Getting ahead. I agree in terms of businesses that we have. Otherwise, I just think it is gonna be very hard to make money. Going forward, if we’re not using these Asia, even in, in e-commerce, I mean, uh, you need to be using the, these, these new tools to manage the ads and everything’s getting so much better.
I mean, we, we can go through some of these tools, but Yeah, I mean, there’s one I was looking recently, uh, it’s called Metric Tech. Uh, you just, on your [00:08:00] Shopify store, you just pick a product. You want to have an ad, like a meta ad done for you. It just does it all for you. It does the copy, it does the AB testing.
It does the, the optimization. With one click. I mean, you, you don’t do anything. You watch, you watch your ads, uh, performance on, on your, on your mobile phone. So e every specialism that we had is gonna be done better by these agents. So what does that leave It looks like product creation, selection, curation, operations, and just branding.
It just comes down to branding now. Um, and community [00:08:30] and everything else that we’ve, that I’ve been doing per s this kinda stuff. It’s just, it’s not gonna be like an in demand skillset. So that, that’s my take, like very exciting space, very complicated space to get your head around. And I’ve, I’ve just been like fulltime focused on this for, for a few months be it’s just this, this is the future of business.
Yeah. Yeah. I’ve going through your, your course program or the AI agents Digital Asset Pros. We’ll, we’ll link it in the show notes and we can talk about it maybe later. And at the end we can kind of give a [00:09:00] little bit more of a. Full blur, but I’ve been going through it and getting some, I see, uh, the eco review there and like you said, some, some you mentioned, and it’s not, I wanna share, I forgot the name, but one was like, they had different names of the agents and they had like.
You, you had like a, your own e-commerce team, um mm-hmm . And then add like a, a, a human name for them. The in, in one of, in your e-commerce section, and one’s like your PPC specialist, one’s like your copywriting specialist, one’s your, [00:09:30] and you almost talk to those, those people. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. You, you’ll have specializations for every aspect, and then they’ll be communicating with themselves and completing tasks.
Yeah. What one will be doing Yeah, for e-commerce, well, for like, for a marketing agency, one would be doing the, the, the lead generation, and then the client onboarding One would be doing, you know, landing page copy ad set up, and you just go, you just build these, these agent workflows with specialized agents doing, completing their task, putting, moving it forward to the next one.
Every [00:10:00] business model, e e-commerce, , websites, the whole SEO space. I, I find really interesting. I don’t think no one’s kind of cracked the SEO space yet. It’s, there’s way too many moving parts. I’m trying to figure out a way to do that and we can, we can talk about that, you know, ads management, that, that’s done now.
Um, there’s a number of solutions on the market. Like vacations me, me, onsite messaging for, for e-commerce, talking to customers. Customers can now talk through, through voice, voice agents, ask what they’re looking [00:10:30] for. They can be showing the right products. Voice is a, is a really good, um, example of, of AI agents better converting traffic.
And, and, and if you’re service business, they can, they can book phone calls and, and do and quote for you if you’re a local service business. . EE every aspect is, is gonna be, be agentic and that it’s a case of just stacking these all together at the best way that you, that you can for a, for a competitive edge.
Yeah. Okay. I’m afraid to show, like a tool. I don’t know. ’cause there’s so many coming out. I, I don’t wanna like, I [00:11:00] like paranoid to even say it on the show, but, um, I’m looking through, I have like my own private doc that I’ve been keeping. I, I, there’s . Should I share the links? I mean, I don’t, I don’t wanna like endorse something I, I haven’t studied enough, but there was an SEO O one that I, I heard and I haven’t yet used.
Seo bot ai.com. Yeah, exactly. I featured that in, in the s se SEO section. Maybe I saw that in yours. Yeah. I, I, it, yeah. That was actually Bill a couple of years ago, a guy called John, and it’s, and it’s great. [00:11:30] Yeah, you, you, you, it analyzes your keywords. It comes up with, with new keywords and Target creates the, the blog post publishes it on, on WordPress, and that’s great.
And, and that that does a lot of, of, of, of the work for that. But, but there’s no solution where you will just tell it the, the theme of the website and it will just create the content. Look how it performs in, in Google Search console, solid content, remove it, combine content where it makes sense. [00:12:00] There’s no tool that that does every aspect of it so far.
And. There’s no, there’s no process right now that’s still better than a human in terms of SEO in terms of ranking. So, so human rights is ha have a much higher, higher cost and you have to manage that and, and I never enjoyed that aspect, which is why I lent really heavily into AI creation where I’m really quite early when.
So content at Scale ai, which is now called Brand well, a guy called Justin McGill, who I’ve known for a long time. He, he was one of the first solutions that came [00:12:30] out like after Jasper. His was the first long form SEO AI solution. It’s now called Brand well.ai. And so, yeah, I, I, I, I was really, uh, drawn to that because it’s, it is very frustrating having to deal with a large number of writers and vet the writers and manage their, their work.
Hmm. But I, in terms of, of quality and, and being able to rank immediately like a, an expert written piece of content by human, we’ll still perform better because it’s not picked up by the AI detectors. . [00:13:00] And so no one solved this, this whole, whole workflow yet. And it is something that, that I’m looking at, at trying to piece together.
Um, . And so the, the humanization aspect hasn’t been, hasn’t been solved yet. So like surf, SEO, um, creates AI content based on what’s ranking. All, all, all these tools are very similar. They look at what’s in the top 10 pages in Google, and then they come up with the top H twos and h threes in terms of a content outline.
And then it gets pushed to, to chat GBT to create the content. And it comes out perfectly. SEO optimized, [00:13:30] um, but it also gets flagged as a hundred percent AI because it’s written by ai. And so that, that’s . Potentially very likely not going to rank well, uh, unless you have a super high authoritative domain and then Google doesn’t care.
And you can rank for anything, which is like a parasite, SEO play. So all, all of these, like LLMs, you can just like post on Reddit, post on high, high domain rating sites and they’ll rank . Absolutely fine. But if you have your own blog with, with a normal kind of domain rating in the forties or fifties or [00:14:00] sixties, or you, you’ve built a, a really strong link profile, you’re gonna struggle just by publishing AI content for it to rank.
So the, the, the part that’s missing is like humanizing it. And there are AI humanizes and I tested all of those, uh, a week ago versus all of the AI detectors. So SEO’s, humanizer was the best one on the market in terms of passing AI detection. And also it in terms of it was still, the readability was still okay.
Um, because a lot, a lot of these tools just, uh, just that they’re basically kind of like [00:14:30] SEO spinners from back in the day. Mm-hmm . It just ends reading, reading like garbage. Uh, and, and these are tools that are SaaS tools that are charging 20, 30, 50 bucks a month. And, and, and the output is trash. Uh, so like no one, no one has solved this yet.
You know, six months from now it’ll be very different a year from now, this will be completely done and, and SEO will just be completely automated. But I’m not very bullish on, on Google, SEO traffic anyway. I know a channel, so, but yeah, so SEO’s a much more of a complex one, [00:15:00] but that will be solved. And, and every, every other aspect, uh, that we do as, as human marketers can, can be, can be figured out and, and done better with, with, with, with our robot friends.
So, yeah, I, I’ll share a couple of like, I wasn’t even planning to share, but, so one strategy I’m doing is I’ve been buying small sites that have traffic, very small sites, and they don’t have a YouTube channel. And I’ve been making AI videos, uh, replic because of me, . Mm-hmm . And [00:15:30] then I, I actually, maybe I could even take it out.
I didn’t plan to, but
in my suit, this is like my, so this, oh, the sticker fell off. But see, it’s like a doctor suit. It, it does look like that. Yeah. Yeah. So I had this bought in, in here in Thailand, and I put a, I bought a badge and I put the badge of the site. I can’t, it fell off. It fell off. I did, I did that to make an AI version of me as, as like a doctor for this [00:16:00] doctor site.
And yeah, and it ranks well in Google, so, but there’s no YouTube channel, so we’re making YouTube videos out of the top blogs. And it was like a New Year’s. I get, I’m, I’m workaholic, like thank you. And I worked on Christmas, so I was looking at these sites and I picked up a couple of tests and the, the, the YouTube views are picking up and I’m cross linking them.
So I’m trying to build up a YouTube channel of my AI version of me [00:16:30] with this doctor suit. And I go through and I’ll use the . It looks human written. I mean, maybe it’s ai, but the guy’s been doing it for quite a few years. So I don’t know. I, again, this is early stages. I, I experiment, so I have my team just making AI videos of me with the shirts so it looks like branded and then, uh, yeah, runs through it because I, I don’t dunno.
I feel like video might be good, right? Like, I mean, of course you get AI video, I know AI videos, but I mean, it’s me. [00:17:00] I know I’m AI and I say it’s me. I don’t know. That’s just one thing I’ve been playing with. Yeah. Yeah. So where are they? So how are you using them? Where, where are they performing? You’re saying they’re performing in Google, they’re sharing their ranks?
Well, in Google it gets the AdSense income. That’s okay. Already. We’ve already improved the site. ’cause the person never really even maintained it. So my team’s already improving the ranking, but the real reason I’m trying to arbitrage is, is YouTube video. Mm-hmm . So they, so, so you’re embedding the YouTube video on the blog post.
And the blog post [00:17:30] is doing better? Is that what you mean? Uh. So I made a new YouTube channel for this site, like literally like a couple weeks ago. And we’re making the videos and then we’re just inter Yeah. Embedding on the website and then link linking back to the website from the YouTube video. Yeah.
Yeah. So, so what’s having the, the biggest impact? The, the linking from YouTube? So the views are just, I actually, my channels, I’m not really good at YouTube normally, but this is, the views are just like going up ’cause they’re coming from the web, the Google, SEO, and people are watching the video on, because actually I did this even on Google from Asia [00:18:00] blog.
I took my top . Text, blogs and, uh mm-hmm . I can even, if you even look at my YouTube channel, I had a, I had various different girls before ai, this is 2016, 17. I was doing a lot of video and it, they’re like my top videos because it’s from the Google search and they watched a video with in embedded in the, in the text and it kind of boosted up my ranking between the two on your, your personal Mike’s blog, YouTube, uh, on global from Asias global from Asia.
Okay. Okay. Lemme look. [00:18:30] Mean, I feel like I’m a little bit off topic, but I feel like what I feel like is video is, seems like the bigger opportunity than text is. I guess my, my thought because people have always been more, people have been moving to video form over text form and it is more personal and I’m not doing a faceless one, but you, you, you’re gonna have to link up to, to you and your doctor.
So I can’t, I’m interested. Okay. It’s clean, crisp air. Oh yeah. [00:19:00] Dot com. But it’s only a couple blogs. Yeah, I, I’m, I think you just gotta be every Oh, I can see it. That’s, I can see you. That’s funny. Oh, you see it, huh? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I, I found your video. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So that’s me with the doctor’s suit.
That’s all ai. That’s not, that looks, that’s me. But I just did a green screen with it for my video editor. That’s funny. That’s funny. Yeah. I mean, you just gotta get traffic where, wherever you can, you’ve just gotta be everywhere and, and the, the AI tools can, can repurpose and, and put you everywhere. Yeah.
[00:19:30] So, yeah, you just can’t be reliant on any one aspect. You certainly, the days of relied on Google traffic were, were several years ago, and the, the. I spent a good three to five years in, in the website investing space, building and selling content sites and working with investors that were, that were buying them.
And I, yeah, I was hoping to operate them and that that’s all just gone now. Like that, that asset class is just basically gone crazy. Like who? Like why would you buy a website with SEO content [00:20:00] for three times annual income in an ex, in an AI world that’s exponential. We can’t imagine what’s, what’s what the bus business space, uh, and the impact of AI is, is gonna look like in three years time.
I mean, I can’t kind of guarantee, you know, Google rankings past next month. So that, I mean, that whole space is basically, basically disappeared because of, because of ai, my counter to that, which I, I agree. Generally, but I like, I, I picked up a couple and I, I picked them up for the brand, [00:20:30] the brand, the brand value, because I still believe, like you said, I know product brand and I’m mostly e-commerce, but even digital, I believe there’s value in the brand, like domain names.
I mean, I think domain names are doing well, right? Like I know it’s not a content site for. But domains mu must be going exponent. I don’t know, I don’t follow domains so closely. I, we in handshake, I like handshake, uh, Web3, which is not as hot lately, but I think has a future. But traditional web two, I hope so.
Yeah, domains are definitely picking. Oh yeah, no, for sure. [00:21:00] Like brand brandable domains are more valuable than ever. Yeah, absolutely. So like buying it for the domain, buying it for the brand is, is what you wanna be doing. Yeah. So yeah, there’s, and also kind of buying it for, for, for the link profile as well.
Which gives you an ability to, to rank a lot, a lot better. So these, these are like age domains that have link authority. Um, they get dropped when people forget to renew them. You can buy them on GoDaddy. Yeah, yeah. You can buy an existing website that, that has hundreds of really good links and, uh, the value of those has been going up over time.[00:21:30]
And there’s a marketplace called Otis, O-O-D-Y-S-O. Yeah. Otis Global. They, they used to do that. They used to buy them at auction themselves and have their inventory on the site. And now it’s a true marketplace where people are listing in their own, their own domains and Oh, really? Yeah. The value of those has definitely gone up.
That that’s where the, that’s where the value is now. It’s not, it’s, it’s, and in fact, like I I, I’ve been looking at this very recently. I was looking to acquire a previous content site about funnels that I sold back in 2017, and. Which has a, a, [00:22:00] like a pretty, fairly strong domain, uh, rating Dr. In the 50.
This traffic had had dwindled down to, to very small amount, like 50, 50 visits a month from search. And so I was thinking like, do I buy this and try and get it ranking again? Build it back up, and then sell based on, on its future, on its traffic value. I. But the actual, like, incremental difference in going from like 50, 50 searches a month showing an Aris to like 500 or a thousand w was, was basically, it didn’t change the value of, of it at all.
Wow. [00:22:30] So, like you, uh, like ev, every, every kind of, uh, visit per month that you can add is basically just like a dollar. So you get it to like a thousand dollars a month showing an hres, maybe you get an extra thousand dollars on, on the value of the domain. The, the value is in, like the brand. The, the typically being on a.com and, and the backlink profile, but traffic is just not valued anymore.
So yeah, I, I agree with you like the whole starter website space I where, where you’re buying a website that’s already had a lot of history in Google and is indexed [00:23:00] and has some links and has a good name and has social profiles, like that’s, that’s more valuable than ever because that’s, that’s the only thing that’s left because we are able to create infinite content now and because search traffic.
I think in the future is going to be from Google. It’s gonna be less and less, uh, of it and, and less important because my behavior’s completely changed. Whenever I have a question, I go to chat gpt or, or perplexity. Now I very rarely go onto Google, so yeah, I, I think the value in organic traffic ha has [00:23:30] massively dropped and Will con will continue to drop.
But if, but if you can rank for. For big keywords and, and convert that traffic. You can still make, still make a lot of money. Mm-hmm . But as a channel, well as an asset class, which was based on organic trap. That, that’s really gone away . Like I know a lot of people who have lost a lot of their asset value are pivoting and I just don’t see much buy interest in, in that space anymore.
Whereas e-commerce has now got a lot more interesting because, uh, it’s, it’s not reliant on SEO, it’s a real product [00:24:00] business. And so yeah, you just need to be diversified. You, you need to be running paid acquisition, which, which is reliable and scalable, . So yeah, that whole space is, is very different. And then also newsletters Newsletter is a space that I know, uh, very well.
I had a, a, a big successful Substack newsletter back in 2020 and then transitioned to beehive in like 2022. And that, that kind of three year period from 2020 to 2023 during the pandemic and. When the newsletter, space Newsletter business space was very new, [00:24:30] it was very hot. Um, I was able to charge like very high CPMs.
I was able to, I was in like the business and investing space. I was talking about website investing. I was able to charge like $200 CPMs. So like for every a thousand, well, a CCP m today is like every, it should be a thousand opens. Back then, no one knew what CPM really was, so I, I think I was probably charging like $200 for every thousand subscribers.
But anyway, like $200 CPMs and then CPMs today are, are now like $2. So like that, that whole space has completely changed what used to be a business for [00:25:00] myself and for other people has, has kind of gone away as well. So these asset classes, they, they, they come and they fall. Yeah. Um, you just have to move and pivot.
Um, and just use the, use them as marketing channels for like a real business that has a brand. The only thing left that we have as humans and in business is, is a, is a brand and a story. Agree. So that’s the only thing that AI can’t replicate. That. That’s where we need to be. Yeah. What do you think?
Actually when, even when I first heard about [00:25:30] even CHIP playing with Chachi bt, was that 2022 or 2023? I can’t even remember anymore, but when that came out, it was towards the end of that year. I. I feel like I frantically wanted to get businesses that existed before this existed. Meaning I could say my business was pre ai.
Like it’s almost like Val. ’cause you could say this was cr like I even said, I said I bought small site. I feel like it’s not AI content ’cause it’s older. [00:26:00] So. No, absolutely. I agree with you. Yeah. Yeah. Pre, pre, pre, the AI content is, sites are a lot more valuable. Yeah. Yeah. Google, Google will trust them way more.
I, I would think. Yes. And I, I have a feeling a lot of people might not even know this, but what I got super excited about we’ve been chatting is these, I don’t know what the term is. Is it called a operator? A browser agent. Like what? These are where they actually con, you give them a browser to actually
[00:26:30] Do the thing because I think a lot of people may be watching and today might think it’s just like a chat to chat CPT where I send it something, it sends me something back. But now there’s ones that you can give instructions to and it does it, and you can even have it on a semi repeat automated 24 workflow.
You can, you can have a watching a screen, watching a video recording what happens in it. Yeah. This is all relatively new with chat GT operator coming out last month, um, in, in January 20, 25. And then a bunch of alternatives, and [00:27:00] you can, it’s coming to like the, the, the pro plan on chat gt the $20 a month, uh, like relatively soon.
So I, I’m waiting on that. Uh, otherwise it’s 200 bucks a month at the moment. Yeah. But you can play with, with, with free versions like open operator. Has a free version. And so yeah, you, you, you tell it to, you give it a task and it goes to the, to the webpage and it, it finds what, what actions it needs to take and clicks through and, and does what, what you need it to do.
There are examples of people telling it to go to, like Facebook marketplace, find listings that meet this criteria and, and message, uh, [00:27:30] the seller making, making an offer. It, it, it, it can, it can message people, it can perform automations. I I want to tie into the, the newsletter, the Done for You newsletter business that I have, which is called Let Letter Operators.
We, we figured out like the whole sourcing stories, how, how to, how to do that, how to get them into a custom GPT. Uh, so we create custom GPTs for, for every, every customer in terms of what their niche is and what type of stories they’re interested in, uh, and, and what is working. And [00:28:00] we have a tone of voice for their, for their brand, and, and so like the, are perfect at this.
And, and, and then we, we give it the, the, the sources, the, the AI picks the most relevant stories and summarizes it and out outputs it as a perfect newsletter. We, we’ve been doing this from refin this for, for over a year, but that, that kind of stuff is relatively straightforward. The next step is, . We, we, we have a $500 a month service.
Uh, I, I want the next step. Our next step is to copy and paste that into beehive. We, we, we, we operate this ex exclusively on beehive [00:28:30] and I, and I want that step automated, so I want the entire thing automated and I want it to automate, to run once a week for every customer outputs and newsletter copy and paste it into, into beehive schedules it to, to be sent.
So that, that’s what I’m, I’m currently right now working on. And that would be the browser based operator functionality that that’s now. That’s now come out and so, yeah, so and so previously, I, I had a number of VAs over the years and this stuff is, it, [00:29:00] every, every web web tab that you have open is like a, an instance of having a va just working for you, just, just repeating the, the same task.
So, and this is gonna come out relatively soon on, on just a $20 a month plan. So that, that’s unbelievably disruptive. And so, yeah, it, it extends to . Doing research on the web for you. Um, yeah. And then just like over the weekend, there’s the new oh three model that came out by chat. GBT, uh, yeah, the new reasoning model, that deep research you conduct, like [00:29:30] deep, like really big analysis for you.
So, uh, like an example in the video and, and I’ve played with it this morning myself, like, it like is super useful just to, to, to find like. Like statistics and, and, and like come up with its own this OOO of like a really complicated topic. And so I, I was, I was using it this morning. I, I was just thinking like
Like the UK is on a big decline. Right? And so I was just thinking like, like, tell, tell me the state of UK today in terms of like household [00:30:00] income, household expenditure, like mortgage repayments, and compare that to like peak interest rates in 1989. And it gave me this, like, this, this full report and analysis that you couldn’t do previously and, and like there’s no way that you could do it from Google.
And, and instead, like, like the uk like we’re, we’re like 20% worse off than we were like at, at like peak interest rate and like, uh, under Margaret Thatcher in the, in the eighties. Anyway. I, I’m just using it for like, just random thoughts that I have, like to prove, like what I’m feeling that like prove that the UK is, is, is worse than it’s [00:30:30] ever been kind of stuff anyway.
But like the example in the video was, I, I wanna buy a new pair of skis or a snowboard for backcountry. Find me the best example. It goes to like the top 10 pages, you know, like ski blogs or all this different stuff. It analyzes it and it comes up with its report. So, I mean. It, it, there’s, there’s nothing that these models won’t be able to do for us.
We, we don’t need to do research anymore, which is great because I, like, I, I work, I work very, very hard because I, I think I am fundamentally lazy, which is why I bought like the lazy domain on [00:31:00] Handshake. Yeah. I remember. I remember. And, and the, the tagline is, we work hard to be lazy. Yeah. I don’t wanna be working.
I, I want to enjoy life. I want to be skiing and snowboarding and, and so . I, like, I, I will spend a hundred, 200 hours trying to figure out a way to automate content creation rather than write the, the piece of content myself as a human, right? Yeah. And so, yeah, like, yeah, this, this, uh, for me is like the most exciting space, uh, to, to, to be in right now.
And if, if you, if you’re not using these tools, [00:31:30] your competitors will be, and I, I just don’t see how you compete going forward. Um, especially if you have a payroll. I agree. Yeah. Yeah. How do I say? So I have a couple of thoughts. One is, do you think, is one AI doing everything or I still see like, and I, I like I mentioned earlier and I’m blanking on naming that one, but you call it like, of course there’s Jas, a lot of these ais are giving them names like Jasper ai you mentioned like kind of the original content creator that I use for AI years ago.
Yes. And then, you know, [00:32:00] I could say, Hey Jasper, write me this article. Hey Joey, do some sales outreach for me about. Roofing suppliers in in Birmingham. Right. And you’re like almost talking to them. Yeah. And then you’re almost talking to these different people. I mean, I think there’s specialized AI agents, right?
That you would kind, you wouldn’t just talk to one. I feel you’d have like a bunch, just like you’re on, just like humans. You’d have multiple that are specialized. Is that the way you see it? Yeah. So yeah, you would, you would have like individual [00:32:30] software that would, that would perform, uh, like off the shelf software that, that would perform a task for you, like ads management, uh, that, that’s, that’s, uh, solutions are on the market for that.
That’s kind of solved already. Like that’s the perfect use of, of AI making decisions for you. And, and the same, the same with with, with voice and, and, and chat bots that . Con convert people. Uh, like I ha I have a friend who like, it’s always like, first name do ai. So like, hi. His solution is davina.ai. I should have brought up more do AI domains.
Yeah. [00:33:00] The, i, I, I own dylan.ai, but it’s like the Dylan, but D-I-L-L-O-N. So it’s like the, the less common version of Dylan. Anything. Yeah, I know people named it. Yeah. I’ve not had any bids on it anyway, but yeah, it, it is always, yeah, it exactly, it’s like first name.ai. And so he has a solution, uh, for, for local businesses where
This, a AI is trained on their website and, and a lead comes in through, uh, through an ad or through the website or through Google business profile. And the AI immediately phones [00:33:30] them and books them into, uh, gets them into like a, a sets up an appointment like automatically. So like, that’s another amazing example, like niche specific.
But like businesses can, can automate their entire process, their entire workflow. By stacking together these different agents and building out a custom workflow for, for the business. And, and that’s where the real, um, like competitive advantage will, will, will be. It’s like understanding what all of the, [00:34:00] what, what all the different tools are on the market, what the different frameworks are for building.
These workflows in, and I’m not at all technical, so I, I’m trying to figure this out at the moment. I have like, people, people that I, I can refer, uh, like business owners to, who can build the workflows in, in tools like n eight n.com, uh, which I’m not even gonna try and attempt to, uh, to use myself like. I can barely like get a make.com automation to work.
Mm-hmm . But I understand at a high level, like how to tie these things together. And then there are specialists who can build it for you. But yeah, [00:34:30] like that, that’s the opportunity is like, like you’re a business owner, like what are the tasks that are driving revenue? And then, and then figuring out ways to automate that away, to free up your team.
To do other things in theory, which is the nice way of saying they’re no longer really required. Uh, and, and so yeah, it, it comes down to eliminating the payroll expenditure and as brutal as that sounds like that, that’s for me, that that’s the reality. Like that that is, yeah. That, that is the direction that things are going in.
Maybe I’m being nice or not [00:35:00] truthful, but I tell a lot, I still have a pretty, pretty big team of online based workers and. I tell them that there’s still, I believe you’re still gonna need like a human specialist kind of overseeing that either role or business or, yes. That’s, that’s true for every, I have every function in the business.
You, you would need a human overseeing it. Absolutely. But, but, which is why, so I, I have like a fractional CMO service and how I’m pitching it is like, you don’t, [00:35:30] like, you don’t even need . I don’t think you need like people on your marketing team anymore. I think you need just one person over, like building out the different agents to perform the different roles and then one person overseeing it.
And I don’t even think that person needs to be full-time. So like the way that I’m, I’m pitching like my fractional CMO services, you only need me one or two days a week to run and oversee your entire marketing function because I can implement. These agents doing all the roles [00:36:00] that an existing team would’ve done, which is like my, my future forward statement like that, that is, uh, for me, like I absolutely like the direction that things are going in and, and we’re at the very beginning with, of this and it’s hard to do still.
But, but yeah, I really think that that is the case. I really think that you’ll need one part-time person monitoring the marketing function that will just be running itself. Okay. Exciting. Okay. Well this is, I mean, I feel like I, I could talk about this all [00:36:30] day and I think we should start to wrap up. I don’t know.
One quote I heard when I start about AI is now it, the questions are valuable. The answers are, are a commodity. Like I think our value is to know what question to ask, what the idea creation, the thought origination of the thought, I think is our value. Yes, I for now, absolutely . For, for, for, for, for now that, that, you know, we, we, you know, we are the architects for now.[00:37:00]
So yeah. It’s, it’s, well, our, our value is, is in that, uh, and, and then also like, like building and doing the business, like creating something from nothing. Yeah. But, but I, I use chat gpt every day to brainstorm, like business strategy, how, how to. How to sell the kind of like future that I think is gonna happen.
How, how do I position that? How do I create the landing pages? How do I price, price this? How do I, the, the threads that I could give you are just like the, the, the, the advice that it gives [00:37:30] you. And you can do it through voice. Now. I, I didn’t know it. It’s, it’s, it’s crazy. Uh, so it knows so much about me and it gets better every day.
So IE every morning I go, I go on a, a, a morning walk slash hike. I, I live in, in, in west, west of England, in the hills, near a place called Glas. Well, Glastonbury, which is where the big festival is. Nice. Um, it’s all very pretty. Um, anyway, so I I, I, I, I, I, I, I do that in the morning and, and I, I get the chat. I kind of voice agent and I have a conversation, and so I, I’m thinking like I, [00:38:00] I want to take the business forward in this direction.
How, you know, how, what would you recommend for me? And it is just, it is just unbelievable, uh uh, and, and it picks up on where you left off. And so it, it knows who I am, it knows my name, it knows what I’m trying to achieve in business, and it just gives more and better and better answers every day. It just e every day my mind is blown.
And so it will come up with ideas better than I can. I, if not, if not already. So what do we have left? We all that we have left is being human and . [00:38:30] Real and vulnerable and, and wanting to make the world a, a better place and, and bringing products in that do that and treating people well, and having stories and being genuine and man, and then AI can just do everything else for us.
Like it really, it really, you made me think of da. I, I, yeah. I like, yeah, e every day, like I’m kind of blown away by, by . Yeah. I mean, we got the Terminator here, but, yeah, exactly. Exactly. I’m also like, honestly, I don’t know, I mean, maybe [00:39:00] I’m more paranoid, but I use venice.ai. It’s a little bit, you’ve heard of that one?
I’m not sure. It’s, it’s actually got a ticker on, on Alana. VVV. It dumped. Oh, okay. It’s what? Ai, it’s, it’s. It’s based, it’s built on Akash, which is an open, is a, is a blockchain hosting, and they’re much more like open source and decentralized than, than open ai. It’s, it’s, it is cheaper. I think it’s 150 US a year.
Uh, you can pay by big. I pay, but I don’t think it’s as [00:39:30] good as, you know. I tell people like, I don’t think it’s still as good, but I still feel a little bit more. It’s focused more on privacy. Some people on Twitter say, oh, it’s not really private, blah, blah, blah, blah, this and this and this. But I still think it’s much more private.
You can even use deep sync. You can choose the model. You know, it’s got a pretty free, good free version. So I’ve been trying, ’cause I’m afraid to give all my data to open ai. Like that’s. Uh, yeah, I, I know what you mean. How, how do you, how’d you get the, the paid version? So, I, I’m on the homepage, type one, [00:40:00] I think, uh uh, somewhere on the bottom left, I believe, or maybe put in your prompt.
Okay. You put it in the pro, you can scroll down. I mean, it looks like a Google, but if you, there’s more content further down on that homepage. I see. It looks like a OpenAI in, in type of interface, but it’s a free, you can do a lot with it for free, but I mean, you don’t have to be logged, logged into OpenAI, uh, to, to use it, but it just becomes so much more powerful.
OB obviously, and, and, and useful if it knows everything that you’re planning, but then yeah, you have, [00:40:30] yeah, you don’t wanna give it. Your kids details and all this kinda stuff. Um, and then they, they drop the token. So if you put slash token after, actually, I don’t know, I think you follow Solana tokens. You might even get an airdrop.
Maybe you even still have some still airdrop claim for 35 more days. Oh yeah. I, yeah. I’m seeing So like it, it dropped on. Like a week ago. It’s three B on, it is on Coinbase, but it’s double greasy. But uh, basically they’re saying you can use the token for these AI generative AI agents to, to transact on [00:41:00] it.
So they don’t need Yeah. Credit card or like human payments. They can do it. ’cause that’s one thing about, we didn’t talk about crypto too much here, but I, I think you’re also working on that. And let’s talk a bit about your. Your program, if people are interested in what you’re talking about, you, you have quite an extensive product going through this and, and community.
And I’m in, I’m in it and I, I’ve been going through it. Do you want to plug that a little bit? It’s, yep. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Appreciate the, the, the promotion. Mm. Yeah. Uh, it’s so, like I had to create this, this product for, for, [00:41:30] it’s a, it’s, it’s a, a manual in, in notion. It’s a, it’s a notion page for the other notion pages j, just so that I could keep track of everything that I was learning, both in, in agents, in business, and also encrypt them.
So yeah, the crypto space. Is, is very interesting as well. I’ve, I’ve played with, with, with most of it. And like my, my, my main focus is, is, is the Solana ecosystem. And in, in theory like the, these AI agents can [00:42:00] spot new tokens for you and can execute trades and take profits on the way up and get you out when it, when it drops.
But that’s the promise in, in reality, I, I haven’t been able to, to achieve anything near that yet. , so there, there was a. This, this all started like now on base with, with the virtuals protocol. Yeah, I agree with that. And I looked at that and I just thought, this, this looks really dumb. And, and I missed all of that upside.
And then a 60 AI 16 z, uh, dropped on Slan and we, we, with something similar, but I found a, a, a lot of the [00:42:30] messaging really, really turned me off and I kind of missed that rise up to like two mil to 2 billion market cap. But then I then quickly realized like what this space was about. I came across a platform called Griffin.
Yeah, LAN. and then I got early access. I paid 2, 2, 2, sold to to get access to it. Tried to create my own agent, gave it a prompt, gave it instructions of what to do, and it just doesn’t do anything. It just doesn’t work. Mm-hmm. And then, and then I. I realized like how much of a bubble this whole space is, . [00:43:00] Um, and like the Crye token, well, I last checked last night, uh, it dropped down to like 200 mil from 600 million market cap.
Uh, like I, I was in 500, well, I was in a bit bit earlier, so I, I caught this slate. Like a lot of people I did well on Crye, but they, they thought it was a meme, like no one in the crypto space has any idea what is going on. I, I bought, I bought Solana back in like, like the summer of 23 in kind of near its bottom when, when I first realized how much, how much, [00:43:30] what a better user experience it is on Solana versus Ethereum in, in my opinion.
And so I, I bought in there and that was an obvious buy. And I went to like the Solana conference that year in Amsterdam. Uh, so like the huge developer community they have, and it just felt like the ecosystem, uh, to, to be in. And so that, that was obvious. Everything else that’s happened since. The is is majority luck or insider knowledge that any kind of trading skill or, or any, or any other aspect.
So the whole AI agent space, uh, you know, really blew. And if [00:44:00] you caught like an agent that that did well, then, then, then, then good, good for you. But like there’s, there’s basically, there’s almost zero kind of like retail utility right now, but we’re still very early. These AI agents will be trading for us and they’ll be doing a lot better than we can do as humans with our emotions and
And, and especially with, with crypto taking, uh, trading with these tokens, you have to be what, if you’re in a position, you have to be staring at the screen. Every, every minute that you eat in the trade, otherwise, [00:44:30] uh, you can miss out on the big upside or you can get dumped on and you can lose everything.
Yeah. It’s, it’s the most stressful, um, definitely time consuming thing that you could do. And I, and I, I hate it for a lot of those reasons. Yeah. But I’m still involved. It still pulls me in, but, so that the, the, the promise with agents is that it will do it for you. Mm-hmm . It will, you’ll tell it to get in, you’ll go to bed knowing that it will take profit and get you out safely.
Or it can identify new low market cap coins with . With different indicators, with volume and, and sentiment, positive sentiment, and [00:45:00] whatever instructions you give it, and it will just do it for you. But that, that’s not the reality right now. But there’s a couple of sections in the, so like I’ve gone deep into that, that there’s sections in the course explaining what the current situation is with AI agents and crypto.
Um, I know, uh, he’s building, um, uh, something called stacker agent is a guy who has his own, uh, community on Solano, his own token called Gary. I dunno whether you come across him. Gary Gary Club with Gary Token, which looks a lot more promising. It actually looks like . It, it, it’s, it’s able [00:45:30] to trade for you and, and we’ll be kind of releasing soon, but we’re, we’re still very, very early.
It’s, it’s all been a massive hype bubble, but absolutely. Agents will be the ones doing the vast majority of transactions on blockchains very soon. Um, which is a good thing because, uh, are typically very bad and emotional and we get in when things rising and we get out when they’re dropping and, uh, and, and we kind of get crushed.
So that’s covered in, in, in, in this manual that I have. Uh, but the majority of it is how to leverage AI agents in business. Which I think is the much bigger opportunity. [00:46:00] But because like once everyone can have their own crypto trading agent, I dunno really where the edge is apart from if you’re in insider groups and, and linked to new projects launching.
I dunno how you can have an edge other than just trading momentum, which you can do in a lot of different ways already. But the, the biggest opportunity for me is, is leveraging AI agents in business in your own businesses and ones that you buy. And, you know, create these workflows, save a lot of money, increase your margins because yeah, that, that’s, that’s the, the way [00:46:30] to, to survive.
And, and, uh, good luck to anyone that is providing kind of marketing services, uh, right now because I. I, I, I, I can’t see a a, a world where that continues for, for, for many more years to come. Yeah. I mean, I don’t wanna keep going, but even SaaS, I mean everybody, even SaaS, I mean, people were saying SaaS was the big thing.
I don’t know. You, I’m sure I, a lot of people were, I didn’t really ever make sas, but people thought SaaS was the safe, long-term one, right? Like those multiples are much [00:47:00] hot where are much higher. But I feel like those are really under threat ’cause I can just get AI agent to do it most, A lot of it.
Anyway. Yeah, this has been fascinating, Richard. Well, , but I mean that, I think everything is under kind of somewhat threat, right? Like we just, but we can’t wait either. Some people I’ve talked to are like, even I’m kind of somewhat tempted to just see what wins and then use that, right? But I think we got, we’re all overloaded.
I saw a meme where it’s even, you said meme trading [00:47:30] is, is stressful, but some people said AI news is following is stressful. I mean, oh yeah. All the tools. It, it really is. I, I mean, I started looking into this because of, of the newsletter agency that I had. We, we started out with like a, a $5,000 a month client in doing completely custom newsletter creation and, and, and, and operations.
Um, and there was just way too many moving parts and we were having to hire like subject matter expert writers. And it was, I, I, I don’t like complexity art. I like simplicity. I like [00:48:00] scalable models. I like automation. And I started seeing what AI could do to automate that. We got it down from $5,000 a month to $500 a month.
And, and that’s gonna just con and, and this is the direction. So like s service, service providers, the, the amount of money is just gonna continually keep, keep becoming less and less. Hmm. And, and the, the, the, the cost of all these tools is, is gonna keep going down to $20 a month to open AI and, and competitors.
So that is the direction of SaaS as well. So [00:48:30] yeah, we, we, yeah, we, we have to, we have to take action. We, we have to get ahead of this, but yeah, like I, I’ve been looking at this like the AI space for 18 months, just o overall high level and then like really focused level every day for the last three months.
And it, yeah, it’s been a lot of hours and, and, and it’s, it’s, it’s been pretty painful, like trying to synthesize and understand, but, which is why like this product is great. Like I, I, I update the product every day. It just helps me understand like the overall framework and, and where, where new [00:49:00] products fit in.
Um, because it, yeah, absolutely. Like trying to keep up with crypto is, is overwhelming in, in itself. And I’ve been a hundred percent all in on that many times and, and trying to keep up with, with ai you need to be all in as well, but, but for me, like yeah, it is the intersection of business and blockchain and AI that, that that is, that, that is the, that is the future.
Uh, and so you have to understand . At least at a high level what the opportunities are with crypto, at [00:49:30] least in terms of payments. So yeah, this is a space that I play. But yeah, it’s, it’s been a lot of like, focus on, on, on this at the expense of, of kind of, I. Like short term income, to be honest. Mm-hmm . Like, I, yeah, I, I, I’ve really focused on, on understanding like how, how to kinda like future proof myself because Yeah, like everything, everything I’ve done like the first 10, like, I’ve been in business like 15 years now.
Like everything I’ve done for like the first 10 years, I just, [00:50:00] I just, I don’t think I could sell it today. Like, like I, I, I can’t make the same kind of money that I did in that first 10 years doing those, those things in 2025 with ai. Yeah. It just, it just doesn’t exist any anymore. And, and, and so that’s just gonna keep speeding up.
And so yeah, like I’m super bullish on e-commerce more, more and more. And, and, and then service, local service businesses. And I, yeah. Uh, I’m not sure really what, what, [00:50:30] what is left, like websites are gone. New newsletters are now just a marketing channel. The way that I see it, for the majority of people, uh, you need a very large audience to have a, a newsletter business.
Now SaaS is, is really under, under threat. And so, yeah. What, what does, what does that leave? It leaves e-commerce, like, I, I don’t know any other, it leaves like a real business or a real service, like a local service. Everything else. E everything else or, or that you could have picked like 10 years ago? I, I, I, I, I think it’s, it’s game over.
Yeah. Okay. [00:51:00] Thanks. Well, thanks. Hope that, hope that was positive. . It’s keeping us on edge, but I mean, I think a lot of us are in e-commerce here, so that’s, that’s reassuring. Yeah. Good. But yeah, brand. Right? Well, even within, even, well anything brand, personal, brand like product brand even service brand maybe, right?
I mean, people are gonna still want to trust a service brand maybe, or, or maybe could somehow leverage this AI or plug AI into your service business and be the . I don’t know. Yeah, we don’t, it’s hard to predict, but yeah, brand. Brand, right. [00:51:30] Trust community. You said relationships Exactly. Is the future. Yeah, exactly.
And I. Like the ma, like so much, uh, search traffic has gone to, to Reddit. Like you Google massively favoring Reddit in the search results. And now there are AI agents that are posting on sub Reddits 24 7 for brands. Uh, like, like with, and I’ve been doing it, I’ve been doing it for, I. For a couple of clients that, that, that I have.
And, and also on LinkedIn, like I’m, I’m in a LinkedIn engagement pod. Like I, I post on LinkedIn every day, [00:52:00] uh, with, with five other people, and we have to comment on each other’s posts. I copy and paste the post. I put it, I put it into a custom GPTO of, of my writing and my, my style and my experience. I say, gimme a one line reply to this LinkedIn post.
I, I don’t read it. I copy and paste on, on the LinkedIn and, and, and it’s done. So like we, we can’t trust . Like the social networks, uh, like what the comments, the threads, that’s all gonna become ai, uh, generated more, more and more. So yeah, you, it, it’s, it’s the personal, it’s the personal [00:52:30] brand. More . More and more, yeah, probably over a business brand.
Um, yeah, like a, so that, that’s, that’s really all, all, that’s all that’s left like you have to trust. And the same with content creation. So in terms of like the blockchain, the future really is, you know, like this person created this blog post, this person created this, this video on YouTube. Like validated, like on, on the blockchain, like with, with a transaction, with a stamp, with a hash like this.
This is like verified by this, uh, human otherwise with, with deep [00:53:00] fakes. Like no one will know what what is real. So a again, like that’s, that’s gonna be a primary use of blockchain, like validating that this piece of content was, was by a real human. Mm-hmm . So, so yeah, we, we, we can only really Ai like AI is, is unbelievably
Useful tool for automating and, and benefiting us in personal life and in business. But, and, and I trust the out, I trust the output. Yeah. But in terms of where I would, I would spend [00:53:30] money as, as a consumer, um, or what content I would, it, it is tricky, isn’t it? It is, it is tricky. X Twitter, x ha had the blue verified check.
But yeah, there, there needs to be a verification piece that the person . The person is real. The person behind the business is real. The business is real. Uh, that, that’s all that we have, that’s all that we have left. Huh? But, but then I’m using AI to post on social and I’m a real person. So like I have AI version of me [00:54:00] And you have an AI version of you doing the videos.
Yeah. So it, it’s, it is an insane world. It’s insane. It is insane. Like you look back 12 months ago to where we are today and it’s just gonna keep in speeding up. Yep. Uh, all right, Richard, this, there we go. . Thanks, man. No, I’m, I’m excited and thanks for making your program. I’m enjoying it, and I hope some others here can, can benefit from it and got some ideas from this, this discussion.
So, Richard pd.com is, is your main place and then I think the, [00:54:30] yeah, this W-W-H-O-P-W. Yeah. I, I tried a new platform. I always like trying, trying new platforms that come out. I, I had a, I was relatively early to school, like S-K-O-O-L, the school communities. I had a, a private one that paid and a public one and, and blew those up.
And, um, like engagement was through the roof and I was ranking the public one for crypto keywords until that got crushed. Like an para parasite, SEO play. And, and so yeah, like, but, but that’s all died away. And, and so that, that’s all done. WP WP WHO p.com. [00:55:00] Uh, and then slash P-A-T-Y-P-T, my, my, my name. That’s the platform I’m trying right now.
Uh, it is, it is pretty good. It, it’s okay. Um, but that’s where the product is and it connects with Discord and so that there’s a Discord community there, and it does that pretty well. Right. But that’s, that’s where I’m currently at. But yeah, I think we need to own everything. We need to own the entire stack.
Yeah. We can’t, we can’t be reliant on, on third party forms. I don’t even like relying and using Stripe anymore to be honest. I, I find Stripe a real pain and [00:55:30] a real, I have issues with that. Anyway, thanks. Yes, this has been fascinating. Anyway. Good, good stuff. That’s where the product is. Uh, it’s on a platform called w.
Awesome. We go on. Uh, good stuff mate. Thanks so much, Richard. Really appreciate you coming on it got so much outta this. All right, thanks. The future of e-commerce is waiting. Load pipe is back. It’s a protocol. We are making the new way to do e-commerce with blockchain technology. This is very [00:56:00] early stage and have, Hamza is our first marketplace in this new ecosystem is very epic.
If you wanna participate, we are on alpha stage in Q1 2024, where you can be a buyer or a . Vendor application only. Check it out@hamza.biz for the marketplace or the overview of this protocol and subscribe for updates@loadpipe.com. See you there. Thank you so much for watching. I hope you’re happy. I hope.[00:56:30]
You’re excited. It’s like I said a little bit in the end. It’s about the questions. It’s about knowing what you want. The answers are coming easier and faster than ever. I mean, the excuse used to be you didn’t have a book, or you didn’t have money, or you didn’t have internet or a computer. The excuses are going away.
Anybody around the world can learn. . And take action. Most of these tools are free. Of course, there’s some paid ones, but you can most, it seems like you can mostly [00:57:00] do everything with without any money. It’s amazing. It’s pretty cool. And even thought of global formation, it’s about business around the world.
Location doesn’t matter. Opportunity now, it’s not really about education and books and money. It’s about thinking critically and being . Adaptive. So I hope you enjoyed this show. I hope you enjoyed this podcast in general, Mike here, and I am. [00:57:30] Excited. We got a few more shows lined up, and we keep cranking these out almost to 500 shows.
So thanks so much for being here with me. I, I’m happy. I love what I do. I hope you love what you do. Have a good day. Bye-bye. To get more info about running an international business, please visit our website@ww.global from asia.com. That’s ww.global from asia.com. Also, be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed.
Thanks for tuning [00:58:00] in.
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